lghtpulledarch · 3 years
reminder that ren can be found over here now!
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
reminder that ren can be found over here now!
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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forgive  me .  i  feel  it  again .   the  pull  to  the  light .  supreme  leader  senses  it .  show  me  again ,  the  power  of  the  darkness ,  and  i  will  let  nothing  stand  in  our  way .  show  me ,  grandfather ,  and i  will  FINISH  WHAT  YOU  STARTED .
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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forgive  me .  i  feel  it  again .   the  pull  to  the  light .  supreme  leader  senses  it .  show  me  again ,  the  power  of  the  darkness ,  and  i  will  let  nothing  stand  in  our  way .  show  me ,  grandfather ,  and i  will  FINISH  WHAT  YOU  STARTED .
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
this  blog  is  now  on  an  official  hiatus .   i  hope  to  be  back  at  some  point ,  but  for  the  time  being  you  can  find  me  on  @lunelios   where  i’ll  still  be  writing  ben’s  the  100  verses  ( including  the  group  verse  content ) along  with  his  falling  kingdoms  verse  publicly ,  with  the  rest  of  his  verses  remaining  private .  i’ll  also  be  on  @frcznreign  ( which  has  modern  &  star  wars  verses ) ,  @stcrlght  ( the  same  as  frcznreign  tbh )  &  @dueval  &  i  will  also  be  around  on  disc.ord  to  chat  so  please  come  add  me  there .  thank  you  all  for  your  support  &  to  those  who  have  been  there  for  me  through  all  my  ins  and  outs  of  writing  kylo .  i  really ,  really  do  hope  that  i’ll  be  back  on  him  again ,  but  if  i  am  not ,  please  know  that  i  have  treasured  all  the  threads  &  dynamics  i  have  written  with  you  all .  please  come  interact  /  follow  me  elsewhere ,  i’d  really  still  like  to  write  &  plot  with  you  all !   thanks  again  &  i  hope  you’re  all  doing  okay !
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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i  am  one  of  billions .    i  am   stardust   gathered   fleetingly   into   form .    ☆゚*・゚  independent   &   crossover   friendly   stardust   original   character  as   loved   by  zara .  18 + .   mutuals   only .
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
this  blog  is  now  on  an  official  hiatus .   i  hope  to  be  back  at  some  point ,  but  for  the  time  being  you  can  find  me  on  @lunelios   where  i’ll  still  be  writing  ben’s  the  100  verses  ( including  the  group  verse  content ) along  with  his  falling  kingdoms  verse  publicly ,  with  the  rest  of  his  verses  remaining  private .  i’ll  also  be  on  @frcznreign  ( which  has  modern  &  star  wars  verses ) ,  @stcrlght  ( the  same  as  frcznreign  tbh )  &  @dueval  &  i  will  also  be  around  on  disc.ord  to  chat  so  please  come  add  me  there .  thank  you  all  for  your  support  &  to  those  who  have  been  there  for  me  through  all  my  ins  and  outs  of  writing  kylo .  i  really ,  really  do  hope  that  i’ll  be  back  on  him  again ,  but  if  i  am  not ,  please  know  that  i  have  treasured  all  the  threads  &  dynamics  i  have  written  with  you  all .  please  come  interact  /  follow  me  elsewhere ,  i’d  really  still  like  to  write  &  plot  with  you  all !   thanks  again  &  i  hope  you’re  all  doing  okay !
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
this  blog  is  now  on  an  official  hiatus .   i  hope  to  be  back  at  some  point ,  but  for  the  time  being  you  can  find  me  on  @lunelios   where  i’ll  still  be  writing  ben’s  the  100  verses  ( including  the  group  verse  content ) along  with  his  falling  kingdoms  verse  publicly ,  with  the  rest  of  his  verses  remaining  private .  i’ll  also  be  on  @frcznreign  ( which  has  modern  &  star  wars  verses ) ,  @stcrlght  ( the  same  as  frcznreign  tbh )  &  @dueval  &  i  will  also  be  around  on  disc.ord  to  chat  so  please  come  add  me  there .  thank  you  all  for  your  support  &  to  those  who  have  been  there  for  me  through  all  my  ins  and  outs  of  writing  kylo .  i  really ,  really  do  hope  that  i’ll  be  back  on  him  again ,  but  if  i  am  not ,  please  know  that  i  have  treasured  all  the  threads  &  dynamics  i  have  written  with  you  all .  please  come  interact  /  follow  me  elsewhere ,  i’d  really  still  like  to  write  &  plot  with  you  all !   thanks  again  &  i  hope  you’re  all  doing  okay !
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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i  am  one  of  billions .    i  am   stardust   gathered   fleetingly   into   form .    ☆゚*・゚  independent   &   crossover   friendly   stardust   original   character  as   loved   by  zara .  18 + .   mutuals   only .
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
hey everyone !  i know i keep promising to come back here ,  but honestly i just don’t see it happening anytime soon .  anyone that knows me at least by a moderate amount will know that sta.r wa.rs is a really hot and cold interest of mine & even when i’m super into it ,  i still never feel 100% comfortable writing into it as it’s such an unfamiliar & overwhelming fandom for me .  i adore the challenge that comes with writing kylo ,  but there are so many other things with this blog that are really holding me back & making me feel anxious about being here ,  so i’m going to put this blog on an official hiatus .  i’d love to write with all of you on my other blogs & i do have sta.r wa.rs verses for most of my characters  ( along with regular modern verses & a ton of other things ) so if you’d be interested in that ,  please come follow me on any of them or just add me on disc.ord  ( please pm me for the user if you don’t have it already ) .  i’m hoping to be back at some point ,  but right now i think i just need to fully set this blog to one side & go where i feel comfortable and happy .
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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“ i’m  here  like  you  wanted .   no  more  games ,   no  more   M A S K S  .  ” 
independent  &  selective  EMMA  DUVAL  from  mtv’s  scream  as  loved  by  zara .  crossover  &  au  friendly .   18 + .   triggering  themes  present . 
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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you  do  not  get  to  die  and  be  reborn  the  same.  you  come  back,  but  you  come  back  wrong.  this  is  the  price  that  you  pay  for  resurrection.  —  royal  original  character  with  original  lore.  created  by  jay.
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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he knows that the chances of distracting her are slim .  she’s more cunning than she lets on ,  far more alert ,  and she never seems to know when to let go .   but he’s hoping that he’ll somehow be able to wear her out to the point where ,  at the very least ,   she won’t have the energy to ask him these incessantly irritating questions anymore .   grunting out ,  he tries his best to keep up with her ;  blocking her hits as he navigates his way around her ,  careful brown eyes pinned on her all the while ,  waiting for her next strike ,  meeting it when it comes .  laughing ,  his head shakes ,  arms raised in front of him again as he lightly shoves her back .   “ come on ,  cleiona . you can’t still be keep on about this . ”  something in his chest tightens at his attitude ,  but he knows that this is the approach he has to take .  her finding out the truth leads to snoke having the opportunity to find out the truth ,  and he is not ready for this secret to be preyed upon just yet . continuing to match her movements ,  he huffs out a sigh ,  head shaking .  “ do you ? ”  he asks .  “ or are you just seeing what you want to see ? ”  another tightening sensation ,  but this time in his gut .  he hates lying to her .  he hates all of this .  she’s already been through enough .
breath escapes him as he feels himself falling ,  grunt slamming out of his lungs when his back hits the ground .  he hadn’t even realised that he’d left himself open ,  but now ,  with her on top of him ,  he realises just how distracted he had actually been .  mouth opens to congratulate her ,  but panic quickly sets in at her words ,  and he’s quick to take advantage of her distracted mind as he presses his hands to her waist ,  flipping her underneath him ,  fingers reaching to press against her lips .   “ will you stop ?! ”   he hisses out ,  eyes wide with alarm as he leans in closer to her ,  voice dropping to a whisper .   “ this is not the time or the place . ”  the room may be empty ,  but that still doesn’t mean that they’re remotely close to being safe .   “ you need to forget what you saw ,  cleiona .  it was a one off obscure event ,  that cannot and will not be replicated ,  and you bringing it up is only going to put us both in danger . ”
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@lghtpulled​ said :   “   will you stop talking!   ”   //   confrontation starters.
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“   that depends,   ”   she replies,   voice strained with exertion as she takes advantage of another opening,   using her core and legs to drive the strike,   though he still blocks it.   “   are you   —   going to tell me   —   the truth?   ”    her lungs and muscles are all burning,   punctuating her statements with heaving breaths and quick movements,   this training session has now stretched on long past its original intended duration.   despite her initial hesitancies,   taking her husband up on his offer has been…   cathartic,   in a way.   learning to master herself physically has cleared some of that heavy fog that weighed on her since losing her sister and theon.   having to focus so entirely on the positioning of her body and remain alert for an opponent’s counterings brings a vibrancy back to her,   cheeks flushed with color and eyes bright with intensity.   the only thing she still HATES is how often she loses these little matches of theirs;   he’s got the advantage in,   well,   every way physically speaking.   but she can be incredibly annoying when she wants to be,   and seeing that frustration in his eyes leads her to bait him just a bit more.   “   i KNOW what i saw.   ”    she finally,   FINALLY,    notices a small slip in his defenses.   she catches her foot around his ankle,   intending to just knock him backwards,   but the momentum is off,   accidentally dragging herself down along with him.   still,   she beams triumphantly down at him,   pleased just to have finally knocked him on his ass for once.   “   so,   ”   she prompts,   tilting her head and causing her ponytail to fall over her shoulder,   “   ready to talk about your air magic now?”
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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it was below zero out and my hands were too shaky this was the best i could do
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
One day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find - is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.
Beau Taplin, Hunting Season (via themotivationjournals)
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
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The Praetorian Guard and Kylo Ren
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lghtpulledarch · 3 years
                                                    i will take what is mine                                                      with fire and blood
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