liamfm · 4 years
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Dominic Sherwood photographed by Alberto Rosende (2017)
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liamfm · 4 years
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liamfm · 4 years
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                   with his first match of the year coming closer and closer he knew it was only a matter of time before his trainer forbade him his hobbies  ,  namely the ones that could cause him an injury  ,  such as his sword classes  .  he was having lots of fun with it  ,  but he knew how likely it was for someone to get injured without even practicing their own sport  ,  so he decided to make the most of it that morning  .  starving from hours of going at it  he decided to stop by to get food on his way home  .  he had showered at the gym  ,  and other than the pair of sticks he carried with him he liked to think no new york restaurant would realize he was fresh out from training  .  his mind going over his choice of lunch for the day he almost didn’t see the couple heading for the entrance at the same time as him  ,  stopping on his tracks not to run into them  .   ‘  my bad   ’   he mumbled  ,  not thinking much of it until his eyes landed on the blonde girl  ,  the days that had passed since their last conversation making it feel like he had months without knowing from her  .   ‘  hey  .  ’  he greeted  ,  only then realizing as he looked at the male with her what he was unintentionally interrupting  .   ‘  my bad   ’  he repeated  ,  taking a step back  ,  signaling the pair to walk ahead  .
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liamfm · 4 years
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boop boop
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liamfm · 4 years
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               his words of explanation caused her to look at him for a brief moment as they walked , even though she hadn’t said a word still . partly , she wasn’t even sure she had the amount of energy to speak anymore , all a result of the roller coaster of emotions she experienced earlier , along with their fight . the moment she was inside his car , sitting on the passenger seat , her gaze drifted out the window , the soft melody coming from the radio somewhat filling the silence between them . it was definitely unusual for her to be this silent , especially for someone who was probably recognized as a grand rambler , but in that moment all she wished for was for their ride back to her apartment to be quick so she could finally be alone in her own misery . because that was exactly how she felt now , miserable .  yet , he decided to break the silence with the words that only made her heart feel like someone was squeezing the life out of it , her breath caught in her throat as she basically forbade herself to look over at him . how could she knowing she was probably seconds away from crying ?  she didn’t want to cry in front of him , no matter how much she wanted to reach over and bury her head in his shoulder  ;  she couldn’t .  not while holding onto the remains of her pride . “  mhm ,  “  was all she mumbled in return , only partially agreeing with him considering she wasn’t exactly sure she even believed him . perhaps , it was the fact she knew he has never lied to her before that urged her to . however , it was his last comment , the one he made seconds before parking right in front of her building , that made her scoff .  “  like that would’ve made a difference , “  she bitterly replied , unable to restrain her own tone as she wiped some of the tears she wasn’t even aware were shed during their drive .  “  you don’t have to pretend , y’know . it’s fine , i knew what i was getting myself into , the blame is fully on me , “  she told him , but her blue orbs were still glued to the car window .  “  i knew from the start that i wasn’t the type to 
. to do this kind of thing like it didn’t matter , but i did it anyway knowing it would probably backfire  &  it did , so 
 there’s no one to blame but me , “  she continued , reaching inside her purse to look for her apartment keys , hoping her roommate was home at this hour .
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                     liam couldn’t help the soft chuckle  ,  shaking his head as he heard elissa saying nothing would’ve changed if she had said something sooner  .  granted  ,  he knew it was the sudden shift of gears of him finding himself with a girlfriend all of a sudden  ,  partly of why he had gotten angry to begin with  .  he wasn’t about to question elissa right now  ,  as it was useless  ,  but part of him couldn’t help but wonder how much of that whole night was actually an epiphany coming a little too late  ,  and how much of it was really just elissa reacting to him just unavailable for her anymore  .  ‘  you have no idea   ’   he murmured  ,   which he figured would be cryptic enough to make alissa want to smack him across the head  ,  but it was true  ,  if she had said something sooner he would’ve never agreed to a publicity stunt like the one he was in  ,  and after everything he would’ve liked to be given the chance to figure out what that was  ,  not like that was a chance he had now  .  at this point he figured elissa would just hate them that much more if he told her his relationship with aurora is just for the public  .   ‘  i’m pretty sure you can blame me a little bit  ,  ellie  .  i was there too you know  ?  ’  he pointed out  ,  and in reality he didn’t think he would’ve been able to say no to her the night she asked him to go back to her place after some drinks  ,  but he probably could’ve said no after she said it would be a one time thing  .   ‘  you know you’re way out of my league right  ?  you’re gonna be more than fine el  .  ’  he shrugged slightly  .
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liamfm · 4 years
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liamfm · 4 years
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liamfm · 4 years
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                liam wasn’t one to party a lot anymore  ,  maybe it was him feeling himself like he had lived enough lives to feel like an old man  ,  or the fact that he had tried to drop most of the nasty habits he had picked when he was younger  .  he still drank from time to time  ,  but never to the point of blacking out  ,  and he had certainly stopped getting mixed up with drugs  .  so it wasn’t surprising for him to need a break from the party he was at after barely an hour  ,  frowning slightly as he found a blonde addressing him  .  liam raised one of his hands at her offer  ,  shaking his head  .  ‘  i don’t smoke  .  ’  he replied simply ,  though  quiet honestly not caring if he came across as judgemental  .  he wasn’t  ,  but he also didn’t care if he seemed like it  .
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    a perfectly rolled cigarette was perched between her index finger and her thumb , burning silently into the cold winter air. she wanted a smoke to calm her nerves , but the way her mind wandered off to another existential plane had her forgetting it was even there in the first place. “ you know , i don’t think i’ve had a cigarette since my divorce , “ she softly spoke , more to herself than to the person in her vicinity. “ it’s a gross habit , but its not the worst one i’ve could’ve picked up. “ silence ensued , the heat from the embers warming her fingers as it burned on. finally taking a drag from the half that was left , cerulean hues met with the other , a quick , faltering smile glowing on her lips. “ do you want one ?  they’ll go stale by the time i smoke through the box. “
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liamfm · 4 years
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              right at the same moment when she finally made the right decision , which was to leave , he disappeared in the back room to get something , asking her to wait .  elissa wasn’t sure where he was going or what he was grabbing at that moment , which explained the confusion written on her face  ;  which was quickly moved the second he returned  &  offered to take her home .  the blonde’s lips parted in disbelief , caught off guard by his proposal  &  while she had every intention to turn it down , he stopped her before she could’ve even word it out .  why was he taking her home ?  to witness more humiliation on her end ?  didn’t he see enough ?? ducking her head down like a scolded child as he moved pass her , she followed out of his apartment in silence , not saying a word until they were basically out of his building .  “  you don’t have to do this , “  she then finally mustered enough energy to say out out loud , folding her arms across her chest as she slightly shivered despite the warm jacket she had on .  but then again , it wasn’t the weather that made her feel this way to begin with .  “  i could’ve just taken a cab back , it would’ve been fine  –  i’m fine , y’know ,  “  she continued , which more felt like a monologue rather than actually comments . “ you don’t have to worry about me , “
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                      liam was slightly grateful elissa didn’t decide to just argue with him all the same  ,  it was an argument they could’ve easily fall into  ,  he had reached the point where he would’ve thrown the girl over his shoulder if he had to  ,  so the fact that he didn’t have to was appreciated  .  ‘  i know you are  ,  but i’m not gonna be able to sleep not knowing if you made it home alright  ...   ’   he admitted with a shrug  ,  leading the girl to his car  ,  as he doubted elissa would feel in the mood to let him know when she had made it home  ,  in a cab or otherwise  .  ‘  so  ,  i’m really just a selfish asshole  .  i need my sleep  .  ’  he decided though he kept himself from chuckling at his own attempt at a joke  .   he hoped the music coming from the radio would help ease the tension  ,  but it only seemed to make it all the more obvious the fact that they both were in complete silence with the exception of his fingers mindlessly tapping the steering wheel  ,  a habit of his whenever he was thinking  .  ‘  you do know i do right  ?  ’   he finally spoke  ,  only a couple of blocks away from her place  .    ‘  worry about you  ,  i mean  .  ’   he turned his head to look over at her  ,  looking back at the road after a couple of seconds with a small shake of his head  .    ‘  i really wish you had said something sooner  .  ’   liam exhaled  ,  finally parking outside her building  .
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liamfm · 4 years
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                          ❝Me  saying  you’re  not  worthy  of  my  jokes  is  slander?  I’m  pretty  sure  if  I  was  going  to  absolutely  slander  you,  I  could  do  much  better  than  that.  And  you’re  the  one  that  put  the  focus  on  pizza  instead  of  hot  chocolate  so,  really,  it’s  your  fault  I  got  distracted.❞  Or  had  she?  Or  maybe  it  had  been  a  mix  of  both  of  them,  but  she  didn’t  seem  to  care  for  the  honest  answer  behind  it.  In  the  end,  it  didn’t  matter  what  pulled  attention  away  from  the  warm  drink.  ❝True  but  I  also  said  you’d  be  nagging  at  kids  on  your  lawn  and  I’m  pretty  sure  they  wouldn’t  hesitate  to  throw  a  70-year-old  crazed  man  in  jail  for  smacking  some  kid  with  a  heavy  belt  for  touching  his  lawn.  Even  now,  it  sounds  nuts,  wild.❞  Amusing  was  another  word  for  it  but  it  certainly  wouldn’t  have  added  to  her  point.  ❝Excuse  you,  I  have  had  a  good  night’s  sleep  before.  It’s  not  like  I’ve  never  slept  before.❞
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                  ‘  that is the worst defense ever  !  ’   liam laughed warmly  .   ‘  that’s like being on court for murdering someone and saying but your honor  ,  i could’ve done a lot worse   .  ’  he kept on teasing her  ,  shaking his head .   ‘  if anything i should deserve the good jokes considering how long i heard the bad ones  ,  but i don’t even think there are good jokes  ,  oyu’re probably just making that up  .  ’  liam decided with a small shrug  ,  mostly teasing the girl  .  ‘  i’m pretty sure that no matter the outcome people would most likely side with the adorable 70 year old grumpy man telling disrespectful squirts to get out of his property  .  ’    he tried instead  .    ‘  passing out from exhaustation doesn’t count as a good night’s sleep  ,  dev  .  ’  he reminded before raising his hands in surrender  .   ‘  but i’m not your dad so if you say you’ve been sleeping well then you’ve been sleeping well  .  ’  he finally gave in  .
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liamfm · 4 years
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I don’t want a chance to escape. I want pancakes.
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liamfm · 4 years
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đœđšđŠđąđ„đ„đČ 💋  :     🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 đœđšđŠđąđ„đ„đČ 💋  :     liam  i  can’t   even  w  you  .     EVEN  UR  DOG  IS  BLONDE đœđšđŠđąđ„đ„đČ 💋  :     tf  out  of  here  😂
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𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 : oh shit we are  ?? 𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 : THAT IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION !! 𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 : 😂 😂 😂
đŸ‘»Â  incoming  snapchat  *  !
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liamfm · 4 years
* đ•„đ•–đ•©đ•„ @ : leeÂ đŸ‘ŠđŸ»
kylie : a broken ass made ur day?????
liam: i've had very stressful days ok? let me live!
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liamfm · 4 years
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251 notes · View notes
liamfm · 4 years
* đ•„đ•–đ•©đ•„ @ : leeÂ đŸ‘ŠđŸ»
kylie : i bent the wrong way
kylie : when doing deadlifts
liam: this is the best thing i've read all week and it's only monday
liam: thank you! lmao
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liamfm · 4 years
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                          ❝I'm  just  saying,  if  you  think  about  it,  maybe  it’s  you  that's  the  issue.  Maybe  you’ve  just  never  been  worthy  of  my  full-effort,  award-winning,  high-quality  jokes,  Liam.  It’s  nothing  to  be  upset  about,  really,  it’s  okay.  You  can’t  win  everything.❞  It  was  hard  not  to  break  out  into  a  full  fit  of  laughter,  attempting  to  remain  as  serious  as  possible.  Difficult  but  she  certainly  tried,  if  only  to  continue  the  lighthearted  conversation.  ❝Maybe  let’s  stick  to  the  yelling  and  not  the  smacking  part.  I’m  not  sure  that  would  end  well  for  anyone  involved.❞  Her  head  shook  slightly  as  she  thought  about  it,  the  image  one  she  certainly  didn’t  want  in  her  mind.  Though  it  was  an  amusing  thought  for  a  moment.  ❝I  don’t  know  what  you’re  talking  about,  I  have  a  completely  normal  and  healthy  sleep  schedule,  I  am  the  furthest  from  sleep-deprived.  Therefore,  I'm  the  perfect  person  to  judge  you  for  being  sleep-deprived.❞
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                   ‘  how dare you  !  i always win at everything  .  to be honest i just think you don’t like me very much  ,  like i was invited here under the false pretense that i would get hot chocolate and nothing  .  i’m just hear listening to you absolutely slandering me  .  ’   he went on  ,  not something he did very often but the truth of the matter was that he was perfectly capable of matching devin’s dramatic ways when he wanted to  .   ‘  that would end very well for me  ,  for one i’m sure i’ll still kick ass at 70  ,  and second  ,  no one would fight an old man  .  ’  he thought out loud  ,  giving the girl an skeptic look .   ‘ please  ,  i don’t think you know what a good night’s sleep is unless it smacked you across the head  .  ’  liam decided with a small shrug  .
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liamfm · 4 years
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                          ❝Maybe  you’re  just  not  deserving  of  my  high-quality  jokes.❞  Shoulders  lifted  in  the  most  casual  shrug  she  could  manage.  ❝Are  you  going  to  be  like  those  stereotypical  old  guys later  on  then?  That  nags  and  yells  at  kids  to  get  off  his  lawn?  Since  you  enjoy  nagging  so  much.  I  can  see  it,  it's  perfect  for  your  future.❞  It  sounded  ridiculous,  like  brushed  off  comments  without  any  care  in  the  world.  But  that  was  what  was  most  comforting  about  it  all.  Being  able  to  fall  into  such  a  ridiculous  conversation  without  feeling  like  the  sky  was  falling  or  like  the  ground  was  crumbling,  a  complete  change  from  their  previous  walk  to  the  apartment  they  now  stood  in.  ❝The  Shining  itself  and  Stephen  King  can  be  jewels  and  legends,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  you  should  take  life  advice  from  The  Shining.  That’s  absurd  and  I  think  you  might  be  sleep  deprived  and  crazed  if  you’re  thinking  like  that.❞
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            ‘  wow  !  now who’s the one being fucking rude  ??  ’   liam shook his head  ,  even when their conversation was as trivial as they come  .  it was a welcomed change of pace though  ,  especially when they had been tip toeing around each other for most of their conversation  .   ‘  you know damn right i will  ,  i’ll sit on my hammock outside with a baseball bat  ,  and if they think they can get on my lawn without permission i’ll smack them with my championship belt so they know what’s good  .  ’  he assured the brunette  ,  and while he could definitely see himself growing up to turn into a grumpy ol’ man  ,  he wasn’t all that sure about smacking people with a bat or belt  ,  maybe only with smacks on the back of the head  .   ‘ like you’re the one to talk about sleep deprived people !  ’  he chuckled in disbelief  . 
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