liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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               nodding shakily, shuichi returns kanako’s hug, and then pulls ryuta in as well. if anything happens to him… these kids will never forgive me. no — i’ll never forgive myself!
“i promise i will,” he says — to all their requests. it doesn’t matter that he’s not sure he can keep it. for their sakes, he has to, or he at least needs to make them believe he can. 
with one more tight squeeze, he stands, letting his hands linger on the tops of their heads for a moment longer, and then he heads back to his room to pack up his bag. he still doesn’t have much of his own — clothes, weapons, switch, phone. he packed light, travels light, and it’s strange to think that even now, his whole life can fit in a backpack. he doesn’t know how long he’s going to be gone, or where this search will take him — all he knows is that he can’t return until he finds shohei, and he won’t come back without him.
it takes days, a week, a week and a half, but finally, eventually, after enough wandering and asking the right questions, his search brings him to a run-down abandoned building on the edge of the city. he has no idea if he’s in the right place or not, or what exactly he’ll find inside — he almost doesn’t WANT to know — but there’s only one way to find out.
shuichi straps his swords to his back, pulls on his gloves and the grips for his boots, and checks and replaces every knife hidden on his belt, legs, arms. there’s the one husk gave him, snug at his left hip. the place of honor. 
there are windows along the top, maybe even skylights. he secures his backpack again and starts scaling the wall. 
He isn’t sure how long he’s been chained up in the bathtub.  He’d never been great at keeping track of time when he was in prison- days blurred together when our life never changes.  He’d started to get a better grasp on it after he’d been freed- especially as he’d grown more independent.  
But that felt like a very long time ago, now.  He has very little company, no one wanting to be around him for longer than the twenty seconds or so it took do douse him with water to cool him down and clean him off.  After that they’d scurry away, not wanting to be left alone with the monster for too long.
He sighs, resting his head against the edge of the tub.  He thinks about what he usually thinks about.  The kids, and how worried they must be about him.  He wonders if they’re okay, if anyone back at the base was okay... Or maybe just... One specific person, besides the kids.
He shouldn’t have run away.  He should have figured something else out- but not this, getting captured and help prisoner like this- this would solve nothing.  And Spinner would never know what happened to him, not until it was too late and Shohei was being used as a weapon to wipe out humanity.  Maybe it was better that way.  Spinner didn’t really want him anyway.  But the kids, the kids he could miss without doubt or fear.
He sees what looks like a shadow go over one of the windows above him and he glances in that direction.  Movement around him was so rare, he couldn’t stop himself.  It must have been a bird.
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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                  what did you fight about? isn’t a question shuichi wants to answer, for a number of reasons. “grown-up stuff,” he says, in the same dismissive tone his uncle used to use when he spoke to him, and he hates himself for it. but right now, he’s too worried to care, and he guesses ryuta is too. “i know it ain’t safe—” he begins, but ryuta interrupts.
“oh no.” shuichi is quick to put his hands on the younger’s shoulders — a gentle but firm grip. “you are not going anywhere. if it ain’t safe for him, it certainly ain’t safe for you. either of you.” sighing, he drops down into a crouch, beckoning for them both to come to him. “i’m gonna take care of this, okay? i promise. it’s all gonna be fine.”
“What?”  Ryuta whines, “No, I gotta help!”  But Kanako seems to agree, tugging Ryuta’s sleeve hard.  “...Ughh.. Fine.. I’ll stay here.”  The two children approach him, looking nervous.  Kanako nods, finally looking a little less scared.
“Bring him back, please.”  She says quietly, “And don’t get hurt.  You both gotta come back.” 
“Yeah, you both better come back okay.”  Ryuta agrees.  Kanako lets go of Ryuta’s sleeve and comes forward to give Spinner a hug, just in case.  “He means a lot to us, but so do you.  So stay safe, okay?”
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
Capture. (Three days prior.)
He knew going off on his own was a bad idea.  But he had to, he had to get away.  He was so angry, so close to letting go- he couldn’t put the others in the bae at risk just because he was mad at Spinner.  And even then, he wasn’t mad enough at him to want him dead.  He’d probably never be that mad.
He’d slunk out with ease, no one really paid him ay mind.  He’d gotten his hands on a big hoodie- the kind that Spinner liked to wear, mostly to cover as much of his body as possible.  For good measure, he drew the hood up to conceal his face.
He wandered the streets, eventually finding a fire hydrant near an alley that he promptly busted apart with a pipe, sending the water spurting into the street.  He sat on the ground in front of it, allowing the ice cold water to cool his body down, soaking through his clothes to the skin.  That would be good, help him stay coolr when he started moving again.
He didn’t know he was being watched.  He’s so distracted by every single aspect of the world around him to even notice.  So when he’s suddenly grabbed and yanked into an alley, he barely has time to respond before he’s whacked on the back of the head, and everything goes black.
“I remember him from Tartarus.  He was red level, one of the most dangerous guys on the block.”
“What’s he do?”
“He’s like a walkin’ atom bomb, blew up a whole village when he was a kid.  The guards and scientists used to keep him on ice or in water.  that’s why I put him in this tub, here.”
Shohei opens his eyes a crack.  His head is still swimming, and there’s a sharp pounding pain at the back of his head.  Like the man said, he’s in what appears to be a bath tub, chained into it, and weighted down so he can barely move.  He tries to, but his thin arms are no match for the concrete blocks places around him, rooting him to the spot
“Ah, he’s awake. Hey, Geiger.  Remember me?”
He doesn’t really remember the former prisoner, his face looks familiar but his quirk or name are mysteries.  
“He was never all that chatty.  Turn the water on.”
There’s a creak as water pipes turn on and dump water on his head.  It honestly feels pretty nice on his throbbing head, but the weak shower’s flow wasn’t really going to be enough to keep him effectively cooled down.
“So, what are we gonna do with him?”
“Nothing for now, let him build up some energy so he can actually be useful.  No one will mess with us as long as we have him around.”
Shohei’s eyes are heavy, and unconsciousness is pulling at him again.  He can’t fight it, he can’t stand, he simply closes his eyes, and resigns himself.  He shouldn’t have left, he should have just calmed down and talked this out.
It’s clear to him immediately that this group only wants to use him as a tool of power.
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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                 he doesn’t worry for the first 24 hours or so. but as one day turns into two turns into three, shuichi’s concern is starting to spike. he doesn’t know what to do, though. he isn’t even sure who he would go to. surely not shigaraki — boss or not, he doesn’t care. nor does dabi, nor skeptic, nor any of their other newer companions fresh from prison.
the only ones who would care are — 
“ryuta.” truth be told, shuichi has been avoiding them. the pair think so highly of him, he’s certain that revealing what he’s done will lower their opinion of him significantly. if they can even understand it all. he puts down his game, looks over to the side. “kanako.” somehow, this feels like an intervention. 
he tenses.
“i ain’t seen him in a few days either. but honestly, i figured he was just hiding out.” a half-truth only. 
ryuta calling him shohei’s best friend sends a pang of guilt right to his gut. it’s enough to make him reveal the rest of that truth, because the worry he senses in the pair is something he hates to see them suffer through. “we had a fight. a disagreement,” he clarifies. “he left, and i assumed he just needed to cool off. i assumed he was coming back. but if you ain’t seen him, then….”
Ryuta’s expression is nervous, looking back to Kanako who approaches, grabbing the end of Ryuta’s sleeve.  She’s gone back to wearing her hair down over her eyes.  He puts an arm around her.
“You had a fight?”  He asks, sounding surprised.  “What did you fight about?”  He looks a bit defensive.  He likes Spinner a lot, but at the end of the day, he’s known Shohei a lot longer and his loyalty lies a bit more with him.  “It musta been really bad if he left.” Before Ryuta can go on, however Kanako pipes up.
“He isn’t safe outside.  He could get hurt.”  Her little voice creaks a bit, “Or he could hurt someone, and he really doesn’t wanna hurt anyone.”  She trail off as she adds, “He’s probably really scared...”
“Right-” Ryuta decides to drop grilling Spinner for the moment, “Yeah, if he’s out there, we gotta’ get him back before he gets hurt.”  He taps his chin, “I don’t think he’s blown up or nothing though, we probably would know if he did.”  He takes a moment to think.  “RIGHT, well, I’m gonna go find him, then.”  He announces with all the gusto a ten year old can offer.
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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                     he regrets the words as soon as they leave him, but not enough to swallow them immediately. for how angry shohei might be, so is shuichi.
but maybe — maybe — shohei has a little more right to be.
unfortunately, shuichi’s temper has always been one of his worse vices, and more often than not he lets it get the better of him. and he has little sympathy for his friend - with - benefits, but only because he has no idea. his oblivion is ironic, and the product of his own pursuit of the unattainable.
still. he’s not expecting this reaction, and it slams into him with all the force to knock him off his feet. he takes a step back, feeling heat prickle at his scales, almost afraid of the rage in shohei’s voice. he doesn’t understand. he doesn’t understand.
“wait, shohei, hold on, wait—” the words come too late. too little and too late. he’s already gone. 
shuichi doesn’t follow. 
Shohei doesn’t make an appearance for the rest of the day.  Or the next day, or even the day after that.  His absence isn’t that obvious, since he more often then not stayed in his little concrete room.  And even then, there were only a handful of people that even spoke to him.  And two of those people are starting to worry.
Ryuta peeks into a few of the rooms, but sees no one he’s comfortable with.  Kanako trails behind him, wringing her shirt in her hands.  It’s only when they look into one of the more cramped lounges do they finally find who they’re looking for.
“Spinner!”  Ryuta shouts as he trots in, putting himself between Spinner and the television.  Kanako hangs back.  “Have you seen Shohei?  He isn’t in his room, and Kana and I haven’t seen him in a few days.”  Kanako makes a quiet, nervous sound indicating her presence and feelings about the situation.
“No one’s seen him, but you’re his best friend so I thought maybe you’d know.”  Ryuta adds.
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
*shohei is a wild boar
*ryuta is a a golden retriever
*kanako is a rabbit
*Itoshi is a hyena.
*Fukumi is… idk honestly probably a tropical bird
*Nomiko is a wasp but if we aren’t talking insects she’s a hedgehog.
*Satsuka is a Dove.
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
He’d been quietly pacing in his room, waiting for Shuichi’s arrival.  He’s anxious and excited, and it’s hard to tell which thing has more control over him.  Going outside is a big deal, after all.
He’s been closely monitored, and his health is good.  He’s even been outside a few times.  He has full clearance and the okay from doctors to go outside with his friend.  Yep.  His friend.  He’s GOT those now!
Whne Shuichi appears he jumps a little, since he was sort of lost in thought as he was pacing.  “Oh, hello.”  He offers a smile, walking to the glass, picking up a bag he’s packed for the day.  “I saw that it’s hot on the television.  I’m bringing a lot of water.”  Both to drink and to dump on his head if he gets too hot.  “I’m not used to sunlight heat.”  He admits as he goes to the door.  The doctor who escorted Shuichi in goes and opens the door for Shohei and he walks out of his cell, which is looking more and more like a home each day.
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“I’m ready.  Where are we going?”
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          “it’s hot out there today.” when shuichi arrives at the facility to greet shohei, he looks exhausted — sweat making his hair cling to his neck and shoulders, his tank top nearly soaked all the way through. still, he grins at shohei through the glass, wiping his forehead with the sweatband on his wrist. “though i’m sure you’re used to it.” there’s almost something apologetic in his voice. “you ready to go? i have an idea for a place i wanna show you.”
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
powerful consequences prompts.
as requested by a lovely and angsty nonnie! these prompts involve a scenario in which one of the muses has lost control of their powers and another muse has been injured in the aftermath.
from the powerful:
" did... did i do this to you? "
" no... no, no! why did you follow me?! oh, god... just, just hold on, okay? hold on! "
" [NAME]?! "
" this is all my fault... "
" what have i done... "
" i did this... "
" no... no, no, no, no, no. no! "
" i told you! i told you to stay back! "
" no, no... please... i'm sorry! "
" i'm sorry... i'm so sorry... "
" i... i hurt you. "
" i can fix this! "
" i can't fix this... "
" no, no, stay with me, i'm... i'm gonna make this right! "
" i lost control... you... you tried to help me. that's why you were there. that's how you... how i hurt you. "
" i know i'm probably the last person you want to see right now, i just... needed to know if you were okay. "
" the doctors say you'll make a full recovery. i... i'm so sorry this happened. "
" i paid the hospital bills. it was the least i could do. "
" i... i got you some flowers. fake. i didn't know if you had allergies... "
from the injured:
" i don't blame you... not one bit. "
" i-it's okay... it's alright... shh... "
" look... look at me. look at me! it's not your fault... "
" h-huh... this was... well... you did warn me, right? "
" heh... don't say you told me so... "
" what did you do... "
" [NAME]... "
" get away... get AWAY from me! "
" h-help... help me... "
" don't touch me! "
" you... you freak... "
" w... what happened... "
" this is your fault! "
" didn't realize they let attempted murderers into the hospital... "
" don't apologize. it's not your fault. "
" save your breath. i want nothing from you. certainly not some half-assed apology. "
" don't worry. i didn't tell the cops anything. promise. "
" you here to finish the job? "
" morning... i'm surprised the nurses haven't scared you off yet. "
" nice flowers... are they for me? "
" are the flowers for me or is there some other victim in another ward? "
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
powerful consequences prompts.
as requested by a lovely and angsty nonnie! these prompts involve a scenario in which one of the muses has lost control of their powers and another muse has been injured in the aftermath.
from the powerful:
" did... did i do this to you? "
" no... no, no! why did you follow me?! oh, god... just, just hold on, okay? hold on! "
" [NAME]?! "
" this is all my fault... "
" what have i done... "
" i did this... "
" no... no, no, no, no, no. no! "
" i told you! i told you to stay back! "
" no, no... please... i'm sorry! "
" i'm sorry... i'm so sorry... "
" i... i hurt you. "
" i can fix this! "
" i can't fix this... "
" no, no, stay with me, i'm... i'm gonna make this right! "
" i lost control... you... you tried to help me. that's why you were there. that's how you... how i hurt you. "
" i know i'm probably the last person you want to see right now, i just... needed to know if you were okay. "
" the doctors say you'll make a full recovery. i... i'm so sorry this happened. "
" i paid the hospital bills. it was the least i could do. "
" i... i got you some flowers. fake. i didn't know if you had allergies... "
from the injured:
" i don't blame you... not one bit. "
" i-it's okay... it's alright... shh... "
" look... look at me. look at me! it's not your fault... "
" h-huh... this was... well... you did warn me, right? "
" heh... don't say you told me so... "
" what did you do... "
" [NAME]... "
" get away... get AWAY from me! "
" h-help... help me... "
" don't touch me! "
" you... you freak... "
" w... what happened... "
" this is your fault! "
" didn't realize they let attempted murderers into the hospital... "
" don't apologize. it's not your fault. "
" save your breath. i want nothing from you. certainly not some half-assed apology. "
" don't worry. i didn't tell the cops anything. promise. "
" you here to finish the job? "
" morning... i'm surprised the nurses haven't scared you off yet. "
" nice flowers... are they for me? "
" are the flowers for me or is there some other victim in another ward? "
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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@knifelizard​ sent  (maybe this is a lead-up to that nsfw meme from the other day??) it's been a long day, and they're both a little tired and lethargic. the warmer weather of late is much more shuichi's speed than the cold of winter, but even he can overheat. and hell knows shohei does too. light fooling around had quickly fizzled out, both just a little too tired to get into anything too intense. now, he collapses on the mattress next to shohei, pulling only the sheet up over him. "it's so fuckin' hot," he mutters. "not because of you," he's quick to add, lest shohei feel guilty for something he can't control. "—not that you're not hot—" he groans, none of his words coming out right at all. "fuck. 'm tired."
Shohei stares up at the cracked paint of the ceiling, his chest rising and falling  steadily as he tries to catch up on breathing.  With one of his airways being restricted like it is, things like kissing (which occupy his mouth) make him pretty winded.  He’s usually too enthralled in the moment to notice or care but since the two have parted from each other, favoring instead to not huddle too close, he’s very aware of the tightness in his chest and the lightness in his head from inadequate oxygen.
“Mmmn.”  He agrees with a nod.  It is hot, and it’s not good for him.  But he’s been in pretty good shape lately, not needing to get cooldowns as frequently.  A few months prior this sort of heat would bring on a melt down, but now?  He’s just sweaty and uncomfortable, like most people would be.  He hadn’t even considered that the heat could be coming from him- and he looks over at Spinner at his damage control comment.  He stares at him, watching him fumble through his words.  The slightest smile curls his thin lips and he chuckles.  “It’s alright, I understand what you mean.”  He only recently learned that ‘hot’ also meant ‘attractive’ and just thinking about that makes him laugh a bit again, more to himself then Spinner.  Me?  Attractive?  Sure, whatever you say.
“You should sleep, if you’re tired.”  He muses quietly, rolling over to look at him.  He’s far enough away, not wanting to smother him with heat, but he reaches out with his one hand, brushing a few stray hairs off of Spinner’s forehead.  His voice drops, a little quieter now.  “Thank you for letting me sleep in here, by the way.  It’s much nicer being in a bed than on the floor.”
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
**seeing villain activity make prisoners go brrr
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
**I miss them
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
**I’m making ship wheels and here’s one for Shohei
**based off of who i have seen on my dash so not that many characters are here lol
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
**deleting drafts and putting this blog on hiatus basically 
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
powerful consequences prompts.
as requested by a lovely and angsty nonnie! these prompts involve a scenario in which one of the muses has lost control of their powers and another muse has been injured in the aftermath.
from the powerful:
" did... did i do this to you? "
" no... no, no! why did you follow me?! oh, god... just, just hold on, okay? hold on! "
" [NAME]?! "
" this is all my fault... "
" what have i done... "
" i did this... "
" no... no, no, no, no, no. no! "
" i told you! i told you to stay back! "
" no, no... please... i'm sorry! "
" i'm sorry... i'm so sorry... "
" i... i hurt you. "
" i can fix this! "
" i can't fix this... "
" no, no, stay with me, i'm... i'm gonna make this right! "
" i lost control... you... you tried to help me. that's why you were there. that's how you... how i hurt you. "
" i know i'm probably the last person you want to see right now, i just... needed to know if you were okay. "
" the doctors say you'll make a full recovery. i... i'm so sorry this happened. "
" i paid the hospital bills. it was the least i could do. "
" i... i got you some flowers. fake. i didn't know if you had allergies... "
from the injured:
" i don't blame you... not one bit. "
" i-it's okay... it's alright... shh... "
" look... look at me. look at me! it's not your fault... "
" h-huh... this was... well... you did warn me, right? "
" heh... don't say you told me so... "
" what did you do... "
" [NAME]... "
" get away... get AWAY from me! "
" h-help... help me... "
" don't touch me! "
" you... you freak... "
" w... what happened... "
" this is your fault! "
" didn't realize they let attempted murderers into the hospital... "
" don't apologize. it's not your fault. "
" save your breath. i want nothing from you. certainly not some half-assed apology. "
" don't worry. i didn't tell the cops anything. promise. "
" you here to finish the job? "
" morning... i'm surprised the nurses haven't scared you off yet. "
" nice flowers... are they for me? "
" are the flowers for me or is there some other victim in another ward? "
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
note: actions are from the receiver’s pov. send ‘reverse’ to change perspective GENERAL: [ sit ] for your muse to quietly sit by mine [ lay ] for your muse to come rest their head in mine’s lap or against their shoulder [ need ] for your muse to come to mine for help  [ want ] for your muse to show up in mine’s room in the middle of the night [ shower ] for our muses to bathe together [ flower ] for our muses to grow something together [ peak ] for your muse to teasingly sneak up on mine and put their hands over mine’s eyes  [ hike ]  for my muse to take yours hand and lead them somewhere [ sleep ] for our muses to wake up in the same bed  [ caress ] for your muse to hug mine without explanation  [ kiss ] for my muse to kiss yours forehead [ assist ] for your muse to help mine with their appearance (braiding hair, fixing tie etc) [ first ] for our muses first kiss [ hurt ] for your muse to find mine injured [ heal ] for my muse to treat yours injury  [ scream ] for our muses to find something horrific  [ body ] for our muses to stumble on a crime scene [ martyr ] for my muse to die/almost die for yours [ sob ] for my muse to open up about a traumatic experience  [ share ] for our muses to share something for survival (food, water, body warmth, clothing etc) NSFW: 1. for your muse to give mine oral  2. for my muse to finger yours  3. for your muse to top mine  4. for your muse to pull mine’s hair  5. for your muse to tie mine up  6. for our muses to have drunk sex  7. for the morning after a one night stand 8. for my muse to wake yours up with sex 9. for my muse to spank yours 10. for your muse to tease mine/withhold orgasm 
WORDS:  “  stop.  ” “  please.  ” “  i want you here.  ” “  i don’t know how to talk about it.  ” “  we can just sit here, you don’t have to talk.  ” “  you can trust me.  ” “  please, trust me.  ” “  just talk to me, please.  ” “  i love you.  ” “  i hate you.  ” “  will you stay with me? just for tonight.  ” “  i don’t want to sleep alone.  ” “  i’ll stay.  ” “  stay.  ” “  just go.  ” “  i don’t know how to ask for help.  ” “  tell me something good.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ” “  you make me feel safe.  ” “  help me.  ” “  you’re safe with me.  ” “  i won’t let anyone hurt you.  ” “  you don’t need to protect me.  ” “  tell me why you stayed.  ” “  why should i trust you?  ” “  i believe you.  ” “  i need you.  ” “  i just want to be needed.  ” “  i have nothing left to give.  ” “  i don’t know what to say.  ”
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liberat-d-archive · 3 years
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@knifelizard​ sent  :) "i don't need or want yer opinion on my relationships. what i do with shigaraki is MY OWN business! got that? 'sides, it ain't like ya understand anything about what's happening! don't say shit y'know nothing about."
I’ve been hanging onto it for awhile
Don’t explode.  Don’t explode.  If you do, you’ll kill him and every person in a mile radius.  He tells himself over an over, but it doesn’t change the white hot burning in his chest.
He wants to scream that Spinner carries his pain about Shigaraki with him every where he goes, that it’s impossible to miss.  I wand to grab him, shake him until he understands that he deserves better, to be cared for and seen as a person of worth, more than just a quick fuck.  He wants to bring up his own pain, with this growing fondness for Spinner growing, all while Spinner sends him off in favor of a cruel maniac.  But before any of that can come out, that last statement hits him like a ton of bricks.  Don’t say shit you know nothing about.  If only Spinner knew.  If only he knew just how complex the feelings Shohei carried for him were.
He looks angry, angrier than he’s ever looked.  The air around him has an orange haze over it, his body starting to glow as the radiation in his blood heats up.  His usually pale eyes look nearly black.
“You’re right!”  He finally shouts back, and the temperature rises about ten degrees, “What the fuck would I know about any of this?  Being treated like shit and feeling like no one, not even the people you care about could EVER look at you with anything more than disgust?!”  
He laughs a cruel, pained laugh.  “Yeah.  What could I EVER fucking know, Shuichi?”
He needs to get away from Spinner before he seriously hurts him.  So unceremoniously he turns around and starts walking away.  He needs to lock himself down, cool off... And then, he has to go.  He can’t stay.  He can’t stay in this cycle.
He just hopes the kids understand.  
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