librarianhawk · 4 months
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THIS 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
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librarianhawk · 9 months
In the early 70s Sesame Street was created with an eye towards educating poor, inner-city children for free, and became a massive hit with all children. In 2016, faced with going off the air forever after facing conservative efforts to destroy public broadcasting since basically its beginning, new episodes became a timed exclusive for premium cable network HBO. In 2022 HBO Max, newly merged with and taken over by reality TV channel Discovery, removed Sesame Street episodes and spin-offs from streaming as a tax write-off and scheme to avoid paying residuals.
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librarianhawk · 9 months
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(when you spend time looking at a starmaker you get starshaped pupils ❤ 🐍😊)
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librarianhawk · 10 months
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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librarianhawk · 10 months
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crowley + text posts bonus:
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librarianhawk · 10 months
First of all, THANK YOU!!! The world has been feeling harder and more hopeless to me in recent years, and individuals like yourself help more than I will ever be able to express to bring light and hope back into my world. Loving and obsessing over gems like Good Omens, and American Gods (the novel at least, I must admit I never saw the show 🙈) have always given me motivation, sparked my creativity, and made me feel so much love for this, often unfortunately cruel, world. I can't express the solace it brings to me when the creators of the things I love are thoughtful and decent human beings. So, again, THANK YOU 🫀🫀🫀
I just finished my second viewing of Season 2 and have a question for you (my apologies if it has already been asked and/or answered and I missed it)!! 
How did you select the song "Everyday" by Buddy Holly? It is absolutely perfect on so many different levels, and for so many different threads and characters, all while still encompassing the perfect feelings of this show. I always include playlists with the stories I write, and often agonize over which song is the best choice for certain moments. You had to pick one song to encompass the entirety of it, and it truly blew me away! 
Thank you this Season and for everything you do; it really does mean the world to so many of us 🫀🫀🫀
In February of 1991 (I think) Terry Pratchett and I were staying in the Chateau Marmont hotel in LA. These days it is a very fancy hotel but back then it was pretty manky and run down. We were being put up by a film company and each morning we would fax over an outline for a new version of Good Omens the Movie and each afternoon we'd go to the studio for a meeting and we would realise that nobody had actually read what we had sent over that morning. Then we would go back to the hotel and work on trying to incorporate the studio notes on the outline they hadn't actually read into what we were doing.
We worked up in Terry's room because it had heating, and it was incredibly cold in LA that February, especially cold because I was in a chalet out in the grounds and there weren't heaters or extra blankets or anything in the chalet.
And at some point in there we were talking about music, and I suggested a few scary and ominous songs that might work to signal the end times. And Terry said "What about Buddy Holly's song Everyday? It sounds so upbeat and cheerful. But what if it was about the end of the world?" And I got all excited at the idea of Everyday being the Good Omens theme song.
So it's really just there to make Terry happy.
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librarianhawk · 10 months
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Love like yours will surely come my way
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librarianhawk · 11 months
There’s probably a German compound word for that feeling you get at 2am when you’re single in your mid twenties and the creeping doubt that you’ve somehow missed your only chance at love because you didn’t meet someone in college and now it’s too late
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librarianhawk · 11 months
Whoa. Been awhile since I've logged in here.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
Mind Vomit
I don’t want to be numb but I want to be empty of all desire.
Problems are relative so I don’t blame those I love for complaining when they already have what I want most.
I love you so I won’t tell you that it hurts to see the man in the coffee shop even while I blush and steal glances because he probably goes home to his normal wife/gf and laughs at the strange obese woman who is completely crazy to think that anyone would (love/want/fuck) her. You have your own problems which are growing daily but it’s starting to feel like it did before. Before I had you when I broke my own heart into a million pieces and can never tell anyone else about it because even you think I’m weird for it and you’re my platonic soul mate. 
Wanting is useless and tears are useless and I can’t stop either. 
I should find a new coffee shop.
I want to be empty.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
AHA moment
Picked up a book in an esoteric store and struggled to read the introduction and first chapter for two days because distractions. Finally made it and had my view of Zen blown to pieces. I had always pictured it as striving towards this life of calm and peacefulness but this teacher says that isn’t it at all. But rather, its allowing the friction of living closely to others to wear away our roughness to reveal the smoothness within. And this light bulb just came on in my brain. well, of course, it has to be. If you lived a life with no friction with others, then you have a false calm. But being able to keep balanced and calm while dealing with everyday frictions? That takes some deep inner knowledge and peace.  So my goal this week will be to practice allowing my inner generosity. that I so often hide because of fear, to flow freely.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
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So Pretty That I Had To Eat Him turned 5 today!
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librarianhawk · 6 years
Everyone should watch Case Histories, if only because Jason Isaacs is a very beautiful man.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
Reggie = best crime-fighting sidekick EVER. Except that possibly Jackson is *her* sidekick? Morgan Freeman to her Kevin Costner. LOL. <3 I cannot believe how much this show made me love the COMPLETELY NON-SEXUAL (COMPLETELY. NON-SEXUAL. If anyone feels differently about Reggie and Jackon’s relationship, I simply DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. Not to put too fine a point on it, especially considering some of the morally questionable ships I have shipped, but if you see them in sexual terms GET THEE BEHIND ME) GEN H/C moments.
I think Reggie and Marlee would get along. And I really, really like the idea of Jackson playing an ongoing role in Reggie’s life as a sort of father figure. Basically, I ship Jackson/Louise and want them and Louise’s son, Marlee, and Reggie to all be family. There for each other.
This is VERY STRANGE for me. I’ve never had a ship where them having kids underfoot was an important part of the ship for me (the idea is, TBH, the opposite of romance to me typically), but here the kids really really are important. I think because both Louise and Jackson so strongly define themselves as parents. And, man, I LOVE it when they bond over trying to be the best parents they can to their kids. And I love it when Louise watched Jackson be so kind with Reggie and I…
CHRISTMASES. I want to picture them all having imperfect but warm Christmases together. I want to write fanfic with Reggie and Marlee reading Christmas cracker jokes and Louise’s son trying to pretend to be too cool for such silly nonsense. And Jackson cracking one of his rare smiles.
Wow. This is new.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
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Jason Isaacs in Case Histories.
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librarianhawk · 6 years
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Jason Isaacs in DIG (2015)
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librarianhawk · 6 years
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Steffi‘s advice of the day: If you need a doctor, do NOT go to this one…
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