library-it · 2 years
Usage of Fedora Repository
Index process is running now. I add new collections to it. The migration from Fedora 4 to Fedora 6 was failure, thats why i adding the whole collections list from the beginning.
I use Fedora Repository as a long term archive, but not only for it.
Fedora is a strorage for Madoc (iiif.crossasia.org)
- Fedora -> storage
- IIIF Image server -> transformation of images
- Madoc -> display and annotate manifests
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library-it · 2 years
Fedora Repository
I use fedora repository to store different arts of data. All my sources i add in this tool.
Normally i have following structure:
collection -> book -> page -> image
In extra folder i save data that are useful for creating a collection.
In this article i publish typical commands that i use in fedora: https://library-it.tumblr.com/post/662968560931504128/commands-for-fedora-repository
I use Tomcat (v9) as application server. In setenv.sh file in tomcat/bin are all settings responsible for connection between fedora and tomcat.
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library-it · 2 years
Install Madoc on Linux server
1. Install Docker und Docker container
2. Clone Madoc to your folger: git clone https://github.com/digirati-co-uk/madoc-platform.git
3. Copy .env file in your project folger. This file contains Postgres database credentials, MADOC_INSTALLATION_CODE.
4. Create database in Postgres and 5 shemas.
5. Create roles:
CREATE ROLE config_service WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'config_service';
6. Create schemas:
CREATE SCHEMA config_service AUTHORIZATION config_service;
CREATE SCHEMA models_api AUTHORIZATION models_api;
CREATE SCHEMA search_api AUTHORIZATION search_api;
7. Delete schemas, if nessesarry:
DROP SCHEMA if exists config_service,madoc_ts,models_api,search_api,tasks_api CASCADE;
8. Add extension:
9. Extension should be adressed to models_api schema
10. Pull project: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml pull
11. Start project: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up –d
12. Display logs and save in file: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs > log.txt
13. Stop server: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop
14. Remove containers: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml rm
15. First start: Just enter your server name in browser without port (https://lx0015.sbb.spk-berlin.de/). If everything is correct you'll see Madoc page with code question. In .env file you shoild add madoc installation code. In a web page just type madoc and click next. On the next page fullfill the form. Create admin user/password and a start page name. After it you can start to work with madoc.
16. Add crossasia theme:
docker ps - see all containers
docker cp crossasia-theme/ 4c64d5f9dfd4:/home/node/app/themes - copy theme to container
stop and start application
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library-it · 3 years
Linux commands
Hi. Here i publish a list of different Linux commands, that helps me in my life:
- Commands for Solr
- Commands for Linux
- Commands for Windows
- Commands for Docker
- Commands for Fedora repository
- Commands for Regular expressions
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Docker
I publish here a small list of docker commands regarding my project:
Install Docker in Linux server:
Install Docker-Compose
Docker commands:
systemctl restart docker
service docker restart
docker exec -i -t madoc-sbb-standalone-omeka /bin/bash -> enter to docker container
docker exec -i -t 2630cc83227c /bin/bash -> enter docker container
docker ps -> see all containers list
docker-compose -f docker-compose.server.yaml up -d -> start
docker-compose -f docker-compose.server.yaml pull -> update
docker-compose -f docker-compose.server.yaml stop -> stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose.server.yaml rm -> remove
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library-it · 3 years
Add Solr Core without restarting the whole Solr instance
Yes it's possible here are the steps:
1. Create a new core:
start command from solr/bin
solr create_core -c ajax-skqs -p 8995 -force
2. Change the core properties, delete unused files.
3. Restart concrete Solr Core from frontend part.
4. Add your json files to the solr core:
curl http://b-app66:8985/solr/ajax-dfz/update -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @books.json
5. Restart concrete Solr Core from frontend part again.
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library-it · 3 years
Tumblr media
10 постов!
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Regular expressions
1. Remove empty lines.
^[ \t]*$\r?\n
2. Delete all odd lines in notepad++
Find what: .+\R(.+)
Replace with: $1
Replace all
3. Delete Text between tags
4. Add quotation to number
\d\d\d\d.\d\d.\d\d to "$&"
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Fedora repository
1. Add archive to Fedora repository *.tgz
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -i -X PUT --data-binary @/mnt/fedora/raw/ajax-fo-japan/books_ajax_fo_japan.tgz -H "Content-Type: application/x-gtar" -H "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=books_ajax_fo_japan.tgz" http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8082/fcrepo/rest/ajax-fo-china-japan/documentation/archive/books
2.Add archive to Fedora repository *.zip
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -i -X PUT --data-binary @/mnt/fedora/raw/ajax-fo-japan/pages_ajax_fo_japan.zip -H "Content-Type: application/zip" -H "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pages_ajax_fo_japan.zip" http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8082/fcrepo/rest/ajax-fo-china-japan/documentation/archive/pages
3. Add text file
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -i -X PUT --data-binary @/mnt/fedora/raw/ajax-fo-japan/README.md -H "Content-Type: text/html" -H "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=README.md" http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8082/fcrepo/rest/ajax-fo-china-japan/documentation/info/readme
4. Add JSON-LD file
curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -i -X PUT -H"Content-Type: application/ld+json" --data-binary @README.json http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8082/fcrepo/rest/documentation
5. Delete resource
curl -X DELETE "http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8080/fcrepo/rest/dllm/collection"
curl -X DELETE "http://b-lx0005.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8080/fcrepo/rest/dllm/collection/fcr:tombstone"
6. Start Fedora - Jetty
java -jar fcrepo-webapp-6.0.0-jetty-console.jar --port 8088
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Windows
1. Print files list from folder to file Windows
dir > print.txt
2. Rename Files in Windows PowerShell Delete after specific Symbol
Get-ChildItem |Rename-Item -NewName { $($_.Name -split '_')[0]+".pdf" }
3. Copy files from multiple folder to one
for /r %d in (*.xml) do copy "%d" "F:\temp"
4. Remove the same part of a file name for many files in Windows
ren "SZFZ*.xml" "////*.xml"
find . -type d -not -empty -exec echo mv SZFZ ;
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library-it · 3 years
Why i use Apache Solr?
Solr is good to search in the text data, especially if you have a lot data. In the library of course i have it enough.
I have a list of Solr collections that i display with ajax-solr library.
I modified it a little bit, look in code.
You can see how it looks finally on our website.
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Linux
Hi. Here is my Linux command list, that helps me. Of course it's not all commands, but i'll try to improve this list.
1. Delete \r from bash script shell
tr -d '\r' < file.sh > fileR.sh
2. Pdf to text split per pages
for f in OB1*.pdf; do for i in {1..999}; do pdftotext -f "$i" -l $l "$i" -layout $f "${f%.pdf}_$i.txt"; done; done
Pdf to Text, without spliting
for file in *.pdf; do pdftotext -layout "$file"; done
3. Show Tomcat
ps -ef | grep tomcat
4. Clean Tomcat/Catalina.out file
echo > catalina.out
5. All files into one folger
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I file mv --backup=numbered file .
6. Add sleep to shell script to each n element (don't forget regular expression)
sleep 30 \n
7. Change file mod
chmod 775 articles_2007_2009R.sh
8. Change file owner
chown andrey book.json
9.Change white spaces in file names with underline
for f in *; do mv "$f" `echo $f | tr ' ' '_'`; done
10. Show all processes
11. Add underline insteard white space in file name
for file in *; do mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'` ; done
12. Split file into multiple
split -l 1000000 amd.json amd
grep -hnr "No OCFL mapping found for" nohup.out > output.txt
split -l 20000 pages.json amd
13. Compare number of files in different folgers
find -type d -readable -exec sh -c 'printf "%s " "$1"; ls -1UA "$1" | wc -l' sh {} ';' > file.txt
find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "{} : $(find "{}" -type f | wc -l)" file\(s\)' \; > file.txt
14. Copy to remote server
scp -r *.* [email protected]:/srv/solr-crossasia-itr/data/ajax-minguo/data/index/
15. Number of Files
ls | wc -l
16. Display 4 files from folger
ls -U | head -4
17. Find images with concrete size
find -type f -regex "^.*\.\(png\|jpg\|jpeg\)$" -exec identify -format "%f, %w, %h\n" {} \; | awk -F ',' '$2 > 800 && $3 > 600'
18. Nohup start file
nohup ./file.sh &
19. Kill Nohup
ps -ef |grep nohup
pkill -9 -P <parent pid>
kill -9 -PID
20. Find files with 0 byte
find -size 0 -print
21. Remove duplicates
sort -u big-csv-file.csv > duplicates-removed.csv
22. tar unzip
tar vxf archiv.tar
23. tar zip
tar cvf archiv.tar archivordner
24. tgz unzip
tar -xzvf archiv.tgz
25. tgz zip
tar cvfz archiv.tgz archivordner
26. tar.gz unzip
tar xfvz [ARCHIV].tar.gz
gzip -d archiv.tar.gz
27. tar.gz zip
gzip -9 archiv.tar
28. Convert images from *.tif to *.jpg
convert 00000010.tif -quality 80 -resize 30% test.jpg
convert *.tif -quality 80 -resize 30% -set filename:base "%[basename]" "%[filename:base].jpg"
29. Split file
lines=1600000; { read header && sed "1~$((${lines}-1)) s/^/${header}\n/g" | split -l $lines --numeric-suffixes=1 --additional-suffix=.txt - pages_ ; } < pages.csv
30. Find characters in file
find nohup.out -type f -print | xargs grep "HTTP/1.1 5"
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library-it · 3 years
Commands for Solr
Hi. Here a list of Solr commands, that i typical use:
1. Create new collection:
solr create_core -c ajax-skqs -p 8995 -force
2. Rename Solr core:
3. Upload Json file into Solr collection:
curl http://b-app66:8985/solr/ajax-dfz/update -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @books.json
4. Export data from Solr using:
Here i use following library
./run.sh -s http://b-app66:8985/solr/rep-diaolong-shiliao -a export --skipFields system_create_dtsi,system_modified_dtsi -o /data1/solr/diaolong-shiliao/pages.json
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library-it · 3 years
Solr tool for fulltext search
Hi. As you know Solr is a good tool to save and to search in text data. if i compare it with relational database i see a long list of advantages.
It's really fast!!!
In this post i show some tools, that i use in Apache Solr.
For export data from Solr into Json file i use import/export tool.
It's very easy and you can export not all parameters, but a list of you really need.
To import data into Solr collection i use a standard command in Linux.
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library-it · 3 years
Applications Stack
Hi. In this post i'll talk about data pipeline in the library. We have raw data in different formats. It can be databases, txt files, pdfs and other text formats. In the next posts i refer detailed about each step in pipeline. First is a text transformation into json and saving it in Apache Solr.
1. I transform data to json to have an opportunity to save it in Apache Solr -> https://solr.apache.org/.
With java script library ajax-solr i have a web view.
Hier a link how it looks on our website: link
2. Fedora repository -> https://duraspace.org/fedora/
All data, not only text, but original formats, images, video and do on, i save in Fedora repository. In this case i modify already existing Json files into JSON-LD files and ingest it into Fedora.
3. I save their (Fedora repository) IIIF data too. I create collections and manifests and with IIIF Image Server display it with Madoc.
Here is the main steps in my stack
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library-it · 3 years
My Stack tools
Here i’ll post a list of applications, that helps me with my work. If you have some ideas please suggest it. You’ll see a mix of tools for Windows and Linux.
1. idea intellij -> https://www.jetbrains.com/de-de/idea/, best tool for java programming. I use it for java script too.
2. notepad++ -> https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/, it good but not for all situations. If you we’ll work with files bigger than 200 Mb, think about something else.
3. emeditor -> https://emeditor.com/, ideal for huge files
4. putty -> https://www.putty.org/ ssh client
5. json online editor -> https://jsoneditoronline.org/ best online json editor
6. regular expressions -> https://regex101.com/ online tool
7. Postgres viewer for Linux -> pgadmin.org
8. Xming Server -> http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/
My idea intellij works on Linux server and with Xming Server i connect it via my Windows machine.
9. WinSCP -> https://winscp.net/eng/download.php
10. Filezilla -> https://filezilla-project.org/
11. Chrome extension for Json https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-formatter/bcjindcccaagfpapjjmafapmmgkkhgoa/related
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library-it · 3 years
Hi. First Post
Hi my name is Andrey from Berlin. I am working in state library of Berlin as computer scientist. In this blog i’ll post everything about a technology stack, my tasks and how i solve it. 
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