librassstuff · 3 years
I'm posting this way behind the scheduled due date. I don't really want to post though because our recent pitching deck was uneventful for me. This will cause me a negative points but I just wanted to say how defective our proposal. It might work during pandemic but the crisis are ending now and our idea just seems so outdated. Am I a pushover?
We were synched in the group but I remember that one time when I tried presenting my idea, my group mates were totally ignoring me so I adjusted and followed their actual plan instead of mine because its complicated. They wanted an easy proposal so I go with their plan but even if I proposed a plan when the pandemic ends that we should create business off of the used masks and make it different products and tools since masks are pretty durable when recycled and reused but they didn't put it in our final plan. I was ignored. It was an anonymous majority decision anyway and I understand that I can't just push my idea to them just because I think mine was better.
But when the final deck happened. I was really left unsatisfied. Not only did I not get to answer a question because we were only asked one query but I was only unsatisfied with our proposal. During that time whilst listening to our other groups proposal, I thought how the others business was very feasible and very useful. I was fascinated with my two blockmates presentation because there idea is so ideal and great for farmers. Maybe we should really come up a proposal that could really help our country's economy right?
Our idea for me seems so silly and fad. Aside from the pandemic are ending and people are now not prioritizing COVID kits anymore because of the 90% immunity that gives them idea that it is now safe to go out without masks which I personally think is wrong, maybe we could have made a better business plan. A plan that will help the common people and the economy. Something that will boost the country's development.
I am so unsatisfied with it and its very saddening.
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librassstuff · 3 years
MVP to MVP of the Economy
You read it right, just a different meaning to my abbreviations. Minimum Viable Product to be the Most Valuable Player in the economy. Witty, innit?
We talked in our class about Minimum Viable Product. A version of a product with just minimum features but could still be improved by acquiring the costumers feedback on the product that allow for future product development. What's so great about MVP, you say?
Read carefully, lad. By doing MVP, you would certainly have quick development on your product as you are open to critics and that will help you to have rapid development of application. That's Market Validation right there!
And the early testing of your product is certainly less costly and the feedback gathered is very much beneficial to your business as it will give you great insight on what your product lacks and needed to be modified and improved.
My lady, isn't MVP do not have a concrete business plan, you say?
That may be a risk but it is much better to do more than talk. More work less plan. Business plan takes a long time to finish and with how fast paced the fads in the market goes. Planning a concrete business plan will only hold you up and will probably result in an outdated product. So why not create your product first and modified it by hearing out your costumers critics about it? The costumer you needed are those people that represents the majority of the consumer. Because there insights will be based on the current fads and that will be your chance to create a more enticing and unique product that will certainly gain more buyers.
Always remember, the product is not perfect and lack man features, but the goal of the MVP is to focus on the riskiest assumptions and begin the learning process.
In short, do not get attached to your product so much. Some thing just don't last. You have to let go sometimes in order to gain a more deserving happiness. Well, if you love money.
You want to become the MVP in the economy? Do MVP.
Well, this is my understanding from our previous classes in Entrepreneurial Mind. Adequate, innit?
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librassstuff · 3 years
Funny how humans kill things they can't control.
Like what we have here in our country. The EJK was seen as the best possible solution to eradicate bad people. It was immoral, killing, but then it benefited a lot of people. A means to an end.
But really, I just see it as a no hustle way of working. They could be rehabilitated, not all of that was killed are doing it for a long time. They could be saved but they were instead killed.
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librassstuff · 3 years
I am posting this behind the scheduled passing time. I wanted to share how we came up with our venture proposal in our Entrepreneur Mind subject. We decided to recycle and recreate stuffs from used face mask and I still can't stop my self from thinking that it sound not very hygienic but we searched and found out that we could 100 percent clean a used mask if we used 4 teaspoon of bleached and soaked it there for 5 minutes. Since we live in our country where poverty are so evident, this kind of proposal will be appealing to the mass especially people struggling with money. Other than that we thought of making rags and vases and plant pots from the used mask. We thought its the best way to disposed of the mask since just putting it on a trash can and dumping it somewhere will do no good to the ecosystem. However, I was honestly was upset when we were brainstorming as I already have an proposal of my own. I thought of vendo machines used in japan and created an idea of people putting masks and recyclable trash there in exchange of coins. These will be place in buildings were there are cctv cameras and to the public so robbery won't occur. Its not totally an ideal and flawless plan but I thought its a good idea and the fast way to gather materials. And then the collected trash's will be recycled and sold off to the market. It seems bizarre but I thought its great during and after the pandemic since people now are getting back to the old normal, although slowly I think its great to have this futuristic idea. But then again, I realized that I was being too idealistic and my proposed idea is really not that great. Therefore, I followed the one we have initially brainstormed and go with the flow. Our idea was great and we could easily grasp the flow of our proposal so I think this venture will be so great and successful.
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librassstuff · 3 years
I've been duped by my own brain.
I don't know about others but it really gives me so much stress when our professors post all the activities we will be having for the entire semester. And that's exactly I am right now. Add to that my mama pressuring me to register my self to vote for this coming election. I am so stressed to the point that they're coming in my dreams. Dreams!
Dreaming is so precious to me. It's the only place I could reenact all the scenes in the books I've read.
Do you know that afternoon naps are the worst? That's where I often get nightmares due to the hot temperature.
And I did. Its horrible. A nightmare! My consciousness are non-existent whenever I dream so I'm extra dumb that time.
Good thing I don't have heart problems. If I do, I would've been dead by now.
Do you know that the only way to wake up from a dream is by accelerating your hearbeat? Well that's how I do it whenever I don't like what I'm dreaming.
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librassstuff · 3 years
A Sunny Blog for a Dark Night
Here I am starting this blog with a positive note even though I am currently typing my thoughts as the darkness surrounds me, literally. It's like 1:30 or so ante meridiem right now and I am currently fighting with the scumbag part of my brain to not messed my mind more because it's barely hanging inside my head and a little loose of the screw will... well... it won't probably change anything. Wait... Is scumbag a curse word? I mean that's what it was called and I don't know the actual scientific term for that so I hope I won't get a demerit grade for this.
Anyway, I just want to talk about the things I've learned in our class. So far, the Entrepreneurial Mind is interesting for me. It fits perfectly on my quarantine schedule because as everyone living on earth knows. We got nothing else better to do but burn our pretty behind sitting inside our lovely abode.
The only good part about this is I'm still learning even without interacting with people physically. In our class, we get to talk about being a business person and how entrepreneurs are the backbone of the economy which made me wonder what the other parts are. Also, we talked about the different apps that are constantly changing and adapting to the current trends. Like Apple that is currently brightly shining and is way ahead of the other technologies. While the Nokia is currently on an oxygen support because of how old and outdated they are. I hope they could someday came up with a new and interesting stuff that will surely give them a big income.
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librassstuff · 3 years
My First Ever Blog(and it was for a grade!)
Yep. This is my very first time telling the world how half of my life works. I am more of a journal person thus I am not confidently writing here right now and would probably make this more of a journal than a blog but our (she's really pretty!) prof told us to express our creativity and here am I, just sitting, casually typing but my mind is actually lagging trying to squeeze all the creativeness I got hidden in my brain. It's in there, somewhere I'm not probably constantly using. I probably look weird right now, I would just type whatever comes in mind then stare at the screen for half an hour. I just hope none of my friends and family find out about this.
Is this called blogging? I don't really know...
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