Silver: -grumbling and pulling at my hair-
Hank: -laughing his ass off-
Silver: shut up!
Hank: Mun’s just mad cause she had to rewrite responses cause she kept typing shite instead of shit.
Silver: It’s been a year since writing you! I haven’t had to write that!
Hank: Don’t be surprised if you start seeing Shite and arse. -he mocks in a really bad Irish accent.-
Silver:… feck you.
Hank: and that one. -chuckles-
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Hank heard what she said but couldn’t figure out what the fuck she meant. The snow globe? Was there a projector or some shite in it to create an imagine? Honestly he didn’t give a shit right now because his kid was close to breaking down. The same fucking sniffles he knew from when she was little.
Not saying a word he tossed his cig and took Lucy’s. Tossing it aside and pulled her into him. The last fucking bit of what she said playing in his head. ‘My fault.’
“Now you listen here. I don’t know what the hell is going on. But don’t you fucking start blaming yourself for shit that didnt happen. Fuck. Don’t blame yourself if something did happen.” He hugged her and placed his chin on her head.
“Lucy. You’re my kid. With the good and bad side of me. And the last i want is for you to fall down that slope of ‘my faults.’ You know what that does.”
Moving back enough to wipe her cheek of any tears he smiled at her.
“A fucking snow globe can’t do shit. And we can take it to the shooting range after work.” He grinned teasingly.
Your muse is presented with a snowglobe. But this isn't a simple knick-knack. The small globe gives off a faint glow, that changes color with the holder's mood and the scenery within changes depending on who looks into it. It is said that this is what the heart truly wishes or even fears. What does your muse see as they peer into the globe? What happens when they shake it? What color does it glow? Do they take care of the globe or dispose of it? Do they tell others about the strange object?
Putting on a glove typically used at crime scenes, Lucy picked the snow globe up that was left in her office with an inquisitive hum. The faint white glow became a deep melancholy grey verging on black, exposing the inner turmoil that Lucy lived with.
Studying it further, the inside of it was her worst nightmare. She was on her knees, a puddle of red and blue soaking what the tiny version of her was wearing. A deep purple that matched her hair, and two bodies. Hank and Connor. She failed to protect them and now their respective bloods stained her hands and clothes. She shook it, a tiny rattling coming in the form of dozens of little bullets and feds badges. She felt sick.
Lucy left her office, looking paler than usual and like she was about to throw up.
"Who the fuck put this in my office?!" She called to the precinct, which had concerned looks thrown her way, but she set it down on said uncle's desk.
// @lieutenantgivesnoshits
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“Kid, you stuck around even after seeing the worse of me. I sure fucking do need to thank you.” Hank chuckled and relaxed back in his seat. An amused grin crossing his face as he looked at the puzzle book.
“Ain’t that like baby shit to you? Can’t be that difficult for your android brain.” He teased. Then, remembering his food looked into the bag Connor gave him.
“Damn this smells good.” He muttered. So maybe coffee and more coffee hadn’t been the best breakfast.
Connor offered the bag of fast food- a burger and some fries to Hank. Maybe he wouldn't exactly go out of his way to offer him fast food all that often, but maybe once in a while, it would be okay.
"I have gotten you some food," he commented lightly as he looked up at Hank for a moment. "Though I still wouldn't recommend making this food a habit."
Old habits died hard, then. He still wanted to make sure that Hank was going to be alright, and he had noticed that deviating only made him more willing to check in on him.
"Has everything been going alright for you?"
Hank eyed the food suspicious. Connor giving his fast food? The kind of fucked up trick was this? Taking the bag he groaned when he heard the nagging start. There was the catch.
“Lay off, Con. Can’t fucking drink, might as well enjoy junk food.” Being sober was fucking exhausting. And worst, he was craving junk more than usual. The doc said that could happen and to not let one bad habit take its place.
“But yeah. Surprised how smooth quitting is going.” Was probably because the damn android was always fucking watching. Checking up on him like a damn puppy. Hank didn’t want to let him down.
“And thanks. For… well for the food and support, kid.”
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Cole and Mayson stand at the side of Hank's bed one morning. Cole calls out to him in a not-so-quiet whisper. "Dad? Hey Dad check this out!" he holds up an old iPod to Mayson who places a hand on it and suddenly the music is coming from Mayson's mouth. The wonders of being an android.
Hank groggily opens his eyes to stare at his kids. After seeing their “trick” he groans and rolls over.
“You two have been watching Lilo and Stitch too much.”
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Don’t worry. I’m fucking alive. Just slow as shit. I’ll get to you kids soon.
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“That depends on his recovery. His age and prior medical history are not in his favor. I’ll say a week for now but if he’s not where we want him to be it may be longer.” Rowan looked over her notes and sighed. She had been updated on the situation that caused the injuries and had her own concerns.
“You were checked out by the responders and the ER team when you arrived. A few minor physical injuries but,” she paused, trying to find a delicate way to phrase her concerns.
“Not only has Mr. Anderson gone through great mental and emotional shock but so have you. I’m going to have a therapist come in for Anderson to assist but I’d like to recommend this for you as well.”
They would both have to be cleared physically and mentally to return to work. Dr Rowan could imagine the young woman was experiencing her own PTSD from this event.
Mentally stable? Who the fuck was mentally stable? No one in this god damn room. Fucking doctor acting like this was fucking normal. His kid and him freaking out because a god damn explosion Al it’s killed them! Everything was fucking wrong.
His eyes clenched. The burning was maddening. Even after hearing the doc say they were done it still burned. The nurses left. Only Dr. Rowan remained. Rachel’s swaying had kept him distracted enough. The meds doping him up. He was tired. So fucking tired.
“Think I’ll need more than a week, kid.” He muttered. The anger had been drained from him finally. Now… well. He felt nothing. Tired.
“Miss?” Dr. Rowan stepped next to Rachel and handed her a piece of paper. Measurements already written on it.
“I’m aware of your work.” She said softly as she watched her patient slowly pass out. “These are his current measurements. I’m sure you’ll gather new ones after he’s healed but this can at least give you a base line.” She smiled kindly. From her observations they both were going to need something to keep their minds busy after this.
“I’ll speak with you Captain. You’re both being pull from duty until I deem you fit to return.”
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“Think there’s a saying for that. Something about a kettle and a pot.” Hank said softly, taking the cigarette. Pulling out his lighting he lit up and took his first pull. Blowing the smoke upward.
“Plus there’s an android in there that will lecture us the moment we get back anyways.” He chuckled before looking back at his kid.
“So, what the hell happened in there? You okay, Chickadee?”
Your muse is presented with a snowglobe. But this isn't a simple knick-knack. The small globe gives off a faint glow, that changes color with the holder's mood and the scenery within changes depending on who looks into it. It is said that this is what the heart truly wishes or even fears. What does your muse see as they peer into the globe? What happens when they shake it? What color does it glow? Do they take care of the globe or dispose of it? Do they tell others about the strange object?
Putting on a glove typically used at crime scenes, Lucy picked the snow globe up that was left in her office with an inquisitive hum. The faint white glow became a deep melancholy grey verging on black, exposing the inner turmoil that Lucy lived with.
Studying it further, the inside of it was her worst nightmare. She was on her knees, a puddle of red and blue soaking what the tiny version of her was wearing. A deep purple that matched her hair, and two bodies. Hank and Connor. She failed to protect them and now their respective bloods stained her hands and clothes. She shook it, a tiny rattling coming in the form of dozens of little bullets and feds badges. She felt sick.
Lucy left her office, looking paler than usual and like she was about to throw up.
"Who the fuck put this in my office?!" She called to the precinct, which had concerned looks thrown her way, but she set it down on said uncle's desk.
// @lieutenantgivesnoshits
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The sound of socked feet tramping down a hardwood floor filled the home, along with the excited chatter of three rambunctious children. Hank is met with a chorus of greetings from Cole, Mayson and Lana ranging from "Dad!" and "Mr. Hank!" to "You're home!" as they all rush in for their hugs.
Hank bent down and picked up the three in an awkward bear hug. Kissing them on the heads and chuckling.
“Good to be home kiddos. You all stay out of trouble?”
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Mentally stable? Who the fuck was mentally stable? No one in this god damn room. Fucking doctor acting like this was fucking normal. His kid and him freaking out because a god damn explosion Al it’s killed them! Everything was fucking wrong.
His eyes clenched. The burning was maddening. Even after hearing the doc say they were done it still burned. The nurses left. Only Dr. Rowan remained. Rachel’s swaying had kept him distracted enough. The meds doping him up. He was tired. So fucking tired.
“Think I’ll need more than a week, kid.” He muttered. The anger had been drained from him finally. Now… well. He felt nothing. Tired.
“Miss?” Dr. Rowan stepped next to Rachel and handed her a piece of paper. Measurements already written on it.
“I’m aware of your work.” She said softly as she watched her patient slowly pass out. “These are his current measurements. I’m sure you’ll gather new ones after he’s healed but this can at least give you a base line.” She smiled kindly. From her observations they both were going to need something to keep their minds busy after this.
“I’ll speak with you Captain. You’re both being pull from duty until I deem you fit to return.”
Continued from here. @lieutenantgivesnoshits
"To be completely fair, I wouldn't have survived this long if I wasn't crazy. You kinda need to be to have made it out of what I did still somewhat mentally stable, ironically." Rachel joked, hoping that her candid, but still normal attitude would help Hank calm down from this. Though, she knew the attempt would be in vain. He was still trying to be brave for her, and that was all she could ask from him.
After all, she was trying to do the same. She'd be a liar if she acted like this was easy just because he was in the same boat as her, now, but having gone through it didn't make it easy at all.
It just took a long time to get used to the new normal.
She gently patted his hand as they continued to work to prepare his arm - or what was left of it - for what would come next. "You're being really brave, Hank...I swear, after all of this, we're taking the week off and doing whatever we want. After this, I think we deserve a week-long indulgence."
And maybe...she could brainstorm some options for Hank. Maybe give Bianca a call about him, if she had the time for it.
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Connor offered the bag of fast food- a burger and some fries to Hank. Maybe he wouldn't exactly go out of his way to offer him fast food all that often, but maybe once in a while, it would be okay.
"I have gotten you some food," he commented lightly as he looked up at Hank for a moment. "Though I still wouldn't recommend making this food a habit."
Old habits died hard, then. He still wanted to make sure that Hank was going to be alright, and he had noticed that deviating only made him more willing to check in on him.
"Has everything been going alright for you?"
Hank eyed the food suspicious. Connor giving his fast food? The kind of fucked up trick was this? Taking the bag he groaned when he heard the nagging start. There was the catch.
“Lay off, Con. Can’t fucking drink, might as well enjoy junk food.” Being sober was fucking exhausting. And worst, he was craving junk more than usual. The doc said that could happen and to not let one bad habit take its place.
“But yeah. Surprised how smooth quitting is going.” Was probably because the damn android was always fucking watching. Checking up on him like a damn puppy. Hank didn’t want to let him down.
“And thanks. For… well for the food and support, kid.”
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Aaand that was the last thing Hank needed to see. Getting up from his seat, globe forgotten, Hank followed Lucy outside.
Connor watched the two go before his gaze set on the snow globe again. Scans showed no fingerprints. No marks. Nothing to identify who or where this came from. The undulating colors of red and blue was… disconcerting. Almost like the wall that he’d broken down to deviate. And if he looked closer, snow. A snowy and ice landscape.
Connor shook his head. He hadn’t even realized he’d been reaching for the thing. His hand almost touching it. With a jolt he stood up. Trying hard not to think about those blurred images he used a pen to push the globe into the trash can. Not ideal but it would keep it out of view for now.
If being near it had caused those images… what did Lucy see if she touched it?
The lieutenant caught up with his daughter just as she lit up her first cigaret. Not saying anything he held out a hand. If she had 1, she had a pack.
“Give one here.” He grumbled. Eyes trailing over her anxious form. Did someone send a letter with the thing? Did someone threaten her?
Your muse is presented with a snowglobe. But this isn't a simple knick-knack. The small globe gives off a faint glow, that changes color with the holder's mood and the scenery within changes depending on who looks into it. It is said that this is what the heart truly wishes or even fears. What does your muse see as they peer into the globe? What happens when they shake it? What color does it glow? Do they take care of the globe or dispose of it? Do they tell others about the strange object?
Putting on a glove typically used at crime scenes, Lucy picked the snow globe up that was left in her office with an inquisitive hum. The faint white glow became a deep melancholy grey verging on black, exposing the inner turmoil that Lucy lived with.
Studying it further, the inside of it was her worst nightmare. She was on her knees, a puddle of red and blue soaking what the tiny version of her was wearing. A deep purple that matched her hair, and two bodies. Hank and Connor. She failed to protect them and now their respective bloods stained her hands and clothes. She shook it, a tiny rattling coming in the form of dozens of little bullets and feds badges. She felt sick.
Lucy left her office, looking paler than usual and like she was about to throw up.
"Who the fuck put this in my office?!" She called to the precinct, which had concerned looks thrown her way, but she set it down on said uncle's desk.
// @lieutenantgivesnoshits
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“What the actual fuck?” Hank was in shock. He’d never seen his kid that shaken up before. What the hell happened? Looking around the bullpen didn’t give any answers. Everyone else looked just as confused. Even scared. A pissed off Anderson was nothing to mess with.
Connor however, had yet to look away from the snow globe. Something was very wrong with it. Is this was humans called intuition? Instinct? He could just feel something prickling at his synthetic skin. So much so that when Hank went to touch it he jumped up.
“Lieutenant!” He hadn’t meant to yell but it caused Hank to freeze.
“The hell’s wrong with you?”
“Lieutenant.” He started again. “My sensors indicate that something is… not right with this object. I do not think you should touch it.”
“You think this hurt Lucy?” Hank moved his hand away from it. Brows furrowed and looking back at Lucy’s door worried.
Your muse is presented with a snowglobe. But this isn't a simple knick-knack. The small globe gives off a faint glow, that changes color with the holder's mood and the scenery within changes depending on who looks into it. It is said that this is what the heart truly wishes or even fears. What does your muse see as they peer into the globe? What happens when they shake it? What color does it glow? Do they take care of the globe or dispose of it? Do they tell others about the strange object?
Putting on a glove typically used at crime scenes, Lucy picked the snow globe up that was left in her office with an inquisitive hum. The faint white glow became a deep melancholy grey verging on black, exposing the inner turmoil that Lucy lived with.
Studying it further, the inside of it was her worst nightmare. She was on her knees, a puddle of red and blue soaking what the tiny version of her was wearing. A deep purple that matched her hair, and two bodies. Hank and Connor. She failed to protect them and now their respective bloods stained her hands and clothes. She shook it, a tiny rattling coming in the form of dozens of little bullets and feds badges. She felt sick.
Lucy left her office, looking paler than usual and like she was about to throw up.
"Who the fuck put this in my office?!" She called to the precinct, which had concerned looks thrown her way, but she set it down on said uncle's desk.
// @lieutenantgivesnoshits
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The moment Hank walked back into the precinct, Rachel’s eyes lit up and she didn’t hesitate to get up from her seat to run over to him, very nearly barrelling him over when she hugged him. “Hank!” She chirped, arms tightly wrapped around his hefty mid-section as she buried her face in his chest. “It’s really good to see you, again! Hope you’ve been doing alright…”
Good thing the man was bulky. The rocket that was Rachel would have knocked him over if he wasn’t. Wrapping an arm around her in a hug he chuckled.
“Good to see you too kid. Damn you gotten stronger while I was gone? Felt like a fucking train hit me.” He teased. Ruffling her hair for good measure.
“I’m better kid. Got the help I needed. And… shit. Feel better than I have in years.”
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Hank looked up from his paperwork the moment he heard Lucy’s voice. That was her beyond pissed off voice. But there was something else. He looked at her hard, ignoring the object for now to check his kid. She looked shaken. Scared. The hell happened?
He placed a gentle hand on her arm.
“What’s going on?”
Connor watched from the other side at his desk. His eyes looking between his new family and the odd object on the desk. His data showed it was a snow globe. A typical gift or souvenir. But his scans glitched the more he looked it over. Like an electrical interference or something…
Your muse is presented with a snowglobe. But this isn't a simple knick-knack. The small globe gives off a faint glow, that changes color with the holder's mood and the scenery within changes depending on who looks into it. It is said that this is what the heart truly wishes or even fears. What does your muse see as they peer into the globe? What happens when they shake it? What color does it glow? Do they take care of the globe or dispose of it? Do they tell others about the strange object?
Putting on a glove typically used at crime scenes, Lucy picked the snow globe up that was left in her office with an inquisitive hum. The faint white glow became a deep melancholy grey verging on black, exposing the inner turmoil that Lucy lived with.
Studying it further, the inside of it was her worst nightmare. She was on her knees, a puddle of red and blue soaking what the tiny version of her was wearing. A deep purple that matched her hair, and two bodies. Hank and Connor. She failed to protect them and now their respective bloods stained her hands and clothes. She shook it, a tiny rattling coming in the form of dozens of little bullets and feds badges. She felt sick.
Lucy left her office, looking paler than usual and like she was about to throw up.
"Who the fuck put this in my office?!" She called to the precinct, which had concerned looks thrown her way, but she set it down on said uncle's desk.
// @lieutenantgivesnoshits
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Hank looked around the chaos and ran a hand through his hair.
“Why the fuck did I come back again?” The old man felt like he was going to regret this.
“Oh, you are.” Lyra chuckled, sitting on the rooftop looking down at him.
“Your family has missed you.” She smiled
Hank chuckled sadly and nodded.
“Yeah. Missed these dumbasses too.”
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“I may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I am someone’s double shot of tequila.”
— Unknown
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Hank: Connor, no!
Connor, confused: What did I do?
Hank: Sorry, force of habit. Sumo, no!
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