life-clinic · 9 months
Exploring Atheist Views on the Existence of God
In this series on discovering God, we continue our examination of the question: Does God exist? This is part three of our exploration. Different Perspectives on God’s Existence As we delve deeper into this intriguing topic, we turn our attention to non-theist views, particularly the perspectives of atheists – those who do not believe in the existence of God. Atheists have diverse views on the…
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life-clinic · 9 months
Exploring Views on the Existence of God
In this series, we’re continuing our exploration of the question: Does God exist? In our previous lesson, we unequivocally affirmed the existence of God, and now, in part two of this series, we’re going to delve deeper into the various perspectives surrounding the existence of God. Different Views, Different Perceptions When it comes to the existence of God, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all…
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life-clinic · 9 months
Discovering God: Does God Exist? - Part 1
Welcome to this series on Discovering God. Today, we delve into the first lesson: “Does God Exist? Part 1.” Let’s get straight to the point: Yes, there is a God. The existence of God becomes evident when we examine creation and delve into our own consciousness. Creation Speaks of a Divine Mastermind When you gaze at a towering tree, it’s clear that something more profound is at play. It didn’t…
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life-clinic · 10 months
How to Growth Progressively
Welcome to another lesson in our journey of personal growth. In this discussion, we’ll delve into the concept of progressive growth. In our previous lesson, we explored the idea of growth as an order, emphasizing that every form of growth, whether personal, spiritual, or otherwise, follows a specific process. Understanding this process is essential as it allows you to navigate your growth journey…
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life-clinic · 10 months
The Three Stages of Growth You Should Know
In this insightful lesson, we’ll delve into the three stages of growth you should be aware of. Stage 1: The God Order The foundation of any meaningful growth is rooted in recognizing and growing towards a higher power, which we refer to as the “God Order.” Here are three key steps to growing towards God: Know God: To embark on this journey, you must first get to know God. Listen to His words,…
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life-clinic · 10 months
How to Grow Systematically: Understanding the Order of Growth
In this fifth lesson, we’re diving into the topic of systematic growth. In our last lesson, we explored why growth is essential. Today, we’ll unravel the importance of understanding the order of growth and why it’s crucial for your development. Growth as an Order One fundamental aspect of growth is that it follows an order, a pattern, and a systematic way of progressing. It’s not random; it’s…
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life-clinic · 10 months
Why Should You Grow?
In our last lesson, we delved into the concept of intentional growth and emphasized the importance of understanding the purpose and reasons behind your desire to grow. Now, let’s explore a crucial question: Why should you grow? Why should anyone aspire to grow? Here are three compelling reasons. Growth is a Command In Genesis chapter one, verse 28, we find that God commanded Adam, the first man,…
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life-clinic · 10 months
How to Grow Intentionally
In our last lesson, we explored the three pillars of growth: intentionality, systematicity, and progression. Today, we’re diving deep into one of these pillars – how to grow intentionally. Many people struggle with growing intentionally because distractions often lead them astray. To begin, let’s understand the essence of intentionality. The word “intentional” is a combination of two words:…
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life-clinic · 10 months
The Three Pillars of Growth
In this blog post, we’ll explore the three fundamental pillars that underpin all forms of growth. Understanding these core principles is essential for personal and professional development. Pillar 1: Growth is Intentional The first pillar of growth is intentionality. Growth is a conscious choice. It’s something you do on purpose. It’s deliberate, a decision you make. In essence, growth is a…
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life-clinic · 10 months
Unveiling the essence of Growth
In this educational post, we embark on a journey to comprehend the concept of growth in its various dimensions. As we delve into this topic, it’s important to note that this content aligns with an audio podcast, which you can listen to for an enriched learning experience. Unveiling the Essence of Growth Growth, at its essence, signifies an increase. But what exactly are we increasing? To unravel…
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