Vitamin C and Common Cold
Many people tend to opt for vitamin C whenever they catch a cold. It may come in the form of juices, supplements, tea, cough syrup or simply with anything.  
During the 1970′s, vitamin C was first introduced as one of the most active ingredients that can cure a cold to a great extent. And since then, it has been used as a part of frequent cold homeopathy cure medicines by a lot of doctors. 
What Is Vitamin C?
Human bodies do not produce vitamin C. But is an essential type of antioxidant as well as a vitamin that your body needs for better immunity. Vitamin C takes part in keeping your muscles, your body vessel and bones healthy. The best part, the C vitamin actively helps the body to engross more iron and form collagen.
Vitamin C has a lot more benefits than the previously mentioned ones. That is the reason, doctors who offer frequent cold treatment in Mumbai suggest medicines that have a high level of vitamin C as an ingredient.  
Where Can You Find Vitamin C
There are a lot of ways you can get vitamin C. One of the best options is to get it from fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits and orange or lemons are the best examples for the same. Apart from that, you can also get vitamin C in frequent cold homeopathy treatment medicines, dietary supplements, soda, chewable tables and various pills.
Can Vitamin C Cure Cold?
There are high chances of getting relief from the cold by using vitamin C. Different tests over the years have suggested that the vitamin can be significant in reducing various symptoms of flu and fever.
However, there are a few things you must ensure before you take your cold for granted. 
The very first thing that you should remember is to be consistent. You have to be consistent all the time to ensure that you get rid of cold. Whether you are taking any homeopathy medicines that are used as a frequent cold treatment or you are merely taking the help of supplements, you have to be regular with that.  
You can also opt for foods, fruits and vegetables with a lot of vitamin C in it. Consuming such foods along with the right homeopathy medicine can be beneficial for you during the cold.
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Can Asthma Be Cured with Homeopathy?
Asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders affecting a lot of people throughout the globe. An asthma patient may have to deal with symptoms like coughing, breathing difficulties, and wheezing. Although there are different treatments available for anyone who is suffering from wheezing and asthma, homeopathy in particular has proved to be one of the most effective treatments to help one get rid of the disease in the long run.
Preventing Asthma Attacks – Homeopathy Remedies
Homeopathy is perhaps one of the safest ways to treat the symptoms and preventing frequent attacks. If you are getting asthma treatment in Mumbai, you probably already know the types of medicines that are effective. Here is a list of the homeopathy medicines that can help you with Asthma –
For shortness for breath, you can take aconitum napellus.
For congestion, you can take adrenalinum.
If you are feeling tightness or hardness in your chest, you can take aralia racemose.
If you are suffering from spasmodic cough, opt for bromium.
For asthmatic wheezing use eucalyptus globulus.
For chest spasm, try phosphorus.
If you are feeling irritated, try trifolium.
However, treatment for asthma in homeopathy may differ from case to case. Therefore it is strongly suggested that you take advice of a homeopath before taking these medicines on your own.
Is Homeopathy Effective for Asthma?
The reason why asthma homeopathy treatment is effective is because it doesn’t just stop at treating the symptoms, but it treats the root cause that is leading to asthma. However, it is strongly suggested that if you are looking for asthma homeopathy treatment in Mumbai, you visit a reputed and approved licensed healthcare provider.
Should You Use Homeopathy?
Modern medicines have no permanent cure for Asthma. All it does is curb the symptoms and provide temporary relief. It does not treat the disease from the roots. Modern remedies though may offer instant relief, for example inhalers, they do not offer any long term benefit. Also, these tend to be habit forming. So, if you want long term relief from asthma, it is recommended that you visit a homeopathy practitioner. With the help of asthma homeopathy cure, you can find long term relief from asthma, though it may take some time.
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How Homeopathic Treatment Can Cure Lichen Planus?
If you have developed swelling as well as irritation of the skin, nails, hair as well as mucous membranes then you could be suffering from a condition known as Lichen Planus. In this type of condition your skin becomes itchy, purplish with flat bumps which develop over the course of several weeks. In the vagina, mouth as well as other others that are covered by the mucous membrane, white lacy patches are formed along with very painful sores. Although, lichen planus is not contagious, it is important to treat it in the right manner.
Why Topical Creams and Conventional Medicines Don’t Help?
While, the cases of lichen planus are higher in women, men can also develop this condition. In most of the cases, lichen planus can be easily managed at home, but if it causes severe itching and pain, then people often seek prescription drug. In fact, some people also resort to other treatments and medications to relieve itching and reduce pain to certain extent, but they don’t offer long-term relief.
Often the first option to treat lichen planus comes across in the form of corticosteroid cream, but if it does not help then the doctors usually suggest a corticosteroid injection or pill. However, often using such topical creams may result in skin thinning or irritation where the cream was applied or even oral thrush.
When the corticosteroid cream, pill and injection fails to offer relief, doctors suggest anti-infection medicines such as hydroxychloroquine (or Plaquenil) as well as Flagyl and other drugs, but they too fail to offer any permanent solution. Patients with severe symptoms and signs of lichen planus are given medicines to modify or supress their body’ immune system and antihistamine medications, but they relieve the itching to some extent.
  Still other options for treating lichen planus such as light therapy, which clears the condition impacting the skin, offer short-term relief and leave your skin dark once the rash disappears. Finally, when none of the above mentioned creams, pills, injections and medications work, then the doctor may suggest Retinoids like the acitretin (Soriatane) that must be taken orally. But, retinoids are known to result in birth defects and hence are never advised to any pregnant women.
  Homeopathic Cure for Lichen Planus
The best and the ideal way to treat lichen planus is to opt for homeopathic treatment and cure. Homeopathic medications act on your body’s immunity level and helps in restoring its normal functioning. They are also helpful in controlling the lichen planus symptoms without causing any sort of side-effects. Homeopathic medications for curing the condition differ from one person to another, which is precisely why your doctors may need a historical report of your condition. This allows them to prepare a detailed analysis and curate a customized plan for treating your condition. Continued homeopathic treatment for lichen planus results in reduced patches as well as symptoms such as burning and itching.
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