life-in-equestria · 2 years
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about a bajillion years ago an artist made lop had an au idea for a twilight that got zapped into a draconequus. it spawned one of my fav fics, but as a wee, i thought it would be fun if something like that happened when twilight was a filly rather than a grown adult. i wrote three chapters for a fic and then abandoned it YEARS ago. I recently re-found them on my google drive and decided to do some doodles for it.
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life-in-equestria · 2 years
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twilight’s got friends in places! high places? possible. but knowing discord he could be in sideways places or diagonal spaces. or your personal space. with a knife
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life-in-equestria · 2 years
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due to her unusual circumstances, Twilight was kept in one of Celestia’s towers during her upbringing, with the intention of protecting her from the prejudices of the ponies that wouldn’t accept her new form.
instead, her childhood was that much lonelier. she was allowed Spike for company, Celestia as a teacher, and visits from her family and Cadence. Other than that, the royal staff was limited in their interactions with her, to avoid gossip, which still spread anyway.
For a time, Canterlot had the rumor that the royal castle was haunted. It wasn’t totally incorrect.
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life-in-equestria · 2 years
Shining Armor's cutie mark is a shield, he got it for being a protector, but his talent isn't just shield spells.
"Most unicorns don't have strong magic outside of the talent they got their cutie mark for"
Sometimes, protection can be a sword.
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now that you’ve fucked around, would you like to find out?
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life-in-equestria · 2 years
So I have some thoughts;
Rarity Pinkie Pie and fluttershy in no particular order are all still great, even an improvement I dare say.
Twilight is just fine I prefer the original dress's color scheme but overall it's not a bad design in my opinion.
Rainbow's I can take it or leave it, like I want to be more mad that they completely got rid of the rainbow in her design but at the same time I think purple looks nice on her and I think out of everyone I kind of reflects how they had a really idealized version of what the gala would be the first time around and now this time they're just like yeah whatever. Like of all the designs Rainbow's is probably the most casual this go around which makes sense because at that point she had already achieved the biggest dream she had from the last gala.
Everything that was fun and charming about her original look was completely changed for this absolute boredom.
Anyway yeah, those are my thoughts.
okay gonna start discussion which was better the first or second grand galloping gala outfits?
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life-in-equestria · 3 years
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Moon Dancer (Re) Redesign!
Moon Dancer is a pretty powerful crystal unicorn, but doesn’t really care for magic all that much beyond the basics. Basically, she was one of those students that could breeze through class with little studying done. Loves video games and junk food. They need glasses but constantly loses them and thus is usually squinting. He is the eldest of three other sisters (Morning Roast, Rainbow Stars, and Rainberry–ages in order of oldest to youngest!). Has a thin coat and has to dress warmly most of the time. Has narcolepsy (which caused problems for her in class when she fell asleep). 
Xe was Twilight’s first and only friend before she moved to Ponyville and Twilight was Moon Dancer’s only friend. Like canon, it throws a party for Twilight. Twilight, distracted by her studies and her upcoming trip to Ponyville, unknowingly agrees to go to the going away party Moon Dancer wanted to throw. When the party comes, however, Twilight is no where in sight. Moon Dancer waits. And waits. And waits. But Twilight is long gone. Anger, hurt, and feelings of betrayal overcome her. She becomes isolated and tends to lash out at the world. Unlike canon, they aren’t so easily swayed with the make-up party, but at least the two ponies get on better terms and Moon Dancer makes some new friends, thus going back to his sweet self. 
This unicorn is GNC af!
yes you can draw this design! just @ me to give me credit!
(vector | cutie mark)
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life-in-equestria · 4 years
Y E S ! may i please suggest that all of them are all three at once, for maximum chaos?
Like sunburst is just trying to get his "gal pals" to admit they like each other, Trixie is trying to turn this childhood friends to lovers slowburn into a speedrun, and starlight sees the clear chemistry between her old magic friend and her new magic friend?!?
All while they're kinda, each oblivious to their own feelings about the other two. But then they Get It™.
And there we drop not one, not two, but three italicized "Oh."'s
I have a lot of feelings about them okay
I'd like to propose a new poly trope: character a tries their best to get b and c together and in the process winds up dating both of them. Adjust slightly for additionally partners.
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life-in-equestria · 4 years
Reblogging it here too because Y E S
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
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he can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
Rebloging this here as well cuz mlp sideblog! I love this art so much!!!
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
A random thought I had
You know how the first thing we learn about Starswirl's personality is that he didn't understand friendship the way twilight does?
But then, like a season later, we are told he befriended Scorpen, which led to him deciding that he doesn't wanna take over Equestria?
So I was thinking about how everyone said that these two things seem to contradict each other, and why the pillars of Equestria don't evoke the same reaction.
For the latter, I think it's because it's made pretty clear that to starswirl, they're more teammates than friends, Co workers if you will. Sure they're very nice to each other and they get along, but to him it's more about getting a job done than hanging out with his friends.
So then what was Scorpen all about?
Okay, you know how a lot of times, historians erase evidence of same sex relationships existing in the past, saying they were brothers/sisters, roomates, best friends, or the relationship was "ambiguous", etc?
What I'm saying is that starswirl and Scorpen are
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
when ur gf makes apple puns
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
It's such a joy to see you all singing and having fun
“Be Prepared”, “This is Me”, “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” and More :)
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
Season 5 begins on Friday, April 19th!
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
Restoring the Tree of Harmony has plenty of Story Potential, but may also Restrict what the series can do from here on out…
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
With Grogar being known as the “Father of Monsters”, I began wondering  whether he Might have combined Lots of different animals Long, Long, ago…
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life-in-equestria · 5 years
GoldenFox is feeling a little left out, and decides that Enough is Enough…
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