life-smp-simulated · 9 months
hi friend!! are you thinking abt making the life simulation available for other ppl like hunger games simulator?
Not gonna publicly post a link or anything but if you want a copy feel free to message me!
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life-smp-simulated · 9 months
Apologies for disappearing off the face of the earth! Irl got busier + I was doing stuff on my main. But also! Life SMP Simulator update!
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NEW FUNCTION!! Wars can occur now! Though it’s not exactly where I want it to be yet, I thought at least there should be a lil update on things while I’m working out the kinks.
Ty for reading!
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2 FINALE (Double Life Rerun)
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Hello everybody and welcome to the FINALE of Life SMP Simulated, soulmates edition! Let’s see which one of our remaining soulmates pairs hold out the longest…
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We start out to Joel immediately dying to a Creeper. Reminderino that Joel lost all three of his and Jimmy’s lives this season! Smh… At least Jimmy finally made it to our finale episode!
Martyn then proceeds to get blown up. This presumably causes symptoms such as screaming out lore and flashbacking
And that brings us down to two… will Imp & Skizz or divorceduo come out on top?
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Scott defeats Skizz in an underwater battle to score another victory! Meanwhile Cleo picks flowers. I guess she won so can’t fault her- Anyways I think this confirms Scott is busted at these games.
Impulse ends in second place again… always the bridesmaid, never the bride….
Anyways, that’s all, folks! Scott wins for the nth time, Cleo also gets a well-deserved victory, Impulse needs another cup of something warm and a hug and Jimmy finally performs decent! Thanks for joining me for the ride!
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Spoilers below for series-long statistics! If you haven’t read the rest of the season yet, please do! Aaaaa spoilers incoming!! Aaaaaaaaa this is your last warning!!
Placements 1st: Scott & Cleo 2nd (3rd & 4th): Impulse & Skizz 3rd (5th & 6th): Grian & Martyn 4th (7th & 8th): Jimmy & Joel 5th (9th & 10th): Tango & Ren 6th (11th & 12th): Pearl & BigB 7th (13th & 14th): Bdubs & Etho
Kill Count Etho: 2 Bdubs: 2 Jimmy: 2 Skizz: 2 Joel: 1 Cleo: 1 Impulse: 1 Scott: 1
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2, Session 4 (Double Life Rerun)
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Hello everyone and welcome to the penultimate- yes, penultimate episode of Life SMP Simulated - Double Life edition!
Keep reading to see the chaos :>
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Number one reason not to trust a red life: they are red. They will kill you. (Cleo learns this hard way, Scott is disappointed) Ethubs go on a killing spree before Bdubs. Kills his soulmate again I can’t lmao-
also Imp and skizz go red after holding it out on yellow for so many sessions, kudos!
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Pearl and BigB downfall time! Having overplayed to high heck the past few sessions, Cleo now takes it upon herself to kill the soulmate pair! Evident all the overplaying was for naught as none of Pearl’s “allies” come to save her.
Also Ren and Tango, who were at GREEN coming into this, lose all of their lives in quick succession!! Jimmy is popping off omg
In any case we’re at are final four! Imp & Skizz, 66% of Boat Boys, DivorceDuo and. Uh. Something something Martyn Watcher lore. I have no idea what to call Grian/Martyn LMAO someone give ideas
Place your bets now, everyone! And tune in sometime in the near future for the finale!!
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2, Session 3 (Double Life Rerun)
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Hello everybody and welcome to session 3 of Double Life at home! This session is significantly more interesting than the prior ones :OOOO Keep reading to see what goes down!
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Pearl continues making friends! Tbh not the worst strategy, all things considered. Also side note why are Pearl’s more recent frens all immediately running over to Ren? Is he masterminding in the background or something?? He iiiiis still on 3 lives…
Anyways! Pearl is successful so far… but! BigB runs into Cleo! One of Pearl’s ‘allies’, if you’ve been keeping track. He presumably leaks Pearl’s strategy HARD, cuz a few scenes later we have Cleo wanting to murder the heck outta Pearl! This is why you don’t play all the sides…
Ah well, it’s not like she can do anything about it ye-
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OOP Bdubs and Etho go red! Looks like Cleo commissions them to go after Pearl and BigB immediately, in which they are successful! Pearl/BigB downfall arc frfr??!
Joel also fricking dies again once again putting Jimmy in danger of going out first. Again. Ah well, more red means more chaos! Joel is either siding with Pearl, which, wtf she didn’t even ally you, or is just going around attacking people. I’m inclined to believe the latter, Joel got those vibes.
Will our first two reds lead to more carnage next session? How will our two pairs still on green fare? And is this the beginning of the end for Pearl and BigB?
Find out next time on LIFE SMP SIMULATED! (Double Life at home edition)
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2, Session 2 (Double Life Rerun)
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Hello everybody and welcome to session 2 of Double Life, rerun!
In session 1 we saw a singular pair go yellow. Yawns… Hopefully more drama arrives this session! Keep reading to find out :>
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Let’s see… Joel trades with Scott… Cleo trades with BigB… Bdubs is up to mischief… Tango is up to mischief…
Bah, no deaths… I suppose it iiiiis just session 2.
Etho teases Martyn! Not very interesting. Etho dies!!! More interesting! Grian, Martyn’s soulmate, allies Etho!! Something something watcher Grian lore!!!
Also Pearl is up to… something? She’s allying a lot of people…
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….Is Pearl overplaying? It feels like Pearl’s overplaying. I swear next sessions she’s gonna be allied with half the cast LOL
Doesn’t seem like Impulse is taking Pearl’s alliance too seriously- that doesn’t bode well for her…
Jimmy is once again in danger of being the first death :eyes:
Will Pearl overplay herself to her death? Will Jimmy die first again? And will someone finally, please please please, go red? Find out next time on LIFE SMP SIMULATED!! (Soulmates edition)
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2, Session 1 (Double Life Rerun)
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Hello everyone and welcome to the first Session of Life SMP Simulated- Season 2, soulmates edition!
Continue reading to see what goes down :>
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It seems people are grouping up immediately to find their soulmates! Pearl and BigB get lucky right off the bat, Imp and Skizz get unlucky right off that bat. Er- at least they know they’re soulmates now?
Personally I like to imagine Skizz was explaining how even though this is his first time playing with soulmates he’ll be fineeeee he has enough experience doing Hardcore Skyblock with Impuls- *beat* *insert Grian’s gremlin laugh*
Anyways the Ren/Tango soulmate pair immediately commit to violence aaaaaand we got our first alliance of the season, peeps! Man with how much interaction the Divorce quartet has been getting they might legit all ally again LOL
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BigB is also committing to violence! Very fun
What the flying fish is up with the Joel/Tango/Pearl/Cleo/Scott dynamic?? Are they all in one big mega-alliance??? Are they separately vying for each other’s allegiances?? What do their soulmates think of this?
Will Imp & Skizz bring this back after being the first (and currently only) yellows? Will we get any indication of Ethubs/NN/66%oBB know they’re soulmates? And I’m still wondering about that mega alliance (question mark?)…
Find out next time on… LIFE SMP SIMULATED! (Season 2, soulmates boogaloo)
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 2, soulmates boogaloo (Double Life Rerun)
Hello everyone and welcome to Life SMP Simulated Season 2! This go around we’re rerunning Double Life :]
Let’s take a look at our soulmate pairs!
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Session 1 dropping in half an hour or so :> stay tuned!
Ok personal thoughts! I’m ngl part of me is really excited about these soulmate pairs because we get:
Imp and Skizz with the opportunity to show their skills from Hardcore Skyblock, ETHUBS ETHUBS ETHUBS, 66% of bad boys, NOSY NEIGHBORS (underrated duo imo), and DivorceDuo! Plus two more unique soulmate pairings in Ren/Tango and Grian/Martyn (the latter of which Martyn would milk the heck out of for lore)
Buuuuuuuuuut also I sorta like the very unique pairs we had in the joke 2-session run lol (Grian & Impulse, Etho and Scott, Bdubs and Tango etc). Those don’t immediately come to mind when you think duos which I think is very cool and what soulmates should do ideally!
We’ll settle for that as a non-canon season I suppose and I hope y’all enjoy the ride for this!
Oh and quick note: Skizz replaces Scar here since the latter won season 1!
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated Season 2 is going to come at some point in the near future but IN THE MEANTIME the simulator spit out a season with only two sessions LOL and I thought it was funny so here it is for your viewing pleasure
A new version of the Life series has begun.
Jimmy and Pearl are soulmates. Impulse and Grian are soulmates. Skizz and Martyn are soulmates. Bdubs and Tango are soulmates. Ren and Joel are soulmates. Etho and Scott are soulmates. BigB and Cleo are soulmates.
Grian has 3 lives. Pearl has 3 lives. Bdubs has 3 lives. BigB has 3 lives. Impulse has 3 lives. Martyn has 3 lives. Ren has 3 lives. Tango has 3 lives. Etho has 3 lives. Scott has 3 lives. Joel has 3 lives. Skizz has 3 lives. Cleo has 3 lives. Jimmy has 3 lives.
Session 1
Bdubs comes across a dungeon. Tango shares resources with Martyn. Grian picks flowers. Etho obtains the enchanter. Cleo had their neck snapped by an Enderman. BigB died. Cleo and BigB have 2 life/lives left. Scott decides to set up home in a desert. Impulse creates an alliance with Jimmy. Cleo hatches a plan to kill Ren. Skizz was shot by a skeleton. Martyn died. Skizz and Martyn have 2 life/lives left. BigB tames some dogs. Skizz was knocked off their base by a phantom. Martyn died. Skizz and Martyn have 1 life/lives left. Scott hatches a plan to kill Tango. Ren suffocated in gravel whilst mining. Joel died. Ren and Joel have 2 life/lives left. Pearl makes a trap targeted at Grian. Martyn travels to the Nether. Cleo was shot to death by Skizz. BigB died. Cleo and BigB have 1 life/lives left. BigB loots a ruined portal. Etho finds diamonds. Bdubs is very sleep-deprived. Bdubs does not approve. Ren steals resources from Impulse. Jimmy crafts a set of armor. Bdubs explores the Nether with Joel. Tango had their throat slit by Martyn. Bdubs died. Tango and Bdubs have 2 life/lives left. Skizz tames some dogs. Scott steals resources from Pearl. Grian fishes for resources. Ren finds cats. BigB clears out a (dark oak) forest. Cleo starts breeding cows. Jimmy was blown up by a Creeper. Pearl died. Jimmy and Pearl have 2 life/lives left. Jimmy works on their base. Impulse burned to death in lava. Grian died. Impulse and Grian have 2 life/lives left.
Session 2
Bdubs is feeling lonely. Scott crafts a set of tools. Grian died while attempting to defuse a trap set by Cleo. Impulse died. Grian and Impulse have 1 life/lives left. Joel starts breeding cows. Tango clears out a (dark oak) forest. Etho was impaled by Skizz. Scott died. Etho and Scott have 2 life/lives left. Ren was mauled to death by Jellie pandas. Joel died. Ren and Joel have 1 life/lives left. Ren realizes they're low on food. Jimmy went off with a bang from a firework shot by BigB. Pearl died. Jimmy and Pearl have 1 life/lives left. Pearl was shot to death by Martyn. Jimmy died. Pearl and Jimmy have 0 life/lives left. Pearl was eliminated! Jimmy was eliminated! Scott was devoured by spiders. Etho died. Scott and Etho have 1 life/lives left. Skizz ran off a cliff trying to escape Scott. Martyn died. Skizz and Martyn have 0 life/lives left. Skizz was eliminated! Martyn was eliminated! Impulse creates a sheep farm. Scott died while attempting to defuse a trap set by Joel. Etho died. Scott and Etho have 0 life/lives left. Scott was eliminated! Etho was eliminated! Bdubs was impaled by Grian. Tango died. Bdubs and Tango have 1 life/lives left. Joel was pushed off a high place by Cleo. Ren died. Joel and Ren have 0 life/lives left. Joel was eliminated! Ren was eliminated! Cleo was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Impulse. BigB died. Cleo and BigB have 0 life/lives left. Cleo was eliminated! BigB was eliminated! Tango was knocked off their base by a phantom. Bdubs died. Tango and Bdubs have 0 life/lives left. Tango was eliminated! Bdubs was eliminated! Impulse tames some dogs. Grian finds diamonds. Impulse decides to set up home in a desert. Grian comes across a dungeon. Grian fell out of the world. Impulse fell out of the world.
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life-smp-simulated · 10 months
Life SMP Simulated - Season 1 Finale
Let’s recap our final four…
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IMPULSE! One of the major characters of the lategame, with his incredible arc about the rise and fall of team MIST. But is he the protagonist? Or just another obstacle for someone else to take down?
JOEL! He had to deal with his two allies being an absolute trainwreck, and while they very much stole the spotlight, sometimes hiding in the shadows will nab you the win. Will he break onto the stage at the last moment?
SCAR! As I said before, his gameplay is incredibly opportunistic, and it served him well, with alliances with two other members going into this finale. But opportunity doesn’t always knock at the right time, and the alliances he has could be superficial. Is Scar’s gameplay effective enough for him to take the crown?
SKIZZ! Our second member of team MIST here AND our second members with two other allies in this final four! He may have survived the MIST drama because of his close bond with Impulse, but with four people left, can he still fall back on those relationships to survive?
Now, Joel is clearly on the outs in the group of four- Impulse and Scar are allied, Scar and Impulse are allied, Skizz and Scar are allied, and while not all of them have completely worked together over the course of the game, at the very least they’ll probably work together to take down Joel.
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…Who is absolutely not giving up! Joel takes out Skizz in the 3v1 (or maybe Skizz made the mistake of charging in himself first), but in any case, that’s one down, two to go for Joel.
Skizz’s death also piles up on the angst for Impulse- see last session for more angstpulse stuff :>
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Impulse + angst = revenge murder it seems, first it Tango was that faced his wrath, then Martyn, now Joel!
Anyways Joel was pretty doomed here to begin with but he put up good fight!
This also means we end up with the SCARPULSE final two! Both have placed second which means either way we’ll have a hype winner and someone will be robbed again
Time for the final reveal…. DRUMROLL PLEASE
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The angst train doesn’t end for Impulse, as Scar betrays him on the spot to take home the gold!
Honestly with how opportunistically Scar’s played this game this was a long way coming: we saw him ally Impulse around mid game only to turn around and start allying other people when Impulse went red (Impulse had no idea, though, since he was still wandering n angst after being abandoned by team MIST after dropping to 1). I also love that he’d be able to perfectly pull off the ‘pretends to be clumsy loveable sidekick but actually is charismatic manipulator’ sooo successfully here!
Speaking of which, Impulse’s main arc this season was his revenge story after being abandoned by team MIST… only to be backstabbed once again right at the very end!!! Man must by traumatized after all this omg the angst is so real
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And that’s a wrap! Joel tries to mount a comeback but fails, Impulse needs a cup of something warm and therapy, and Scar W
The season statistics are below- you haven’t gone through the rest of it please do take a look at the blog and don’t spoilers yourself right now!! This is your final warning!! Aaaaaa spoilers ahead!!
FINAL PLACEMENTS 1st: Scar 2nd: Impulse 3rd: Joel 4th: Skizz 5th: Martyn 6th: Ren 7th: Pearl 8th: Etho 9th: Tango 10th: Bdubs 11th: Grian 12th: Cleo 13th: Jimmy 14th: Scott 15th: BigB
KILL COUNT Pearl: 9 Impulse: 6 Cleo: 5 Jimmy: 3 Joel: 3 Scar: 3 Martyn: 2 BigB: 2 Bdubs: 2 Ren: 2 Tango: 1 Etho: 1
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP Simulated: Session 6!
This is the penultimate session, so shits about to go down….
Keep reading for extended commentary :]
We start off hot with Cleo permadying! That’s gonna hit Pearl hard… Cleo finishes in 12th. Grian, Ren, Bdubs then also proceed to die one after another! Bdubs kills Grian in what was probably the latter pissing the former off somehow, Ren dies bc of a failed defused trap (third life flashbacks…) and Bdubs gets karma for kills Grian by falling into a ravine right after! But of a mundane way to end the Ethubs drama, but I suppose you can’t top the climax last session. In any case, Grian ends in 11th and Bdubs in 10th.
Also 3/4 of these immediate deaths were PERMANENT! If this was real that would make for a short video…
Moving on, Cleo’s permadeath does seem to Pearl quite hard, as she goes on a murderous rampage! Ren and Joel both fall victim to this. And ig Skizz dies to a creeper sometime around then.
People continue dropping like flies in quick succession! A newly-turned red in Ren kills Scar and then Skizz, and Tango and Etho both permadie of non-player stuff. Tango goes in 9th, Etho 8th.
THE IMPORTANT THING HERE THO. If you remember last session, there was some drama and infighting within Team MIST (Martyn/Impulse/Skizz/Tango) after Impulse went red (go read session 5’s commentary for more details), and here he enacts his revenge, taking ALL THREE OF MARTYN’S REMAINING LIVES! Impulse went crazy bloodthirsty for revenge here! He didn’t get to Tango in time (tho he did take one of Tango’s lives last session), and my personal take is Impulse was so close to Skizz he couldn’t bear to kill him. The fucking angst I tell you… Skizz watching Impulse take down his original alliance one by one only to not have the heart to kill Skizz… askskskdjddjdjcjffk
Uhm right I got distracted by the angst and skipped a bit ahead there. Remember Ren killing Scar? Yeah that had consequences. Scar kills Pearl first for… reasons ig before enacting his own revenge on Ren.
Pearl takes 7th, Ren 6th, and Martyn 5th.
As a side note, remember the Ren/Martyn and Scar/Impulse alliance parallel from two sessions ago I think it was? Both were people without alliances asking to ally a MIST member, one of the major alliances of the season. The difference is though, Ren seems to have just been desperate; Scar was playing opportunistic (highlighted by him allying rapidly allying Bdubs and then Skizz the last session when Impulse and then Bdubs went red). Ren was just banking on that alliance getting him through, and when he went red, nothing was solid and he fell apart. Scar has these little moments of trading and helping Impulse here and there, and that Probsbly helps him after everyone went red like in this session.
(Minor-er thing but Scar and Impulse also have a parallel to each other this ep! Both deliver revenge, but Scar does it immediately with his opportunistic seizing-the-moment gameplay, and Impulse stews on it for a session or so and lets the angstiness sink in first.)
And that leaves us with our final four! We have…
IMPULSE! One of the major characters of the lategame, with his incredible arc about the rise and fall of team MIST. But is he the protagonist? Or just another obstacle for someone else to take down?
JOEL! He had to deal with his two allies being an absolute trainwreck this session, and while they stole the spotlight, sometimes hiding in the shadows will nab you the win. Will he break into the spotlight at the last moment?
SCAR! As I said before, his gameplay is incredibly opportunistic, and it served him well, with alliances with two other members going into this finale. But opportunity doesn’t always knock at the right time, and the alliances he has could be superficial. Is Scar’s gameplay effective enough for him to take the crown?
SKIZZ! Our second member of team MIST here AND our second members with two other allies in this final four! He’s may have survived the MIST drama because of his close bond with Impulse, but with four people left, can he still fall back on those relationships to survive?
Let me know your personal guesses for placements for the final four!
Who will win this first season? Find out next time on the FINALE of LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP Simulated: Session 5!
This session we see more permadeaths, more reds, and the beginning of the end for an alliance!
Keep reading for more commentary :]
Cleo kills Impulse right off that back, meaning all three first reds have killed Impulse at least once! Unlucky guy… this kill also puts him on red!
Team MIST (Martyn/Impulse/Skizz/Tango) is starting on a bad note already, with Tango rolling boogey quite possibly making it worse…
Scar demonstrates his opportunistic gameplay by allying Bdubs after Impulse goes red (Scarpulse had a minor alliance going on) and Skizz when Bdubs is in danger of going (and indeed does go) red.
Jimmy seems to slot into the red alliance in place of BigB (currently Pearl/Cleo/Jimmy), In which they kill Grian, Scott, and Joel! In particular, Scott and Grian are both red now and I guess Jimmy has something against Grian?? Since he killed Grian twice within a very short span of time!
also Tango boogey kills Bdubs, giving us yet another red!
Impulse kills Scott in what I hope was an epic brawl between two reds! This also means Scott is perma-dead, putting him in 14th. Bit of a lackluster run for such an amazing personality tbh…
Next few player kills are very fascinating! (Yes we are glossing over Scar dying to a Creeper.)
First, Jimmy falls into a trap his red ally Pearl set in what I assume was a terrible, tragic, accident. The angst is REAL, and I bet if this simulation was real there would be fan stuff about “Watchers rigged it!” Anyways, angst yum yum, and Jimmy ends the season in 13th. It’s improvement!
Next up, we have Bdubs killing Etho in cold blood in what I’m guessing is the climax of their relationship! You can see it getting more strained (in story!) over the seasons, and here we can see it come to a head. Also ETHUBS ANGST ETHUBS ANGST
Finally, Impulse notices his ally Tango falling to two lives AND IMMEDIATELY KILLS HIM TO BRING HIM TO ONE.
My personal headcanon for what happens here is that, after Cleo puts Impulse on red at the start of the session, she offers him a spot in the Pearl/Cleo red alliance. He declines, thinking team MIST will still have his back.
They did not have his back.
Evidently Skizz feels bad about this, but what’s done is done, and Impulse is now wandering around, dazed, He tries to join Cleo again only to find Jimmy has joined the alliance. Feeling betrayed once more, he continues his wandering before encountering Scott and fighting him in a fit of rage. After Tango died, it was the perfect opportunity for him to get revenge…
So, yeah! Very angst-heavy ep. Tune in in a couple days for the penultimate session!
How will Pearl and Impulse deal with their angst? Will the Bdubs/Etho drama continue? And will anyone else have a relevant storyline? Find out next time on… LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP Simulated: Session 4!
This session we see lots of red chaos and our first perma-death!
Keep reading for extended commentary :]
We left off last time with the formation of team MIST, Cleo turning red, and Ethubs being horribly dysfunctional, to Joel’s chagrin.
Joel’s luck doesn’t go any better this episode, as not only does he roll boogeyman for the second time, his allies Etho and Bdubs fall victim to pillagers and the dreaded red alliance, respectively!
Speaking of the dreaded red alliance, they have a new member! BigB is blown up by a creeper and proceeds to murder Impulse (which note that Pearl also immediately killed Impulse after turning red), and the trio of Pearl, Cleo and BigB slaughter Skizz, Scott, Scar, and Bdubs.
During all this red chaos, Ren is in a panicky mood and hastily allies Martyn, hoping for a return of Red Winter, perhaps? But it might be too little too late this time, as Martyn has greener pastures in MIST…
Joel ends up boogey killing Jimmy, giving us four red lives! That number quickly drops down to three, however, with Jimmy wanting to make sure he doesn’t go out first again. BigB is his unfortunate victim and the 15th placer of this season :< He had a decent run as a red life though! And he certainly will be missed with Pearl falling into a murderous rage and killing Bdubs again. Yipes…
Looking at the little moments here, Joel is TOTALLY ranting about Ethubs dysfunction to Scar and Ren, and Scar is trying to continue developing that relationship with Impulse established last session! I’m feeling a bit of a parallel between the Ren/Martyn and Scar/Impulse minor alliances… outsider with no major relationship turns to a MIST member for assistance. The question is, will either of these relationships last?
Overall this ep is very much focused on the red chaos, with all those deaths they caused.
How will Pearl and Cleo deal with loss of their short-lived alliance member? Will Jimmy die early again or have an insane underdog red life stint? And we still want to know what’s going on with all that Ethubs drama… Find out next time on LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP Simulated: Session 3!
In which another larger alliance forms and we find out about the Bdubs/Etho/Joel dynamic (sorta)!
Keep reading for more commentary :]
Note: I pulled some creative liberties with the ordering! The Imp & Skizz/Tango and Martyn alliances from Session 1 t combined to form team MIST! This is a very exciting development
In the meantime, 5am Pearl pulls some more red chaos and Cleo is red too now O_o Oh dear…
Martyn rolls boogeyman twice in a row!! If this was real he would totally tie it into lore or something… Speaking of which he boogey kills Grian! Imagine if like. He specifically targeted grian this second time around for lore purposes
I skipped ahead a bit there, but ANYWAYS! The Joel/Bdubs/Etho alliance is an absolutely dysfunctional trainwreck now holy fuck, Etho threatening Bdubs after the latter literally died not two moments ago?! And he’s even trying to branch away with the Tango alliance omg. The Ethubs angst is so real… is it the culmination of three series (LL, DL, LiL) of tension or is this Etho being out of character? (also I wonder how Joel is dealing with his allies being a mess)
Scar also makes an alliance with impulse, we’ll see if that amounts to anything!
Will Ethubs stop being dysfunctional? What does the future hold for Team MIST? And what will a newly-turned red Cleo do? Find out next time on… LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP but it’s simulated: Session 2!
This time around we see our first red life and the sort-of formation of a trio alliance!
Keep reading for more commentary :>
Joel blows himself up right before boogey selections rip gg
Martyn rolls boogeyman this time and ONCE AGAIN Scar interacted with the boogey and didn’t die? His charisma really is insane holy frick
Pearl gets killed by zombies bringing us our first red life! 5AM Pearl immediately gets to work, killing Impulse. Oh also Tango dies to an Enderman ig
Martyn boogey kills BigB bringing one more person down to 2!
Joel allies Bdubs, which combining that with Boat Boys last session, I’m taking some creative liberty and saying Joel/Etho/Bdubs is an alliance now. Well isn’t that wonderful! Boat Boys AND Ethubs for y’all!
How will our newly formed trio do? Will Scar’s charisma keep being insane? And what is red life Pearl up to? Find out next time on… LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Life SMP Simulated: Session 1
In this session we see no one roll 2 lives for better or for worse, the return or Boat and Boys and Imp & Skizz, and a surprising amount of deaths!
Keep reading for more commentary :>
So first Ren drowns not even two seconds in I-
He also steals Pearls stuff which is sort of reasonable I guess since he died.
In the meantime Joel rolls first boogeyman and does NOT kill the first person he interacts with, being Scar? Charisma 100? Lucky break? Who knows!
Boat Boys and Imp&Skizz reunite which is HYPE and also Cleo dies to zombies. The irony…
Martyn is our first boogey kill victim of the season! Tango was hanging out near spawn I guess since the two ally right after the former dies. Martyn and Tango are certainly an interesting duo, wonder how they’ll do…
Following Martyn’s death Jimmy andPearl both die (albeit of natural causes), and funnily enough Ren and Pearl explore the Nether together after the former stole the latters’ stuff earlier! Wonder if that was slightly awkward for Ren…
How will our three session 1 duos fare? What other relevant relationships will develop? And with three people on two lives, will anyone go red on session 2? Fine out next time on… LIFE SMP SIMULATED!
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life-smp-simulated · 11 months
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Hello and welcome to Life SMP Simulated! In this blog I use a lil passion project I developed to simulate the Life SMP and tell a whole new story! It’s very fun :] Sometimes I accompany the story with doodles and commentary for your viewing and reading pleasure!
if this just randomly appeared on your home page or something then hi! I promise there is more content than just this if ur a Life SMP fan check the rest of the blog there is interesting stuff :>
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