lifealteringstemcells · 2 months
How To Treat Ischemic Stroke with Stem Cell Therapy?
More than 87% of all stroke cases indicate ischemic strokes.
Surprisingly, more than 185,000 stroke survivors have had another attack within 5 years.
Nearly 610,000 people in the US get a stroke for the first time each year.
3 out of 4 stroke patients are above the age of 65 years.
Mesenchymal stem cells are anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative. This helps to repair damaged cells, reduce inflammation, and control the immune system of the body effectively.
MSCs are sourced from high-quality umbilical cord tissues (Wharton's Jelly) and provide effective treatment for post-stroke survivors.
The Future of Stem Cells for Stroke Recovery
Stem cells can restore lost functions of organs and regenerate damaged brain tissues.
MSCs are a revolutionary treatment option for ischemic stroke. It has superior cell differentiation abilities for treating different types of strokes.
[Read Also: Stem Cell Therapy: Ischemic Stroke Recovery Breakthrough ]
Self-renewal abilities of a wide range of cells to improve the cognitive and neurological effects.
Mesenchymal stem cells for ischemic stroke recovery ensure neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and angiogenesis.
It restores the neurological functions of the body and protects against inflammation.
Several neurons die during a stroke attack. The brain's blood supply is cut down. A stroke can even lead to paralysis.
MSCs can easily reach the areas of injury and reduce oxidative stress with their neuroregenerative properties.
Additionally, MSCs can differ between cells such as chondrocytes, neurons, adipocytes, osteoblasts, and glial cells.
Results of Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Stroke Treatment
Mesenchymal stem cell-based treatments for post-stroke are innovative and significantly reduce the complications related to stroke. The noteworthy results of this stem cell therapy include -
Improvement in muscle strength
Greater joint strength and mobility
Reduces the signs of paralysis
Enhanced speech and facial actions
Improvement of body balance
Enhanced vision
Accelerated production of chemokines for tissue recovery
Production of new blood vessels within ischemic tissues
The Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is American-owned and operated with the latest tools and certified doctors.
We have two decades of experience in treating patients with different conditions. Our holistic and non-surgical approach to stem cell therapy unlocks a wide range of health recovery possibilities. Talk to our experts regarding post-stroke treatment with stem cells and get a customized treatment plan based on the adversity of your condition.
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lifealteringstemcells · 4 months
Does Stem Cell Therapy Work for Fibromyalgia?
Yes, stem cell therapy shows significant promise in treating fibromyalgia.
Stem cell therapy is revolutionizing the field of regenerative medicine, offering new hope and innovative treatments for a variety of chronic conditions. One area where stem cell therapy shows significant promise is in the treatment of fibromyalgia, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This article explores the potential of stem cell therapy for fibromyalgia, discussing its effectiveness, mechanisms, and the benefits it offers to patients.
Understanding Fibromyalgia
Prevalence of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4 million adults in the United States, about 2% of the adult population, suffer from fibromyalgia. This condition is more common in women than men and often coexists with other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and autoimmune disorders.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
The symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary widely but generally include:
Widespread Pain: Persistent pain that affects multiple areas of the body.
Fatigue: Chronic tiredness that does not improve with rest.
Cognitive Difficulties: Often referred to as "fibro fog," this includes problems with concentration and memory.
Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling or staying asleep, leading to unrefreshing sleep.
Mood Disorders: Increased prevalence of anxiety and depression.
Traditional Treatments for Fibromyalgia
Medication and Therapy
Traditional treatments for fibromyalgia primarily focus on symptom management and include a combination of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. Commonly prescribed medications include pain relievers, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs. While these treatments can help manage symptoms, they often come with side effects and do not address the underlying causes of fibromyalgia.
Challenges in Treatment
The complex nature of fibromyalgia makes it challenging to treat effectively. Many patients continue to experience significant pain and fatigue despite following prescribed treatment plans. This has led to a growing interest in alternative and innovative treatment options, such as stem cell therapy.
The Promise of Stem Cell Therapy for Fibromyalgia
How Stem Cell Therapy Works
Stem cell therapy involves the use of stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissues in the body. Stem cells are unique because they can differentiate into various cell types and release growth factors that promote healing and reduce inflammation. For fibromyalgia, stem cell therapy aims to address the root causes of the condition by repairing damaged tissues, modulating the immune system, and reducing chronic inflammation.
Mechanism of Action
Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Stem cells release anti-inflammatory cytokines that help reduce chronic inflammation, which is believed to play a role in fibromyalgia.
Tissue Regeneration: Stem cells can differentiate into various cell types, promoting the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues that may contribute to fibromyalgia symptoms.
Immune Modulation: Stem cells can modulate the immune system, potentially addressing the autoimmune aspects of fibromyalgia and reducing symptom severity.
Pain Reduction: By targeting inflammation and repairing tissues, stem cells can help reduce the widespread pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Clinical Applications and Research
Research into stem cell therapy for fibromyalgia is still in its early stages, but initial studies and patient testimonials are promising. For example, a study published in the journal "Pain Medicine" found that patients receiving stem cell therapy reported significant improvements in pain levels, fatigue, and overall quality of life.
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Non-Invasive Treatment
Stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive treatment option that involves the injection of stem cells into the body. This method is generally safe and well-tolerated, with few reported side effects. The minimally invasive nature of the treatment makes it an attractive option for patients looking to avoid more invasive procedures.
Long-Lasting Relief
Unlike traditional treatments that primarily manage symptoms, stem cell therapy targets the underlying causes of fibromyalgia. By promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation, stem cell therapy offers the potential for long-lasting relief from fibromyalgia symptoms.
Improved Quality of Life
Patients receiving stem cell therapy for fibromyalgia have reported significant improvements in their quality of life. Improvements in pain levels, energy, and cognitive function enable patients to lead more active and fulfilling lives. These benefits extend beyond physical health, positively impacting mental and emotional well-being.
Why Choose Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute?
American Owned and Operated
Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is proudly American owned and operated, offering world-class treatments with the highest standards of care. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized care and the latest advancements in regenerative medicine.
Advanced Technology and Expertise
At Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, we utilize state-of-the-art technology to harvest and process mesenchymal stromal cells, ensuring a high concentration and quality. Our advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology set us apart as leaders in the field of stem cell therapy.
Personalized Care
We believe in a patient-centered approach, tailoring treatments to the unique needs of each individual. Our comprehensive treatment plans are designed to provide the best possible outcomes for patients suffering from fibromyalgia.
Stem Cell Therapy for Fibromyalgia in Mexico
In addition to our American operations, we offer stem cell therapy for fibromyalgia in Mexico, providing access to high-quality treatments for international patients. Our Mexico clinic is equipped with the same advanced technology and staffed by experienced professionals committed to delivering excellent care.
Stem cell therapy offers a promising and innovative treatment for fibromyalgia, providing new hope to millions of sufferers worldwide. With its ability to reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and modulate the immune system, stem cell therapy addresses the underlying causes of fibromyalgia, offering the potential for significant and lasting improvements.
If you or a loved one is struggling with fibromyalgia, consider exploring the potential benefits of stem cell therapy. At Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge treatments and personalized care to help you achieve a better quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative fibromyalgia treatments and how we can support your journey to better health.
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lifealteringstemcells · 7 months
Stem Cell Therapy: Recent Advancement For Spinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage caused to the nerves in the spinal cords that are responsible for sending and receiving signals from the brain. The traumatic lesion in the spinal cord can cause permanent or irreversible sensory and motor deficits. Stem cell therapy has shown massive potential in repairing damaged tissues and promoting recovery of neurological function. Medical research shows the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating various neurodegenerative disorders like ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and spinal cord injury.
Causes Of Spinal Cord Injury
The increasing number of cases of spinal cord injuries worldwide has made SCI a global health priority. Sports injuries and road accidents have been recognized as the two common causes of SCI. Although traumatic conditions comprise major triggering factors to induce spinal cord damage, non-traumatic events such as inflammation, spinal disc degeneration, cancer, substantial tissue loss, and infections can also be the reason for injury to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system,
Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury
The emergency symptoms of SCI may include loss of control in body movements due to partial or complete loss of sensory function. It is characterized by loss of motor control of the back, arms, legs, and other body parts, leading to weakness and incoordination. Patients experience extreme pain and pressure in the back, neck, and head.
Other prominent symptoms that doctors have identified as effects of spinal cord damage are -
Difficulty in walking and sitting
Difficulty in breathing
Sudden reflexes or spasms
Loss of control over bladder and bowel movements
Lowered sexual sensitivity and infertility
Trouble in balancing
Numbness or tingling sensation in the hands, fingers, and feet
The Science of Stem Cell Therapy For Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
Spinal cord injury is a severe condition that damages the nerve cells and tissues in the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis or nervous function impairment. Current treatment approaches include medication, rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy, or surgery. However, most of them provide temporary relief and poor outcomes in the long run. Stem cell interventions have emerged as a promising treatment for SCI with its exemplary potential to repair and regenerate injured neurons and tissues.
The distinct ability of stem cells to proliferate and form any functional cell type makes them ideal for treating SCI. The cells self-renew into nerve cells to replace and repair the diseased cells. After they are introduced into a patient’s body, they reach the injured site and interact with the surrounding cells to produce neurotrophic growth factors and alter the microenvironment of the affected region in the spinal cord.
A preclinical study has shown that mesenchymal stem cells release growth-promoting factors that accelerate the growth of axons at the injured area and improve myelination (formation of specialized membranes around axons). Most importantly, the therapeutic potential of stem cells prevents further neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord, lowering inflammation and improving motor and sensory function.
Start Your Stem Cell Therapy Journey In Mexico
There is no better place than Mexico for stem cell therapy because this North American country is home to highly qualified and experienced medical professionals with a proven track record of successful cell therapies. Besides, the healthcare system in Mexico is also advanced, and its treatment solutions are most accessible and affordable to people all over the world.
Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute is a trusted name if you are ready to receive stem cell therapy in Mexico. Their state-of-the-art technologies, innovative treatments, and comfortable clinic setup have earned them the tag of stem cell therapy best hospital in Mexico. Their health advocates are just a call away! Connect with them to learn more about stem cell therapy for treating spinal cord injuries and other chronic conditions.
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lifealteringstemcells · 8 months
How Stem Cell Therapy Aids In The Recovery Of Myocardial Infarction?
The idea of introducing stem cells into the body for myocardial regeneration has recently received tremendous interest among medical researchers. The post-recovery period of the patients affected with myocardial infarction, commonly called “heart attack,” poses a lot of challenges. The lack of oxygen supply to the cardiac muscles is the primary cause of a heart attack and, at times, can be life-threatening. Myocardial infarction is a case of emergency requiring immediate medical attention from healthcare professionals.
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Stem Cell Therapy for Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Although stem cell therapy is not a definitive cure for myocardial infarction, it can reduce the occurrence of such unfortunate instances in the future. Cell-based regenerative medicines aid in the restoration of cardiac function and, hence, are currently emerging as a promising treatment approach for MI patients.
Early reports and clinical trials on animal models demonstrate the therapeutic utilization of stem cells for cardiac tissue regeneration after myocardial infarction. Stem cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells collected from human umbilical cord tissue, have vast potential to differentiate and form any cell type. This distinct property has captured the attention of medical communities, ushering hopes to millions of MI patients.
How Stem Cells Promote Cardiac Regeneration - The Mechanism
A chronically infarcted heart needs repair and the introduction of stem cells augment cardiac functions and retain the muscle properties to pump blood and oxygen to and from the heart. Moreover, stem cell treatment for myocardial infarction stimulates the paracrine action of the stem cells, which facilitates the neighboring cells in maintaining their replicative or regenerative potential and encourages the differentiation of cardiac stem cells. The growth of new blood vessels in heart muscles, known as angiogenesis in medical terms, also contributes to the recovery of heart function. Moreover, the stem cells stabilize the extracellular matrix and enhance the repair and restoration process of heart muscle cells.
Several preliminary studies have demonstrated that stem cell therapy for myocardial infarction is safe and effective, resulting in an improvement in myocardial perfusion. Interestingly, evidence suggests a remarkable transformation of undifferentiated stem cells into new cardiac muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) to enhance scar tissue formation and neovascularization. Other beneficial effects of stem cell therapy for post-stroke recovery are increased apoptosis (programmed cell death to eliminate damaged cells) and regulation of inflammatory response to reduce the impact on the heart post-stroke.
Modes of Stem Cell Delivery
Several routes or modes can be used to deliver stem cells to the injured site in the heart or myocardium. The method is determined by stem cell specialists from experienced and reliable stem cell therapy clinics based on the patient’s age, severity of the stroke, and overall health. The most preferred route is intravenous infusion, which is safe and non-invasive. Another process is the intracoronary infusion, where high concentrations of stem cells are injected into the central lumen of a balloon catheter, which facilitates quick delivery of cells into the myocardium. Apart from these two, a few other routes of delivery are there, but their applications are limited to a few research groups till now.
Stem cell therapy is a novel hope for myocardial infarction patients to get back to their normal lives. Stem cells revive the cardiac tissues in the infarct zone and enhance the functional capacity of the heart. For long-term survival and prevention of future events of heart attacks, stem-cell-based therapies have become realistic options for millions of individuals. Connect with the best stem cell therapy institute in Mexico, Life Altering Stem Cell Therapy Institute, to start your journey of healing your heart post-myocardial infarction.
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