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You know why I hate going to bed? Because it means the next time I’m conscious I’ll have to get out of bed, go to lab/work, and face the world for another day. It means I get lie in the dark while my anxiety overwhelms me because my brain isn’t distracted.
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You know that feeling when you have a very important and very scary presentation you have to give? The kind that makes your heart race and gives you a knot in your throat? The one where you just feel so nervous you can barely think?
I feel that way every single minute of every single day.
Anxiety sucks.
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When you get legitimately excited to receive a nice set of dish towels as a Christmas present
you know you’re getting old when (add your own!)
you are really excited to go home and eat the soup you cooked last night for dinner again tonight
you miss your pets when you’re out of the house for more than 10 hours
skipping stretching or vitamins really throws you off
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I figure since a bunch of STEM grad students follow this blog, I’d reblog this from my book blog. My recent obsession has been books about women in STEM and I wrote about some of my recent favorites!
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Genre Recommendation || Women in STEM
It’s a niche genre, but as a current PhD student, the stories of women who have come before me is an inspiration and my recent genre obsession. Check out the blog for all my recs!
Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads
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All I want is to be able to go on a dinner and movie date with my boyfriend on a Friday night, is that too much to ask for???
Apparently, to my advisor it is. I don’t know how she expects me to get everything done. I don’t think she realizes how much time things take. She wants me to do like 10 things today. So that means another late night in lab and no movie date.
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Can we normalize doing nothing, please?
I work with kids. These kids are at my program before and after school, and then some of them have sports/dance/music sometimes all of the above before they finally go home, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Then rinse and repeat everyday, and games and more classes on the weekend, etc.
I’m all for extracurriculars, but this turns into the teen who is not only in the school play, but they’re on the newspaper, the football team, and seven different clubs. In college they take double the courseloads, and then once they graduate…what?
They work themselves raw because they arent used to downtime. They’ve been told they can always be doing something, and they don’t know how to relax. This turns into the adult that has anxiety because there’s nothing left to clean, the adult that desperately wants to watch that TV show but can’t force themselves to sit long enough for it.
Then they turn into the moms and dads who spend all their free time ferrying their kids to extracurriculars.
Like, these kids don’t know what downtime is? I told a kid I did nothing last weekend, and he looked at me like I was crazy. He asked what I was doing this weekend and I said “Probably sleeping, mostly,” and he actually gasped. Then he rattled off a bunch of things I could do, to which I had to stop him.
“No, you don’t understand. I plan on sleeping. I’m booked.”
“But you could–”
“Nah. I’m just gonna rest.”
It was as if I had said a bad word or something. I asked what he does when he gets sick, and he says he goes to practice anyway. I asked him what he does if he doesn’t feel like going, and he said he goes anyway. I asked when he takes time to rest, and he said when he sleeps at night.
Bring back lazy Sundays. Bring back Saturday morning cartoons. Bring back the idea of relaxing and soaking in your day before moving into the next thing. Bring back the right to breathe, the right to rest.
Bring back mental health days, and taking a break. Bring back taking a walk or watching a show or setting a timer to remind yourself to stop cleaning and relax.
If you’re running at 100% all the time with no time to recharge, then your battery is going to die spectacularly, and probably at the worst possible time.
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Daniel Radcliffe on set of Guns Akimbo
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005 // <3
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Listen to your heart.
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His messages always make my day 1000000x better <3
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