lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
i shall be posting a promo soon for my new account !!
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
one liner starter call !! mutuals & non mutuals welcome !! if you are a multi muse, please let me know which muse you would like the starter for !!
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
♡ ✩ ⟶                    leonor .
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starter for @lifebcxt​
“oh. i didn’t realize you’d be back so early.” her eyes were tear stained, nearly confused with what to do with the bottle in hand. leonor closed them, and her legs were struggling to stay up. “i’ll get rid of this..this is not a good thing.” 
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heather stood by the door as she walked in on the other looking distraught. it was not a sight she expected to see. but of course she decided to help. making her way over as she took the bottle from her hand, “come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
starter for any of your heathers babes @empathos​​
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they were the last person heather expected to see. she was trying to move on with her life. to start a new now that high school was over and she moved out of westerburg. but it seemed like they had the same idea. so coming face to face with them was no picnic to begin with. just wanting to push her entire past away. the tiny brunette cleared her throat, “i didn’t expect to see you here.” she spoke, trying not to sound shocked or anxious.
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
slides the dash $2 …….. ship with me
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
open starter: mutuals & non mutuals welcomed: all
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“did it hurt when you fell from heaven? cause ya know... that must’ve hurt..” the moment those words left her lips, she knew that she fucked up.
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
hella slow on all my accounts right now cause of editing, but i’ll be on tonight!!
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
♡ ✩ ⟶      niklaus knox .
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“marshmallow?” niklaus asked, raising his eyebrows. well, that was one that niklaus certainly wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. “okay, i’ll remember that one,” he grinned, shaking his head slightly. nik let out a laugh. “don’t tell my boss, though– he won’t be too happy if he finds out that i’m givng someone free drinks, whether they’re a pretty girl or not,” nik told her. “i’m not that cool, love, so maybe you wouldn’t want to hang out with me outside the bar too.” he paused for a moment. “especially if you start dealing with me most of the time.” him and heather didn’t reallly know eachother so there was no way of telling what her tolerance would be for his disposition but, then again, he was interested in getting to know her better.
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"i will literally burst in and say marshmallow just so you can see me and my tiny self.” the same childlike grin remains on her face. finishing the glass in front of her, she gave the male a playful pout and placed her hands over her heart, “aw, you think i’m pretty? i’m touched!” though she was goofing around, she did feel a bit giddy about it. but she was sure as a cute bartender, he probably had people coming at him left and right. she didn’t want to ruin the fun moment they were having. “hey, i think you’re cool. cooler than anyone i know. trust me, i’ve dealt with crazier people.” it was true, but she wasn’t going to go into that dark detail. however, she really did want to get to know niklaus a lot more. and not just because he’s cute. it was just easy to talk to him.
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
♡ ✩ ⟶      leonor .
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“i have. long ago, around the age of sixteen.” leonor hadn’t thought of the situation in a while. her eyes blinked a couple of times. “i occasionally go through a day, and often remember what happened. it makes me a little uncomfortable. how long has it been keeping you from sleeping?”
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“i don’t recall having a healthy sleeping schedule at all. i was an awful person and i wish i can just take everything back..” heather admitted with a small sigh. turning her body so she was facing her while they lay in bed. “how do you get through it? so that way you can finally sleep?”
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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please like for a starter !! if you are a multi muse, please let me know which muse you want a starter for !! mutuals and non mutuals are welcomed !!
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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I WILL TURN THE OTHER CHEEK, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT PRINCESSES DO. rosalinda maria montoya fiore. rosie gonzales. canon. canon divergent. medium to high activity. highly to semi selective. oc and canon friendly. crossovers welcomed. contains different verses. penned by lumi (24, pst, she/her)
also can find me x x x
credit: @drmactr
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
♡ ✩ ⟶      leaonor .
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leonor couldn’t help the concern rising at the words she heard. “okay. okay. what we are going to do is breathe.” she smiled softly. “that way, it’ll be easier.” she took a deep breath and let it out. “can you do one with me?” 
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“i’m okay, i promise..” either way, heather took a breath along with the other. letting it out and just hugging a pillow to her chest. “have you ever done something so horrible that it keeps haunting you?”
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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please like for a starter !! if you are a multi muse, please let me know which muse you want a starter for !! mutuals and non mutuals are welcomed !!
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
♡ ✩ ⟶      niklaus knox .
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“oi, if you’re that tiny, i may not even see you coming.” it’s not that niklaus was a huge guy but he wasn’t exactly short either. “maybe we’ll have to have a signal so that i know if you’re coming or not,” he teased. “and if they’re way taller than you than i guess i’ll become your bodyguard, huh?” he chuckled lightly. niklaus knew his offer wasn’t a joke– he definitely wouldn’t mind if she showed up more often to the bar. but, well, was this really a place she wanted to hang out? “definitely wouldn’t kick you out, no, and i’d slip you free drinks every once in a while,” nik promised with a light smile. “but, i’d also understand if you didn’t want to hang out in a bar all the time.”
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“signal? i can always yell marshmallow every time i enter so that way you know i have arrived.” heather laughed and clapped her hands together. excited to actually come by a lot more. to get to know niklaus more. she was enjoying her time a lot more than just drinking alone and having creeps come up at her. then she perked up, “free drinks? now i’m definitely coming everyday!” she mused before shaking her head, “i don’t mind at all! if anything, i can always hangout with you until closing so you don’t get bored. and if you want, we can always hang outside of the bar too!”
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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lifebcxt-archive · 4 years
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please like for a starter !! if you are a multi muse, please let me know which muse you want a starter for !! mutuals and non mutuals are welcomed !!
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