lifebloggings · 4 years
Okay so I’m watching my friend’s cats while she’s away and she left me descriptions so I could tell who’s who
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They’re pretty accurate 
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lifebloggings · 4 years
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lifebloggings · 4 years
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ways anne finds out venom is alive option #1
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lifebloggings · 4 years
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hey! i’m kicking off the #ADHDInvasion hashtag for adhd awareness month with a comic about CONSEQUENCES, and how my lifelong failure to react to them has been a huge source of frustration for me and for the ppl in my life who rely on me. even worse, it makes me seem apathetic or careless to others, when in reality it weighs really heavily on me - i just struggle to show it.
the best way i’ve found to deal with this is accepting that shame-based motivation DOES NOT WORK AT ALL for me (which is hard to do, when it’s all that’s been modeled for you by parents/educators/bosses) and try to replace fear/shame based consequences with positive outcomes: i.e. instead of “everyone will be so disappointed in me if i don’t do this,” sometimes it’s more helpful to think “if i do this on time, i’ll feel so relieved, and everyone will be happy that i pulled through.”
check out the roster here and make sure you don’t miss the comics from all the other artists participating!
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lifebloggings · 5 years
Love without Sex
I’m doing a Philosophy paper on Asexuality. Please reblog if you think Love without Sex is possible! I really need the data. Like if you think love has to have sex.
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lifebloggings · 5 years
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He snarky
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lifebloggings · 5 years
Question to autistics/folks that stim or have sensory issues:
My younger sister is autistic and she makes a lot of “mouth noises” (squishing, high pitched humming, spit noises(??)) and I’ve always disliked it. However, while reading up on Austism, I’ve learned this is likely a stim that she does while concentrating/ zoning out/ happy. I don’t want to get in the way of her expressing herself, but these noises make my own sound sensory issues get all buggy. It also makes other family members annoyed and I hate hearing them yell at her to knock it off.
Any advice for the situation? Maybe something for her and me to try? I’ve started trying to listen to music but that only works sometimes. Thank you for reading!!!
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lifebloggings · 5 years
All my labels I maybe have/ like/ want / idk whatever, a list
- non binary
- queer
- polyamourus
- Likes fem/fem aligned people
- anxiety
- depresión
- fem myself???? But fuck gender too, i just wanna be colorful
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lifebloggings · 6 years
I was just sitting and my friend took my arm and gently gently pressed his teeth into it so it kinda tickled Like a bite but less mean sounding Acted like my arm was a corn dog nom nom nom It was kinda nice hhaa Would have on my thighs though whoops
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lifebloggings · 6 years
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that feel when your pre-sleep routine gets disrupted by a horny shadow ghost
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lifebloggings · 6 years
Just because I'm a soft child doesn't mean I'm a vanilla child hah
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lifebloggings · 7 years
Okay but like
Imagine this, me screaming A lot
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lifebloggings · 8 years
I just wanna talk about how I like being petted and touched with out it being sexual but at the same time how wax play sounds really nice sexually?? Idk man
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lifebloggings · 8 years
Idk if I'm Ace or Aro or neither. Sometimes I think I might want to do the do Sometimes I think I might want a relationship Mixing the two seems odd and weird, like they don't work. I want to be touched, I know that. Sometimes I want it to mean nothing but comfort Other times I think might want it to mean something sexual I want to take showers I want to cuddle And it's a weird haze if I actually want it or it's just little fantasies that I would never actually never want to happen in real life ever
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lifebloggings · 8 years
Discovering that new kink like
👀👀 Thanks of joy sex toy
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lifebloggings · 8 years
Ow my vag
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lifebloggings · 8 years
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