lifegained · 5 years
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☆      HOME. ☆      PRICE LIST. ☆      TEMPLATES. ☆      PSDS. ☆      BUY ME A COFFEE.
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lifegained · 5 years
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☆      HOME. ☆      PRICE LIST. ☆      TEMPLATES. ☆      PSDS. ☆      BUY ME A COFFEE.
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lifegained · 5 years
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hey guys! so i’m gonna be mobile bound from about now until monday evening as i’m going to my boyfriends for my birthday on saturday and i’m logged into my commissions blog on mobile, so if you im me and i don’t answer that’s why! if you need me my discord is “the boi is back in town#8051″
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lifegained · 5 years
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lifegained · 5 years
         she's  a  mean  person.      a  horrible,  horrible  person.      but  she’s  still  gonna  try  her  luck  anyway.      ❛   he  never  told  you  his  full  name  is  jimothy?      i’m  surprised  by  that.      but  no,  it’s  jimothy  tiberius  kirk.   ❜
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        ✨      @seengalaxies       /      spock.​​   /   STARTER CALL      !
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lifegained · 5 years
          she  takes  a  moment  to  chew  her  words  over  in  her  head,  she  always  worries  about  how  other  crew  members  see  her,  whether  they  see  her  as  an  engineer  in  her  own  right,  or  the  captain’s  sister,  even  though  she  knows  he  is  more  likely  to  look  at  it  logically,  to  see  she’s  a  valuable  members  of  the  engineering  team,  he’s  still  her  brothers  friend.      ❛   you  know...      i  don’t  think  i  ever  thanked  you.      during  altamid,  all  of  that  -  we  wouldn’t  have  survived  without  everything  all  of  you  did.      i  might’ve  lost  jim  again  without  you.      so  i’m  glad  you’re  assigned  to  the  enterprise,  i  dunno  what  we’d  do  without  you.   ❜
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         ✨      @fasciinating​   /   STARTER CALL      !
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lifegained · 5 years
Star Trek Roleplayers Directory
Several of these have been going around, but none of them seem to be updated regularly anymore, so here is a new one. It includes filters for sorting so it’s easier to find people. However, in order to make this directory work as intended, I’ll need your help in getting information.
The directory is HERE. If you follow this blog, you can also get updates when new people are added.
Who can be added?
canon Star Trek characters
Star Trek OCs
fandomless OCs with a Star Trek verse
OCs from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse
characters from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse
To be added to the directory:
Reblog this post!
Either add a comment or put in the tags:
your character’s name
whether they are canon, canon divergent, OC, or from another fandom
what series they are from
Original and Reboot are considered separate; tell me if you write both or only one
OCs and crossover characters – if you have no specific series, put what series you primarily want to interact with (can be multiple)
Multimuse blogs! This will be set up by character, so if you want to be on the list, I’ll need this information for every Star Trek muse you write, please. (If you have too many to reasonably add in a single comment, feel free to reblog the post and message me instead.)
Please spread this around so we can help people in this roleplay fandom find each other!
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lifegained · 5 years
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i should be doing starters but it’s really important to me that you all know i love @russianonzebridge​ with my whole heart. we’ve known each other close to 7 years now (which is insane) and holly is just a wonderful human.
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lifegained · 5 years
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lifegained · 5 years
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i just wanna take a moment here to remind everyone who follows me that i love you guys. the fact that you chose to follow me because you want to see my creations means the world to me, because when i first started doing this i was convinced my work wasn’t that good (and i’ve DEFINITELY improved over time), and to see that you guys actually enjoy seeing what i make makes my day better.
i also want to say that lately, i do this more for fun than anything else, and i have a christmas day surprise for those of you that follow me, so please keep your eyes out for that in the run up to christmas.
and lastly, i want to thank the wonderful people in the commissioning community, from @venuscommissions​ and @goodvibesrph​, who get a first hand look at my work and will immediately tell me if something is too similar to the work of themselves or another creator (and often let me see their work first hand too, which is an honour in my opinion), to just the people who post their work for people to see, you’re all amazingly talented human beings, and i feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this community.
so anyway i’m done being sappy for today, but if any of you ever feel lonely, or just want a friend, or anything like that, my ims are always open, they’re not just for commissions, and i would love to get to know as many of you as possible better.
i wanna reblog this here and add an extra thank you note to this fandom,
without you guys i never would’ve gotten started doing commissions, i never would’ve been able to afford my wheelchair, and i never would’ve known where to start with what to make without you guys suggesting things you wanted to see when i first started and was doing commissions and psds solely on here as a way to raise money for my wheelchair.
i’ve been in this fandom since i was 13 (2012 was a different time dudes), and now, almost 7 years later, i’m really proud to call this place a kind of home. it’s full of the friendliest people i’ve ever met, i’ve made friends who’ve seen me grow up here, and i’m really emotional ok because you guys are like a family to me.
i love you all so much, i genuinely cannot find the right words to express that, but if you’re seeing this, remember to hydrate or diedrate, sleep is a requirement not a reward, and you need to eat.
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lifegained · 5 years
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starter call my babies!
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lifegained · 5 years
It had felt like almost an eternity since Pavel Chekov had last laid eyes on one Willow Kirk. They had tried their best to make long distance work, with video calls & PADD messages, but it just didn’t feel the same as it had before. Heading up towards Willows quarters, Pavel wasn’t very sure about what to expect, but that apprehension disappeared as soon as he saw her in the flesh again.
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“What do you expect? Of course I did!”
           she  smiles  the  second  he  speaks,  laughter  passing  pink  lips  as  she  melts  into  their  usual  routine.      ❛   good,  because  i  missed  you  too.   ❜      pale  arms  wrap  around  him  then,  and  she’s  missed  everything  about  this,  how  warm  he  is,  the  smell  of  him,  every  single  detail.       memories  could  never  have  done  it  justice.       ❛   six  months,  and  my  lungs’ll  be  done,  after  that,  you’re  stuck  with  me  forever.   ❜
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lifegained · 5 years
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hi guys, so i added a small note to my PRICES PAGE to clarify that part of the reason i charge a little more is because i aim to complete all commission requests same day. my SALE is also still running, so feel free to hmu if you’d like to purchase something or commission me! if you don’t fancy commissioning me but would still like to help out a disabled uni student, please consider BUYING ME A COFFEE.
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lifegained · 5 years
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“Y-YOU DON’T TH-TH-THINK I KN-KNOW THAT?” Yes, the aquarium needs much MUCH better tech, and he has talked to the higher ups about it, but, like always, it’s all about the budget. He sights as he props himself atop the table and brings his gaze over to Willow, “Wh-what are you even d-doing b-back here? You kn-know you’re nnnot allowed in this area.” He knows full well that doesn’t stop her, though. 
          she  pauses  then,  looking  up  at  him,  a  deadpan  expression  on  her  face.      ❛   fixing  your  tech.      obviously.      i’m  small  and  sneaky,  you  can’t  keep  me  out.   ❜      she  offers,  before  turning  back  to  her  work,  swapping  her  screwdriver  for  a  wrench.  
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lifegained · 5 years
starter call while i work on icons uwu
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lifegained · 5 years
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gonna stream star trek beyond in about an hour and a half, like this if u want the link when i start.
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lifegained · 5 years
           she  doesn’t  visit  the  science  department  often,  but  she  had  a  free schedule,  and  she  was  so  bored,  so  she  figured  she’d  snoop  around  a  little.      she’s  sat  on  the  floor,  tinkering,  when  she  hears  the  door  open,  glancing  over  and  offering  a  simple  explanation.      ❛   this  tech  needs  an  upgrade,  it’s  at  least  six  months  outdated.   ❜
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          ✨      @hydrocentric​   /   STARTER CALL      !
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