lifeisrevengefanfic · 3 years
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Victoria! Bottom! by 胆 @Nepi97864971
When Victoria feels comfortable but doesn’t want to admit it......oh...cute
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lifeisrevengefanfic · 3 years
Chapter 2
Victoria backed away from Max abruptly and hit her ribs painfully on the table edge. Max strode towards, feet sounding heavier than ever before. When she reached her, Max ducked down and grabbed a fistful of the shoulder of Victoria's sweater. She was pulled close to Max, faces inches apart. Victoria was turning pink even though Max had piercing eyes of serious rage. Max growled out. "You will grovel and earn Kate's forgiveness or I swear Vic, You will never have a chance with me." Max quickly let go of her flustered captive's sweater to grab her jaw. She planted a firm kiss, which caused Victoria to squeak, kissing back with embarrassment. Green eyes locked on blue.
As quick as it happened Max briskly pulled away from her. Closing her eyes to hide the welling of tears. "I love you Victoria Chase.. " With that Max was headed toward the door. Giving Jefferson the bird as she walked past him, it had worked often enough to shut him up. Leaving Victoria beet red and eventually sharing a look with Kate.
The door shut behind her and she walked a few steps, waiting the perfect amount of time. Now that she knew no eyes were on her, she stopped time. Swiftly she made her way to David Madsen, letting time out of her grip when she was behind him. "Madsen!" She barked, subconsciously sounding like a young Drill Sargent. He snapped around, surprised to find Caulfield yelling at him, not a teacher. "I ran into Nathan Prescott who's looking for Chloe and I'm positive he has a gun. He was headed toward the girl's front bathroom." Max turned and ran into a near by closet, stopping time again.
Once again she waded out into the frozen halls of the school. David was already on his way to the closet she had hid in. Hopefully he would jump into action soon. Although if he didn't act soon enough, Max was going to. Making her way to the bathroom was easy enough, probably could do it with her eyes closed. Her grip let loose when she reached her destination.
As she stared at herself in the mirror she was counting down until she knew Nathan would enter. The fog of time taking over her mind again. The flutter of the butterfly through her vision seemed to dispel the fog and she remembered what she was here to do. Following the blue wings she was in the back corner of the bathroom. She pushed the cart aside and picked up the hammer to the fire alarm. She glanced over at the alarm and scoffed with a smirk, as if. Absentmindedly she flipped the hammer in her hand while leaning back against the last stall. Now it was all down to who got here when, she couldn't tell if she actually wanted David to stop it all.
Nathan entered and all emotion drained from her face. Her grip tightened on the hammer. It played out the same way it always did. 'God damn it, where are you David.' Max thought before deciding there wasn't any time left. She stalked out from the shadows, crouched, already rearing back with the hammer. Nathan pressed Chloe against the wall, the gun to her ribs. With surprising speed and force the hammer slammed down, aimed perfectly at Nathan's lower spine. The thud, the crunching of bone, the scream from Nathan as his legs went limp, Chloe's gasp, and the gun shot.
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lifeisrevengefanfic · 3 years
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early mornin chasefield dooble
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lifeisrevengefanfic · 3 years
Chapter 1
Max shifted back through time for what had long since become the countless reset. Once again sitting in the classroom at the beginning of that dreaded week. The memory of the last run through still fresh in her mind. Finding Kate laying a pool of her own blood in the darkness of her dorm room. The years, decades, centuries maybe, she no longer knew, had all became a blur. It was another failure to be filed away, another lesson, another scar.
She stared forward at nothing, ignoring Jefferson and the students around her. Eventually she came out of the fog that came with a major reset. Just in time for Jefferson to ask that smug question. Victoria eyed Max in anticipation of being able to cut her off with the answer. Max just stared at her dead eyed. Done with all the bullshit for the what was always the last time. In a calm tone max spoke. "I despise it when you're being fake. I wish I could go back and wake you up sooner. Show you life is possible and wonderful without being this total bitch..." Victoria was dumbstruck, pissed, and secretly hurt. "Why am I so Fucking in love with you!? God Fucking Damn You!" Max screamed at her and slammed her fists against her desk.
On instinct she altered her strength with her powers and her fists broke through the desk, causing it to shatter in half. As Max's things scattered across the floor, the terrified students were trying to get away from her. All except for two, Victoria and Kate. Victoria sat still, hand over her open mouth, blush creeping across her face and tears welling in her eyes. Kate just openly stared, amazed at what her best friend had just done and more about what she just said. Jefferson was the first to react "Maxine Caulfield! You will be going straight to-" He was cut off by Max vanishing from her chair. "Wha-" Then was cut off again by Max who had appeared behind him, already swinging a chair as hard she could across his head. He fell with a thud to the floor, head bouncing off a table edge as he went down. A few of her fellow students were screaming now.
She stared down at the body of the monster. Blood seeping slowly from the head. Not fast enough her liking. Kate was already screaming her name before Max began stomping his skull against the tile. Flashes of everything coming back with each connection. There was a satisfying crunch of bone on the last blow Max could get in before Kate tackled her to the floor in a fit of sobs.
Max allowed the situation play out a while longer. Kate sobbing against her chest, hands tight with fistfuls of Max's hoodie. Faint crying for her to stop, choked out of Kate between her sobs, the sounds of students running out of the room and screaming for help, the shaky heeled foot steps approaching the two girls on the floor. "What-"
In an instant Max was back in her seat, holding her camera in-front of her as the film dispensed and fell to the table carelessly. She sat the camera down calmly and met Victoria's eyes, knowing she would be looking. Victoria normally would have looked away but the look in Max's eyes made it impossible. Max stood up roughly, chair scraping loudly against the floor. She started toward Victoria, fearless, furious, and fists clenched. She was sure Max was about to finally beat the shit out of her for everything Victoria had done.
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lifeisrevengefanfic · 3 years
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Artist is 404 Atelier
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