lift-the-kid · 6 years
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So I keep losing things this week???
I for sure remembered concealing a snake ring from Løv1så but I couldn’t find it in my tote when I got on the bus. Two days later I was sure I wore out 2 skirts underneath my own but I only found 1????? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Black tee $5 🍉 Pink tee $15 🍉 Bracelet (knockoff Pandora lol) $5 🍉 Ring $5.99 🍉 3x pens $11.85 🍉 VS body mist $14.95 🍉 Socks $8 🍉 Pencil skirt $6.95
Total: $72.74
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
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Decided to go to BB&B to scope out the store. The amount of blindspots and lack of tagging there was SO ridiculous that I couldn’t help myself… I’m still a baby, so sorry if it’s lame😅
B3d B4th & B3yond: NYX Waterproof Mascara Top Coat: $6.99 Noxzema 3-pack Touch up Kit: $2.99 Face Values 8-pack Scrunchies: $3.99 Almay Gel Smooth Liner: $5.99 Maybelline Push Up Angel Mascara: $7.99
Total: $27.50
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Ok since sunday nights are boring because everything closes early I have decided to share some tip and tricks! I get a lot of asks and usually reply privatly but recently posted one publicly and some people found it super useful so I am going to make a semi-master list of things that work for me. Under a cut of course. This won’t be everything I use but, it will be helpful to people with questions on certain stores/new lifters or if you just are looking for new ways to conceal. 
🌸 NUMBER ONE RULE EVER IS KNOW THE AREA of the store. I am not talking about the store layout, type of store, I am talking location of the property. Macy’s can be in shitholes with hella good security or be in snooty folk town with almost non-existent LP.   
🌸 Rule 2 NEVER NEVER ASSUME THERE IS NO LP. As stated above even if its a snooty area, they will and can have lp. Example, A very very rich part of my city has a walking outdoor strip mall type thing ( I forget the word) Of literally just makeup stores,mac,sephora,ulta, bloomingdales and whathaveyou. They have a fuck ton of security. But in the higher middle class area its bare none. Always explore all options of places you want to lift and always count the Lp, some will be labeled while others wont, and some may be straight up police officers stationed in that store. This can be good and bad, because it means its a high shrink store so there are quite possibly very easy ways to steal from these locations as the police are mostly a scare tactic. It is up to you, as I have mentioned before I have lifted so much from stores like this its stupid. Use your own judgement. 
🌸 Rule 3 ALWAYS no matter what carry your lifting tools on your fucking body. I don’t care if you'rer a dude or androgynouss or whatever you identify as. If you do ever get stopped it saves you automatic jail time and a felony. I keep my hook and mini magnets on my left bra cup and my big magnet on my right bra strap that wrapsaround my body. Exacto knifes and smallscissorss are okay to carry in a bag, pocket w/e because they are not considered to be under the category of intended theft. If you don’t wear a bra, use spanx, a back brace, shoulder braces, even your fucking shoes.This is just me but I also have a fucking lock pick (so extra) But half the good stuff is locked up and their locks are not good at all, you could prob do it with a bobby pin tbh.
🌸 Rule 4 ALWAYS ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS WEAR A DISGUISES.I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU ALREADY “blend in” GET A FUCKING DECENT WIG, GET 3, USE MAKEUP TO CHANGE YOUR FACE, GLASSES, CONTACTS, WHATEVER. I have 15 wigs. I use them all. If they ever for some reason tracks something back to you, this is your defense. Don’t confess, obvi. But this is your last line.
🌸 Rule 5 NEVER take more than 10 items from one store (unless its likeclairess or some shit) This will cause them to up their security and you don’t want that. I explained it in a previous post. You want to aim for 3-5 per store. 
🌸 Rule 6 OTHER CUSTOMERS ARE YOUR WORST ENEMY I should not have to explain this just fucking never do anything in front of them, because it’s human nature their jealously kicks in and they want to tattle. NEVER. Thats the whole reason antis exist. “they get this I don’t and its wrong according to these old white men” whatever just don’t.
Now onto the details. The mini magnets are the small circular ones from home depot, they open any kind of hook blocker, like at sallys on hair extensions or at walmart on some electronics, and you can make yourself a bracelet that either holds them or they cling to for easy access and to not look sus while “examining” the price tag, you and use anywhere between 4 or 6 and be fine. The big magnet I use for clothing tags, bags, anything else magnetic is 15000gs golf detacher I bought online, just google it. Same for the hook. Same for the lock pick if you wana go hard(but please practice first I have had to do this for like 4 years before so yeah). Go to michaels or A.C Moore and get yourself the exacto knife and small scissors. And get a pack of rubber bands, they are a game changer. Bit tall boots, you can drop things in, panties, makeup, accessories, whatever as you go! Please wear thick socks tho or else your feet will  hurt. You can take them out in the bathrooms. SPANX! Use to conceal palettes, brushes, even clothing literally almost anything really, HUGE game changer.
SEPHORA- I went into a pretty detailed explanation for sephora last post, so I will just copy paste that and put in a few more tips  For sephora it’s completely dependent on the location. Similar to ulta, in the poor parts of town they usually have beefed up security so try to go for richer, snooty or middle class stores. If your sephora is in a mall, leave it for last as in your last lifting stop before you leave. If it’s a stand alone sometimes you can get away with just walking out with a bag (like the tote I have done this 4 times) if it’s busy. In every sephora I have been to they have a big slanted display for the sephora brand products and at least 3 big ass pillars with mirrors on them. Usually only one side of the slanted display is covered by cameras ( I can think of 3 locations like this off the top of my head), And you can do the walk and conceal method when passing by a pillar that is blocking you from view ( This is my favorite ) just make sure your not on the mirror side doing this lmao. Do this as you are browsing, and try to make sure no SA’s see you with said item. Example: Find a palette, grab it look at price, swatch, walk to blind spot drop in bag and keep walking to next target item. Lastly you can always find blind spots in regular makeup aisles, every sephora I go to has at least 2-3 blind spots just in general. Your biggest problem in sephora are the SAs. They will make or break your trip, I swear to god sometimes they can be the most annoying racist shits ever. I am white passing, but I am latina and if you try hard enough you can tell and I swear to god I was at this uppity sephora and the manager and 2 sa’s followed me around, legit isle to isle just staring with their arms crossed. If this happens, don’t even try I think I only got some lipsticks on that trip it was horrible. But do not ever be rude to them, that will make you memorable and you do not want that. If you are approached be nice, if asked if you need help, say I am looking for -insert vague item here- and I think I found it I am just comparing, or No thank you I am gift shopping and know what they want, ect. Do not ever say anything that will make them want to help you because they will just drag you around forever and waste not only your time, but if you already looked at a product because they showed you then go back to it later its weird. Also I know everyone says “If they offer you a basket they are on to you” but thats just not true all the time. It is literally part of their job to be helpful and that is considered being helpful. Pay attention to their tone and body language if they do hand you one, but most of all watch to see if any other SA’s are watching you. The little shopping totes can be quite useful at times too, for having decoys on top and whatnot. If you are ever recognized and you are in a different disguise, Immediately play dumb and leave like 5 mins later and don’t go back for at least 3 months. It happens, it is fine and no reason to freak out. Sephoras inside a JCP are not impenetrable, but please use this as a last resort. Wear long sleeves, in trend. I have a long black sweater with ties around the wrist and the sweater hangs over my hands, this is perfect for this kind of store. Hold your phone in one hand, and find an item, hold it with your phone, and detag the rfid strips with your thumb, but don’t look like an idiot just standing there fidgeting, keep browsing, testing products, moving around. Moving around make it harder for any lp to follow you or see what you are doing. act calm, act natural. 
ULTA - This is pretty tricky. Pay attention to your state laws first and foremost. Ulta will ignore policey and chase you/grab you/ get your plate/ block your car if they know you stole or REMEMBER you from a previous visit. Park FAR FAR away. The LM boxes ( white boxes that are light sensitive) are basically just stickers. Unless you have an inside person at an ulta, the only 2 ways around these are taking the item out of the box that the LM is on and putting the empty box back, or coming on shipment day before they are all tagged and everything is out in carts. Ulta’s difficulty can range from location to location, some don’t use LM on every palette, some do, some only use them on perfume. The RFID’s that are found on most other makeup product can be either peeled off or cut with your exacto knife. hair care and skin care have never had tags in my experience, but always check. Ulta has pretty shitt cams but still try not to conceal on them, they do have a million blind spots, use them. Always have decoys. This is different than my sephora technique because I conceal all at once and usually leave, so I get decoys to make it seem like I am still carry the items. I honestly hate going to ulta, but I have figured out the safest times to go is ( for me, this might not be for everyone)  either Sundays around 4:30-5, shipping days, or fridays from 6-7. Ulta rearranges their stores quite frequently, if you happen to go on a day like this you are in luck! lots on blindspots and boxes stack high and random shelving units. 
Starbucks- Usually only one or 2 cameras, sometimes none. I have 3 that have none that i frequent for snacks and cups. Just make sure a customer doesn’t see you and its easy as shit. 
MALLS- This is probably where most everyone does lifting, so I am going to make a post about rules for malls. ALL MY OTHER RULES APPLY STILL. Go to the bathroom 2 or 3 times during your visit. Never take anything out of the packaging. If you beep, keep walking at a normal pace. Always carry a reusable shopping bag ( even 2 if you plan to lift a lot ) it is not suspicious and is an easy access quick conceal. If you don’t have one, go to some store like hot topic, box lunch, forever 21, aerie, and just ask for a bag. Make sure its not see through and big enough to carry what you want but not obnoxious. As for the whole in the side of the bag concealing method, cut a hole in the side of paper bags to slide things in, while this is a great tip PLEASE use your exacto knife to cut the slit, and make sure whatever bag you are using is not white. If you try to use scissors, the cut will be way to noticeable. Cut exactly where the crease is naturally in the bag. Only use this for small items, like lipsticks, hair pieces, jewelry, ect or you can risk ripping your bag and then you are fucked. Make the cut towards to top of the bag, so when you hold it closed its virtually unnoticeable and the weight of the items in your bag won’t cause continuous ripping of your slit. ALWAYS be friendly to SA’s. I legit just make small talk about how their day is and retail sucks and share  a bit about myself, it makes you WAY less suspicious because you come off as an honest, nice person. This is KEY in smaller stores, IE zumies, HT, Aerie, whatever. BE NICE. RELATE. ALL SA’s ARE DOING IS THEIR JOB DON’T BE A DICK. I also sometimes have one earbud in listening to music and lightly singing it helps deter the SA approach.
HOT TOPIC- Literally the easiest thing in the world. you can pick up items you want, if they have a tag hold them under your arm (the one with the magnet) while continuing to look at other things and hide the magnet in whatever you were looking at. Rinse and repeat. 
ZUMIES- Tbh I stopped going here and like, cosmic and tilly’s when I was like 16 so I can’t really give too much info besides I believe the one I did go into had massive blind spots, you don’t need the fitting rooms to conceal if you are kind to the SA. They will leave you alone after that. 
ClAIRE’S/ICING- like, idk this is so dumb just dump whatever you want in your bag avoid mirrors and pay attention to the SA. If they are giving a piercing its a free for all. Overall SA’s here really do not care and are either swamped with paperwork or overwhelmed because its only them in the store with 16 kids or 15 teenagers. I feel for them. 
VS/PINK- OK long awaited post about this shit company. I feel zero regret stealing from them. I am going to copy paste my previous reply with added detail. For VS, you have to see if its busy or slow. If it’s busy, I usually get a tote and get about 7 items (not including panties) but only steal 3 and only some undies in the fitting rooms and listen for no SA to be outside when you exit and just leave the tote in the little tote/rack thing. If its slow you can find blind spots in the store and remove the pencil tags easily if you carry your magnet like I do (in your bra strap that goes around your body) just holding it under your arm while looking at another item or w/e and just hide the tags as you go, or as always throw them away in the trash cans in the fitting rooms. Trash cans can also be found in the store, so use them as well. If you want something with a hanger, either take the hanger with you and ditch it somewhere else (or keep it like I do they are so soft) or find something to switch it out with. Most of the time they will have hanging items, and folded items of the same design and I tend to grab those. 2 I got today didn’t even have tags on them. VS and PINK are both a giant question mark until you get to the store on how much you can get away with or if you can get anything. This store is where the reusable totes come in most handy, and use your rubber bangs to make bulky clothing less bulky. If you are using a tote they provide, you can put perfumes/makeup/socks/sandals/ w/e in them and hide hem under clothes if you want them. a good bulky distracting item to get is a robe ( even the velvet/satin ones in the VS section are good), because it covers SO much and most sa’s assume that plus like 1 or 2 things is all you have. Also vs and pink all have blind spots in the store, the legging racks, VS sport, and the little walkways between sections are ones I have noticed. Good places to conceal if you don’t want to rick fitting rooms because if the SA is in a super duper mood fitting rooms can be somewhat difficult.
BEST BUY- So its not impenetrable but it is hard. The person at the front is the “main” AP (asset protection) and they have monitors that cover most of the store. Be nice to them, seem normal, and it will make it easier. I have someone in bb so its easier for me to get things but either way its not impossible since I have lifted from them before I knew my guy. Least monitored sections are housewares, and believe it or not TVS. I am going off my stores so take all this with a grain of salt. Best buy marks up ALL their products ridiculous amounts (1 year rosetta stone is bought for $15 and sold for $120) so yeah they are kinda dicks. If you DO chance it with best buy, so for small items, grab a distraction, shop around for a blind spot, conceal the small item, and go back to where you got your big item and compare again. Do not leave asap, shop around, then always say have a nice day on your way out. Be careful each store is different. here is a story : there is a best buy near me that used to have a HUGE shrink rate, for ALL kinds of theft, orc, employee, petty, you name it and it happened there. UNTIL a new GM was hired and he was like no this is not happening and installed a completely new camera system, it was very very expensive but guess what, they now catch everyone who tries to steal and have the lowest shrink rate in the state. If you abuse your spots, they will fight back so don’t ever ever ever take some memorable amount or this will  happen.
Target- I rarely fuck with target because its where I get my medications so I can’t really help you here.
Aerie- On floor concealing is best, lots of displays to hide behind. no cameras ( at least at my location)  Always be aware of SA’s.They change their clothing often so if you see something you love I suggest getting it before its gone for good.
Forever 21- Honestly I rarely lift from here anymore. Most of it rips or falls apart, that includes clothing and accessories. I don’t recommend them at all. If you MUST fitting room is best option, there are decent blind spots but it is usually too crowded to use them. Honestly I hate this company and everything about them so even stealing from them feel so so wrong. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
BOX LUNCH -  MY FAVORITE! I actually try to buy here when I can, they have great bags for the slit method, and their products are AMAZING. They actually sell nendoroids like omg. Best store ever, no cameras, but SA’s can be aggressive, just be nice, relate, and they will move on. Not much is tagged, and if it is just use the method mention for HT.
CVS/WALGREENS- Easy as pie. I always go here for drinks, shipping supplies, food, whatever. Their cameras are extremely shitty except for the ones up front.You can use your body to block is necessary. Both stores have MASSIVE blind spots, in seasonal, grocery, drinks, toiletries. Like is so easy to get vitamins and shit please get some be healthy. 
PACSUN- I don’t really like much here, but sometimes they have golden pieces. I always use fitting rooms, bring 4 items and leave 3. they are just such a bare store I cant feel good going in with a ton and leaving with a little. You will need rubber bands and to detag while the music plays. 
 BnN/BAM!- AMAZING novelty items and books are easy, just find blind spots. I adore these stores because of the increase of certified japanese figure imports ( BTW I COLLECT PLASTIC BUTTS AMIAMI LOVE ME) 
Container Store- Cake, usually only 4 cameras, both of the ones I go to don’t have cameras in the bath storage.makeup storage isles so, literal ffa. 
Hallmark- No cameras, or one near the toys. Ffa.
DSW/PAYLESS- For dsw, I grab 4 or 5 boxes, 2 of which I want, go to an isle about 2 over from the closets camera, and make a huge mess sitting on one of the mirror chairs. I slide the shoes I want into my purse also sitting on the opposite side on the bench thing using other boxes to block the back angle and put all the paper back and all the boxes except ONE with the shoes in it back, walk around a bit more, then decide not to get them and leave them somewhere. never conceal in clearance, but feel free to look.  For payless, just pick an isle without a camera, or if they all have cameras sit on the thing with your back to the camera, stack boxes between your seat and the self to block its view, detag, move into purse.bag. and put lid on box and put box back. 
IKEA- So this is gonna be kinda sketchy. I have only done this twice, and I had a partner. So you shop like usual, pick little knick knacks for your cart and write item numbers down. now while your in the actual storage part, you can conceal some of the smaller items you picked out while looking for your right color item or whatever leaning in. To get the big items out, we walked to line, waited for a good 5 mins, then acted like we saw an open register further down. He went to get the car and I push the cart and just push it through the sales point and out the door, smiling at the receipt check holding a safeway receipt lmao. Honestly I have no full proof way for ikea but I do know they are more concerned with ORC and internal theft so thats where most the cameras are. I just really wanted my two alex drawers for my makeup vanity so I took a risk and it paid off.
WIGS STORES- if you do not live in a large city, I Highly suggest ordering a high quality lace front wig online. If you live in a city with good chain wig stores, bring a big bag, and just stuff that mother fucker in there in a blind spot. the main thing with wigs is care, so you will want to get wig care stuff, cleansers brushes, ect. specifically made for wigs. 
🌸 For anything designer ( Kate spade, MK, Calvin klein) Go to outlets if possible, if not try to find a macy’s/bloomingdales.lord&taylor/whatever that doesn’t do that stupid string lock bullshit. bring a magnet. 
Any more questions just lmk. Thanks for reading and have fun and be SAFEEEEEEEEE!!  
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
whats your method for pink/vs and places like sephora??? i love your hauls sm 😌
hmm well it depends. For VS, you have to see if its busy or slow. If it’s busy, I usually get a tote and get about 7 items (not including panties) but only steal 3 and only some undies in the fitting rooms and listen for no SA to be outside when you exit and just leave the tote in the little tote/rack thing. If its slow you can find blind spots in the store and remove the pencil tags easily if you carry your magnet like I do (in your bra strap that goes around your body) just holding it under your arm while looking at another item or w/e and just hide the tags as you go, or as always throw them away in the trash cans in the fitting rooms. 
For sephora it’s completely dependent on the location. Similar to ulta, in the poor parts of town they usually have beefed up security so try to go for richer, snooty stores. If your sephora is in a mall, leave it for last. If it’s a stand alone sometimes you can get away with just walking out with a bag if it’s busy. In every sephora I have been to they have a big slanted display for the sephora brand products and at least 3 big ass pillars with mirrors on them. Usually only one side of the slanted display is covered by cameras ( I can think of 3 locations like this off the top of my head), And you can do the walk and conceal method when passing by a pillar that is blocking you from view ( This is my favorite ) just make sure your not on the mirror side doing this lmao. Lastly you can always find blind spots in regular makeup isles, every sephora I go to has at least 2-3 blind spots just in general. Your biggest problem in sephora are the SAs. They will make or break your trip, I swear to god sometimes they can be the most annoying racist shits ever. I am white passing, but I am latina and if you try hard enough you can tell and I swear to god I was at this uppity sephora and the manager and 2 sa’s followed me around, legit isle to isle just staring with their arms crossed. If this happens, don’t even try I think I only got some lipsticks on that trip it was horrible. But do not ever be rude to them, that will make you memorable and you do not want that. If you are approached be nice, if asked if you need help, say I am looking for -insert vague item here- and I think I found it I am just comparing, or No thank you I am gift shopping and know what they want, ect. Do not ever say anything that will make them want to help you because they will just drag you around forever and waste not only your time, but if you already looked at a product because they showed you then go back to it later its weird. Also I know everyone says “If they offer you a basket they are on to you” but thats just not true all the time. It is literally part of their job to be helpful and that is considered being helpful. Pay attention to their tone and body language if they do hand you one, but most of all watch to see if any other SA’s are watching you. The little shopping totes can be quite useful at times too, for having decoys on top and whatnot.
As I always have said, I carry reusable shopping totes around and can easily conceal whatever item I am getting in them, and use other items in the bag to hide them if you absolutely need to. I also want to point out that I NEVER take more than one of the same product from one store, and I never take more than 8 items from one store ( be it VS or sephora ) because that will cause security to rise and thats a no go. For example, there is a best buy near me that used to have a HUGE shrink rate, for ALL kinds of theft, orc, employee, petty, you name it and it happened there. UNTIL a new GM was hired and he was like no this is not happening and installed a completely new camera system, it was very very expensive but guess what, they now catch everyone who tries to steal and have the lowest shrink rate in the state. If you abuse your spots, they will fight back so don’t ever ever ever take some memorable amount like 3 TVS or 16 naked palettes, or even 10 VS pink clothing items. I always wear a disguise no matter where I am going. Wigs, glasses, makeup birth marks, whatever floats your boat.
Anyway I am going to post this publicly because I am tired of typing this shit out tbh. Have fun and be safe. 
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Ok since sunday nights are boring because everything closes early I have decided to share some tip and tricks! I get a lot of asks and usually reply privatly but recently posted one publicly and some people found it super useful so I am going to make a semi-master list of things that work for me. Under a cut of course. This won’t be everything I use but, it will be helpful to people with questions on certain stores/new lifters or if you just are looking for new ways to conceal. 
Keep reading
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
hey does anyone have tips with lifting makeup in general? like all makeup stores have so much security idk how y’all get so much…
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Lifting Books?
How do you do it? I really want to get some, and I just don’t know what to look for, and how to go about doing it. My bookstore has 5 floors, and has a starbucks and restroom on the 3rd, so, how?
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
good app 4 lifters alert
hey so this probably will mean nothing to a lot of you but i go on road trips often to visit my boyfriend and recently i’ve been using the route to try and hit as many ultas/sephoras/victoria’s secrets as possible on my way there and goolge maps doesn’t really let you see nearby stores on your route but this website Roadli does and it’s awesome. you just put in your start and end point and then which store(s) you wanna hit along the way and it tells you where it is along your route and how much time it adds to your trips! i’ve been using it a lot. just a lil lifter psa :-)
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Masterpost of store layouts and some ways that they use them to prevent shoplifting
A bunch of shit I learned in my marketing class :)
(Disclaimer: these do not account for cameras and wandering SAs so keep an eye out still!!)
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Straight floor plan:
-straight lines
-used in stores like walmart (not expensive but not a wholesale/liquidation store)
-cashier can’t see you if you’re behind a shelf
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Diagonal floor plan:
-diagonal lines
-used for a more open traffic flow, which makes it a little harder to watch for other customers but not too hard
-cashier can see most areas (not all, some are blocked still)
-the back is the best place to conceal
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Angular or circular floor plan:
-high end/specialty stores (Pandora for example is like this I think)
-open floor plan
-round displays/stands
-great for traffic flow
-a little harder to conceal than diagonal floor plan but not bad if you know what you’re doing
-cashiers can usually see around the round bends if the stands are tall  but obviously can’t see everywhere
-if they’re lower stands (like jewelry stands) it’s harder to conceal, try floor or scarf concealment
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Geometric floor plan:
(Ex. My hottopic is like this)
-multiple shapes
-usually a mess, harder for cashiers to see around all the twists and bends
-easy to conceal
-usually have good blind spots from cameras
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Mixed layout :
-as the name says, it’s mixed
-a little harder to find blind spots but not too bad
-use tips from other layouts
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Boutique/round floor plan
(I couldn’t find a photo online so I drew it on picsart)
-these are used for high end shoe stores, jewelery etc
-Things displayed on the wall
-cashier can see everything
-hardest to conceal in
-I don’t suggest!!!
(There’s a couple more but idk alot about them/I haven’t been into a store with them so i don’t know how it works)
–Things stores use to prevent lifting, using their layouts or SAs–
(These aren’t all obviously but I haven’t seen many of these on tumblr)
They greet you on your way in the store, it’s supposed to syke you out and make you think they know you’re there
(They usually forget you as long as you’re not sus, especially in big stores like walmart )
Placing checkouts where people have to pass it to leave. This deters lifting because lifters think it’s sus to just walk past the cashier and out of the store. However that’s not usually the case. They honestly don’t care
-Short shelves/displays
They keep shelves and displays waist/stomach height so they can see possible lifters overtop and it makes it harder to conceal 
-Shoplifting signs
These are placed in the front of the store, the washrooms or high up  (while you look for cams) these are meant to deter a lifter but sometimes there aren’t even cameras or anything to catch you lifting.
(Like burglars are less likely to break into a house/car with a safety system sign)
That all I have at the moment! Any questions about what’s written or anything else , just message me!
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
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First lifting haul with my #1 bbg what do you guys think ;) I think we did pretty good for newbs Victøria’s Secret pantiesX23 -$230 SocksX2-$10 Romper-$50 StickerX7-$21 Adidas tank-$21 2pairs of lululemón leggings -$236 àthłëtã tank-$49 àthłëtã shorts-$59 Fancy eós -$8 Brow pencil-$12 Urban decay-$32 Primer 1-$36 Primer 2-$37 Lip treatment -$26 Gimme brow gel-$24 Viva la jüçy roll on-27$ Mascara-24$ Shane book-17$ Milk and honey-15$ Adolescence book-17$ Milk and vine-9$ Pop cooking-12$ Ämërîçàñ èàgłê tube top white-12$ Førëvêr 21 shirts -17.80$ Zūmīēš shirts X2-70$ Rose shirt 20$ Flower shirts 50$ Off shoulder top 30$ Grand total comes out to be $1350.30!! danggg
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
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so here r the hauls i kept putting off posting lol
in order completed: 🖤pic 6: all from stap!es, before i blew out my knee (4 months ago?). i took the bus and missed it right after, so my haul was cut short 😩 i wanted an instax, but the boxes were all empty, so i angrily stole film. total: $102
🖤pic 2: first haul after a forced hiatus due to my dang knee. i was with my mam, so i didn’t lift much. all on body, from three stores. i slipped the paint up my sleeve while i was talking to her and she didn’t even notice. total: $50
🖤pic ¼/5: 3 stores, my new favorite dress ever, and my first pair of shoes. i finally got the pinafore i wanted so bad!! the second time i wore it my friend spilled a whole bottle of wine on me. 😅 i also got this entire haul without a purse. i started getting sloppy w this one (read: feeling symptoms of my mental illness, i attempted to walk out just holding shoes). total: $345.94
🖤pic 3: macies, bnbw. i reeeeaaally adore the chocolate gold palette and i use it every day, would so recommend. its incredibly pigmented and smells so good. anyway during this haul i got caught at baff n bod, by a worker who saw me attempting to conceal a hand lotion in my sleeve, so i ditched it and left. i took a long break after this bc i realized i was being fuckin dumb lol. side note: who pays $17 for sand? come the fuck on dude. total: $95.50
🖤overall total: $593.44🖤
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
So many girls in the community are lesbians honestly who do I have to pay to get a lifter gf
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
boosting tips
figured i’d make a post about things i’ve personally learned boosting since i’ve only ever seen one other real post about it but it’s fucking awesome.keep in mind, i only started boosting the day after christmas, so it’s only been about two weeks now, and i only use P0shmark and Merccari but i’ve already made over $700 :-) if u dont wanna read the whole thing you can skim by just checking out the stuff in italics
things that sell fast and are easy to lift: -Better Than Sex mascaras (waterproof or normal) I sell these for about $13 on p0shmark and they normally go within a day or two -Tarte shape tape (if you want to keep the fact that these are stolen items, i’d only ever lift the same shade or similar shades. it’s kinda shady if one days you’re selling a fair neutral and a week later you’re selling a dark saying “it was a christmas gift and doesn’t match me” like bitch we all know nobody thought for a sec that that was your color lmaooo) -ANYTHING FENTY BEAUTY holy shit. small easy things in this line include the highlight palettes and the match stix trios -NARS blushes (specifically Orgasm and Deep Throat bc they’re popular on the internet) (i sell these in bundles of two and they go within the first 2 days) -NARS Laguna bronzer -BECCA highlighters -Too Faced sweet peach lip glosses -Kat Von D tattoo liner -Anastasia brow wiz
-small jewelry from american eagle, anthropolgie, francescas, hot topic things that sell fast and aren’t so easy to lift: -any of the fucking urban decay naked palettes -any of the fucking too faced sweet peach/chocolate palettes -subculture and modern renaissance holy shit these normally are out of my hands within minutes of being posted -high end perfumes (i don’t even fuck with this shit) -FENTY palette -literally like any palette that you hear beauty gurus on youtube mention ever -anything limited edition -shirts and sweats from PINK or VS (but mostly PINK) (but you pretty much have to make sure that logo is somewhere apparent on the garment bc that’s all people care about for real)  pretty much anything from the following brands will sell within a week at a decent price: -too faced, urban decay, tarte, anastasia, MAC, NARS, Lancome, Kat Von D, Benefit, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, PINK and VS, brandy melville, free people, Calvin Klein things you think might sell fast but actually won’t -bras from PINK or VS (bc there are so many fucking sizes) -foundations & concealers (bc there are so many fucking shades)
-skin care products (bc no one really gives a shit)
-stuff from Lush (people are hella sus of buying Lush products from places other than lush idky) (but if you’re gonna you’re gonna want to make sure to post a pic of the expiration date and if it’s outdated the price has to decrease by like 70% sorry babes) -anything high-end that isn’t spoken a lot about by beauty gurus on youtube (example: laura geller. her shit is awesome but nobody on p0sh cares about it bc she doesn’t give her shit away to youtubers for free reviews) other random tips -if you’re not selling a whole lot or you want to sell items quicker for whatever reason, do research on what are the hottest products in the hottest brands at any given time. limited edition shit will always sell well after it’s removed from the shelves, but people will still buy stuff from you even if it’s still selling in stores. example: look up “best drugstore lipsticks” and lift 5 of them and sell all 5 as a bundle for $15-$20. example: watch popular beauty gurus on youtube and their 2017 favorites videos. products that are repeated multiple times by multiple different people should go into a lift list for you. items like this, at the moment, include: tarte shape tape, tart gifted mascara, urban decay perversion mascara, laura merceir powder (you can get the tiny ones at sephora a lot of the time), mario badescu facial spray, MAC lipstick in velvet teddy and honey love, urban decay all nighter setting spray, NARS laguna bronzer, anastasia brow wiz, any of the mascaras by benefit, naked heat palette, sweet peach palette -take pics of the highlighters you’re trying to sell in good ass lighting where those bitches TWINKLE. this sounds like a dumb tip but good lighting (for everything really) is really important i’ve found -keep in mind the shipping price on whatever you’re selling. on p0sh it’s a flat rate of like $7 for the buyer, so you can’t sell something at full price or even $7 beneath full price because that will make no sense to the buyer. As a rule of thumb, if it’s a lifted good i’m selling, i sell it for about 45% off. if 45% off still doesn’t cover shipping costs then you have to knock it down a few more bucks. So basically anything that sells at retail price for $14 or less you’ll have to cut it down more than 45% in order for the buyer to consider it a good sale. Often times people on p0sh will ask if you will sell the same thing to them on Merrrcari and some ppl think this is sus but honestly people just want the better shipping options Merrcari offers -BUNDLE ITEMS. for exmaple: instead of just selling ONE pantie for $5 to 6 people and then having to package 6 boxes with one pantie each, just sell 5 panties as a bundle for $15-$20 to one person. this is still a good sale for the buyer, you make more money quicker, and you have less work to do -if you want to be cautious of anyone finding out that the items you’re selling are stolen, make every clothing piece the same size (or at least around the same size) with maybe the occasional “this was a christmas gift and it’s too large/small for me yadda yadda yadda”. Also, you DON’T have to and really SHOULDN’T provide “reasons” as to why you’re selling everything you’re selling. non-suspicious people don’t even consider explaining why they’re selling the item, and if you prelude every sale with a “this was too big/small”, “not my color”, “ my fashion style has changed” etc, it’ll look more like you have something to hide than if you didn’t say anything at all. Also, i know you’ll probably be apprehensive of including any real pictures of yourself for your info page, but the more innocent and non suspicious and typical you look to the public the more typical you will seem. you could also prob find pics online and use those and use like a fake college -include pics of the serial numbers of EVERY makeup product you purchase and boost, assuming you really did steal it and its authentic. this eliminates any suspicions that you’re selling fake goods, which is a common suspicion people have when one is selling a lot of high-end product for relatively cheap, with new things constantly showing up in their closet -take good fucking pictures. just fucking do it. it helps so much. it makes you look professional and gives people reason to trust you and your “business”. also be fucking nice
-pretty stuff will always sell faster than ugly stuff. this is why palettes and highlighters go quicker than, say, skin care. skin care items are often items that have to be sought out, where as the sweet peach pallete is something someone may not have known they even wanted until they saw it posted. you know? doesn’t matter how high end that skin care is bby people on apps like p0sh and merc are only window shopping for shit they dont’ have to worry about not working out. appeal to the single moms drunk on wine scrolling through their phones at 11pm
-package your shit nicely and be a kiss ass with a lil note or free gift or some shit. people eat that up I’m telling yaand vwalla, start rolling in dat dough bby
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Hey guys! So I wanted to show you guys a method I like to use, I’m sure there’s probably a method similar to it somewhere out there, but the only one I’ve seen like it was much more obvious. So I thought I would show you all my favorite method!
So all you need for this is a purse with a short strap. What you want to do is pick up two of the same item, fidget with them a little, then take one in each hand and cross your arms so your left hand is right above your purse. Then drop the one in your left hand into your bag, you can even fidget with it a little to make sure it’s secure without being obvious. Then uncross your arms, and put the one in your right hand back, make sure to look at it a little as to make sure it looks like you simply changed your mind about getting it.
The thing I like about the method is it’s super subtle, and it works almost anywhere! No one from the back or sides can see anything so as long as your not facing a camera or person you’re good to go!
Hope this helps! Sorry about the old music, I switched to Spotify a while back and so this is the only music I have on my iTunes, lmao. Also sorry about my double-chin the angle caused! 😂😁
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Hot Topic Masterpost
Okay, so I do a lot of my lifting at Hot Topic. And I don’t tend to see too many master posts about it. Ever. I’ve seen small stuff like the bag tips, though. So, I’m making my own.
So, first things first:
I lift from two Hot Topics in two different malls. Both are VERY simple. The Hot Topic that’s larger is HT1. The Hot Topic that is smaller is HT2.
So let’s go over basics of Hot Topic.
They’re known for art theft. They sell band and fandom merch, as well as general “punk” and even cute accessories and clothes. Their minimum age to be hired is 16 so you can bet 90% of their staff is under or close to the age of 20.
Now, the general feel and atmosphere of my two Hot Topic stores:
Towers. No ceiling or pinhole cameras that I’ve observed, however, there is ONE mirror in an upper corner. Two dressing rooms, one with a bench that is larger and a smaller without. Lots of large displays and general a cramped but large store itself. Around 3 or 4 SAs on any given day, but more around holidays. Almost nothing here is tagged - I’ve only seen bracelets and a few shorts clothingwise, even then there’s almost always an untagged duplicate, and I haven’t seen any RFIDs yet.
No towers, cameras, OR mirrors. 1 dressing room. Much smaller store in general, and still very cramped with displays, several of which are tall. They’ve made their OWN doom with the body jewelry displays blocking off the entire view of the register. You are completely hidden once behind it. 2 SAs usually, 3 during Hot Mess, one of which is almost always by the sale area since it’s usually just boxes of unsorted clothing and accessories right next to the door. (This is actually the same with HT1 as well). Nothing is tagged, since there’s no towers to begin with.
So, in Hot Topic, the biggest thing to be wary of is probably being in plain sight. HT2’s body jewelry shelves are a good method. Be quick with your concealment. Walk around the body jewelry stand and conceal while you’re behind it, but don’t stop there. If you’re there too long the SAs will check it out. I believe many Hot Topics have their Body Jewelry shelves in a position that’s easy to conceal behind. 
SAs are usually lazy teenagers but they’ll also probably still customer service you to death if they see you.
They don’t count in dressing rooms, but you need to ask an SA to unlock it for you. They will ask to confirm how many items you have, but you can just lie your way out of this by saying “yes” if they underestimate. 
Double hanging is a viable method and not a bad idea at Hot Topic, as they don’t count very carefully. 
 Lots of their clothes are black, so have some shirts on hangers and two black shirts balled up together. They most likely will count it as one. 
They don’t stick around until you exit the dressing room, so it’s not really an issue, as when you exit, chances are they’ll be on the other side of the store.
 There’s usually no detagging to do, so I just put clothes on under my own, return whatever’s left in my hands, and then shop around a little longer before leaving.
SAs do not have a uniform, so watch out, because who you thought was a customer could be one of the employees very close to you, and be paying more attention than you think.
Don’t hang around their hair dye for too long -grab, walk away, and conceal. Come back if you need another bottle, but be just as quick as before. If you’re there too long they’ll come and talk to you about colors, and more customers might show up and join the discussion - trust me, it’s happened to me before.
Watch out for tags on shorts and pants, they’re one of the only clothing articles I’VE seen tagged.
Tights and socks that are wrapped in the stores packaging are more than likely not tagged and will only have the price sticker on the back. This is not an RFID. Leave it on, it won’t go off.
Rubber bracelets may be tagged but in this situation there’s usually an untagged duplicate of the same bracelet, so just look a little harder. 
Whenever my partner and I entered the stores recently (as of about August 20th generally) they are having a sale where you stuff clothes in a backpack and everything + the backpack is 30% off. Don’t worry if an SA tells you this, because it’s an ACTUAL sale. They aren’t sussing you out - we’ve been told this at both locations.
Pop figures could have RFID or source tagging? I haven’t lifted one yet.
No cosmetics are tagged. Use sleeves or just stuff them in your purse or shopping bags
Buttons aren’t tagged. Just grab them in your hand while sifting through the bin and get as many as you’d like using a slight of hand.
Beanies aren’t tagged, and I’m pretty sure Snapbacks aren’t either. 
Scarves aren’t tagged. 
Socks aren’t tagged. ]Dresses aren’t tagged. 
You can get shirts without real effort by just putting your purse or shopping bags (open) on the ground in front of their shirt wall shelf things, and slip your size in while pretending to look for a size. This way, you won’t have to get a dressing room opened for you.
Bring a purse and hang it so the opening is kind of in front of you so you can inconspicuously drop things in while looking at displays and clothing racks.
Take all of this with a grain of salt - I’ve seen a lot about Hot Topics that tag, but mine doesn’t that often.
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Playing up the innocent stature if you can is your best friend! I went to VS and everytime i go to VS I ask a woman for a bra fitting. The “It’s my first time really out here without my helicopter parents and I’m still unsure about alot of things” is ,y best friend. The bra fitting and being kind to the SA’s is how I’m able to conceal more because they leave me alone to try things on.
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lift-the-kid · 6 years
Tumblr media
Not that anyone cares but..
Belk: $115
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