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DOCTOR WHO MEME: quotes [5/7] → “This is a scale model of war.”
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I took some artistic liberties but I think you get it
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A lot better run today than yesterday’s bad 2 miles. #run #runner #running #runningjedi #runningjedi2099 #justrun #dontthinkjustrun #runhappy#brooks #brooksrunning https://www.instagram.com/p/COfcf5DnMiU/?igshid=yaxh7zyn28dt
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Postcolonial Love Poem, ‘Wolf OR-7′ by Natalie Diaz
[ID: I confuse instinct for desire - isn’t bite also touch?]
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Define Your Grind
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Who’s next? Alex? Because I hear he likes to sleep around. You two have that in common. GREY’S ANATOMY | S02E24
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Baby steps still move us forwards. Don’t be afraid to take your time. 🌱
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@furiouscowboyangelcreator I hope you don’t mind me answering like this :D Crows are smart. VERY smart. I don’t want to insult any children but i’d like to claim they’re smarter than many human kids. They’re excellent problem solvers (they use tools), deft, social, they play games, have a good memory, they’re very very empathetic towards more than just their own species and careful observers. They also show referential gestures, something that only humans and SOME primates do. Basically when a young crow picks up a stick and starts cawing and all the other crows gather around the crow to look at the stick? It might not sound like much but this requires a huge amount of intelligence and crows do this all the time as a social activity. For reference, chimps do this very rarely and mostly if they want something. So in human language a chimp would say “give me stick” while a crow would say “Have you seen this stick? I want you to look at this please because i find it interesting.”
They do anting, an activity where they will purposefully bother ants because their attack secretes contain acid that works as an incecticide or fungicide. You know how humans ages ago ran into the woods and picked some herbs, put them on a rash and realized that helped? Birds do that!
Watching birds is fun, watching corvids is fascinating. The more you engage with them the more you realize how good they are at figuring out extremely complex situations. Most people have already seen the videos of crows dropping nuts on a road so the cars will crack them open, an activity that requires forethought and so on. But there’s way more examples! They’re able to make a tool to create another tool to solve a problem. They like to hide their food but of course they don’t want other crows to steal from their stash. So what do they do? They will PRETEND to hide food at a certain place when they realize a crow is watching, then find the real hiding place when the other crow is gone. Wow!
They recognize different humans and have special calls for each “important” one. The crows i’ve been feeding for a long time not only know me but also know my friend who sometimes comes along. She never feeds the crows and will usually walk around playing Pokemon but if the crows spot her they KNOW i’m around and will search for me. They connect us simply because they watched us stand together and talk several times. When they spot her they make a different sound than when spotting me.
The most lovely experience happened to me recently and sadly i didn’t catch it on film. I had 3 peanuts in my hand which is too many for mom crow to transport them all at once so she decided to eat one right there. This is how she usually opens peanuts: https://charcoalfriends.tumblr.com/post/177935753395/momma-crow-completly-eviscerating-a-peanut-baby She understood that my hand wasn’t a hard enough surface, she understood that when she pecks too hard in the hand i will pull it away and make a “scary” sound, basically she understood to be gentle and carefully cracked the peanut open without her beak touching my palm. Despite being hungry and really wanting the peanut and having the pressure of her sons wanting to push her off the bench behind her she was able to think several steps ahead and judge my behavior by thinking of similar situations in the past where her sons would hack into my hand and i’d react negatively. That was honestly pretty magical, same for the situations in which the crows just stop eating to look at me or the camera. They will just sit there and look me in the eyes and think about crow things and how i fit into their crow world.
I could go on and on. I honestly love most animals and i do love to engage with my pet mice or with little bugs or dogs, but crows are on a really high level interaction wise. Earning the trust of ANY animal is extremely rewarding and feels awesome but it’s particularly cool when you feel like that animal could beat you in a game of chess :P
tl;dr Crows are smart lil borbs (bird orbs) and we should all be kind and respectful to them or they might enslave the human race once they rule the world
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