liftingdown · 2 months
long flowy skirt + leggings underneath, stuff into leggings
nice big bag that looks full even when it isn't
stuff your bra
wear clothing under clothing your already wearing
fold everything nicely to take up less space (konmari method)
go back to your car in between stores to dump stuff before going to the next store (this is how people get like 15 items in one trip)
come back another day
finally, maybe don't get 3+ items in one trip? if you like lfting as a fun thing to do, and you are keeping the stuff for personal use, you really don't need to get piles and piles of clothing every time you go shopping. There will always be another trip. most people don't need that much clothing, and every lfter I know has ended up getting waaaaayyyy to much stuff when they started because they could, only to have to get rid of 90% of it later because it turn out over consumption is still over consumption even if you don't pay for it.
how do you guys manage to lift multiple (3+) clothing items in one trip?? im so lost
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liftingdown · 2 months
holy shit, it turns out cleaning is actually really fun when you have nice good equipment and cleaner that smells good
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liftingdown · 2 months
does anyone have items they take over and over again? my friend like to pick up canned fish, and currently I'm going through an energy drink phase where I want to try every flavor on the market. I have another friend who gets anything with stitch on it without fail. I am curious to see what people favorites are
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liftingdown · 5 months
hey, I'm moving states in a couple months, any suggestions of what I should hit up before I get a whole new address to dna and a whole new set of stores to lft?
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liftingdown · 6 months
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liftingdown · 6 months
bra shopping is fucking miserable but it is less miserable without having to pay for them
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liftingdown · 6 months
dude, literally everyone on ED tumblr is unhappy with their weight, constantly binging, and miserable, why are you taking their advice?
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liftingdown · 7 months
they have a lot of cameras, and well paid and train staff who are specifically meant to give a lot of customer service, (which means paying a lot of attation to you), a shit ton of people around all the time, and big aisles in a small store with no place to conceal easily. you might be able to sleeve like one small thing or two, but would not recommend for beginners
does anyone know if tr4der h0es is easy to 🏋️‍♀️ from ???
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liftingdown · 7 months
does anyone know if tr4der h0es is easy to 🏋️‍♀️ from ???
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liftingdown · 7 months
update, success, got full refund with DNA, so cool to know you can return something and dna with the same account no problem
I just put in my first order at zappp0, and I'm really hoping it works because I really need new shoes and I can not be spending this amount of money on them
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liftingdown · 7 months
update, smart little me was like "product is damaged" under the idea that they would not make me mail a damaged product back. Had to mail product back. also they won't give money back for like 2 weeks, so yay!
I got a 20 dollar off coupon and bought another pair of shoes, will try to dna since why not, but I am not very convinced it is going to work. can't really be mad, but not the preferred outcome
I just put in my first order at zappp0, and I'm really hoping it works because I really need new shoes and I can not be spending this amount of money on them
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liftingdown · 7 months
ok, so three options as the only way I've ever manage to do it
go to a very low security store with messy untended dressing room. the store should be a free for all basiclly (I used macy's, you mileage may vary) grab shoes, and a pile of clothing to try on on top of the shoes to hid your bringing them in, go to dressing room, and then conceal. you could use a bigger bag, leggings under a fluffy skirt, and maybe other things too depending on the shoe size. conceal things and leave
b. wear flats or other small shoes into the store, try on the shoes you want and then, just don't take them off. stick your flats in your purse or whatever and walk out.
#. dna that shit (recommended method)
Does anyone know how to lift shoes? 🙏🙏🙏
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liftingdown · 7 months
the goal when lifting is not to look pretty, it's to look different. absolutely contour your nose to look fucked, and wear unflattering outfits, and have your hair in a frizzy mess, and wear lipstick that washes you out, and glasses that do not suit your face shape.
it makes you wear stuff you otherwise never would, look different, and get paid attention to less. look like your worse self, it's fun.
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liftingdown · 7 months
I just put in my first order at zappp0, and I'm really hoping it works because I really need new shoes and I can not be spending this amount of money on them
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liftingdown · 7 months
Grocery Shopping Master Post
DISCLAIMER: This is a post I created for my own personal use that I'm now sharing to help others. This means that you may recognize some of this information from other posts (or your own!), because I like to compile and rephrase any information I find helpful. I don't list sources for everyone's safety, but that is in no way because I want to pass off some of this information as my own. Feel free to comment or message me if you think someone should be credited and I will gladly do so <3 Any additional info is always appreciated!
General Tips & Tricks:
Remember, no ID, no case. Avoid using your credit/debit card whenever possible, as they can ID you this way and case build. You can either pay with cash, load up a V1sa credit card, or don’t pay at all ;)
Park away from camera view in the parking lot.
Act like a normal shopper. Browse, look at prices, and don’t look around at other people.
Avoid looking at the doors if there is beeping, most normal people wouldn’t notice or pay attention.
Always do your research before hitting a store. Scope out the location ahead of time, check out the cameras in the parking lot and in the store, get an idea of how vigilant they are about checking receipts, find out when they’re the busiest, check for LP and security.
On weekdays when it’s slower some stores won’t have security, but will bring them in on the weekends. This is true for stores like Tom Finger and Kroh-ger.
Self Checkout:
Use reusable bags. Place the less expensive items/the ones you plan on actually paying for at the top of the bags. Scan those and “forget” the items at the bottom.
Bring a new looking receipt, or create a fake receipt of the items you’re taking (buy a receipt printer and print your shopping list using the store's template/format for receipts)
Create fake label stickers at home. Take a picture on your phone for barcodes and get a label sticker. Make your code for whatever dollar amount you want (like $1 each).
Scan things quickly and cover the barcode with your hand on “accident” when scanning. This is riskier because sometimes the camera or machine will catch this and stop your checkout process to replay video of you skipping an item (which is so embarrassing lmao).
Get a packet of dressing or gravy (which runs .30 to .50 cents) and hold it under the item you're scanning. This is also a little more on the riskier side just because an employee or cameras can physically see the price of the item scanned versus the item you’re holding.
If you’re satisfied with a nice self-given discount, it’s lower risk to tear the tag off a cheaper item similar to the one you’re getting. For example you can hold the barcode for a cheaper pillow against the actual tag for a more expensive pillow.
A good rule of thumb for self checkout is to act as quickly as possible. Your actions will be much harder to catch if you’re hard to keep up with. Don’t come off as frantic or worried though, just look like you’re busy and have someplace to be.
Place smaller items underneath cheaper bigger items or underneath the cart and “forget” to scan them at self checkout. This created very realistic plausible deniability. One good example is playing a pack of toilet paper on top of a dozen sheets of pimple patches or face masks. It’s not going to occur to anyone to look underneath such a big item.
Likewise, you can place smaller items into bigger items and buy that one bigger item. For example, buying a large plastic bin or laundry hamper and placing items inside. This is higher risk though, because you will have to conceal the smaller items on the floor. Finding blindspots can be difficult, and hidden cameras are a thing. If you are seen doing this, it will be obvious what you are attempting to do so be sure you are being tactful. This may also draw attention because this is a common and well known thing that people do, even if they are not experienced lifters.
To create more plausible deniability, wear earbuds/headphones and play music. If you're caught you can pretend you didn't hear that the scanner didn't beep on the item.
Pretend you’re shopping for 2 people and need to do 2 different orders. If you're caught trying to leave without paying for something, just say the rest of the items are for someone else. Scan them, take the L, and move on.
Buy bulk. If you have multiples of items, it's easier to make it less obvious you stole something. So if you have 5 bottles of the same soda and only scanned 3, it looks less suspicious than if you only had 1 and it never left your cart.
Body Concealing:
Go to the freezer section, as you are “looking for ice cream” have your bag of choice situated on the side of your body where the door is blocking you; the condensation should block your actions. The items you want to conceal should be in your hand, so then just drop it in. Make sure no one’s on your other side.
Get two meat packs and have them facing each other for easy concealment.
The makeup aisle is highly monitored, for the love of god don’t try to conceal until you’re in another section. Don’t get too much makeup at one time either, try to grab moderate amounts like someone spending their own money would.
Carside Pickup:
Tell them that you have store credit, most will never check and as long as it’s less than like $50 they’ll probably give it to you. It might be more believable if you say “last time I picked up you guys forgot to give me my “xyz”, and I didn’t want to come back to pick it up so you said you’d take the $10.99 (or whatever amount) off this order”. 
You most likely will not get ID'd at carside.
Find a store with a Stardollars inside. Have a drink and have your bag already filled and leave after you’re finished. This works for smaller hauls, don’t attempt with a whole cart, it will be more obvious. To my knowledge, this is a well known method by employees so in some situations this might be higher risk.
Don’t stop if they ask you to. Wave them off (as if you couldn’t be bothered and you find them an inconvenience), pretend not to hear, quickly flash a receipt, etc.
Be patient and fight your window of opportunity. Don’t rush out, wait and see when no one is paying attention to the doors. 
You can have someone watch your back as you leave. Meaning, they can stay back to see if anyone notices and follow you out after or if it’s a high risk situation, they can block the exit with a shopping cart and tell you to run.
The best approach is to do walkouts when no one will notice. This means going when it’s busiest (the weekends, specifically Sunday afternoon) and at higher income areas where they will not be on high alert.
Do not double dip too often at the same stores, rotate the stores you hit unless you are going in disguise. The same logic applies with lifting anywhere, dress nice and blend in. Face masks are preferable. 
Some stores have shopping carts with wheels that will lock up for one of these two reasons: 
1. You attempt to leave without paying (meaning the wheels will lock at the store doors). This is meant to prevent theft known as “pushout” or “walkout” theft.
You can get around this by either walking out with a basket or reusable bags instead, or by going through the point of sale areas to deactivate the locking mechanism. Either walk through an empty cashier aisle so it appears you paid, or through self checkout.
2. You attempt to leave the premises. This is meant to prevent shopping carts from being taken off the lot, so unless you’re trying to steal the cart too or you parked far from the store it shouldn’t be an issue.
Usually there will be signs throughout the store notifying shoppers of this, or you can tell by looking at the carts’ wheels. There will be two out of the four wheels either on the front or the back that look different from the others, like there is some sort of clunky shield on them.
You can learn more about how this works at:
***This is a new idea I have not tested yet, but I will edit this portion of the post when I do. Wear a F@/vor or insta-nt-cart shirt/cap and bring the company bags to fill up (you can probably find these items online on eB@/y, etc). Routinely check your phone as you shop like you are collecting an order for a customer that already paid online. Walking out will raise less questions when you seem like a mere worker carrying out someone else’s order. That way you can also claim the items have already been paid for online if you are stopped. You could go as far as to have a fake item pulled up on the app or create a fake picture/screenshot.
Best places to go grocery shopping:
Trade Joey's (best for body concealing as there are few, if any, cameras)
Worst places to go grocery shopping:
Fuckin’ T@/rget. I’d only attempt low risk methods if there’s something you REALLY want.
W@/m@/rt, unless you’re only occasionally skipping items at self checkout.
Kroh-ger. They’re known to case build.
Stores that have locking carts (this will not apply to every location):
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liftingdown · 7 months
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more info on light/motion sensitivity tags. these tags are starting to pop up on some electronics and on commonly stolen high-ticket items at ulta. i’m currently looking for where a deactivator can be bought
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liftingdown · 7 months
don't any of you dare apologize for not lifting or not posting or small hauls, or anything like that because at the end of the day, the only goal this community has is for everyone to be safe and happy at the expense of corporations and whatever you have to do to have that, I want that for you
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