light-story · 10 years
How about if they had the ability to throw their light in an almost gaseous form, sort of like a Will-o-the-Wisp?
Sounds like an interesting idea, but I don’t think I could (or would even want to) make that work with the light bulb thing they have going on. Thanks for suggesting!
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light-story · 10 years
Hello everyone, long time no see!
I've been working diligently on getting used to the characters new designs, but I also bring some bad news. I'm getting rid of the current story.
Now before you click that unfollow button, let me explain myself. Well, in the past month or two I've been noticing a lot of indie projects such as games/comics/stories/etc using the "Light triumphing over Darkness" thing. Apparently It has been done way more than I could have ever imagined, and thus makes me feel unoriginal with the concept. So, where does Light stand now if that idea is scraped? 
Well for one, I'll be changing that god awful name. Second of all, I will be going back to Light's roots, and making the setting more original and fun to work with.
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Here is a very early concept I did back in 2013. The setting I had in mind was a dark old castle/dungeon type area, and the two characters wake up there and....do...stuff.
So you see, that story blows ass as well, but I do still like the concept of it. would allow me to do so much more if improved upon. One of the reasons I want to explore my old ideas, is one particular one I had in mind.
We've all been in the dark when we were little, right? You can remember being scared, and vaguely see weird shapes (or monsters) while staring into it, right? Well I wanted to do something like that with Light. 
Say the two look down a dark hallway, and see nothing but darkness after where their light stops. They're going to see monsters. Monsters that could or could not even be there. See what I'm getting at?
But the reason I scraped the idea, is because I didn't know how to make it work in an interesting way. I mean, if that was the case, then they couldn't even fucking move two feet without getting the shit scared out of them! so, you can see why this is difficult to work with.
If any of you have suggestions on how I could make this work, then I'd be more than open to them! But as of now, the current Light story is dead.
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light-story · 10 years
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Some re-designs to Lychinus and Aura. I wasn’t too sure whether or not to make this much of a drastic change, but I’m pretty happy with it. It allows me to give the characters more emotion~
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light-story · 10 years
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Part 2
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light-story · 10 years
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light-story · 10 years
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After over two years of constant design and story changes, It gives me great pleasure to announce that I've decided Light is finally ready to spread It's wings and soar.
Expect to see more soon~
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