lightinsonder · 10 hours
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Making sure you respect her rank since 1999.
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lightinsonder · 11 hours
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lightinsonder · 11 hours
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Chris Meloni as Elliot Stabler – Law & Order: Organized Crime season one.
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lightinsonder · 14 hours
Overwatch time. come and see me lose a lot lol
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lightinsonder · 1 day
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continue from here.
@silcntsinners [Elliot]
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The roll of her eyes is automatic just like the short blow of air that was accompanied by the shake of her head. As annoying he is being at that very moment Olivia is attuned to the reason behind it and honestly? She is grateful, still, she doesn't express that gratefulness out loud, instead picks up a random sticky note that had no business on her desk, crumpled it up and threw his way the moment he stood up to pick up his blazer hitting him on the face. A laugh erupted from her lips as she leaned back and tilted her head to look up at Elliot. "Funny, miserable fucker is how I have you under on my phone. How did you find out?" Oblivious a joke, a stupid one but one nonetheless.
His proposal to go out tonight instead does give her pause, brow raising in his direction. "Then why ask me about tomorrow night?" A laugh, "Sweetie, if you wanna spend even more time with me all you have to do is say so." A snort but she is standing up, hand stretching to pick her leather jacket. "Like I would let you carry me out."
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lightinsonder · 4 days
‘you didn't do anything wrong . i was the problem , not you .’ For Elliot from Katie
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The words caught him off guard. Blue yes stared at the blonde to the point where, in his mind, the image morphed into the smiley little girl he used carry around the house causing laughter to bounce off the walls. He is shaking his head, images brushing away until the sight of Katie comes back into focus. "Never say something like that." Because why would she? If anything he has wrong her and her siblings the most. He knows the grief his family has gone through because of him and his work and they never should feel like they are at fault for anything. Yes, he can be hard on them from time to time but he had never fault them for anything, especially for speaking their mind.
They have the freedom to express themselves, even if he isn't exactly thrilled about what he hears. Taking into consideration on how he had spoken those words, Elliot takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and shakes his head. "What makes you say that?" Maybe he needs to understand a bit more where Katie was coming from.
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lightinsonder · 4 days
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You do better. You honor this cross and all that is meant to represent.
“We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.”
You’re telling me.”
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lightinsonder · 4 days
‘what are you doing tomorrow night ?’ For Liv from Elliot
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Another day, another case closed with a lasting bad taste in her mouth. Olivia feels the tiredness bone deep, her whole body screaming to be freed of the tension that had plagued her for the lat few weeks. The burden of knowledge, the good, the bad and the ugly scarring her from having an actual nice sleep and she'll try, but to no avail. Olivia will find herself unable to find a lick of sleep and will be forced to watch the shadows dance on the ceiling. She is thinking about that when Elliot's question snaps her back to reality.
Fingers flexed against the pen she had been holding for dear like as she signed off on the latest paperwork depicting a gruesome case. It takes her a few seconds to process the question but once she does shoulders deflate once the answer comes to mind and then dance out her tongue. "Same thing I do every night. Pretend that I am actually going to sleep and then just stare at the ceiling." A beat of silence, eyes locked with blue ones that seem to stare into her soul, "Why?"
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lightinsonder · 6 days
currently loosing like crazy xD
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lightinsonder · 8 days
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ᴇᴏ ʀᴇᴅᴜx + ᴛᴇxᴛᴘᴏꜱᴛꜱ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼
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lightinsonder · 8 days
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incorrect bensler quotes → 5/∞ (insp)
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lightinsonder · 8 days
I need to watch the last two episodes of Organized crime. I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm sad that they are moving the show to peacock. Like, I'm happy it isn't cancelled but not having that back to back of SVU / OC its kinda sad to me
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lightinsonder · 8 days
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Law & Order: SVU | 1x04: Hysteria
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lightinsonder · 8 days
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The eeriness of the voice on the other side of the line had a shiver running down her spine. The malicious intent, the hatred behind his tone of voice enough to prove to Olivia that this man needed to be caught as soon as possible. There was no time to waste, especially when such an innocent life hung on the balance. Even with all the trepidation, there was no way the captain was not going to be part of all of this. It wasn't the first time she had been in such a position and it won't be the last one either.
As the phone call died, Olivia knew exactly that it needed to be done. Her lips were ready to bark out orders but was stopped by the absolute fear in Jamie's voice. In that moment her heart pounded a little too hard against her rib cage. A father's fear becoming a huge motivator for this operation to be a success. "We factor for all risks as much as we can." She begins, eyes traveling momentarily to Fin whom nod told her all she needed to know. As much as they can humanly predict anyway but with OC's help they could build an operation where no lives would be lost, hopefully. The feeling of Jamie's lips against hers took her by surprise, a room full of cops taking note of it but it didn't really matter for the captain. They were going to figure it out eventually anyway. "I know that you want to come but we can risk you getting hurt in the process.We can't give him gasoline to fuel his hatred." For as much as she hated to say those words, they were the truth. She is appreciative for him and his absolute cared for her but Olivia know that adding him as a variable in such a precarious situation might escalate it even more. Pulling Jamie to the side for some privacy, Olivia's hand gently lands on his cheek, "I need you to tell Detective Rollins everything you know about this man. We need a sure fire way to catch him, talking to him will be the key of stalling for time for the team to get in and out without anyone getting hurt..." The look in his eyes told so much about the pain and suffering he had endure, and she needed to provide some peace of mind. Hard task, she knows that well but not impossible. "And I really need you to believe that I can do this, please."
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Jaimes eyes stayed glued to the phone, the others were simply background noise since his whole focus was on the little baby in the background. “You see, Jaime knows better than anyone that I keep my word. I told him that one day I would come back to ruin him after he took her from me, his daughter is simply the bait. He doesn’t get to move on, he doesn’t get to find happiness. Meet me at the address” he said before ending the call which made Jaime close his eyes. “Olivia you… don’t have to do this” he muttered in shock since this was extremely risky which could end in her death. He teared up and glanced away for a moment, trying to gather himself. “This is my fault. I should have known this could happen. I’ve put you in this position and I’m truly sorry” he mumbled even though Jaime could have never predicted for this to happen.
He turned to face her and moved one hand to caress the woman’s cheek, fin unable to stop himself from glancing over with a raise of his brow. “I know they’ll save you but I also won’t let him harm you” he muttered, leaning in to place a soft peck to her lips which made fin snigger as he rolled his eyes. “Ready Olivia?” Fin asked once he had been in contact with Sargent Bell, jaimes eyes falling on his phone when it went off. “I have the address” he stated and showed it to them. “Is there any way I could come with you. I don’t want you to do this alone” he muttered.
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lightinsonder · 9 days
we are switching it up today by playing dead by daylight for a bit.
Disclaimer: I'm bad at this game okay?
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lightinsonder · 11 days
yes hi, things are better! I’ll be around with all those replies on Wednesday ❤️ thank you all for your patience!
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lightinsonder · 11 days
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“Henry has heard that grief has stages. He wonders if the same is true for love.”
– The invisible life of Addie LaRue.
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