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Characters: Anthen, Artemis 
CW’s: talk of timeshift’s death 
Anthen decides to finally open up and tell Artemis about his hero persona, and fill her in on the details she’s missed since his supposed stint in hospital. He tells her of Quasar, of Timeshift and what happened to him, and his abilities thanks to the singularity. 
Artemis extends an invitation to Anthen to join the Anti-Vantage Alliance and gives him like 4 big fuckin hugs 
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Characters: Artemis, Harper, Dmitri (NPC) (also baby) 
CW’s: mentions of breastmilk (there aren’t any CW’s)
Summary: Harper, planning on palming some liquid meals, accidentally slips into a store dedicated to baby supplies. Flustered, they choose to grab a pack of baby formula when Artemis comes round the corner and accidentally interrupts them. 
They get to talking, and eventually move on to a cafe, where Harper reveals a little of their history - and the reason behind their mask - and Artemis tells them who she is and what she does for a living. 
They’re fwends now and bond over babies
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Unsure whether it's a bonding exercise or not, spotting your neighbour looking like a good summation of how you feel, but I think it's a strong bonding exercise. He has no idea, but I consider us friends now.
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Aw, that's so cute!
Olympus has currently raised $72,600 for the efforts toward EAFA but you should be proud of what you've achieved so far!! :)
This weekend’s fundraising efforts went exceptionally well! I’m proud of all of our volunteers for their hard work: we managed to raise roughly $5000 for the families of the kidnapped EAFA students — and at last count, I think we cooked somewhere around thirty pounds of hot comfort food for the campus community in general. And with the news that Olympus is coming in to further assist the community, I think some good has certainly come to the city in these trying times.
I’ll continue to practice and teach love for my fellow man, as will the rest of our church’s members. I can only hope the rest of you do the same, either with us or in your own individual way.
A lovely evening to you all <3
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In light of recent events, Olympus Industries will be fully funding any and all students that require counselling of any sort, and we'll be organising a food drive in the near future to assist those affected.
To the students, I'll personally cover your college tuition. I'll update soon on any extra bits we'll provide, but Olympus has been offering scholarships to EAFA for years now, so we'll be stepping forward to help in any way possible!
A donation will also be made to help with any additional costs the victims' families may face :)
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Characters: Jude, Artemis 
CW’s: None! 
Summary: Artemis is getting a tour of EAFA to help decide on another scholarship she’ll be donating to the school, and Jude, who was recently injured and is a current benefactor of one of her grants, agrees to show her around. 
The pair walk and talk as Jude shows her various spots, and helps her spitball potential scholarship ideas. 
It’s a lotta talky talky 
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backwoodsdiscotheque replied to your post: The little man decided I desperately needed a new...
holy shit is he all good tho
Oh he’s fine! I think he got a bit too excited about breakfast this morning and ate it a bit too quickly :P 
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The little man decided I desperately needed a new phone and so he threw up all over me, and it, and my coffee. Hope everyone else's day is going slightly better!
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((oh yeah here’s a ref for the Little Man feat 3 different colour schemes bc i couldn’t decide what to go with and i’m Lazy)) 
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(( haven't drawn these losers for a bit & had to repost bc mobile tumblr is a Fucker))
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I don't know what happened last night and I'm so sorry! I just hope those affected didn't get hurt...and that everyone else kind of had fun? 😰
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What the fuck
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Characters: Artemis, Mr. Mumbles 
CW: PDA, suggestive themes, gross adults flirting 
Summary: Mr. Mumbles is invited to Artemis’ halloween party and decides to go as a sexy mime, bumping into the gracious host and trying really hard to flirt with her. The pair talk for a bit before Mumbles’ decides to pull a couple of moves and tries to get Artemis to lose their bet and kiss him, though she resists and gently teases him over it. Mumbles, deciding enough is enough, kisses her instead and very politely asks if they can make up for lost time. She tells him no, but does invite him to stay the night. 
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Oh man I'm so excited for this party! Anthen and I have been furiously decorating and he looks like a loser but that's okay because I look fantastic! There's so much food here! 🤤
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I think the worst thing about living where I do is that I don’t get to really partake in the whole, trick or treat thing :( 
I feel like I’m missing out! 
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@strangehorizon :'( I'm just stuck being your best friend instead @thegooddirt Thank you for making my point for me, Twigs @backwoodsdiscotheque You do know I have other people that babysit for me, right?
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Hey, if I'm such a catch, why is no one asking me out huh!!!
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