"Shannon said I have "Sonic the Hedgehog" hair and I can't stop thinking about it."
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[Oh, good Lord, who let him have so many cookies?]
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[weak wave]
(Hey, this is lights-camera-action, the other Brendon, but it won't let me send questions from that account, so I'm on anon. Just to let you know.) [He's tried, he really has, to willfully ignore the other Brendon, but acting like there isn't an alternate version of you walking around is easier said than done. He has to address this. He awkwardly approaches his counterpart.] "Uuh, hey... meeeee."
Hearing the door open, he gave a half-assed greeting, preoccupied with another phone call. But when he saw who walked into the store, he slowly hung up, watching his younger self approach him in disbelief.
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"Hey...me.." he echoes him.
"I knew I needed to get more rest..."
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[His dad and Linda have arrived, so he's resorted to locking himself in his room and hiding under the covers.]
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“Maybe you can come by in an hour or so. My mom bought a paper snowflake kit. That might be fun.”
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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“I know. Thank you.”
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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I need some time to think.”
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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“I don’t think there’s anything you can do.” 
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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“Yeah, but I hate my step-mom.
She’s the worst.”
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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“My dad’s coming over on Saturday.
He’s gonna be staying until after Christmas.” 
[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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[texting Shannon]
"I'm honestly having a bad time right now."
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[Yeah, his afternoon is ruined now.
His dad called to remind him that he's visiting for the holidays...
and bringing Linda with him.]
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“Okay! Why, wanna join my server tomorrow?”
[He finally picks up the phone, waiting for it to finish ringing.]
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“Wanna see the house I built in Minecraft?”
[He finally picks up the phone, waiting for it to finish ringing.]
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“Do you like it?”
[He finally picks up the phone, waiting for it to finish ringing.]
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“. . .I, uh, yeah? I mean, what else would you call us? We are boyfriends, aren’t we?”
[He finally picks up the phone, waiting for it to finish ringing.]
". . .Brendon?"
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“I want this to work out.”
[He finally picks up the phone, waiting for it to finish ringing.]
". . .Brendon?"
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