lightsaworld · 3 years
ballroom dialogue prompts.     below, you can find dialogue taken from ballroom scenes or scenes revolving around the topic from period dramas, for all your fancy dress and intimacy needs. as not all of these are specifically about dancing, i would recommend adding to the end a note that this is the sentence meme you’re sending it for!
❝  is this what you [origin/nationality/family] call dancing?  ❞
❝  then i will introduce you to some pretty young noblemen instead.  ❞
❝  allow him his fancy.  ❞
❝  but no warfare tonight, i trust.  ❞
❝  oh, dear me, i’m no dancer, let me find a better partner for you.  ❞
❝  i can think of nothing less appealing than an evening of watching other people dance.  ❞
❝  will you please come and set an example for your companions?  ❞
❝  would you take a drink with me?  ❞
❝  i may not be [name], but may i dance with you?  ❞
❝  may i have a waltz?  ❞
❝  have some more wine, my wine.  ❞
❝  take a dance in the garden, my garden.  ❞
❝  the pretty young noblewomen of [place/family] would delight to have you paw at them.  ❞
❝  but if i were to become a woman with half your grace and beauty, [name]… i would be proud and happy.  ❞
❝  you look… as lovely as ever, [name].  ❞
❝  it’s a relaxation to dance with you, [name].  ❞
❝  i’ll save you the third dance just because it’s your first ball.  ❞
❝  he has the strength of an ox. and sadly the grace of an ox as well.  ❞
❝  the whole party is here to help my father prepare for the party.  ❞
❝  you and your idiot matchmaking.  ❞
❝  you have shown yourself to be a fine dancer, despite all your protests.  ❞
❝  do you not dance, mr. [name]?  ❞
❝  though i am an old married man, i would enjoy dancing with [you/name].  ❞
❝  will you stay for the [name/celebration] ball, [name]?  ❞
❝  oh, isn’t this room just like a fairyland?  ❞
❝  tonight is for celebrations.  ❞
❝  how do you like my hair?  i did it myself.  ❞
❝  oh, i had the most wonderful time!  it was out of a dream—  ❞
❝  where do you want to be taken?  ❞
❝  if i may have the pleasure, will you join me in a [dance]?  ❞
❝  she hates us both. hardly a reason for courtship, surely.  ❞
❝  you fear for the constancy of your lover’s affections?  ❞
❝  put on your best finery, [name]. your most beautiful dress. you’re coming with me.  ❞
❝  it’s the last dance.  ❞
❝  there is a response to such an insult. but it would not be appropriate here.  ❞
❝  if i may be so bold, i would ask for your advice.  ❞
❝  i would dance with you, if you will ask me.  ❞
❝  sprezzatura. i have heard it means ‘ the effortless display of grace ’.  ❞
❝  i see no evidence of sprezzatura.  ❞
❝  i care nothing for your pretty young noblewomen.  ❞
❝  if you will be my partner, [name].  ❞
❝  it would not be improper for us to dance.  ❞
❝  [name] told me she does not mean to dance this evening, but i do see a young lady whom i should like to see dancing.  ❞
❝  i dare say, but if i’m not to dance with you, i’m getting out of this operetta and going home.  ❞
❝  i come with some admirable qualities.  ❞
❝  [name] looks quite entrancing, does she not?  ❞
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lightsaworld · 3 years
send these for an excuse for our muses to get close. your muse is the sender, my muse is the receiver.
[forehead touch] your muse rests their forehead against my muse's
[slow dance] my muse pulls your muse close and into a slow dance
[hold hands] your muse takes my muse's hand
[sit close] our muses sit close enough to each other that their sides touch
[hand kiss] my muse presses a gentle kiss to your muse's hand
[legs across] your muse lays their legs across my muse's lap
[hug] our muses hug each other
[cuddle] our muses decide to cuddle up to each other
[cheek caress] your muse caresses my muse's cheek
[fall asleep] my muse falls asleep on your muse
[almost kiss] our muses are about to kiss, and then, for some reason, don't
[patch up] my muse patches up your muse
[whisper] for your muse to whisper something in my muse's ear
[nudge] my muse comes up with a bad excuse to nudge your muse
[check up] your muse checks up on my muse to make sure they're okay
[carry] your muse carries my muse bridal style
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lightsaworld · 3 years
when harry met sally quotes. lines from the 1989 film.
“ you realize of course that we could never be friends. ” “ the second time we met you didn’t even remember me. ” “ if you could take him back now, would you ? ” “ you didn’t hate me, i hated you. ” “ i drove him away. ” “ most women at one time or another have faked it. ” “  why didn’t he want to marry me ? what’s the matter with me ? ” “ all men are sure it never happened to them and all women at one time or other have faked it so you do the math. ” “ i love that after i spend the day with you, i can still smell your perfume on my clothes. ” “ [name], you might not believe this, but i never considered not sleeping with you a sacrifice. ” “ it is so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk. ” “ all this time i thought he didn’t want to get married. but, the truth is, he didn’t want to marry me. he didn’t love me. ” “ a woman friend. this is amazing. you may be the first attractive woman i have not wanted to sleep with in my entire life. ” “ there is too much pepper on my paprikash. ” “ this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form. ” ” i  love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out. ” “ you’re high maintenance but you think you’re low maintenance. ” “ i’d like the pie heated, and i don’t want the ice cream on top, i want it on the side. and i’d like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. if not, then no ice cream, just whipped cream, but only if it’s real. if it’s out of a can, then nothing.” “ when i buy a new book, i read the last page first. that way, in case i die before i finish, i know how it ends. ” “ that my friend is a darkside. ” “ i was being nice ! ” “ it’s amazing. you look like a normal person, but actually you are the angel of death. ” “ that’s the sex fantasy you’ve been having since you were twelve ? ” “ i’ll have what she’s having. ” “ marriages don’t break up on account of infidelity. it’s just a symptom that something else is wrong. ” “ i don’t know, he’s just sort of faceless. ” “ you made a woman meow ? ” “ well i guess we’re not going to be friends then. ” “ would you like to have dinner ?… just friends. ” “ well they haven’t faked it with me. ” “ i don’t have to take this crap from you. ” “ you’re probably one of those cheerful people who dot their “i’s” with little hearts. ” “ i can’t do this anymore. I am not your consolation prize. ” “ i want you to know that i will never want that wagon wheel coffee table. ” “  i love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like i’m nuts. ” “ no one has ever quoted me back to me before. ” “ you take someone to the airport, its clearly the beginning of the relationship. That’s why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship. “ “ i’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, i love you. ” “ i’m saying that the right man for you might be out there right now and if you don’t grab him, someone else will, and you’ll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband. ” “ well that “symptom” is fucking my wife. ” “ i love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. ” “ if you’re so over him, why aren’t you seeing anyone ? ” “ doesn’t matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed. ” “ you see ? that is just like you, [name]. you say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you. ” “ there are two kinds of women: high maintenance and low maintenance. ” “ no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. ” “ they should put the two sections together, real estate and obituaries– mr. klein died today leaving a wife, two children, and a spacious three-bedroom apartment with a wood-burning fireplace. ” “ the fact that you’re not answering leads me to believe you’re either (a) not at home, (b) home but don’t want to talk to me, or © home, desperately want to talk to me, but trapped under something heavy. if it’s either (a) or ©, please call me back. ” “ i came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. ”
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lightsaworld · 4 years
northanger abbey sentence starters !!
these are all from the first thirteen chapters of northanger abbey. feel free to alter them to fit muses!
“I wish you could dance, my dear—I wish you could get a partner.”
“What shall we do? The gentlemen and ladies at this table look as if they wondered why we came here—we seem forcing ourselves into their party.”
“And are you altogether pleased with Bath?”
“Now I must give one smirk, and then we may be rational again.”
“I shall make but a poor figure in your journal tomorrow.”
“What are you thinking of so earnestly?”
“My dearest creature, what can have made you so late? I have been waiting for you at least this age!”
“Not see him again! My dearest creature, do not talk of it. I am sure you would be miserable if you thought so!”
“Signify! Oh, heavens! I make it a rule never to mind what they say. They are very often amazingly impertinent if you do not treat them with spirit, and make them keep their distance.”
“For heaven’s sake! Let us move away from this end of the room. Do you know, there are two odious young men who have been staring at me this half hour. They really put me quite out of countenance. Let us go and look at the arrivals. They will hardly follow us there.”
“Oh, no; I am much obliged to you, our two dances are over; and, besides, I am tired, and do not mean to dance any more.”
“ Then pray let us turn back; they will certainly meet with an accident if we go on. Do let us turn back.”
“ How do you like my gown? I think it does not look amiss; the sleeves were entirely my own thought.”
“Oh, yes you would indeed; I know you better than you know yourself. You would have told us that we seemed born for each other, or some nonsense of that kind, which would have distressed me beyond conception; my cheeks would have been as red as your roses; I would not have had you by for the world.”
“I do not think I should be tired, if I were to stay here six months.”
“Well, other people must judge for themselves, and those who go to London may think nothing of Bath. But I, who live in a small retired village in the country, can never find greater sameness in such a place as this than in my own home; for here are a variety of amusements, a variety of things to be seen and done all day long, which I can know nothing of there.”
“There are four umbrellas up already. How I hate the sight of an umbrella!”
“Me! I take offence!”
“Well, nobody would have thought you had no right who saw your face.”
“Oh! Nonsense! How can you say so?”
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lightsaworld · 4 years
𝑫𝑨𝑾𝑵 - 𝑭𝑳𝑨𝑽𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑫 .    ( words  for  those  whose  affections  belong  to  the  early  mornings.   some  nsfw implications  are  present .   )
❛  name  one  reason  we  should  get  out  of  this  bed .  ❜ ❛  i’m  gonna  go  shower …   you  wanna  join ?  ❜ ❛  please …   you  don’t  have  to  go .   i  don’t  want  you  to  go .  ❜ ❛  i’ve  never  felt  like  this  before .   is  that  crazy ?  ❜ ❛  what  are  your  plans  for  the  day ,   &   how  cancel-able  are  they ?  ❜ ❛  grab  me  something  to  drink  while  you’re  up ?  ❜ ❛  how  did  you  sleep ?  ❜ ❛  no ,   nooo  -  come  back  to  bed .  ❜ ❛  wanna  help  me  choose  something  to  wear ?  ❜ ❛  i  wish  the  sun  would  just  go  back  down .  ❜ ❛  don’t  pretend  like  you’re  asleep .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  can  convince  you  to  stay …  ❜ ❛  i  can  feel  your  heart  beating .  ❜ ❛  shit ,   did  someone  just  knock  on  the  door ?  ❜ ❛  would  it  be  alright  if  i  borrowed  this ?   i  can’t  find  my  shirt .  ❜ ❛  it’s  not  morning  yet .  ❜ ❛  stop  hogging  all  the  blankets !  ❜ ❛  all  these  marks  -  i  look  like  a  crime  scene .  ❜ ❛  well ,   hello  there .   good  morning .  ❜ ❛  how  about  i  heat  up  the  leftovers  in  the  fridge ?  ❜ ❛  can  you  check  what  the  weather’s  like  today ?  ❜ ❛  just  one  more  kiss -  ❜ ❛  i  think  you  had  a  nightmare …   you  seemed  upset .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  find  my  [ clothing item ]  -  have  you  seen  [ it / them ] ?  ❜ ❛  i  think  i’ve  fallen  a  little  bit  more  in  love  with  you .  ❜ ❛  someone  needs  to  get  up   &   close  the  curtains .  ❜ ❛  hold  me  &  never  let  me  go .  ❜ ❛  is …  that  my  shirt  that  you’re  wearing ?  ❜ ❛  it’s  nice  that  your  voice  was  the  first  thing  i  heard  today .  ❜
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lightsaworld · 4 years
𝐚𝐬𝐤  𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 :    𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒐𝒖𝒔  𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔
‘  i’ll  find  you  again ,  wherever  we  end  up  next .  ’
‘  the  enormity  of  my  desire  disgusts  me .  ’
‘  please ,  one  more  kiss  in  the  kitchen  before  we  turn  the  lights  off .  ’
‘  i’ve  been  lost  but  i’m  here  now .  you’re  the  only  person  who  has  ever  been  able  to  find  me .  ’
‘  almost  dead  yesterday ,  maybe  dead  tomorrow ,  but  alive ,  gloriously  alive ,  today .  ’
‘  you  are  not  broken .  ’
‘  you  can  love  and  be  loved ,  despite  what  may  feel  like  the  eternally  brutal  nature  of  the  world .  ’
‘  i  did  violence  to  my  own  heart .  ’
‘  will  i  be  forgiven  for  the  sins  i  did  not  commit ,  but  created ?  ’
‘  i  would  never  kiss  anyone  who  doesn’t  burn  me  like  the  sun .  ’
‘  i  would  rather  break  the  world  than  lose  you .  ’
‘  i  think  you  and  i  have  known  each  other  in  a  few  lifetimes .  ’
‘  i  didn’t  know .  i  had  no  idea  how  greedy  my  heart  really  was .  ’
‘  is  that  why  the  idea  of  losing  you  torments  me  so  much ?  ’
‘  how  long  have  i  been  without  you ?  ’
‘  am  i  foolish  for  wanting  this ?  it  will  end  in  flames .  it  always  does .  ’
‘  sorry  about  the  blood  in  your  mouth .  i  wish  it  was  mine .  ’
‘  if  i  love  you ,  is  that  a  fact  or  a  weapon ?  ’
‘  tell  me  how  all  this ,  and  love  too ,  will  ruin  us .  ’
‘  and  you  realize  the  one  person  in  the  world  who  loves  you  isn’t  the  one  you  thought  it  would  be .  ’
‘  it  cannot  be  a  mistake  to  have  cared .  it  cannot  be  an  error  to  have  tried .  it  cannot  be  incorrect  to  have  loved .  ’
‘  finally ,  i  plead  guilty  of  adoring  you .  ’
‘  a  child  weaned  on  poison  considers  harm  a  comfort .  ’
‘  without  realizing ,  i  find  it  in  myself  that  i  cannot  stop  thinking  about  you .  ’
‘  tomorrow ,  when  i  wake  up ,  i  promise ,  i  will  be  better .  ’
‘  someone  has  to  leave  first .  this  is  a  very  old  story .  there  is  no  other  version  of  this  story .  ’
‘  when  i  imagine  myself ,  i  am  always  leaving .  i  couldn’t  draw  my  own  face  if  god  asked .  ’
‘  do  we  simply  stare  at  what’s  horrible  and  forgive  it ?  ’
‘  i  wanted  to  let  go  of  the  pain  even  though  it  was  the  last  thing  that  felt  alive  from  you .  ’
‘  have  i  endured  loneliness  with  grace ?  ’
‘  i’ll  be  your  slaughterhouse ,  your  killing  floor ,  your  morgue  and  final  resting ,  walking  around  with  this  bullet  inside  me  ‘cause  i  couldn’t  make  you  love  me  and  i  am  tired  of  pulling  your  teeth .  ’
‘  and  then  my  soul  saw  you  and  kind  of  went ,  ‘ oh ,  there  you  are .  i’ve  been  looking  for  you . ’  ’
‘  sometimes  it  feels  like  someone  else  is  wearing  my  body .  ’
‘  i  spent  my  life  arguing  how  i  mattered  until  it  didn’t  matter .  ’ 
‘  who  knew  my  haven  would  be  my  coffin ?  ’
‘  dead  is  the  safest  i’ve  ever  been .  ’
‘  i’ve  never  been  so  alive .  ’ 
‘  you  know  what  i  was  gonna  tell  you  before ,  but  didn’t  have  the  nerve ?  you  got  your  name  written  all  over  me .  i  got  my  name  written  on  you ,  too .  ’ 
‘  you  already  are  something .  you  always  were .  and  you  still  have  time  to  be .  ’
‘  you  know  me  by  heart .  it  infuriates  me  that  you  know  me  by  heart .  ’ 
‘  why  am  i  waiting  for  you ?  hungering  and  thirsting  for  you  in  every  cranny  of  my  soul  and  even  in  my  ribs ?  ’ 
‘  you  came  with  a  handful  of  pain  and  a  smile  which  broke  the  ground  under  my  feet  as  the  earthquake  does  when  two  people  meet .  ’
‘  the  only  good  thing  is  that  i’m  getting  used  to  suffering .  ’
‘  the  return  to  time  was  not  my  choice .  ’
‘  we  are  built  to  live  inside  each  other .  this  means  we  are  built  to  ruin .  ’
‘  time  does  not  bring  relief ;  you  all  have  lied .  ’
‘  time  does  not  know  how  to  keep  our  hopes  safe .  ’
‘  you  needed  me  so  much  that  you  had  to  end  me .  ’
‘  there  are  days  where  i  am  morbidly  in  love  with  you ,  and  this  is  one  of  those  days .  ’
‘  i  know  no  end  to  desiring  you .  ’
‘  i  fear  that  i  am  both  too  much  yet  not  enough .  ’
‘  yes ,  yes ,  yes ,  i  do  like  you .  i  am  afraid  to  say  the  stronger  word .  ’ 
‘  a  heart’s  a  heavy  burden .  ’
‘  life ,  as  i  see  it ,  is  all  about  farewells  rather  than  reunions .  ’
‘  heaven  is  real  and  you  only  had  two  minutes  to  prove  it  to  me .  ’
‘  it  was  already  love .  ’
‘  everyone  desires  love  but  also  finds  it  impossible  to  believe  that  they  deserve  it .  ’
‘  i’ll  love  you  until  i  forget  how  to .  ’
‘  i’ll  love  you  until  i  forget  how  to  and  then  i’ll  fall  like  my  knees  aren’t  already  bruised  from  doing  it  and  i’ll  remember  why  you’re  worth  the  ache .  ’
‘  of  course  i’ll  hurt  you .  of  course  you’ll  hurt  me .  of  course  we’ll  hurt  each  other .  but  this  is  the  very  condition  of  existence .  ’
‘  nothing  makes  me  sadder  and  nothing  makes  me  happier  than  you .  ’
‘  i  love  you  and  i  do  not  want  to  love  you ,  it  is  too  much  and  too  difficult .  ’
‘  grief  is  just  love  with  no  place  to  go .  ’
‘  i  felt  my  life  with  both  my  hands  to  see  if  it  was  there .  ’
‘  you  do  this ,  you  do .  you  take  the  things  you  love  and  you  tear  them  apart .  ’
‘  i  hope  it’s  love .  i’m  trying  really  hard  to  make  it  love .  ’
‘  if  you  touch  me  again  i  might  burn  up  in  the  cold  air .  ’
‘  i  asked  you  not  to  leave  several  times .  ’
‘  i’ve  only  adored  you  lifetimes  ago  and  here  we  are .  it’s  nice  to  see  you  again .  ’
‘  all  time  ever  does  is  pass  and  all  i  ever  do  is  remember .  ’
‘  i  feel  as  though  we  were  never  strangers ,  you  and  i ,  not  even  for  a  moment .  ’
‘  i’d  choose  you ;  in  a  hundred  different  lifetimes ,  in  a  hundred  worlds ,  in  any  version  of  reality ,  i’d  find  you  and  i’d  choose  you .  ’
‘  nothing  about  this  is  soft  but  we  pretend .  ’
‘  maybe  you  and  i  are  just  a  dream .  ’
‘  i  know  you  loved  me  too ,  you  knew  me ,  and  it  gladdens  my  heart .  ’
‘  i  promise  i  shall  never  give  up  and  that  i’ll  die  yelling  and  laughing .  ’
‘  i  don’t  do  anything  with  my  life  except  romanticize  and  decay  with  indecision .  ’
‘  the  world  was  made  so  that  we  could  find  each  other  in  it .  ’
‘  you  don’t  meet  the  people  you  love ,  you  recognize  them .  ’
‘  i  think  you  and  i  have  known  each  other  a  few  lifetimes .  ’
‘  this  body  knows  fear  like  a  front  porch  knows  welcome  –  it  is  always  coming  home .  ’
‘  i  miss  you  more  than  i  remember  you .  ’
‘  if  i  could  have  done  it  all  again ,  i  would  have  loved  you  better .  but  i  could  not  have  loved  you  more .  ’
‘  we  could  have  been  happy .  i  know  that ,  and  it  is  perhaps  the  hardest  thing  to  know .  ’
‘  you  want  a  better  story .  who  wouldn’t ?  ’
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lightsaworld · 4 years
protestants  hate  abba.
well,  i’m  more  of  a  man  than  [name].
it’s  funny  how  she  sleeps  with  her  eyes  open,  isn’t  it?
i  love  my  wee  fingers.
you  will  go  far  in  life,  [name].  but  you  will  not  be  well  liked.
why  the  hell  would  i  want  to  touch  her?!
she  really  suits  being  dead,  doesn’t  she?
now,  whatever  you  do,  don’t  forget  the  grease  megamix.
my  nerves  are  wrecked.  i’m  living  on  a  knife’s  edge  here.
i’m  not  sticking  a  scone  up  my  hole,  [name],  i’ll  tell  you  that  for  nothing.
lesbians  really  do  exist!
i  support  gays,  even  though  i  myself,  am  not  actually  gay!
i  thought  we  were  going  to  be  individuals  this  year?
well,  i’m  not  being  individual  on  my  own!
sweet  suffering  jesus,  it’s  the  morning  already?!
earrings  like  that  don’t  deserve  to  be  buried  alive.  it’s  a  sin.
no!  no  loosening  up!  i  don’t  like  it.
well,  i  think  it’s  safe  to  say  that  we  all  just  lost  a  bit  of  respect  for  you  there,  [name].
i  can  offer  you  protection.  i  have  a  hunting  knife.  
you  dirty,  dirty  brit.
okay,  i  cracked.  i  couldn’t  handle  it,  and  i  cracked.
[name]  and  her  eyebrows  are  two  separate  entities.
anyway,  drugs  aren’t  illegal  when  you  put  them  into  food.
is  that  grand?  or  is  that  actually  a  criminal  offense?
aye,  you  shouldn’t  swear  [name],  ‘cause  when  you  swear  our  lady  in  heaven,  she  cries  her  tears,  then  make  rain.
you  have  a  very  loose  grasp  of  the  law,  [name].
bit  of  an  arsehole,  but  oh  my  god,  amazing  hair.
when  i  woke  up  this  morning,  i  had  a  feeling  something  terrible  was  going  to  happen,  and  also  that  essentially,  deep  down,  i’m  quite  an  evil  person.
it’s  called  a  hangover,  [name].  you’ll  be  grand.
can  you  please  stop  crying  in  my  face  for  five  fucking  minutes,  [name]?
i  like  his  shiny  hair.
sláinte,  motherfuckers.
i  think  there’s  something  really  sexy  about  the  fact  that  they  hate  us  so  much.
we’re  all  going  to  get  our  holes  kicked,  and  we  are  all  in  the  same  boat.
um,  will  you  be  my  buddy  please?
i’m  not  interested  in  you  like  that.  look  at  the  state  of  you.
i  haven’t  got  a  bra  on.
she  has  no  respect  for  herself,  and  coming  from  me…  that  is  bad.
yeah,  you  might  want  to  think  about  wising  up.
aye,  they  do  look  like  good  craic,  in  fairness.
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lightsaworld · 4 years
more prompts for your feels
“  what am i supposed to do when i can’t even trust my own mind?  ”  “  i have to believe death is the end. because all that waits for me in the afterlife is a debt of sin i don’t think could ever be paid off.  ” “  what do you see when you look into my eyes?  ”   “  it doesn’t always have to be you, you know?  your shoulders aren’t the only ones that can bear the weight of the world.  ”   “  i don’t think hearts break. shattered things can only be broken once. but torn things can be mended again and again until it’s all scars and stitching.  ” “  i can’t remember what it’s like to be truly wanted.  ” “  every time you look at me i feel invisible.  ” “  loneliness is a slow and cruel poison.  ” “  i’m afraid that if i let you see every side of me, you should shrink back in fear or disgust.  ” “  for once in your life, what is it that you want.  ” “  i’ve been wrapped in my sorrow for so long, i’m afraid i’ll feel too cold without it.  ” “  i just want to see you smile again.  ” “  can’t you stop running for one second?  ” “  i’ll be here. when you’re ready to talk.  ” “  being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.  ” “  don’t shut me out. please.  ” “  don’t look at me like that.  ” “  the world isn’t made up of heroes and monsters. just broken people balancing between the two.  ” “  i just wanted to do something good for once.  ” “  why can’t you tell me what’s wrong?  ” “  just trust me. please.  ” “  why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of?  ” “   you’re so worried about losing me/them you’re missing everything in front of you.  ”   “  i’m not leaving you.  ” “  you’re not alone. i’m here.  ” “  you see everyone so clearly except yourself.  ” “  don’t you understand? i love you. and nothing you’ve done, no matter how much of a monster you think you are, is gonna change that.  ” “  i find broken things interesting. maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ” “  i want to be whatever it is you think i am.  ” “  you see the good in everything. that’s why i like it when you look at me.  ” “  i’ll still be here when you wake.  ” “  i promise i’ll never hurt you again.  ” “  as long as i have you, the rest doesn’t matter.  ” “  what did they do to you?  ” “  i’m not sure i should leave you alone.  ” “  i won’t hate you. i know you think that’s what you deserve but it’s not.  ” “  i want to love the parts of you that you hate.  ” “  i’m scared of what you’re becoming.  ” “  i’m sorry, i’m not what you think i am.  ” “  you’ll always have a home with me.  ” “  what happened to you?  ” “  i thought i’d never see you again.  ” “  you’re such a fucking coward.  ” “  i envy anyone who has the privilege of being loved by you.  ” “  you scared me.  ” “  please, don’t ever give up on me.  ” “  i’m not giving up on you. not ever.  ” “  i know you love me. but it’s not the way i want to be loved.  ”
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lightsaworld · 4 years
Below the cut are #200 static icons of Anya Chalotra in The Witcher Season 1. All icons were made by me. Please like or reblog if you found this helpful
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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yennefer of vengerberg | icons
please like or reblog if you save/use;
or credits @eterniax on twitter.
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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Yennefer of Vengerberg | THE WITCHER 1x05 Bottled Appetites
requested by anon
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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She said you’re the best student she ever taught.
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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little women (2017, dir. vanessa caswill)
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lightsaworld · 4 years
nonverbal  meme  prompts ↪  they  seem  few  &  far  between,  so  i  tried  to  come  up  with  as  many  scenarios  as  i  could  think  of  where  dialogue  wasn’t  a  necessary  starting  point.  some  are  more  uh  specific  than  others  /  drabble-y,  but  they’re  all  dialogue-free  (  tho  ofc  this  does  not  necessarily  extend  to  the  response  itself  ).  to  reverse  who  sends  what,  send  ‘  [  prompt  ]+  ’  !  alter  any  as  you  see  fit,  &  lemme  know  if  anything’s  unclear  ♡
[  pull  ]  sender  pulls  receiver  closer  to  them
[  touch  ]  sender  places  their  hand  affectionately  on  receiver
[  guide  ]  sender  helps  receiver  through  a  difficult  video  game
[  lean  ]  sender  leans  on  receiver
[  pierce  ]  sender  helps  receiver  with  a  new  piercing  (  doing,  aftercare,  etc  )
[  sit  ]  sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap
[  spar  ]  sender  pins  receiver  down  in  a  practice  fight
[  cook  ]  sender  makes  food  for  receiver
[  slide  ]  sender  pushes  an  item  across  the  table  to  receiver
[  kiss  ]  sender  kisses  (  lips,  cheek,  forehead,  hand,  etc  )
[  lead  ]  sender  leads  receiver  someplace
[  wound  ]  sender  injures  muse  in  a  fight  (  practice  or  real  )
[  snap  ]  sender  takes  a  photo  of  receiver  (  candid  or  posed  )
[  drape  ]  sender  drapes  their  arm  around  receiver’s  shoulders
[  bullet  ]  sender  takes  a  bullet  for  receiver  (  literal  or  figurative  )
[  nap  ]  sender  falls  asleep  against  receiver
[  teeth  ]  sender  bears  teeth  at  receiver
[  trace  ]  sender  traces  one  of  receiver’s  scars
[  cocktail  ]  sender  makes  /  gives  receiver  a  cocktail
[  comfort  ]  sender  comforts  receiver  when  they  are  upset  /  crying
[  bouquet  ]  sender  surprises  receiver  with  a  bouquet
[  massage  ]  sender  gives  receiver  a  massage  (  planned,  spontaneous,  full  body,  shoulder,  etc  )
[  mentor  ]  sender  takes  muse  under  their  wing
[  tattoo  ]  sender  helps  receiver  with  a  new  tattoo  (  doing,  aftercare,  etc  )
[  dare  ]  receiver  acts  out  a  dare  from  sender
[  hug  ]  sender  pulls  receiver  into  a  hug
[  phone  ]  receiver  sees  sender  smiling  at  something  on  their  phone
[  popcorn  ]  sender  makes  popcorn  for  a  movie  night
[  wake  ]  sender  tries  to  wake  receiver
[  groom  ]  sender  tries  to  make  receiver  look  more  presentable
[  flower  ]  sender  places  a  flower  behind  receiver’s  ear
[  sad  ]  sender  looks  at  receiver  sorrowfully
[  playlist  ]  sender  curates  a  playlist
[  fashion  show  ]  sender  tries  to  help  receiver  choose  an  outfit
[  shield  ]  sender  steps  between  receiver  and  danger
[  bandage  ]  sender  helps  bandage  up  receiver’s  wounds
[  duel  ]  muses  get  into  a  fight
[  fear  ]  sender  finds  receiver  having  a  nightmare
[  hold  ]  sender  holds  receiver’s  hand
[  bruise  ]  sender  finds  receiver  with  a  bruise  /  tries  to  help  receiver  cover  up  a  bruise
[  brush  ]  sender  brushes  /  styles  /  dyes  receiver’s  hair
[  portrait  ]  receiver  paints  a  portrait  of  receiver
[  assist  ]  sender  helps  the  receiver  with  a  task  they’re  struggling  in
[  wow  ]  sender  does  something  to  really  amaze  receiver
[  glare  ]  sender  is  still  hurt  after  an  argument
[  roast  ]  muses  roast  marshmallows  together  /  make  s’mores
[  shoot  ]  muses  attend  a  game  of  paintball
[  diary  ]  receiver  writes  a  journal  entry  about  sender  (  maybe  they  find  it  ?  )
[  dance  ]  sender  whisks  receiver  onto  to  ‘  dance  floor  ’  (  can  be  actual  or  pretend  )
[  rest  ]  sender  rests  their  chin  on  receiver’s  head  /  shoulder
[  manicure  ]  sender  paints  receiver’s  nails
[  tuck  ]  sender  tucks  in  receiver’s  shirt,  hair  behind  ear,  etc
[  chin  ]  sender  lifts  receiver’s  chin  up
[  lap  ]  sender  puts  their  feet  in  receiver’s  lap
[  write  ]  receiver  writes  sender  a  note
[  play  ]  muses  play  a  board  game  /  card  game  together
[  glance  ]  receiver  catches  sender  looking  at  them
[  ill  ]  sender  takes  care  of  receiver  when  they  are  unwell
[  hearth  ]  sender  lights  a  fire
[  tap  ]  sender  taps  receiver  on  the  shoulder
[  bake  ]  muses  bake  together
[  read  ]  sender  reads  to  receiver
[  study  ]  sender  tries  to  help  receiver  study
[  push  ]  sender  pushes  receiver  in  anger
[  skill  ]  receiver  tries  to  assist  sender  in  learning  a  new  skill
[  coated  ]  receiver  finds  sender  covered  in  blood
[  gesture  ]  sender  motions  for  receiver  to  follow  them
[  downpour  ]  receiver  finds  sender  out  in  the  rain
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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Benedict Bridgerton + chaotic bi sitting style
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lightsaworld · 4 years
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