lightspiriited · 10 years
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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Vanessa Hudgens as Gigi in Broadway-bound Gigi
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& diiirtydancer.
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               ❝ american dancing is ( very ) different                 from the dancing done back in france. ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& queenwxldorf.
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               ❝ so, are all americans normally self-absorbed                              or is it mainly just new yorkers ? ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& badchecks.
            frank could tell that the girl was SUSPICIOUS.. the anxiety must             have been highly visible on his features. though it didn’t s e e m             like she was the type to rat him out; to lead the group of agents             over to his ( absolutely terrible ) hiding spot.
                        “well, it WORKS for me.”
            & with that, the agents began to head off in the other direction.             the built up RAGE was so visible, a small smile couldn’t help,             but form on his lips. his body relaxed and a sigh of RELIEF left             his lips. then, his head turned—only to find that she was, in             fact, STILL there. & there was no way her suspicions would end.
                        “just                      don’t tell anyone you saw me.” 
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               she watched the relief form on his face as the agents                moved  out of sight. maybe she should've notified them                 of the stranger's  location, but it was too late now. he didn't                seem that threatening  anyways. although looks could be                deceiving, gigi always liked to think the better of people.                besides, she hadn't seen posters  with his face plastered                around the city yet.
               she leaned up against the wall next to him. her eyes were                squinted,  curiosity filling them.
               ❝ i won't. as long as you tell me ( why )                  those men were  LOOKING for you. ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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ahhhh hello to all of my new followers ! i just got out of a bath & i am in an amazing mood rn. feel free to like this post for a starter !
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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“It’s not that I want to be a role model or that I’m striving to be one. I’ll try to set a good example, and if people look up to that, then great. But I am just who I am, and that’s all that I’ll ever be.”
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& badchecks.
            frank could feel the BEADS of sweat form on his forehead. the             agents were just across the way. they were slowly getting closer,             picking up on things, following his trail. hanratty SAW his face, after             all, & just one glimpse of him would be the end. of everything. upon             hearing the SUDDEN voice, his head swiftly turned only to see a girl.
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                        “uh, nothing! just—you                        know—trying to find some shade.” 
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               although she nodded her head, she was not buying                into his STORY. her eyes looked in the direction where                his were previously focused on. there were a group                of men who looked determined to find something, or                better yet, SOMEONE. he was definitely hiding. gigi                only wondered how long it would take for him to tell her.
               ❝ uh huh. you know, i could name a few better                   places to find some shade than this spot here. ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& msdysquiith.
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               ❝ oh, truly. —- but it’s the                          price we must pay. ❞
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               ❝ but what did we even do to have                    to pay this price ? ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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               gigi liked to think that she could handle multi-tasking.                with her phone tucked between her shoulder and her                ear & a stack of boxes in her hands, she moved briskly                across the pavement. she was so focused on keeping                the boxes balanced in her hands that she forgot to                 keep an eye on the potential obstacles surrounding her.
               it was her LACK of attention that caused her to bump into                a passing stranger. the boxes that were once stacked in her                hands were now spread across the floor. leave it to her to                potentially injure someone without even trying.
               ❝ oh my god ! i'm so, so, sorry ! ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& badchecks.
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               gigi may have been one to become EASILY lost in thought,                but she knew not to turn a blind eye to everything in the world.                she was very observant of those around her. different things                would catch her eye & thoughts would cross her mind. she                tried not to be judgmental, but there were times when gigi                just couldn't help it. the sight of a man hiding behind a wall                caught her eye and her eyebrows furrowed together.  this                was one of those times. her curiosity got the best of her &                she decided to approach him.
               ❝ excuse me monsieur, what are you up to ? ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
& msdysquiith.
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               ❝ as beautiful as dresses may be, they                   are certainly uncomfortable. ❞
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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ahhhh hello to all of my new followers ! i just got out of a bath & i am in an amazing mood rn. feel free to like this post for a starter !
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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                      ❝ i don't belong where the crowds are,                        why don't i go where the clouds are ? ❞
                                                 I. II. III. IV. V.
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lightspiriited · 10 years
XO (Beyoncé cover) | John Mayer
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lightspiriited · 10 years
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