lightwoodaughter · 8 years
i’m very excited to announce that i plan on bringing this blog back very soon! i’ve just caught up on shadowhunters, and my muse for izzy is off of the charts. 
i have some revamping to do ( new url, theme, icons, tags --- everything! ) but if you would like a starter, please go ahead and like this post. i need something to keep myself entertained while i get everything set up. 
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
i have made the impossible decision to move isabelle onto my multi muse blog for now. the reason being, i love her so much and i miss roleplaying her and i cannot for the life of me manage more than two blogs (and even that’s kinda too much). but i still want to write her, so much. and i think i’ll get the chance to write her more often if she’s on my multi muse, where i spend most of my days now.
i won’t be dropping any verses or anything because i love everything i’ve built over here too much. i’m not going to move any threads over unless talked about though, because i know some people aren’t comfortable with multi muse blogs and may decide not to follow me. and that’s fine! you don’t have to follow me if you don’t want. but if you do, that’s awesome! i look forward to continue writing with you with isabelle & maybe some other characters too!
probably when shadowhunters comes back, i’ll bring izzy back to this blog, but for now, i think it’s best (for my own sanity) to have her on my multi muse where i will actually get the chance to write her again. because isabelle is so important to me.
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
Hit on my muse
Are you an interior  decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
Did  you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.
Do  you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
If  I were a stop light, I’d turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could  stare at you a bit longer.
If you were a  vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.
There  are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently,  none of them have ever been in your arms.
Are  you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids.
Are  you my Appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me  feel like I should take you out.
I  was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I’m  going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
I’m  not staring at your boobs. I’m staring at your heart.
Can  I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?
Your  body is 65% water and I’m thirsty.
My  doctor says I’m lacking Vitamin U.
Can  I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
If  I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.
Smoking  is hazardous to your health… and baby, you’re killing me!
You  must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.
Do  you have a twin sister? Then you must be the most beautiful girl in the  world!
You  know I’d like to invite you over, but I’m afraid you’re so hot that you’ll  skyrocket my air-conditioning bill.
If  I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer  to this question?
Are  you a campfire? Cause you are hot and I want s'more.
I  bet you $20 you’re gonna turn me down.
I  like Legos, you like Legos, why don’t we build a relationship?
Would  you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
There’s  only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name.
Did  you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
Can  I borrow your cell phone? I need to call animal control, because I just saw a  fox!
I’m  no organ donor but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
Kiss  me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
Do  you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
You  see my friend over there? [Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I’M  cute.
Can  I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
Are  you my phone charger? Because without you, I’d die.
Are  you a cat? Cause you are purrrfect
You  know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Not in my  case.
My  lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?
I  have an “owie” on my lip. Will you kiss it and make it better?
Hey baby, I must be a  light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!
Do  I know you? Cause you look just like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.
Have  you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?
Was  your father a mechanic? Then how did you get such a finely tuned body?
Apart  from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Is  it hot in here or is it just you?
I  blame you for global warming… your hotness is too much for the planet to  handle!
You’re  single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not.
Stop,  drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire.
Baby,  you’re so hot, you make the equator look like the north pole.
I  hope there’s a fire truck nearby, cause you’re smokin’!
I  just got dumped, and I think that you could make me feel better.
If  you were a burger at McDonalds, you’d be McGorgeous.
Your  hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you.
You’re  so hot, I could bake cookies on you.
Is  your car battery dead? Because I’d like to jump you.
I’m  lost. Can you tell me which road leads to your heart?
It’s  a good thing I wore gloves today. Otherwise you’d be too hot to handle.
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
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Alec + that vulnerable, letting-his-guard-down look he gets when Izzy cares for him.
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
i still haven’t watched the season finale of shadowhunters i am awful 
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
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“ maybe for you miss everything looks great on me . but even i don’t think i can pull off this – is it a dress or just a really long shirt ? “ 
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              ❛ are you kidding me? you look totally hot! you have amazing legs --- who’s it gonna hurt to show them off a little? it’d practically be a sin not to. ❜
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
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“ so um – you’re kind of a girl ? right ? “ he beings , unaware of his words until after they’ve actually left his mouth . “ no , that’s not what i meant . “ if he’s not careful , he’ll begin to rant CONTINUOUSLY about nothing . “ i mean , you’re a girl so you can give me girl advice right ? like how to talk to a specific girl about certain things that i’d not normally be able to talk about ? “ the pacing has yet to  s t o p  . his hands are moving wildly ; any more erratic and he’d send the cell phone still gripped in his right flying . “ you can help right ? “ 
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           isabelle looks down at her cleavage and then back up at him with an arched brow in lieu of answering. and she can’t help but laugh --- he’s just too adorable when he blabbers like this. after listening to him for a moment, she realizes what’s going on. ❛ oooh, you have a crush! ❜ izzy beams, her smile spreading ear to ear. ❛ who is it --- is it clary? because i’d suspect that you’d normally go to clary for these kind of things. ❜ she feels practically giddy, and also lightly honoured that simon would even consider asking her for girl advice in the first place. ❛ sorry --- i’ll stop. you don’t have to tell me. but, yeah, i can help. ❜
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
[ & ] @secondlighted
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“ i know i promised to let you pick out my outfit this time around but are you sure this isn’t a little bit – too much ? “ 
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            ❛ clary, have i taught you nothing? there’s no such thing as too much. ❜
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
[ & ] @secondlighted
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      he paces . unsure of whom else to talk to . he’d talk to clary , but she’d laugh at him and joke for the most of it . since knowing both her and allison all his life , he found it incredibly difficult discussing one with the other . he needs an objective third party . the phone rang again and his nerves almost caused him to hang up . “ isabelle hey , do you think you could come out for a few minutes ? i have a question , but i kind of need not to have a lot of people around when i ask . “ 
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            his voice is stressed, and isabelle finds her curiosity peeked. if simon was calling her, it must be about something important. ❛ yeah, simon, i’ll be right out. ❜ as she hangs up her phone and stuffs it in her pocket, she’s grabbing her seraph ( you can never be too careful. ) before she’s heading outside the institute to meet him. when she sees him, he looks a little jittery and nervous. ❛ --- what’s up? it seemed important, but not like, i’m being attacked by demons important. ❜ she flashes him her dazzling grin, crossing her arms over her chest. 
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
send “ mmmwaah ♥ ” for my muse’s reaction to yours kissing one of their scars
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
fluffy starter pack #1 !!
NOTE; these are NOT from specific shows, books, etc. DO NOT ask references. there are from MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT.
“ there’s no such thing as too many pillows. ” “ i’ll buy you some ice cream, okay? ” “ hug me!! ” “ did someone say ‘movie night’? ” “ your teeth are gonna rot with all those gummies. ” “ you’re softer than the bed. ” “ surprise tickle fight!! ” “ win me a bear. ” “ you’re such a weenie. ” “ i want some food. ” “ don’t go to work today… ” “ i need blankets!! ” “ i heard ‘cookies’ and i was intrigued. ” “ wanna make a cake? ” “ i don’t like the lightning… ” “ c’mon, let’s go for dinner. ” “ i bought the wrong bag of chips, didn’t i? ” “ is the helium working? ” “ aww, you’re so sweet. ” “ cuddle meeeeee… ” “ do you need some bandages for your cut? ” “ the carnival’s in town!! ” “ i love you. never forget that. ”
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
“Does that answer your question?”
“When you grow up, your heart dies.”
“Good God, are we gonna end up like our parents?”
“I think it’s fine for a guy to be a virgin.”
“I can’t believe you can’t get me out of this…”
“I think your old man and my old man should get together and go bowling.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“What did your parents do to you?”
“They ignore me.”
“I don’t think either of them give a shit about me.”
“They just use me to get back at each other.”
“It’s not funny!”
“Is this the first time or the last time we have to do this?”
“You figure out a way to study.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“Ditching class to go shopping doesn’t make you a defective.”
“Guys screw around. Nothing wrong with that.”
“Mom already reemed me, alright?”
“You’re a big coward!”
“I’ve seen her dehydrated. It’s pretty gross.”
“It’ll be anarchy!”
“I’m in the math club…”
“What are you babbling about?”
“You wouldn’t know anything about it.”
“You never competed in your whole life!”
“You don’t have any goals.”
“Everyone just shhhhh!”
“Hey, keep your fuckin’ hands off me!”
“Alright, what about your family?”
“You wanna come over sometime?”
“It’s all a part of your image, I don’t believe a word of it.”
“We’re dead!”
“Don’t you want to hear my excuse?”
“What did you want to be when you were young?”
“Who do you like better, your mom or your dad?”
“They think I’m a big fuckin’ joke…”
“I’ve done just about everything there is except for a few things that are illegal.”
“Come on, answer the question!”
“I’m a compulsive liar.”
“Neither of you is any better than the other one.”
“Everybody can do something.”
“Did your Daddy buy you those?”
“So on Monday… what happens?”
“I’m telling the truth, that makes me a bitch?”
“You think I don’t understand pressure?”
“Everything’s ruined for me.”
“Killing yourself is not an option!”
“Watch yourself, young lady.”
“Wake up!”
“Hey, you grounded tonight?”
“It’s like, any minute, divorce.”
“You’re just feeling sorry for yourself.”
“You never answered the question.”
“See you next Saturday…”
"the breakfast club" sentence starters
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
me during the clace drama: ok but what about the lightwoods
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
“You come here often?”
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“So.. You expecting someone?”
“Do you need a place to stay for tonight?”
“I gotta tell you… you look incredibly hot.”
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“Look at us… we are basically a couple already.”
“I bet you would look even better without your clothes on.”
“Are you single? Just asking.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever encountered.”
“What would you say if you and me would go somewhere else?”
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
“Do I have any chances with you?”
“Do you have anything better to do later?”
“Can I get your phone number?”
“You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type.”
“I can do whatever you want, babe.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
“I bet guys/gals/people are all over you.”
“You should be a model.”
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?”
“Maybe if I get a free drink I can consider talking to you.”
“That won’t work. Try again.”
“Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
“I’m waiting for someone. However, you can amuse me in the meanwhile.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I thought you were taken.”
“So, have you flirted with every girl/boy/one in this bar yet?”
“Do I look like someone who seems interested in you?”
“Compliments won’t pay my drinks.”
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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lightwoodaughter · 8 years
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#look how happy he is #look how adorable he looks when he’s happy #we’ve never seen magnus this happy before #it’s beautiful 
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