liibertines · 4 years
To say that Vince had not been used to women like June before she came along was an understatement. He had a type and as beautiful as she was, she wasn’t a rich blond socialite with a stale taste in the bedroom. But it was the differences that he loved most about her, though he had underestimated her difficulty in embracing intimacy and emotions. She had warned him, and repeatedly did, but they never broke up and seemed to get stronger by the day. There were even conversations of going further, images of her being his cute little housewife with baby on the way, so how could he think that something was wrong? He was foolish and it hurt when she had left more than anything else Vince had experienced in his love life. But here she was again, as stubborn as ever and complaining that his ultimatum wasn’t fair. But that was the point – she could go along and do whatever she pleased for the rest of her life with him, or without him. It was simple to Vince; he was blunt and stubborn too and she knew that well.
“Maybe not, but I’m leaving the country tomorrow morning anyway. And I don’t intend on seeing you again.” It was raw and came across as callous, but they were the words he had practiced to himself since seeing her earlier that evening. She gazed up at him, locked in his trance, and so small that he towered over her massively and could easily do what he pleased with her lithe frame. “You know I’m not going to judge you if you want to continue living your old life, but we were working towards something special. And that’s almost gone, and it’s going to be gone forever.” It hurt to think about that happening, what was once an intense and all-consuming flame in his life dying out. But everyone around him said it: it was time to move on. He couldn’t dwell on her forever and he didn’t think he would be standing in front of her again anytime soon. She cried out in frustration but Vince remained calm and encouraged more contact between them.
His hands reached up for her smaller ones and fingers wove between until he could pull her closer to him. One last time, he swore, and he would never do this again, never even consider bringing her in like this. There was too much to let go and it wasn’t easy. “What’s not fair is that you decided to show up here. I want to let you go,” he admitted flatly, as there were no other words that could explain what he was feeling. He had to hold onto her hands because if not, his own were going to wander: either grip her hips and force her against him, or reach around to her ass to give her a proper squeeze, or a million other possibilities that they had probably already explored once before.
He was leaving the country? What?! And he didn’t intend to see her again? “Where are you going?!” she asked before she could stop herself, curiosity getting the better of her.
“You said you wanted to see me,” June said, standing her ground, although that was getting harder and harder to do. The urge to just throw herself at him was high, and she wasn’t sure how long she could hold out. She felt electricity with every breath, a magnetic charge she hadn’t felt between her and another man in so long. And then he took her hand, laced her fingers in his, and she felt truly powerless. Even when an innocent touch like this could stir up the deepest emotions... well, she was only in denial to herself what was really going on here.
“So which one is it? You want to give this another chance? Or you want to let me go?” He seemed to be contradicting himself, his words saying one thing and his body language another. But Vince wasn’t the only one conflicted here. She didn’t want to give in, just like that. June hadn’t left lightly when she had, after all. “I think the real truth is...” she said, narrowing her eyes into suspicious slits, trying to call out his bluff, “you just want to fuck me. You miss burying your cock in something small and tight and submissive, and you know how good I am with that.” She didn’t know where her words were coming from, just that they were happening. She let go of their hands together, and instead placed a palm flat on his chest, looking up at him like she was the one giving him the ultimatum. “You could rip off my dress and you know I’d let you. Punish me, that’s what you want, isn’t it?” Her dark eyes bore holes into his, truly not sure where she was going with this but knowing there was no backing down.
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liibertines · 4 years
Back in the good times, they knew how to keep each other busy plenty and never had to think about what they wanted to do. They enjoyed each other’s company on every level and nothing made him happier than being with June and satisfying every single one of her whims. Hell, his massive and thick cock was on the internet now thanks to her, contributing to her cam videos whenever she leaned into his ear and whispered that she wanted to put on a little show for her fans. Not that Vince minded: being an anonymous porn star was hot, and her friends that knew dripped just by talking to him and could already picture what was underneath his pants. But despite the deep connection that they had made, she decided to bail and it changed things between them permanent. But with that change, it couldn’t erase the emotions that he still felt when admiring her across him. She knew everything about him: not much had changed except the number of girls he had fucked to try to fill the void she had length. Not that any of them could.
“Oh, I knew, but I thought you knew you could trust me. That I had your back, no matter what. But you decided to leave it all behind. The big apartment I got because of us, the pictures and videos, all the stuff and the vacations and good nights and bad days.” Even though he knew it would lead to nowhere good, he stepped closer to her because he could feel the way she stared at his arms. The arms that knew exactly how to put her back into her place if that’s what she wanted. Brilliant green trailed along her form and when she admitted that she hadn’t cum in a while, he frowned and then leaned forward to whisper into her soft ear. “I made you cum so fucking fast, remember? You’d whine about being horny and I’d sit you in my lap and finger you until you were begging for Daddy cock?” He inhaled the familiar scent of her and licked his lips, cock throbbing underneath the confines of his slacks.
“I offer you one last chance to let you back into my life, June. Tonight, right now. You stay here, we sneak out in the morning and go wherever we want.” It was a crazy ultimatum, but this is where he stood. He had never been the type to sugarcoat how he felt, and he didn’t intend on starting just because she had been the love of his life. “Or you can leave like you did. Don’t look back, don’t text me, don’t call, it’s done. Forever and always. No more questions, no more coincidences.”
Listening to him talk, it hurt. Physically hurt, a pang in her chest remembering all that they’d had, all that she abandoned and gave up. She tried to keep her face steely, but June had never been too good at that, and now her emotions were betraying her, an electric current under her skin making everything feel sharp. He stepped forward, and it was hard for her to resist that step — to close the remaining space by leaping into his arms. Before Vince, June had been a charming sex kitten sure, but she had been allergic to emotion. But somehow, he stirred her every emotion. Desire was there, yes, but so was the simple need to just rush into his arms and hug him.
And then he changed all that. “That’s not fair,” she said gently, already a lost cause as her breath quickened, her heart beat picked up when he mentioned making her cum. No one knew how to push her buttons like Vince did, how to drive her into being a begging, needy thing, grinding his thigh like she had no control over herself, her wet spot growing larger... No. Stop. She couldn’t imagine those things again. She was falling into the trap. His eyes, his lips, they were both far too close and she couldn’t tear her eyes from looking up at him — so short she was in her flats like this. Part of her wanted to leap into his arms, to be eye level with him and say ‘listen here, mister...’ but she couldn’t think of the rest, because her mind had gone scrambled.
And what was this, he was giving her an ultimatum? Part of it sounded so appealing, running away with him somewhere, anywhere, something she’d do in a heartbeat right now. But her old fears resurfaced. “You can’t just do that, Vince,” she said, sounding frustrated, taking a step back so she didn’t have to be so close to him, smell him, be distracted by him. “You can’t show up in my life suddenly and tell me it’s this or that.” She raised her hands in frustration. “That’s just...not fair.”
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liibertines · 4 years
i’ve been yearning for showering together with someone so fucking much as of late… not even because of the sex but the sheer intimacy of holding one another under running water is so…. incomparable? soaping in each other’s hair, resting your heads on each other’s shoulders… swaying back and forth completely intertwined, sitting down, eyes closed and just caressing each other… ya know…..
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liibertines · 4 years
When he had met June, he had been living his best bachelor life, sleeping with one-night stands, hooking up with models, skirting around the lines of commitment that some tried to lock down on him. But when she came around, she managed to change his way of thinking and convinced him that settling for her would be worth it. He wasn’t sure why she was here trying to close things up between them, but she had more of a guilty conscience than he did. He rolled his eyes when she mentioned her client and he was disappointed to see she was back to her old ways. She had been pampered like a princess by him, but she preferred this life instead.
“How’s that going for you? We would have probably still been up at this time,” he mused, striking back to those nights when they stayed up this late entertaining every little whim that either of them received. “He probably doesn’t even make you cum, a damn shame. He probably has no idea how messy you can be,” he teased her. He wasn’t sure why he was bringing that up now, maybe because it had been a while since he had gotten any action and she had undoubtedly been the best sex in his entire life. And that tight black dress filled his head with wicked memories. Strong toned arms crossed against his muscular chest as he listened to her recall their breakup, a permanent frown on his handsome chiseled face.
“You got scared and you ran away, you thought we couldn’t last when we didn’t have many issues to begin with. You tried to prevent something that probably wasn’t going to happen, and it made things worse, didn’t it?” Jade hues ran down her body again, drinking her in, reminding himself of how often he spent countless hours ravaging her tight figure until they were both properly spent. He missed that, he missed her, but he would never let her know just how much after what she had done to him. He couldn’t imagine letting her in again just to be disappointed when he fell so damn hard for her. 
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June’s face fell. It made her ache deep in her bones, that comment, taking her right back to memories of when things had been almost perfect. How no matter how many times they’d got their fill of each other there still was never enough, and far from becoming bored or falling into a routine, they would find new and interesting things all the time. How he’d carry her to bed when her legs would give out from the earth-shattering orgasms he used to give her. How she’d brought friends of hers, other camgirls, and they’d gone to town on Vince taking turns, how he had invited five guys over to give her the gangbang of her dreams. There were too many memories, both X rated and more wholesome, sweet ones. They had kept no secrets from each other, knew everything that made the other tick. He’d been the only guy she had ever brought home to her parents. And now...there was nothing. And that was her fault.
He probably doesn’t even make you cum, a damn shame. “I...” She couldn’t, didn’t have an answer for that. Every word he said was the truth. Her own body missed his like a phantom limb, watching him cross his arms, paying attention to the toned definition in them. Oh— how missed those arms holding her, picking her up, a strong hand wrapping around her neck... Get your shit together, she thought to herself, before she became almost swept away by the power of them.
“Maybe we didn’t have any issues, but I had plenty. And you could’ve at least tried to see that.” And stopped me from leaving, she thought. But he wasn’t a magician or mind reader, and deep down June knew that wasn’t on him. She had left without so much as telling him why. “And no. No one’s made me cum in a hot minute, since you’re so interested. Good thing I know how to fake it.” He wouldn’t know that, since she’d never had to fake it for him, not once.
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liibertines · 4 years
Going from being with someone every moment of every day, to that person disappearing off of the face of the earth had a bigger impact on Vince than he cared to admit. Those that were close to him knew how much of an extrovert he was and how much of a romantic he was too. His commitment in a relationship was unwavering, and he had warned her about this early on when she admitted to him that she was the type to drop everything and run. He always expected it in the back of his head, always ready for it, but when it happened it still threw him off and into a dark spiral that had been unfamiliar to him.
But that was in the past, and she was here now to apologize and say her piece. The least he could do was listen to her though he knew he wasn’t obligated to. She had been one of his longest relationships and certainly his most intimate: she knew things about him that no one else did.
“You know that’s on you, you always said you’d run,” he said with a casual shrug of his broad shoulder. Piercing green eyes stayed locked on her petite frame, no love lost in them but still smoldering like jade coals. “I’m listening. I have nothing but time. Though I’m not sure you can say the same.” A straight shot but he was unforgiving as she had learned the hard way in the latter months post-breakup.
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She was regretting her choice of flats, feeling extra small and childish in comparison to Vince, who towered over her. If it weren’t for the body-hugging black dress that she wore, she really would have felt like one completely. 
He had been good to her, so good. And she threw it all in his face. Things were beyond ruined now, but what could she do to fix them? Nothing. Maybe she came here to just get some closure instead. That was all. 
“Yeah...I did...” And I guess I lived up to that promise, she thought to herself. She’d disappointed him immensely, she was sure, but she disappointed herself as well. “Yeah, I probably don’t have long before Richard — my client —” she corrected, “wakes up.” She wanted to emphasize that he was only business, nothing more, not a boyfriend or anything else of the sort. She had been far too guarded with her heart to let anyone even near it. The only person still taking up residence there, albeit with a smaller presence than usual, was, of course, Vince.
“I...honestly, I don’t know what got into me,” she said, trying her best to recall the events of a year ago. Or was it longer? Too long, either way. She’d done her best to bury the memories, but they persisted. “We had everything, life was perfect, and I guess it was just...too perfect for me. I thought it definitely couldn’t last and we’d be headed for an ugly breakup, if not then, sometime down the road. And I guess... I tried to prevent myself from feeling that kind of hurt and pain, by cutting my losses and leaving.” 
Except that hadn’t prevented pain. If anything, she had felt it so keenly, so sharply, like a limb lost. She had missed him every single day since she had moved to L.A.
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liibertines · 5 years
Vince wasn’t usually vague or indifferent, but June had managed to bring out a bitterness in him that nobody else had managed. He had been through his fair share of breakups, sure, but none of them were as intense and brutal as this one had been. He was about to fucking marry this girl, for crying out loud! The blond scoffed to himself at that thought, settling down with a ‘perfect’ someone, a special person that would be there for him through thick and thin. He thought that would be her, considering how many boundaries they had broken for each other, how far he was willing to go just to please her, but then it was all thrown out the window in an instant. He would never get over that, no matter who came into his life. It hurt too much to think about, but he couldn’t get rid of the pain, either. He learned to live with it, accepting that he was stupid for even dating June in the first place. It was one of the reasons he had set up that “no dating clients” rule way back when he first started doing photoshoots. But of course, he broke that rule and many others just so he could be with the perky brunette as much as possible.
She arrived into his room and he forgot he had left the door open for her; he considered locking it last-minute and then ghosting her, but that was no longer an option. She was standing across from him and those verdant hues studied her. He was shameless in the way he checked her out; eyes wandered from the top of her wet hair, down the neck he wanted to wrap his fingers around, along her petite frame in that little dress that drove his imagination absolutely wild. He marched over and grumbled a greeting, “hey”, and then closed the door shut behind her, locking it as well – she wanted to talk, after all, right? He turned around and crossed his arms, his back pressed against the door as if signaling he could kick her out at any given moment. “So… what do you want, Ms. I’m-so-fucking-civil-now?” he grumbled; he never agreed to being civil back at her, after all.
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It was so odd and so familiar at the same time, being in the same room as him, alone now. At the restaurant, her immediate reaction had been panic. Now, it was a strange kind of breathlessness, as he walked past her to lock the door shut. She stood statue still as if she was glued to the floor, but eventually she turned to face him instead, still standing in that entryway. 
What did she want? That question found her tongue-tied. Truly, what could she possibly want from coming up here, in the dead of night, to talk to Vince? Nothing good could come of this. Or so she thought.
“I just...” she began, scrambling for the right words to say. “I wanted to talk, since how things ended we didn’t ever really get to talk. And I guess that’s on me because I’d rather run than face things. But...here I am.” Was she trying to apologize now? Maybe. The only thing June was sure of was that it was hard to meet his gaze. 
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An Unlikely Coincidence - Vince & June
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liibertines · 5 years
Whereas sweet Emma was nervous for her date with Elijah, he was excited to see where the night was going to take them. To be honest, even with the intimate texts they had exchanged, he still saw her as a good, wholesome girl. He never thought she would be the type to respond to him with such enthusiasm, but as their conversations continued, he knew he could teach her a thing or two about pleasure. She was not entirely innocent, as he had come to realize, but there was much she had yet to do. After that fateful encounter they had before she left for vacation, his thoughts had been consumed by her. A moment didn’t go by where he didn’t think about her and what she was up to at the time. He was truly smitten with her and this date tonight was going to give him an opportunity to get to know her better, and perhaps give her the hands-on training she voiced she needed throughout their naughty exchanges. Although she didn’t seem like the “sleep with a guy on her first date” kind of girl, he knew it was possible if she showed that same enthusiasm she had when texting him and touching herself for him.
One of the things he loved about her was that, yes, his place of work and residence and the “job” he created for himself were not conventional by any standards, but she still accepted him regardless of that. It was a palace of intimacy and desire and she just so happened to want to work there as a maid, so he hired her almost on the spot when they interviewed. She voiced her concerns with guests before, but he never expected one of his guests to take it so far. He was furious when that guy broke one of the golden rules of the hotel, “ABSOLUTELY NO touching staff without appropriate consent” and banned him for life, not to mention letting his security guard get one hell of a beating on him to teach him a lesson about touching women inappropriately. And it wasn’t like that guy could sue – yes, his whole operation was technically illegal, but being the successful millionaire that he was, he had loopholes and blackmail aplenty to keep his business afloat.
When Elijah spotted her coming into the restaurant they agreed on, one that was only a short drive away from his luxurious manor, he stood up immediately to greet her. He was dressed casually in a white dress shirt that complimented his bulging muscles, slacks, and nice dress shoes. And yes, he towered over her when she trotted over to him, her smaller stature pressing into his much larger form. His strong arms wrapped around her and he held her close, just like he hadn’t seen her in forever. His hands held her by the hips and threatened to reach around for a moment, eager to put his hands everywhere they talked about during their texts. But he was polite for now, letting her ramble cutely which he responded with a soft chuckle. The smell of his expensive cologne likely flooded her nostrils as he leaned in to whisper into her ear smoothly.
“I don’t mind your rambling – but it’s nice to know I’ve been missed,” he teased her lightly, and he took another bold move by pressing a kiss to her soft cheek. “I’ve missed you too, Emma,” he continued with a huge grin before pulling her chair out for her so she could have a seat. His eyes studied her from head to toe, licking his lips shamelessly as he thought about lifting her pretty dress and digging his hand into her curls. Finally, and stubbornly, he pulled away from her and took his seat across from her. “How was your vacation? Did you get the relaxation you needed? You certainly liked my advice on how to relax…” Elijah taunted her, referencing the times she touched herself at his request, making her cum without even being in her presence yet.
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Elijah pulled her into embrace that started out innocent but nearly made Emma gasp. His hands wandered dangerously close to her derriere and wow, what a thrill. Not only that, but he kissed cheek, and that had Emma positively lighting up like a Christmas tree, going bright red. Their embrace was broken as quickly as it had happened, and she was given a reprieve to breathe as they settled in their seats. Her head spun, full of only Elijah, nobody else in the room.
God, he looked so good tonight. Smelled so good. Emma made a mental note to ask him what cologne, if any, he was wearing. But maybe later. For now, she’d focus on rambling less and letting him lead the conversation more. Once he mentioned her relaxing, and with that grin on his face, Emma softly bit down on her lip. Her cheeks flushed and she felt her body respond to his words. Oh god, not so soon. His cheeky, silly words had the power to arouse her like this, and they hadn’t even gotten their menus. This was going to be one hell of a dinner to sit through.
  “It was a wonderful vacation, thank you,” Emma said, looking down at her lap and then back up at him, forcing herself not to lose composure and stay focused. “Havana was even more gorgeous than I ever could have imagined. I only wished you had been there, honestly...” She made no mention of the other thing, knowing that if they got onto that topic, she (and the state of her undergarments)  would certainly be in trouble.
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liibertines · 5 years
Vince downed another glass of his drink as he waited for her reply, chewing on his lower lip nervously. They hadn’t been in the same room in so long… he wasn’t sure what to expect if she offered to come upstairs right now. He checked himself out in the mirror again; his blond curls were slightly ruffled, dress shirt mostly unbuttoned revealing his well-toned physique underneath, jeans were already almost off, unzipped and unbuttoned. When he heard his phone go off again, he took a deep breath and then exhaled. Reading the text, he scoffed at her ‘civil’ comment – he was always civil, she was the mess. Or so he told himself to feel better. But he didn’t bother arguing with her or protesting. He merely replied with one word, that’s all:
Vince [ 3:16 a.m. ]: Okay
She received only one word back, and it was such a confusing word. He could mean it in a thousand different ways, an annoyed okay, meaning he was oging with what she wanted, or a resigned one which secretly meant that no amount of talk was useful, it would all be pointless anyway. But instead of debating which type of ‘okay’ Vince had used, she simply collected herself, and got up off the bathroom floor. Dressing up took longer than she’d hoped, if only because she was moving around in the room deadly quiet and trying not to wake Richard up.  She’d brought a pair of ballet flats, and slipped them on, along with the same dress she wore  earlier that evening, that he’d seen her in. It was the easiest thing to slip on. Her hair stayed tangled and wet, no time to tend to that now, as she quickly slipped out the room with only keycard and phone.  
June texted Vince on her way up, upon realizing she didn’t know his exact door number. Having received his reply, she slowly made her way toward his door, with each step feeling more hesitant, more nervous. She found his door open, oddly enough, and stepped into the entryway of the spacious suite, stopping in her steps as soon as she saw Vince from across the room. God, all her feelings came rushing back, so easily; just like that. He looked about as good as she’d ever seen him, if only a tad more angry and bitter — but even in this state, there was no guy she could compare him to.  “Hi.” 
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An Unlikely Coincidence - Vince & June
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liibertines · 5 years
Vince [ 3:05 a.m ]: You’re right, I did. But I’m not the kind of guy to just go away quietly, you know that.
Vince [ 3:05 a.m ]: … are you fucking kidding me?
Vince [ 3:06 a.m ]: I’m at The Venetian too. Piazza suite.
June was right – this wasn’t over between them. It was never over, because neither of them could forget each other. He could have been sleeping peacefully right now, or maybe fucking someone he picked up at the bar, but he wasn’t. He was drunk and miserable, texting the one person who genuinely hurt him more than anyone else had. She knew he missed her; otherwise, he would have ignored her, kept his phone on silent, done anything to avoid contacting her any further. But he was weak and simply could not sleep knowing that she was in the same city as him, and now, in a twist of fate, in the same damn hotel too. Vince stood up and walked over to one of the large mirrors in the luxury suite, checking himself out. He was wearing practically nothing already; a tank top that complimented the curvature of his muscles and swim trunks because he was thinking about going for a swim, until she ended up texting him. The blond poured himself another glass of whiskey on ice and sipped on it, nervously chewing on his lower lip while anticipating a reply he should not have wanted.
June’s heart caught in her throat. So not only was he in the same town as her, but he was here, in the same goddamn hotel, a mere four floors above? Or roughly thereabouts — that’s where all the suites were anyway. The brunette exhaled and leaned her head back against the cold bathroom tile, looking up at the lights. If she slipped out quietly, maybe she could return before Richard knew she’d been gone. Hell, even if he did find out and it soured their trip, it was worth it. She had other repeat clients; it wasn’t the end of the world. Taking a deep breath, she hesitated and spent maybe too long typing out one single sentence.
June [ 3:15 a.m ]: I can come up. June [ 3:15 a.m ]: But only if you’re ready to talk civilly. 
June was pretty sure she had never used the word ‘civilly’ in her life, in a formal context or any other. Still, it seemed the only word to use. Civil. As if being merely friendly took too much effort. But when it came to Vince, it sure did, complicated being the only right word to describe him (and them).
An Unlikely Coincidence - Vince & June
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liibertines · 5 years
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liibertines · 5 years
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liibertines · 5 years
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237 notes · View notes
liibertines · 5 years
connection: ladies. any connection.  // open to everyone !! synopsis: Muse a was supposed to get married but their partner called off the wedding and unfortunately, there’s a no refund clause on their honeymoon. Muse b being the best ( and wanting a free trip ) joins muse a but they have to pretend to be married. muse: aaron ( chris evans ) feel free to pick another guy if you want just lemme know who you pick in the tags ! 
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Despite the pain he felt and the urge to sit in a dark room and drink his life away, she brought a smile to his face. “Wow, who knew you cleaned up so nicely.” He whistled, clearly teasing the other as he shamelessly looked them over. You’re single and there’s nothing wrong with looking.  “Ready to head to the club?” He asked while extending his arm for them to take.
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Although Lexi was certainly comfortable and not at all hurting for money, who was she to turn down a free honeymoon trip? And bonus if in the process of it all she helped a friend get over a pretty traumatic time. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” she said, looking down at her dress which maybe bared a little too much. But who cared? They were on ‘honeymoon’, on a vacation in a foreign place. She could let loose a bit and not be her usual self. Taking Aaron by the arm, she walked with him through the hotel lobby, turning heads as they went. “Are we stopping a taxi? I just can’t walk far in these heels,” she said with a laugh. They gave her killer legs, but at a cost.
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liibertines · 5 years
@liibertines liked this for a starter!
Isaac tried not to stare.
Not only was it rude–it was flat-out inappropriate. 
One of the few reasons Isaac’s mother was home for any longer than however long it took her to change outfits was when she was working out with her personal trainer. Isaac knew to stay away from their gym and make himself scarce. Since he couldn’t remember his mother ever cooking anything, he thought the kitchen was a safe place to stay out of the way.
But then her personal trainer, Corinne, walked in. It was unusual, but not prohibited or anything like that. He had no reason to dislike her, she’d always been polite in the few times they’d crossed paths and he quickly averted his eyes from her broad shoulders, the sweaty sheen of her swelling cleavage, the way her pants clung to her hips and behind. She was just one of his mother’s associates, so he assumed she saw him as something to be ignored as well.
Still, he refused to be rude so he nodded to her in greeting, if a bit formally, as she moved towards the refrigerator. “Good… good afternoon,” he stammered, then quickly turned back to his book.
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Corinne had been working with Samantha for several weeks now. She’d quickly become her most frequent client and one who demanded her time thrice weekly like clockwork. Not that Corinne minded, the woman paid generously and offered many other perks besides. As soon as their workout was done, she rolled up her mat, re-fixed her ponytail, and made her way out into the kitchen.
 Her premade lunch waited for her in the fridge; the one she ate at 2:00 on the dot. It wasn’t customary of her to bring it along, but better than eating in the car before her next appointment. Which wasn’t until 6 today anyway, so she had some time. 
"Hey,” she greeted Samantha’s boy with a smile, remembering his name was Isaac. She usually went above and beyond to remember things about her clients, small touches that endeared her with them even more. Not that she and Samantha often had time to chat about their persona lives, they were too busy sweating it out in the gym. 
“You mind if I sit here?” she asked him in a friendly manner, before deciding to do so anyway, pulling up a seat at the lavish marbled counter atop a high chair. Glancing over she noticed him absorbed in a book, two seats away. “Watcha readin’?” 
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liibertines · 5 years
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Burgundy, Lily Collins.
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liibertines · 5 years
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“Had I known you were coming…” He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, teasing his fingers along her legs, up to her knees and back down to her insane heels. “I would’ve cancelled my plans tonight.” He gave one of her ankles a squeeze before dragging his fingernails up her skin. “I definitely cancelled my weekend plans, though…”
His fingers glided up her skin before disappearing between her thighs, running through the mess she’d already created. He wasn’t gonna touch her pussy yet. “Is that okay?” he asked, teasing, looking her up and down, his mouth still watering at the sight of her, his cock throbbing. “That I just, y’know,” he shrugged casually. “Assumed that we’re gonna spend the weekend fucking?”
He chuckled, using all of his self-control to not just pin her down and begin devouring her.
She watched him with a smile on her face that was equal parts hunger and predator; a keen tigress or a spider that knew it had spun the strongest web. She loved their preambles into foreplay, innocent touches like these, although they were hardly ever innocent. It was almost like a game: who could hold out the longest before being consumed with, and controlled by lust.
"Mmm,” she hummed, her thighs welcoming his hand as they were already slick with desire. For him, specifically. Her breasts, though on the smaller side, were very perky, and at this moment stood to full attention, dark, hard areolas begging for a mouth around them. 
“It wasn’t in my plans...but given the right breakfast options, I don’t think I could refuse,” she said, sitting up and pulling just out of his reach to lean back and cross her legs in front of him [x]. Just so he could fully appreciate her black patent leather Giambattista Vallis and sheer stockings. “I’ve already warmed up dinner, so...” 
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liibertines · 5 years
@liibertines liked this for a starter
“Junebug?” Will called out as he entered their apartment. “Where are you?” He closed the door behind him and it only took a moment before he knew: the tiny, mewling moans coming from the back–more specifically, his bedroom, told him exactly where she was. He smiled, threw his keys down on the table, dropped his bag, then kicked off his shoes.
Already growing hard in his pants, Will padded down the hall and slowly opened the door to his bedroom. Even though he knew what he’d find, his eyes still went wide at the sight. “Oh well there you are…” he teased, grinning, his mouth watering. “What if I’d come home with guests?” he joked, leaning against the door frame, watching her, drinking her in, reveling in the sights and sounds of her lustful ecstasy. “What would you have done then, hmm?”
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It wasn’t the first time June had popped in to Will’s place to find him not home; but this time it drove her impatience to new heights as she’d specifically come dressed to tease him. She slipped out of her dress soon after arriving and wandered his apartment in nothing but stockings and sky-high black heels (giving the 5′3 petite a bit of leverage).
Boredom led to lying on her back on Will’s bed, toying with her increasingly wet slit. What was a girl to do when the man she’d come to worship and be worshipped by wasn’t here? And it was exactly how Will found her, tanned body gleaming a healthy bronze, the brunette peering up at him between spread legs. Like her pussy was greeting him, on display for his viewing pleasure, tasteful landing strip and all. "Then you could’ve all gathered round to enjoy watching a goddess pleasure herself, of course,” she teased in singsong, dreamy voice. It was whimsical what she suggested, although June had never shied away from anything like that and wouldn’t have hesitated to. She adored being watched. 
“What’s up?” Closing her legs, June rolled over onto her side, now presenting him with a view of her small but peachy ass.  “I was beginning to wonder if you’d gone on some weekend getaway.” 
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