liightaga · 4 days
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Blue light filled Sora's eyes and slowly dissipated in front of him. A stained glass portrait faded into the black as Sora felt himself jerk and awaken inside of a stretched hallway. A sigh escaped him as he stood.
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"Did- I just die?..."
Sora brought his hands up to his vision. He stretched his fingers and cracked his knuckles and then looked down at his feet. Still had on his large shoes too, so that's a plus. He tapped the toe of his shoe on the ground a few times before investigating his surroundings.
"Where- am I? Traverse Town?..."
In front of Sora was an endless hotel-esque hallway with doors littering both sides. He looked behind him and saw the same. "well... Only one way out and that's forward I guess." Sora started walking. First instinct, ignore the doors and find an end to this hallway, but after what seemed like hours he grabbed hold of a door knob, twisted it, and opened the door.
Inside he saw his island. Like the door he was exiting was from the mysterious door he had entered at the beginning of his lengthy journey. Sora stepped onto the sandy path and made his way to the dock. The salty breeze stung his eyes, but it didn't bother him too much as something more important stood in front of him at the end of the dock.
Sora saw reddish-brown hair, bright blue eyes, and the softest most welcoming smile. He returned the smile and started to sprint towards the figure.
Tears formed in his eyes. This journey that he's been on for over a year now feels so close to the end. He was right there with his best friend. She was here, his world was safe and his friend was safe too!
Sora held out his arms as he approached to give his friend the biggest hug he could muster. He wrapped swung his arms around the figure and they phased right through. Sora gasped. The sprint forced him forward and with no physical body to catch him, he fell forward off the dock, landing in the ocean below him.
He sunk like a rock. The ocean water stinging his eyes as he tried to swim up but to no avail. He reached up as a last second effort to grab onto something but couldn't find anything. His eyes closed as he sank deep into this darkness.
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liightaga · 4 days
Magical Mystery
It had been almost a week since Sora and Fawn escaped from Sonare. So much has happened to Sora, but he wanted to be able to relax and collect his thoughts for a few days before he approached the friends he was with at the mysterious island.
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He was on the pier, shoes off, feet kicking the water around as his thoughts swirled in his head. After a few moments, he groaned and grabbed at his head. His feet kicked the water with a heavy splash, soaking his pants.
He let out a sigh and pushed himself up to at least walk the beach. Maybe finding more thalassa shells would be a good idea?
Sora would wander for about an hour. He'd see some familiar faces smiling and waving at him, causing him to smile and wave back as well as participating in small talk. Everything kinda just flowed until he saw a man in.... a relatively non-beachy attire. A cloak? Or is that a cape?
Reminds him of Byleth
Sora jogged up to this person, seeing as he was another other-worldly traveler. He didn't look like the normal citizens of Arcanus, so he wasn't afraid to start conversation. This was Sora though, when would he ever be afraid to start a conversation?
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"Yaknow, if you're looking for the library, you missed it by a long shot! It's about a thirty minute walk that way!" Sora pointed back towards the main land, not even remotely close to where the library actually is. "I can take you there if you'd like? I need something to do anyways!"
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liightaga · 5 days
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"You won't!" Won't she? Pain creeps its way throughout Sora's body as another heartless blade lands its mark across Sora's arm. He swings back, Keyblade tearing through its shadowy flesh, but another took its place almost instantly.
"Kairi- Please!"
Sora grabbed her hand one last time and stared at his friend in the eyes. A dark red fluid dripped from the corner of his mouth before he cast a fireball behind him with the giant key, making an opening just big enough for the two of them. "We'll be fine- You'll- I'll be fine... I promise-"
Sora pushed Kairi in front of him as he swung his Keyblade at the attacking heartless. Over and over Sora was struck by shadowy claws and sharp silver swords, but over and over Sora would swing back and protect his friend so that no blade or set of claws would touch her.
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And with one final shove, Sora let go of her hand. his fingers slid off her palm as he was enveloped in the swarm of heartless, only to see the light of his friends blue eyes at first, then darkness.
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−−−  ꧁ red . the calamity was red , and so was his blood . the way it fell behind him , torn out from his back like a betrayal of faith . . . and fell onto her pants : droplets of red . like hitting a target . and receiving an applause .
zelda surpassed her protector , hand weeping with cold sweat without his .
" link !! " . . . link ?? or -- zelda hard stopped , skidding as her foot sunk into the mud, letting the name rip from her lungs , " what about you ?? "
she spoke to a shadow once more , faceless and nameless . and peaking from his silhouette , zelda saw a blinking red light . then another . like eyes following him , watching what he'd do -- where he'd go . RUN , he'd told her . but why run at the cost of him ( who are you ?? ) ?? no matter how she looked at it , no matter whose face she fascened to the weapon that cut for her : such a price wasn't worth it .
because she wasn't worth such a sacrifice .
so she hesitated , stepping one foot behind the other : " i won't leave you behind . "
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liightaga · 7 days
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Sora's grip tightens around Kairi's hand. He feels mud beneath his shoes as they head toward The Great Maw. A valley leading to a villainous castle in the distance. He glanced behind him, searching for an alternative way out, but to no avail.
So he kept running and tugging at his friends hand. Sora felt terrible. He knew she was tired, but they can't stop. They can't rest now. They have to get out. She has to-
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A blade as long as any sword dug its way into Sora's back. An armored knight heartless had jumped from its perch down onto Sora, separating Sora's hand from Kairi's, forcing him and her apart.
He grunted and whined in pain, as he landed on his chest, but pushed himself back up without hesitation. He tried to reach back out, but heartless started to surround the two of them, showing them no room for escape. "Stay close to me... You'll make it out of here, I promise!"
Sora stood his ground. He held the keyblade in front of him defensively. A heartless leaped from the crown, clashing blades with Sora before he parried, and slashed back, dissipating the heartless.
"Any opening you get- RUN!"
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−−−  ꧁ lips echoes theirs : keep moving . she's being pulled along , hand encasing hers ; they need to keep moving . it is dangerous . they once made a promise to keep her safe .link ??
she makes a mistake . she makes a mistake . she looks over her shoulder and sees red smoke rising , curling ominously on the horizon . and in the pit of her stomach , zelda knows . . . they're not going to be able to outrun this .
she's been here before .
heels pelt soft ground , slick beneath her weight . feet melting into earth as they run together : arms pumping and lungs sharp . if she goes down , they'll go down together hand-in-hand . so there is no other choice but to try and keep up . trill cry of bobokins trailing behind them , hovering in the air .
" where will we go ?? i don't -- " doubt has crept in though the air , in and out in shallow breaths .
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liightaga · 7 days
At work right now, but send me ⭐️ if you'd like to plot a thread with Sora! New or old muses can interact, but a limit of 5!
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liightaga · 9 days
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"Kairi-" Not Kairi... This is Zelda, but- She sounds just like Kairi..."
Sora pulls her friend up to her feet. He saw a flash of a forest, then a flash of Radiant Garden. He closed his eyes, grabbing at his head and smacking the side for a second. "Cmon... Why now- Why here?"
His eyes open. Instead of seeing Zelda, he sees Kairi once more. A frustrated sigh exhales from his body, but he doesn't have the luxury to think, so he acts.
Out of the corner of his eyes he sees the movement of a black, spindly creature. a blur of yellow races towards the two of him and without hesitation, Sora shoves his friend to the side and swings his weapon. A crystal heart floats from the black mist the weapon of light created. Sora then grabbed Kairi's- No. This is Zelda... Right?
It doesn't matter. He grabbed whoever's hand it was and started running. At least he was somewhere he was familiar with... No... He wasn't...
It's different
"We gotta keep moving! It's dangerous here! I made a promise to keep you safe."
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−−−  ꧁ through slits in her fingers , zelda watches malice rise , blown in her face by the hand that plunges into her direction ( the blade not withstanding ) . the princess flinches . somehow she's choked on her heart , and it races in her throat : the dizzying rush of fear .
you don't belong in this world ; but she's been here , a time or two before .
" you . . . " who ?? you . royal blues and deep shadows marry . eyes sway in and out of focus . with a rub of her eyes , zelda sees familiarity . a feeling she's fond of . " . . . you saved my life . "
vague , she knows the hand to be familiar , but its owner maintains a blended sort of appearance that makes her second guess instinct . fingers twitch hesitantly : deciding if she belongs or not . but there is something in the voice that reverberates , soothing . . . because it is relentlessly familiar . as if she'd walked beside it before . as if she knew it . as if she liked it .
no, she was certain that she liked it . but who was it ??
leap of faith don't betray her , zelda accepts his hand , " i've nicked my . . . " eyes look down as if she'd forgotten the word for ankle : but where she'd expected to see red , there is mud , " i'm sorry , i must have been mistaken . are you alright ?? "
friend ??
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liightaga · 9 days
Sora shook his head in response to Cucumber's apology. "Don't apologize for anything! You're fine! You didn't distract us from anything. Besides, even if we were distracted, we'd want to help anyways! Right Luna?"
Sora quickly took on a defensive stance as the doors opened. They Keyblade appeared and he stepped between the door and his two friends. "I don't think that's.... going to happen...."
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Sora's stance showed heroism and confidence, but the look on his face showed him just as nerve wracked as his little rabbit friend. Sora looked back towards his friends after composing himself, and with a deep breath... "Stay here... I'm gonna check it out..."
With his Keyblade shielding him from darkness, he stepped off the train and onto the platform, in which he saw....
"It's... Just another Island?"
Having a nickname used by someone is an odd feeling. She doesn't know if this is embarrassment or giddiness. Maybe both? Her cheeks are a slightly red color and it may have reached her ears. "I'm not sure," She says quickly with a shake of her head. Clearing her throat, the shaman-to-be leans forward to place a hand on Cucumber's head. There are no signs of a fever and he isn't injured anywhere either.
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"Sora and I came here to look for the missing person," She explains to Cucumber, "and we saw you walking into the train. Do you remember anything before you fell asleep?" Just over her shoulder, Luna hears someone crying. She turns her head over to look, but there's no one. At the moment, in this section of the train, it's Just the three of them.
"We don't know where this train leads but where ever it's taking us, I think we're close to arriving."
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liightaga · 9 days
Dropping Threads
Hey guys, I'm gonna make a decision about my threads since they've been going on for a bit too long or I don't feel like they're going anywhere, or it's taken me too long to get back to it with how busy I've been, but I'm going to be dropping most of my threads that aren't campaign threads.
I'm willing to start a new thread with a character that hasn't had the chance to interact with Sora or only had a brief moment with him, so if that's the case, please hit me up on Discord! With that being said, I'm going to post a starter call for you guys that still want to interact with Keyboy!
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liightaga · 25 days
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How long has it been since Sora was separated from Luna and Cucumber?
How long has it been since Sora seen a friend?
Where was he?
It didn't take long for him to find out.
Sora swore he heard a noise. Either a scream or a gasp but something loud enough for the Keyblade Hero to perk up and investigate. He picked up his pace from a jog to a sprint, turning a corner. The sun shined into his eyes fiercely. His arm shielded the rays, but his next step confused him. No longer did Sora feel grass beneath his feet, but something more solid. Familiar even.
Sora pushed his arm further, but as he did, the bright light of the sun dimmed to a shadow. The trees and hills that surrounded him became houses and shops like Radiant Garden. Wait, it IS Radiant Garden!
Sora couldn't celebrate however as he heard a familiar swooshing behind him. Without hesitation, he drew his blade and swung. The key tore through a dark figure, sending a pink crystal-like heart into the sky as the shadowy creature faded into a black mist.
"Heartless..." He muttered to himself as he continued further, hearing the stomping of boots. Sora turned another corner to see a woman on the ground with a neo-shadow hovering over her, reeling back to strike. He charged without hesitation.
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As he approached, Sora saw a touch of red in the figure's hair, and a bit of white and pink in her outfit. "Kairi?!" He called out as he cleaved into the heartless. He panted. The heart floated into the sky and he looked down at his friend.
"Kai- Zelda?..."
Sora held out his hand to his friend. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?... How did they get here?... I thought- How are you here? You don't belong in this world!"
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−−−  ꧁ it had begun with holding an empty canister open to the skies that cried their sweet silver music , praying for the goddess to spare her another go-around . being displaced had been difficult enough the first time around . thrice was no longer coincidence , but curse . now , days later , she tasted nothing but lead in her mouth . delirious , broken breaths beaten by the eternal twilight . . .
run . run , little bird , whose voice is so small without no one to hear it . mud caked to her boots , with each step zelda drudged up the memories of hyrule's endless night . she ran along raquiesper creek's , dodging trunks , she fled central hyrule's burning corpses rising from behind her .
their numbers were . . . increasing lately . the mosquitos . the bodies . the lizalfos . . . ?? ʞɔi|ɔ , ʞɔi|ɔ , ʞɔi|ɔ . y e s . . . the lizalfos which danced in malice's delight -- their speed unmatched . she ran from the lizalfos that wished to have her , who wished to devour her . for zelda on her own was worth no more than a meal , and yet feared being taken by their razor teeth .
and as arms pumped , willing zelda away . . . she dared to look back at her demise . not with courage or strength , but with the wisdom to fear . and fear , she should , for the lizalfos's tongue lashed out , tying to her ankle just like the red string of fate that the goddess put on her at birth : except that her better half wasn't there on the other end this time .
instead , the lizalfos's grip pulled taut enough to draw blood as she hit the ground . and as the monster dragged her along the muddied sticks and leaves , arm raised to shield herself from the sight of her own death . she's seen enough .
@liightaga | campaign : omerta nostra
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liightaga · 26 days
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"I dunno... There could be more... All I know is we're on a giant island... There may be more, but there wasn't anything over the horizon. Donald and I checked." He mutters in response to Luna's question. He then heard rustling behind him, causing him to turn to investigate.
Sora found Luna pushing against Cucumber. She was being gentle, but he didn't want Cucumber to get hurt, or worse, freak out. "Hey- Luna, what're you-" Sora stands and makes his way over Luna. He watches her nudge and shake and say Cucumber's name. He didn't think the bunny boy was going to wake up anytime soon.
"Luna, cmon... He's going to be fi- Huh?"
Sora saw Cucumber stir and twitch awake. At first, he was relieved by the slow awakening. The softness of his voice calmed him until-
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"Woah hey! Cucu!- It's, yeah, it's me! Yeah... We're on a train... Deep breaths buddy..."
Sora got on his knees on the set of seats in front of Cucumber and Luna. He poked his head over the backrest of the seat and gave Cucumber a worried, yet genuine smile. "You- were sleep walking..."
He turned to Luna and shrugged. "I don't know why.... Do you Lu?"
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Luna takes note of Sora's voice. He's worried. Rightfully so. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried. It's a possibility about Cucumber being in some spell, right? That worried her. Luna is stunned a bit when she catches Sora's look. It's one thing to hear it in a friend's voice, but then to see that worry morph their features? She doesn't know what to say. Doesn't have the answers, but...
"He'll be alright." She is a firm believer in that. If anything, Cucumber is resilient and stubborn. He wouldn't let anything get to him.
"You think there's another place here that we haven't been able to explore?" Why else were they on a train that was taking them someplace?
Luna's eyes observe out the window and she turns her attention back to Cucumber and gently, ever so gently shakes him.
"Cucumber, wake up. You have to wake up."
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liightaga · 28 days
Sora watched Grimm run upstairs and down in a matter of seconds. He laughed and shook his head. Sora knew Grimm was excited as he was one to get excited easily himself. He watched the insectoid reveal the instrument. A look of wonder was plastered all over Sora's face.
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"I've heard of jazz, yeah!"
Sora glanced to the teacup Grimm was pouring the tea into. He cocked his head to the side and let in a deep breath through his nose, getting a whiff of the wintery notes. A smile formed as he was reminded of Christmas town.
"where'd you learn to play, Grimm?" Sora asked, reaching for his cup and taking a hesitant sip.
"Oh? You sang?" the Troupe Master pipes up inquisitively as he waits. "You tell me that there barely any music there is in your life? That simply must be changed."
This prompts the moth to dash upstairs to his room and back again, carrying with him the rental violin and bow he'd received recently. To him, it was nothing special—not like the legendary Crenaldan violin he owned back home that he'd gone great lengths to get his claws upon.
"I play many things, dear child. Folk, classical, something a little more somber? Whatever I feel at the time." He places the violin carefully down on the couch, returning to the steeping tea. "As for what else I enjoy... Here, they have jazz. You know of it?"
He taps the timer right before it goes off to save their ears the egregious beeping, and goes about putting the leaves back and pouring two piping hot cups of the chocolate mint.
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liightaga · 1 month
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Send my muse “What would you do if...” scenarios.
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liightaga · 1 month
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"Wh-C-Cucumber?... Where'd you find this guy? I-"
Sora holds the frog gently in his hands, giving it little pets on the head before looking back to his friend.
"His name is Kermit..."
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liightaga · 1 month
🍕 - Favourite food
🐾- Favourite animal/pet
🐣- Childhood dream
Sora's favorite food is never explicitly stated in the Kingdom Hearts games, but in KH3, he is presented with a tarte aux fruits which he loves. (Kinda like a pie with a bunch of fresh fruit on top and in the filling.) With that being said, I'd like to think that Sora's favorite food (Or foods) Would probably be any fresh fruit. If I had to pick one though, it would be mango or pineapple.
His favorite animal is also a thing I had to think about. He never states what his favorite animal is in the games either. In fact, he loves all sorts of animals. The ones he comes into contact with the most (Other than Donald and Goofy) are lions since Simba is in 4 of the games with Sora, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a dog person since he's usually depicted with a meow wow dream eater. (A dog/cat hybrid)
And his childhood dream is actually the easiest! He always wanted to travel to different worlds with his friends Riku and Kairi! He's got half the dream, but he's with Donald and Goofy instead of Riku and Kairi, but that's okay since Donald and Goofy are great companions and friends too!
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liightaga · 1 month
"are you alright?" (Training vibes when >:D)
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"Y-yeah.. I'm fine..."
Sora pushed himself up. He sighed with overstimulation as his mind raced. She was quick. Quicker than he expected. Byleth clashed with Sora's Keyblade only twice before he fell on his back, forcing him to throw his Keyblade to the ground. It disappeared in a flash of light.
Sora stood there for a second, staring at his teacher while panting. He held out his arm to summon his key once more and slid into his newly taught stance.
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"Let's go! I got you this time Teach!"
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liightaga · 1 month
🐣- Childhood dream
Sora's childhood dream is really funny but it's also really sweet that it has been fulfilled. His childhood dream was to travel to different worlds and have adventures with his friends! Sure, the friends he dreamed about were Kairi and Riku, and the adventures he went on were with different friends, but yeah, his dreams were to always travel with friends!
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liightaga · 1 month
Send one of the following to learn about my muse
If you can't see the symbol send the corresponding text instead.
✨ - Star sign 💕- First crush 🤩 - Favourite person 👎- Biggest pet peeve 🎉 - Favourite holiday 🍕 - Favourite food 💼 - Dream job 😱 - Biggest fear 💝- Family goals 🐾- Favourite animal/pet 🍿- Favourite movie 🏞️ - Favourite place 🐣- Childhood dream 🎶- Favourite song 👿- Moral enemy 🌦️- Favourite weather ☀️- Favourite season 🍸- Favourite drink
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