liinff · 6 years
1 hour (not so) doodle. Testing OBS Studio on my low spec drawing tablet. This one is pretty lightweight and pretty nice. Seems like I can make more speed draw video with this :D
Final Result:
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liinff · 7 years
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Aranea’s existence is one fine piece of art
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liinff · 7 years
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Eiko and Mog’s Birth… month.
I remember Eiko saying that Mog was born on the same day as her so there.
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liinff · 7 years
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Zidane + Survival Vest + Thief Gauntlet + Veil Slasher OωO)d
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liinff · 7 years
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liinff · 7 years
Now I know what it feels to be a villain, clearly outnumbered facing a group of heroes who wants nothing but to see my death body.
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liinff · 7 years
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Chocograph. Now in Full HD.
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liinff · 7 years
I recorded some of my JP quest fights if anyone interested. I’ll try with GL too but probably won’t be that good since I’m taking it easy.
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liinff · 7 years
I’m playing JP ver and I must say this game is so damn good if you don’t mind the chibi style (I like it tho). Weapon from gacha is 3* to 5* and for 10+1 pull the bonus is guaranteed to be 5*! And JP team are really generous with freebies. 
And best of all, it’s currently 75 characters rooster over 1 year of JP release, everyone with their own voice means many of them was given voice the first time in more than a decade in this game. Mobile game worth of Dissidia title IMO. Give it a try!
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liinff · 7 years
I must say this is the most shocking match I had in my entire JP OBT period.
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liinff · 7 years
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Final Fantasy Yamanote Line Wallpaper
Garland / Emperor Mateus / Cloud of Darkness / Golbez / Exdeath / Kefka Palazzo / Sepiroth / Ultimecia / Kuja / Jecht
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liinff · 7 years
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Final Fantasy Yamanote Line Wallpaper
Shantotto / Vaan / Lightning / Y’shtola Rhul / Noctis Lucis Caelum / Bahamut / Ifrit / Odin / Shiva / Ramuh
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liinff · 7 years
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Final Fantasy Yamanote Line Wallpaper
Warrior of Light / Firion / Onion Knight / Cecil Harvey / Bartz Klauser / Tina Branford / Cloud Strife / Squall Leonhart / Zidane Tribal / Tidus
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liinff · 7 years
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something sweet to end 2017 with, since I’ll prob busy with NT this weekend
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liinff · 7 years
DFFOO C2 - Deserta Remains
Disclaimer : I only ever played a few game Final Fantasy series before and I did most of them only once, definitely not in English language. And so I’m not really familiar with how they’re localized. I will write the characters I don’t know only from the impression I got from this (and other Dissidia) game(s). Lastly, I’m still learning both language myself, so please take the translation only for rough guess of what’s happening within this game and don’t take it word by word.
Recruitable Characters: - Zidane Tribal (IX), Close Range Attacker - Cecil Harvey (IV), Close Range Attacker - Yda Hext (XIV), Close Range Attacker - Vaan (XII), Close Range / Magic Attacker
Materia: It seems you have successfully closed a dimensional distortion. I'm glad... Mog: Mog never lies kupo! Mog: Besides, we got more friends kupo! Four people this time kupo! We doubled their number in an instant kupo! Materia: Yes, the warriors has shown me their will of light Materia: But I feel an evil presence in where you're heading for Mog: And that is...? Materia: That person control the dimensional distortion and intends to use it for his own greed Mog: Mog understands kupo! We will be more careful kupo! Materia: It seems among the warriors with the will of light exists someone who has somekind of relation with the evil one Materia: You should borrow their wisdom and experience too Mog: Leave it to Mog kupo!
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Sazh: Great, we have landed savely! Vivi: You're really great mister! You can really drive the airship! Sazh: It's not that different from what I used to ride. To be honest, I want to drive you all straight to the dimensional distortion...
Mog: Unfortunately we need to walk from this point on kupo... There's no space to land the airship beyond this point kupo Cloud: We just need to walk. And defeat all the monsters along the way. Tifa: I agree. And maybe we can find someone along the way too WoL: Where is our next destination? Mog: There's an Ancient Ruins if we go to north kupo Mog: Mog feels a distortion in that place kupo. The dimensional distortion should be there kupo!
Tifa: Ancient Ruins... So such things exists in this world too
???: Unfortunately, Zidane... I don't have any time to play around with you Zidane: You call this playing? Zidane: Using monsters like that again... You're planning something bad again, aren't you?! Kuja! Kuja: I thought you of all people will understand. Or will you laugh at me? Mocking my vain struggle? Zidane: I never said that! I just asked what are you...
Vivi: It's Zidane! And that person is... Zidane: Vivi!?
Kuja: Fuh... What an annoying “Light”
WoL: He just... opened a dimensional distortion...!?
Zidane: Damn! He got away! Vivi: I’m sorry... It’s because I called out to you... Zidane: Don’t mind it. I’m happy to see you again, Vivi. Are those ladies with you? Tifa: My name is Tifa. Are you Vivi’s friend?
Vivi: His name is Zidane. He’s really reliable! Zidane: Don’t praise me up too much! And, the other lady is?
Rem: My name is Rem. I came from a world different from yours. Mog: All the warriors here posses the “Will of Light”, the power to close dimensional distortion kupo!
Zidane: Dimensional distortion... Are you talking about that gateway that Kuja used to called out monsters? Vivi: Yep. And this world is in danger because of that. Mog: Not only here kupo! The distortion is connected to a lot other world... and eroding everyone’s original world kupo Zidane: What...!? That guy is using something that dangerous...!? Mog: Mog feels the “Will of Light” from you too kupo. Will you become our friend kupo?
Zidane: Sure, I’ll come with you. I don’t need reason to help people after all
Mog: Yay kupo! We have another comrade kupo! Zidane: I’m good with fast enemies. I’ll protect you guys! WoL: I’ll be counting on you. It’s my first time having someone like you as a comrade.
???: Where is this...? What was just happened to me?
Y’shtola: Someone came out from the dimensional distortion! Sazh: Is that... human? Don’t tell me... an enemy!? Sazh: It’s always hard to tell with people who wears full armor
???: Who are you!? Sazh: How about introducing yourself before asking? Cecil: My name is... Cecil. A knight of Baron Kingdom. I don’t have any idea why am I here Sazh: You sure can talk nicely. Seems like you’re a serious guy Mog: Mog feels the will of light from this sir too kupo! WoL: Perhaps the fact that he appeared in front of us too is by the guidance of destiny Cecil: Will of Light? ... Destiny? Please explain to me what’s going on here
Mog: The space you just came out from is dimensional distortion, a bad thing that eroding the world Mog: Mog and the others are traveling around to close those dimensional distortion so we can save the world kupo Mog: Mog also feels the will of light that bore the same destiny as them from you too kupo! Mog: Please join us and lend us your strength kupo!
Cecil: Me...? Saving the world...? Y’shtola: I can’t blame you for hesitating. But it’s something that we need to do WoL: You hide away a very strong power. You should use it for the right means
Cecil: I am... a dark knight who wears darkness to fight. I’m an existence that is far too different from light Cecil: I’m different from a knight who hold a dazzling light like you
Mog: Please believe in yourself kupo! Mog believe you can do it kupo! Cecil: I’m sorry... I don’t have any right to walk along with you...
Cecil: Everyone! Are you okay!? WoL: We’re okay. ... so you do fight with us Cecil: I saw those monsters attacking you... I just thought I should go and help
Mog: Thank you for worrying about us kupo! Y’shtola: So you’re the one who take on those monsters which is why there’s not so much monsters heading towards us. It was a big help Sazh: Did you came all this far on your own? Hey mister you’re very strong for someone who is lacking confidence Cecil: I’m glad I could provide a little help for you. Then I will excuse myself here... Mog: Wait kupo!
Mog: We don’t have a force like you on our team kupo. Please become our friend kupo~ Cecil: Thank you for inviting me again. But... I’m still nowhere nearer to light than before
WoL: ...both light and darkness will become the power for who hold the right heart Cecil: Huh...? Sazh: I don’t care even if you’re a darkness this or that. You saved us. I can’t think that as anything bad. WoL: Even if you raise the blade of darkness, your heart sure held the will of light
Cecil: My heart... huh... Is it really okay for me to walk along with you? Cloud: That is for you to decide. What do you want to do?
Cecil: I understand... I decide it now. If this blade of darkness could be your power... Cecil: Then I’ll walk along with you on your journey to save the world!
Mog: Welcome kupo~! We got another strong willed ally kupo!
Cecil: Both light and darkness will become power... huh Cecil: I wonder if the time when my blade will held light will ever come...
Sazh: So there’s a dimensional distortion inside this ruins.
Mog: The closer we are to the distortion, the stronger the monster will be kupo! Let’s do our best to adjust our power as we go kupo~ Rem: We don’t know what kind of monster waiting for us there, so let’s be careful
Zidane: Rem is so kind~ I might fell your you, you know? Rem: Zidane, you should not play around too much too. It will become more dangerous from this point on. Zidane: I’m not playing around at all! I’m always 100% serious!
Sazh: Really... what an easy going guy Y’shtola: The man from before... Kuja was it? What is your relation to him?
Zidane: It’s a long story. One thing for sure is he purposely caused a war at our original world, Gaia Sazh: You think he will pull of the same thing here too? Zidane: I don’t know about that yet. That’s why... I need to make sure
Zidane: Hey... I have been having this weird feeling Zidane: This ruins feels really nostalgic for me. It’s almost like I have seen this place before...
Hope: That’s weird. I have been feeling the same thing too Cloud: Even though both of you came from a completely different world?
Sazh: Both me and Hope have this weird karma with “Ruins” Sazh: But it looks nowhere like this. What is this feeling...?
Zidane: ... Mog probably know something
Zidane: Hey, Mog. You said this place is an “Ancient Ruins”, didn’t you? Zidane: So that means there should be a civilization that produce this ruins in this past right? Mog: Kupo... Logically such thing should never exists in the first place kupo Cloud: What do you mean?
Mog: The God that created this world took reference from a lot of different worlds kupo Mog: There should be a place that was based from your original world kupo Mog: That’s why you may feel this place or that place nostalgic kupo
Sazh: So the reason we never meet someone who doesn’t come from another world like us is... Sazh: Because this world is an artificial world that God you mention created Mog: That’s why kupo! It’s really dangerous to let this world being consumed by the distortion kupo! Mog: This world is strongly connected to your original world kupo. If this world are to fall into the distortion, it will affected your original world too kupo! Zidane: I see... I think I get it
???: Okay then. I think it’s enough investigation here ???: Who!?
WoL: If you don’t have any intention to fight us, then we too won’t fight against you ???: Okay then. I don’t have any intention to fight ???: Though I do want to try to fight you if it’s not at a time like this Mog: What are you doing here kupo? ???: Whoah Moggle race!? I thought I already investigated the ecosystem around here, but I didn’t realized your race live around here too! Sazh: This one is our comrade. We’re traveling to close the dimensional distortion ???: Wha... Afro race!? So the ecosystem around here is... oh well, forget about that.
???: I was investigating about monsters... ???: But then I found this unknown thing and I can’t investigate it anymore. ???: I think it’s that dimensional distortion thing
Sazh: That means we’re aiming for the same thing ???: Same? Oh, I see. The monsters are connected to the dimensional distortion! ???: Thank you for the information! See you later!
Mog: There she goes kupo... Even though Mog feels the “Will of Light” from her too kupo... Y’shtola: What just happened? Sazh: There was a cheery girl here just until a moment ago. But she went away before we ever got a chance to invite her into our group Y’shtola: If we are aiming for the same thing, we will meet her again when the light of guidance from crystal overlap... surely
???: Haah! Reinforcement arrived! I’ll help you!
???: ...Eh? Huh? You’re done already?
WoL: Yes, we’re already done Y’shtola: ... Yda? Yda: Wait? Y’shtola!? What are you doing here!? Y’shtola: About the same reason as you. So Yda is the said cheery girl.... by the way, where is everyone else? Yda: I don’t know! I have been searching for them too... Y’shtola: I see... but I’m glad that we found you
Sazh: Hey, hey. You know her!? Yda: Yes, she is one of the friends I’m searching for. I saw some people fighting against monster when heading to the dimensional distortion... Yda: So I hurriedly came over... but I didn’t even think that I would meet Y’shtola again
Sazh: So you’re heading for the dimensional distortion? Yda: Yes, I did! I thought that if dimensional distortion summoned monsters, then I should be able to find it if I follow monsters trail! Sazh: I see, that’s very well thought Mog: Is your investigation proceeding well kupo?
Yda: Thanks to you! Yda: I’m thinking about investigating other places too. Would you guys come with me?
Y’shtola: Well, we since we already meet again... Is that okay with the rest of you? Mog: Of course kupo! Mog will always welcome any friends with the “Will of Light” ku... Yda: Thanks a lot! I’m going ahead first then! Sazh: Good grief what a hasty young lady. Well then, we should catch up to her and help her with that ruins investigation of her
Yda: This should conclude this time investigation Yda: I could made such progress thanks to you all! Y’shtola: Yda, what are you going to do now? Yda: I’ll search for everyone else. I’ll leave this part to you, Y’shtola.
Y’shtola: Wait! It will be more effective if you join us
Yda: Y’shtola? Y’shtola: You should somewhat get it from current investigation. This place is too different from Eorzea... there’s no telling when we can meet again Y’shtola: I can understand that you are impatient, but I’m sure everyone else are fine
Yda: I see... So I’m being impatient Yda: Yep, you’re right! Everyone from “Scions” are not weak! We should be able to meet them again somewhere!
Yda: I’ll be in your care then Y’shtola: She might be a bit too unruly at times, but she is a comrade from “Scions of the Seventh Dawn” Y’shtola: I’m sure she can help us in our fight from now on Y’shtola: There should be no demerit in recruiting her Yda: Heey... do you really have to say “demerit” there...? Mog: Please lend us your strength kupo! Mog has been waiting a chance to ask you to join us kupo! Yda: I’ll do my best now it’s decided! Let’s fight together from now on!
Zidane: So this is the dimensional distortion... the thing that monsters use to came out into this world
WoL: It seems like you’re wondering about something Zidane: When that guy... Kuja appears before us, he came out from this thing Cloud: Him? He doesn’t looks like monster though Mog: Dimensional distortion is messily connecting places from all over time and space kupo
Zidane: And then he went into this and disappear...
Sazh: Wait, wait. Don’t tell me you’re going to try it Zidane: We don’t know what this thing is, right? Isn’t it better if we investigate it from inside? WoL: I see. I understand your reasoning
Sazh: ... you’re planning to go head first into a place that may be monster’s nest? Y’shtola: It is worth a try. That man called Kuja has safely went out from this and he even went in again...
Zidane: I want to know what lies inside this Mog: Mog can’t say it’s safe... but Mog won’t stop you kupo
Zidane: It’s decided then! Let’s go see it!
Sazh: Really... this is why younglings are...
Y’shtola: Fufu... you can stay here if you like
Sazh: Damn it! Okay I’ll go! I’ll go into that thing!
WoL: This is... inside of the distortion... Vivi: It feels worse than when we’re near the distortion... It feels like we’re inside the “mist”...
Rem: You’re right... it feels like warfield Mog: A passage used by bad monsters to pass tends to have a condensed evil presence kupo Zidane: That guy should be somewhere around here...!
Vivi: Look at that!
Kuja: This much of erosion... is still not enough Kuja: If I were to change fate... I need to twist even the rule of world
Zidane: Kuja! What are you doing!? Kuja: Well, well... Zidane. So you decide to step up into this stage too Kuja: I wonder what role are you playing in this scenario written by foolish God
WoL: You’re calling the God... foolish? What do you think you are! Kuja: Warrior who held the power of light... huh. If I were to guess, you must be the protagonist of this story Kuja: But you’re too useless to be my match Kuja: Puppets are a better match for you
Vivi: Something is charging toward us!
???: ... A perfect... power...
WoL: These enemies... are mimicking our appearance... Sazh: Isn’t that guy the one who made these?
Vivi: Kuja... did made golems back in our world... Zidane: Even if he can made those... he’s not supposed to know everyone’s face Cloud: You mean there’s no reason for him to make it looked like us
WoL: Enemies that are unrelated to Kuja... Then it means this new enemy of us should have some reason of making those enemies looks like us Mog: Whichever it is, there’s no denying that those are dangerous kupo! Mog: Mog want you to fight them just like you fight monsters kupo... Zidane: Sure. If they come attacking us then of course we’ll fight them
Cloud: ... You’re right. It would be more than troublesome if by some mistake those things are to escape to our original world Mog: Mog is counting on you kupo~!
Hope: Hey! Isn’t this a dimensional distortion?
Zidane: So if there’s an entrance then this should be an exit? Y’shtola: Or maybe it just connecting us to another space again Vivi: It doesn’t seems like Kuja is still around this place
WoL: Should we proceed?  Hope: That Kuja person is moving around by manipulating dimensional distortion, right? Hope: Isn’t there a possibility that he made this...? Zidane: You’re so sharp, Hope! Okay let’s go then!
Vivi: Kuja... I wonder what he’s thinking... Hope: ... are you okay? Vivi: I’m just... worried. In my original world, Kuja... did a lot of horrible things to my friends
Hope: Just don’t let him do the same thing again this time. I think you should try to keep walking while thinking that. You have friends even in this world too... Hope: Just keep looking... forward
Vivi: Thank you Mister Hope! Hope: Mister...
Y’shtola: You two, are you prepared? Hope: Let’s go. Everyone is waiting for us Vivi: Yes, I’ll do my best
14. Vivi and Zidane
Zidane: It seems we’re back to the ruins from before. Should I go search for Kuja again or...
Zidane: Vivi, are you okay? It seems you’re worried about something Vivi: I’m okay. Let’s go ahead Zidane: I see. You sure did well coming all this way
Vivi: It’s because everyone is there with me. At first I’m really scared and don’t know what I should be doing Vivi: Even though they said something about will of light and saving the world Vivi: ... I keep thinking if I can really do it... or isn’t there anyone stronger who can do this
Zidane: You’re strong, Vivi. I guarantee it. And beside... the reason to fight is different from person to person Zidane: That’s why you should fight with your own will. Haven’t you done that before in our original world? Vivi: You’re right... thank you
Zidane: Hey... both me and you can close the dimensional distortion because we have the “Will of Light”, right? Zidane: Then what about Kuja? How can he manipulate the distortion?
Vivi: I don’t know... I wonder if people who do bad thing doesn’t have the “Will of Light”... Zidane: Bad things... huh... maybe you’re right, but... Zidane: There’s no use thinking about it huh... Let’s just find out what his goal is
Rem: ... In my original world, Orience... Rem: When someone died memories about them are also erased. No one will remember about them
Vivi: They can’t share their memories... to anyone else? Vivi: If so... what is the meaning to life...?
Rem: It’s the crystal’s protection... so the one who was left won’t be sad Rem: But... I feel it a little too... that “fear of death”
Hope: That person... Kuja... Is he trying to change his fate...? Hope: In my original world... Something... I think it can be called God... are forcing “Focus”, a destiny someone must fulfill Vivi: It’s the same... as Kuja. Even though both me and Zidane are the same too...
Hope: Did you went against it? Vivi: Mister Hope too? Hope: I was fighting it... with my friends
Rem: Fighting against the fate to die... huh Vivi: Kuja... did a lot of bad things... Rem: If dimensional distortion is really a “distortion”... Then it may have the power to change the fate of our original world too...
Vivi: Even if that much monsters will come out? That is scary... Hope: In the end we don’t know what that distortion truly is. We can only trust Mog... for now
Rem: Zidane, Vivi... did you came from the same world as that man... as Kuja? Zidane: That’s right, it’s a world called Gaia. Though it’s a bit different for him... Hope: Do you have any idea what his goal is? Vivi: His limited... lifespan... Vivi: Maybe he’s thinking that if the world become distorted from the dimensional distortion, his fate would be changed too
Rem: So he did those bad things... because he’s afraid of dying...? Hope: To fight... against the fate he was bestowed upon...
Zidane: You don’t have to worry about that. Whatever his reason won’t change the fact that he’s involving a lot of people for his own purpose Zidane: More than that, dimensional distortion is affecting your original world too, right? Zidane: Feeling sorry for him is... probably the last thing he want from you
???: Hey, you! Did you ride that airship over there? Sazh: What’s with that?
Vaan: I’m Vaan. I never see that model before but it looks pretty cool!
Sazh: You have a good eye kid. It’s not only looks cool. It’s also fast and safe. More than that, the pilot’s skill are top notch. Definitely a first grade stuff. Vaan: I’m quite proud with my eyes. If you’re the pilot, then is it your airship? Mog: That is the airship Mog prepared kupo! Sazh, please don’t treat it like you own it kupo! Vaan: ...? Oh yeah, I forgot an important thing
Vaan: ... Where are we? Mog: You’re chatting all this time without knowing that kupo!?
Vaan: What are you surprised about? Ended up somewhere you don’t know after went out to hunt beast happens quite a lot Vaan: I though I can go at least to somewhere I know if there’s an airship Mog: Unfortunately you can go back to your world even if you board that airship kupo Vaan: My... world? What do you mean by that?
Mog: This world is now connected to a lot of different world since dimensional world start appeared kupo Sazh: Everyone here came from another world. Though it seems like you too
Vaan: A world that is not Ivalice...? What are you talking about?
Sazh: Oops! Looks like monsters are here Sazh: Kid! Just wait over there!
Vaan: An enemy that looks just like me? What’s with that guy? Tifa: We called it “mannequins”. Some of them also looks like our other comrade Mog: Just like you see, this world is in danger because of those monsters kupo Mog: We are gathering warriors who held the “Will of Light” for the God who protected this world kupo Mog: Mog feels the “Will of Light” from you too kupo! Please come with us kupo!
Vaan: I see... that’s why all of you are fighting Vaan: But can’t we just get rid of the guy who made those dimensional distortion instead of closing it one by one? Mog: We still don’t know the source of danger kupo... Tifa: But the monsters that came out from dimensional distortion are rampaging in this world Mog: Mog want all of you to beat the monsters for the time being kupo
Vaan: I’ll go with you then. I can’t just avert my eyes when I see someone fighting in front of me
Tifa: Thank you! I feel more relieved with more comrades! Sazh: Good! Now it’s decided, let’s get into airship. Follow me, I’ll show you the engine. Vaan: Seriously? Great! Mog: His will of light is real, but it seems he’s a bit easy-going kupo... Tifa: Now, now. It’s a good thing to stay optimistic, don’t you think?
Zidane: Hey, Tifa. Are you interested in theatrical play? I want to invite you to watch one if you’re up for it Zidane: My acting is really great you know. Even a cold-hearted Queen cried like a baby...
Tifa: Listen to me, Zidane. Do you ever feel nervous or something? Zidane: Don’t be so stiff. Let’s just enjoy our journey
Zidane: Hey, Rem. You’re about the same age as me, right? Do you have someone you like? Rem: Um... I do have someone I want to protect... I think Zidane: Damn. So she’s already taken huh...
Y’shtola: ... what? Zidane: ... nothing
Tifa: You’re so funny, Zidane. I never realized it since you’re always being so considerate Zidane: Have to keep the ladies entertained. Especially in this hard journey~
Zidane: Did you listen that just now? WoL: It seems the distortion is close
Cloud: Look at that!
Kuja: Be more distorted! And twist the unchangeable fate!
Zidane: What are you doing!? WoL: You’re... making the distortion grow Mog: Unforgivable kupo! What an evil deeds kupo!
Kuja: You sure can accuse me with for such thing even though you don’t know what this thing is Kuja: Or maybe... I see, that little one over there is the foolish God’s... Mog: You... you’re insulting the God not only once, but twice kupo! Unforgivable kupo! Kuja: Fuuh... Your acting sure makes me bored Zidane: What are you talking about!? Explain the circumstance!
Kuja: My role in this scene is over here. Now go, my dragons!
Zidane: This is ends here! Tell me everything you know! Kuja: ... There’s no worth in teaching someone as ignorant as you Kuja: Farewell, Zidane
Mog: He ran away kupo... There’s a lot of thing that we may want to know, but for now let’s do what we’re here for kupo!
Mog: We did it kupo! With this another distortion is closed kupo!
Yda: That is your... no, our goal after all Vaan: Monsters around here should be disappeared now we closed it, right? WoL: But we can’t let our guard down. To think that there’s someone who is able to manipulate the distortion... Zidane: It seems like Kuja want to use dimensional distortion for something
Hope: Dimensional distortion is... something that eroding the world, right? Mog: That’s right kupo! It’s something that we need to close no matter what kupo! Mog: If we left it alone, your original world will also be in danger kupo WoL: Do you know how the distortion opened?
Mog: Finding out about that is also our mission kupo... Mog: Even Mog also has something Mog doesn’t know kupo
Zidane: There’s no use in pestering Mog like this. Let’s just move forward Sazh: Okay! Let’s go back to our airship!
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liinff · 7 years
NT Character Quotes
NT’s Japanese website was updated with some character introductions and quotes. Probably snippets from the story cutscenes. Unfortunately it’s only 1-5-8-9-10-14-15 for now. What I’m sure about is some people are not made for cool quotes lol (I’m looking at you, Bartz! And Noctis!)
Translation under cut. Squall is saying shoukanjuu which is the universal name for summons. It was translated as a lot of thing and I don’t know which one is used in NT so I just left it at Summoned Creature. And please don’t ask anything about Shantotto’s rhyme. I’m not good enough in English to manage that and she doesn’t talk in rhyme in Japanese.
Here’s the site for anyone interested http://jp.square-enix.com/dffnt/characters/
WoL: Materia needs our strength. There's no lies in that fact.
Garland: If you want to cut off the chain of reincarnation, you have to fight now!
Bartz: Hear and be surprised. I remember everything from before. Even yesterday’s dinner!
ExDeath: An opponent with magic power on par with me I see
Squall: If you met a summoned creature, just get back as fast as you can
Ultimecia: It made me want to see you crawl
Zidane: That trial or something? No choice then!
Kuja: If you want to dance, do it gracefully. It’s so pathetic I can’t even bear to see it
Shantotto: I’m saying I have no time to explain everything to an useless Goddess!
Y’shtola: We were called for two reasons
Noctis: They’ll surely make a fuss if they see this
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liinff · 7 years
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A summary to bridge the original PSP Dissidia story to NT. Rough translation under the cut.
One thing mentioned in the livestream that was also mentioned several times before is NT start from the end of the first Dissidia (Destiny Odyssey / Light to All), the warriors have their full set of Dissidia and their own original game memories. The past event (from either Light to All and original game) won’t be explained again in NT, so first timer better go to wiki and read some stuff just in case.
The conflict that was spread by two Gods who govern over harmony and chaos was ended by the hands of warriors who came from another world. The warzone that has reached the end of its usefulness was fated to disappear into the rift of dimension.
But two new Gods blow another breath of life to the collapsing world. Goddess who govern over machinery Materia, and God who govern over magic Spiritus. The two Gods lead a mass of light, and once again raised the curtain of conflict.
The pilar of conflict is the "power" the warriors entrust to Gods. Why does the warriors wish to start again the conflict that was already ended before? The crystal that engrave all memories just keep shining silently...
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