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I took off Scott since he has his own blog now -- and I added Ryan Booth! This blog will forever be a mess but it’s here for me to write my kids who don’t get a lot of love so it’s all good xD
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FRIENDLY REMINDER that though this blog is relatively new I am already SO PUMPED for every muse you're featuring on here. You are an amazing writer who has the ability to capture the voice of so many muses and leaving me in awe. Looking so so forward to plotting with you and loving down all your muses!
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this is literally the sweetest thing and i appreciate you so much???? i look forward to it too!!
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in other news it’s been three days and i want to remake my scott blog....
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luke ⦿ @manichaeisms​
Luke’s eyes flick over him (it’s an invitation to, isn’t it? Well, if it isn’t, it ought to have been) before his gaze moves back to his face. “I guess well find out tomorrow.” No way in hell is he getting back up and running more now, not when the everything around him is perfectly comfortable exactly the way that it is. He laughs. “Oh, is that so? Well, my mistake. I should never have doubted you.” 
Something about the way he says that - I think it’s worth it if you do - strikes him in a way he can’t explain. There’s a lot of that going around today. (And to think, he’d only intended to come say hello. There’s nothing surprising about a brief chat, though this is certainly not that anymore.) “I’ll see you at six tomorrow morning, then. Sometimes I start earlier, but I’ll go easy on you the first time.” He drops slightly, shifting to lie down with his head resting on his arm. He’s still facing Scott, much closer to him than he initially was.
Silence falls between them, and for a second he’s worried the conversation will die and it’ll be awkward, but that’s all it lasts - just a second. He’s gripped with this sudden need to find out more about him, to ask him about himself for no other reason than that he wants to know. “Are you from around here? A lot of people here seem to be. But I guess that’s not too surprising.” He pauses for a moment. “It’s nice here,” he muses, though he’s not sure why he’s added it.
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      “ We’re starting tomorrow? “ He says that feigning shock -- honestly he’s more shocked that Luke didn’t pop right back up now and grab him to run. Not that Scott is dressed for a run. What you wear for a morning in the park studying isn’t the same as what you wear for a morning in the park galloping past everyone else with a huge smile on your face. “ I mean sounds perfectly fine for me. If you can manage to keep up with me. ” He winks, finally pushing himself up enough to sit rather than lay in the grass. He’s not so bad as Stiles -- sitting still isn’t the worst for him. But still, sometimes he needs to move.
       It’s in that movement and that silence that he listens to the jolts up and down of Luke’s heart. It’s like the small organ can’t make up it’s mind whether to beat too fast or too slow. It’s unlike any other heart he’s ever focused on -- like there’s something different about Luke, but Scott can’t put his finger on it. ( oh please don’t let him be BAD -- no more. not here. ) Instead of thinking the worst, he smiles, pulling his legs up to push them back down in a cross legged position. Other people have started to mill about the park now -- the sounds of their hearts far away from Scott’s ears.
     “ Not too far. I’m from Beacon Hills. It’s a couple of hours from here -- ” He could listen to Luke ramble on all day. “ Davis has been my dream for a long time. I didn’t think I’d get here but uh -- here we are. ” His smile only grows, the pride that hums beneath all of his accomplishments not shying away as he talks about it. He truly has no idea how he managed to get into such a good school but he’ll never question it.
      “ Sounds like you’re not from here? Or am I totally reading that wrong. ”
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#and so here i am#dragged my ass back out of bed for my precious gay space son#and his gay werewolf friend
honestly I think AJ’s tags say it all
me: gets in bed
me: 3 seconds later gets a reply from @liiteralsunshine
me: ……fine, i hate you
luke: no you don’t. i’m adorable.
me: damn.
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luke ⦿ @manichaeisms​
There it is again, that feeling, that ease. It isn’t his. It’s Scott’s, and it’s heavy enough that Luke senses it. He was already calm but that leaves its mark on him; he won’t forget it. He wonders if it’s always like this, if this is just the way Scott feels in the Force and the way he feels around the whole world. He shifts and rolls over onto his side, propping his weight up on his elbow, and for a few seconds, he loses himself in it. It’s not as easy when he’s not meditating and focused on it, but he lets that feeling carry him away, carry him deeper into the energy surrounding them that is the Force. 
If everyone felt to him the way Scott feels, he’s pretty sure he’d meditate more.
He slips back out of it with the tiniest shake of his head, pushing away the gentle tug of the Force from his mind. Not now, he tells it, though it isn’t really listening. His eyes drop to that smile and it’s difficult to look away again. “Yeah,” he answers, and he’s pretty sure there was no hesitation in his reply. “Well, if you think you can keep up, anyway.” It’s teasing of his own, but his smile is just as bright and easy as before. He’s never been good at smirking. “And I start early. You sure you want to put yourself through that?”
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       ( If only they could tell each other now what they’re thinking -- each with these imperfect super powers and yet each feeling the pull toward each other with an unprecedented tug. It’s more important than Scott can even fathom. )
        When Luke turns his body to face him, a jolt of electricity shoots up and through Scott. God he can’t imagine what it is he’s feeling right now. It’s too strong and too sudden to have a name, but he knows it’s good. He knows as his smile stays, lingering on his lips like the moon on a starry night, that he’s latched himself into this and he doesn’t plan on unhooking himself any time soon. “ Believe me, I can keep up. ” His top hand stretches up, the top of his shirt revealing the more physical reasons why he can prove how fast he is.
                                   that was totally not a move at all.
        “ I played lacrosse in high school, team captain, ” all true -- why are you sharing that detail now? trying to show off McCall? “ And I told you already, I get up early. I think it’s worth it if you do. ”
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I was excited about being on MTV at 18 years old — that was still one of my favorite channels to watch, and it was the lead. At that point in my life I had never really played the lead of anything.
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luke ⦿ @manichaeisms​
He tries not to look at Scott when he settles closer, but it’s really more difficult than anticipated. He seems…not familiar, that’s not the word, but he’s not sure what the right word is. It feels a bit like sitting at a warm hearth somewhere that isn’t home, and that you know isn’t home, but has the same warm, familiar glow to it. It’s the only thing that comes to mind, and even that isn’t quite right, but it’s the closest he has.
He exhales a little too heavily when Scott’s hand is gone again, and the back of his own feel cold. He can still feel the touch there, but he’s not sure if it’s the warmth of someone else’s skin or the warmth of the Force beneath it lingering a little longer than normal. Neither would surprise him. “Maybe not, but it’s not really one of mine most of the time.” And yet he can’t stop, it seems.
He shrugs. “Leia never wants to come with me. She says it’s too early. Though she didn’t come when I ran at night either,” he muses with a smile. “I just like running. Why?”
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      Each breath sinks in his body, a way for Scott to conform to the grass around him. His smile turns delicate, almost playful as his fingers pick at the grass next to him. There’s a smirk hiding somewhere beneath his eyes, the kind that means no harm. The kind that never seems to come out anymore because it’s reserved for situations that make him feel comfortable. At ease. It’s reserved for Stiles. Lydia. Malia. The short list of people still locked in his inner circle.
             And now it seems -- Luke.
      “ Sounds like she just doesn’t want to run with you. ” There it is, the delicate smile curling at his lips that’s so much MORE than just a smile. It’s an invitation. “ I’ve been looking for a running partner since I got here. I mean I like to run by myself but it’s nice to have someone with you. Interested? ”
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betty cooper tag drop !
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luke ⦿ @manichaeisms​
He laughs. “Another auspicious beginning lined up. We meet, we chat, I pathetically fall asleep in the middle of it.” Luke shakes his head. “No…It’s probably best I just find a way to stay awake.” He looks over at Scott and smiles. “You’re interesting. It helps.” But then, Luke finds most people interesting. He’s much better at dealing with them on a small-scale, more personal level like this, and he’s pretty sure just about any new person could keep him awake – it’s a bit of a toss-up. The ground is also insanely comfortable and he’s been exhausting himself for hours.
He looks up when Scott rolls over. “I don’t think that’s true. I think we just get less attention about it.” Luke starts slightly when Scott touches him, not having expected it, but he doesn’t pull away from it. It certainly does the trick though - it shuts him up very fast, and he’s pretty sure his face is slightly pinker now. He hopes it’s not noticeable. He grins, feeling better about it. “Well, that’s good. Now I don’t have to feel like a bumbling idiot.” He’s acutely aware of Scott’s fingertips on the back of his hand, and it’s making it difficult to think of anything else. “I’ve…. never had much by way of friends,” he adds somewhat distractedly. “I’m not really that great at talking to people. Which– that’s not really encouraging, is it?” 
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       It seems like everything Luke says has only one purpose -- to make Scott smile more. It’s an honest sigh of relief how refreshing Luke is. For the first time since he got to Davis a month ago, Scott doesn’t feel out of his comfort zone. Being isolated after so many years as the center of attention has apparently started taking its toll on the alpha. But Luke -- Luke seems to be breaking that bubble with a ten minute conversation.
        “ I told ya -- people are interesting! ” He has a thought that he should pull his hand away from Luke’s, but Luke isn’t pulling away and that makes it incredibly easy to softly glide his body a little closer and not move his hand until he has comfortably put just the books he’s been using to study between them. “ Dunno -- my best friend rambles when he’s nervous. And not nervous. Either way I’m kinda used to hearing people talk a lot. It’s not a bad habit. ” His fingers pull back, hand tucking back underneath his head.
                          “ So do you like running alone? ”
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random rp sentence starters
“ What are you doing here? “
“ I didn’t know you cared. “
“ Who are you? You look kind of familiar. “
“ I’m not just gonna sit by and watch while you’re getting hurt! “
“ I thought you cared. “
“ What happened to us? “
“ Hey, watch out! “
“ You’re not supposed to be in here. “
“ I care about you, you know! “
“ You’re lying to me. “
“ I was lying, okay?! “ 
“ I didn’t mean to push you away. “
“ You know this is a terrible idea, right? “ 
“ Don’t lose hope. “ 
“ What the hell are you doing? “
“ I can’t do this anymore. “
“ You can’t give up, not now! “
“ I should really practice more often. “ 
“ Am I supposed to know who you are? “
“ Get out of my house! “
“ I’m not in love. “ 
“ You’re always welcome here, you know. “
“ I really think we should turn around. “
“ This is stupid, this is so stupid… “
“ What was that sound? “
“ Tell me you see that too. “
“ Come on, get up! “
“ Wake up, please! “
“ I can’t lose you too. “ 
“ I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react to this. “
“ I just want to keep you safe. “
“ You don’t think I’m annoying, do you? “
“ I don’t want to be a burden. “ 
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█ ▌◆ groundhog day sentence starters.
“Offer your prayers to the unfeeling sky.” 
“ Oh, if I could I’d will these clouds away, my love.  I’d wave my hand, reveal the stars.”
“ Lumpy bed, ugly curtains…Pointless erection.” 
“No reception.”
“Small towns, tiny minds.  Big mouths, small ideas.”
“I heard they don’t even use degrees in Europe.” 
“I mean, what’s not to like in a quaint like this?”
“I’m sure there was a pack of Xanax in this jacket.”
“You couldn’t pay me to stay here one more night.”
“There’s nothing more depressing than, small town USA.”
“I admire their balls getting out of bed at all.”
“How can they bear it to live in a place like this?”
“Separate from the whole human race like this…”
“The bartender’s kinda hot.”
“They all told me she/he would be an asshole … and she/he is.”
“Just kill me now.”
“Bla bla bla bla-bla-bla-bla-blah, you’re so fired.”
“I’m still hungover.”
“God-damn amateurs.”
“I predict your unmployment.” 
“If we hurry, I’ll be drinking decent coffee by 9 or even half past 8.”
“Suck my balls, I’m out!”
“One, I’m still sleeping and this, I’m just dreaming it.  Two, it’s a prank and everyone’s in on it.  Three, it’s a flashback from when I was twenty and ate magic mushrooms and thought I was Aquaman.”
“I’m goin’ back to bed.”
“What the hell’s happening?”
“ Help me!  Hello?  Hello?  Can anybody help me?”
“Took an online course for a week or two.”
“ Stuck. I’m, it’s like I feel like I’m trapped in a loop.  Like I’m stuck in time.”
“An enema, would you like an enema?”
“I don’t even know if I believe what I’m saying.”
“This girl/guy is clearly nuts but she/he is desperate and she’s/he’s paying.”
“For all the good that I can do, I don’t have a fricking clue what I’m doing.”
“You have Satan within you.”
“We must exorcise your demons.”
“Take this pill.”
“I wake up hung over.  I go to bed smashed.”
“I’m like an alcoholic hamster on one of them little wheelie things.”
“Every evening the same.  Every morning the pain.”  
“I start drinking at 10 and by noon I’m not feeling things.”
“Nobody cares what I say.”
“Nobody cares what I do.”
“What’s the point of bothering if no-one else is bothered?”
“I was born in this town and I’m gonna die here too.”
“I can do whatever I want!”
“ I mean Jesus it’s pretty confusing
“In that fairytale world, all the girls end up happy ever after.”
“ I’m not bitter it’s just better that I don’t fall for all that romantic bullshit.”
“ Though I don’t mind the thought of being tossed over a shoulder and trotted off to a mansion by some amazingly/ruggedly beautiful/handsome man in a fireman/firewoman helmet and have her/him just use me for sex.”
“ One day, some day my prince/princess may come, but it doesn’t seem likely.”
“But even if she/he came and she/he liked me it’s likely she’d/he’d be not quite my type.”
“She was pretty smart - and pretty as hell.”
“ And I’d rather be lonely than sit on my fanny waiting for my princess/prince to come.”
“Weird is fine, but not all the time.”
“Well, here I am again.”
“There will be mornings you will be utterly defeated by your laces.”
“You’re at the end of your rope.”
“Never give up hope.”
“Never let yourself be defeated.”
“If you tried it once you can try again.”
“A new day will follow.  There’s always tomorrow.”
“Never listen to the unbelievers.” 
“You will take your falls.  You will hit your walls.”
“Don’t give into sorrow.”
“You play your part.”
“You march the march and you don’t complain.”
“You find a way.”
“Yet you stay sane and through the pain.”
“ Hold on to your faith.  You’ll find another way.”
“There’s no way, there’s no god.”
“You’ve gotta love life.”
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Acts of Affection
Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours!  For the ones where YOUR muse gives or says something to mine: WILD CARD! Your muse can pick the item, sings a specific song, or says a specific thing!
✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
✪  Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment.
★  Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them.
✬  Making them their favorite hot beverage.
☼  Cuddling on the sofa next to each other.
☀  Singing them to sleep.
☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it. 
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk.
✥ Play fighting!
❃  Mussing their hair or tugging at their clothes (a hat, sleeve, etc.)
♥  Laying by their side and watching them while they sleep with a fond smile.
♡  Kissing the corner of their eyes.
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear. 
❦  Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit.
❣  Staring deep into their eyes with adoration.
ღ  Rubbing your leg against theirs under the table.
ℒ  Pulling them into a hall/alley to kiss them passionately.
£ Brushing your hand over or gently squeezing their bum.
Ω Running a hand over their collar bone or décolleté.
✖  Soft nips at the neck and shoulder line.
✗  Bathing, washing, or soaking together quietly after sex.
♦  Body worshipping their naked form, slowly.
✚  Painting honey dust, edible paint, or other soft brush strokes on their body.
✦  Giving a sensual massage.
♢ Straddling their lap and holding their face to yours for a deep kiss.
▲ Dressing them up in lingerie (or gear) with gentle attention.
▽ Running your hand between their thighs, and splitting their legs apart.
► Unzipping their clothes free and kissing their neck.
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wolf ⦿ @stvinedred​
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          “that’s  close  enough.”  arkady  goes  tense  at  the  scent  of  werewolf.  of  alpha.  tear  in  his  side,  still  seeping  crimson  (  would  be  staining  shirt,  if  russian  had  not  gone  for  black  ),  seems  excuse  enough  to  project  mistrust  on  this  stranger.  still,  there’s  a  pause  before  he’s  muttering,  “unless  you  have  lighter,”  because  he  needs  a  cigarette  and  he  can  always  tell  the  alpha  to  fuck  of  after.
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      “ I don’t mean any harm. “ Well we’re certainly not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Scott’s hands shove one by one into the front pockets of his jeans as he listens to the request of the other wolf. He’d gotten word about a few lone wolves out here. It seemed as good a time as any to try to care about wolves other than his betas. “ I don’t smoke. But I’ll just stay over here. I uhm -- I’m Scott. ” He can smell the blood. It reeks of distress. How sheltered has he been?
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leia ⦿ @princessorganc​
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      “ you are SCOTT, right ??? “     the youngest skywalker asks him,     the corners of her lips CURVING upwards into a knowing smirk.     her curiosity KNOWS NO BOUNDS   ——   especially when it came to her twin brother.     “ i am leia,      leia skywalker   ——   i think you know my brother. “ 
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      “ Yes? “ His backpack sits over one shoulder, the intent to get inside the building thwarted by none other than his new friend’s twin sister. He still hasn’t done his research ( without Stiles around he’s a lot less paranoid about who people might be ) but Luke did talk about a twin. “ Yeah I -- I do. Nice to meet you....I think. ” Still, he smiles. Not nearly as big as he could -- but it’s there.
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