Thank You: Santa Clara Night 1
Dear @taylorswift
I had very little money. Very little experience from traveling in the Bay Area. I still found a way to make it to you even with little money. I still managed to find my way to Santa Clara through many different bus transfers and almost being left behind twice.
 As much as I wanted to dress up, financially it wasn’t an option. I still managed to put on a small winged eyeliner and run to class and then the first bus of the day.
I loved meeting all the people at the merch stations, security lines, and at my seat. Being the first person to enter the venue from the general public was a funny experience.
Seeing the families bringing their young ones for the experience is amazing.
Being the only one dancing from my upper section like nobody was watching only brought my confidence level higher. 
Everything about last night was amazing.
The scariest part was being the only one left at the venue just waiting for uber rates to go down to somehow make it back home. Even then I was on the phone with a friend and her asking, “Was it worth it?”
And I think we both know the answer to that.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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Finally made it!! Section 413 Row 26 Seat 6!! I'm very hungry and tired and so ready for tonight! @taylorswift
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It took two and a half hours. 4 Different bus transfers but I made it! I'm terrified of being alone after dark but I'll make it work just for you girl! First in line at security and waiting! Section 413 Row 26 Seat 6 @taylorswift @taylornation
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Currently on bus #3 of 6. Anxious but theres no stopping me today.
A Dream Come True
Dear @taylorswift​
I knew even before tour dates were announced that I will not be able to attend any of your Reputation shows. It broke my heart, but my college expenses came first. Along with my really expensive San Francisco rent. Just last night that I cried knowing I will not be able to go to the Pasadena or Santa Clara shows. My friend helped me figure out any way to make money and I was able to get together $65 (may not seem like much but I am an unemployed college student) for this. I’ll see you this Friday, Taylor. I have to do a few bus transfers to get there, but I’ll find a way. I may have to wait five or six hours after the show to get back to SF, but I’ll make it work because this means the world to me. Section 413 Row 26 Seat 6. I’m coming for you! @taylornation
- Kathya
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Dear @taylorswift
I struggled and two nights ago found a way to come see you. I’m scared to wait in the streets until buses operate again after the show but I rather do that than miss seeing you.
Night 1 Santa Clara Section 413 Row 26 Seat 6
Can’t wait to see you.
#levis stadium
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A Dream Come True
Dear @taylorswift​
I knew even before tour dates were announced that I will not be able to attend any of your Reputation shows. It broke my heart, but my college expenses came first. Along with my really expensive San Francisco rent. Just last night that I cried knowing I will not be able to go to the Pasadena or Santa Clara shows. My friend helped me figure out any way to make money and I was able to get together $65 (may not seem like much but I am an unemployed college student) for this. I’ll see you this Friday, Taylor. I have to do a few bus transfers to get there, but I’ll find a way. I may have to wait five or six hours after the show to get back to SF, but I’ll make it work because this means the world to me. Section 413 Row 26 Seat 6. I’m coming for you! @taylornation
- Kathya
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Dear @taylorswift 
I made this when I first begun drawing. I did this at the lowest point in my life. It surprised me to see that every time I looked at this I saw hope. Although it is not 100% accurate, I still find myself looking back at it and knowing that I decided to live and continue drawing. Pursuing life. Now I’m about to finish my second year of college 400 miles away from home.
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I’m Not Much of Anything
I’m not much of singer, but I loved singing your music at the top of my lungs @taylorswift
I’m not much of a dancer, but I loved looking like a fool with Reputation in the background @taylorswift
I’m not much of a writer, but I loved writing that "Moment I Knew” piece about you @taylorswift
I’m not much of an artist, but I loved drawing a portrait of you which now hangs in a frame at home @taylorswift
I lose inspiration. I lose the will to live every other day. When it come to you, it changes. I learn to live again even if I’m not much of anything.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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LA Reputation Pop Up Store
Dear Miss @taylorswift @taylornation
I know I mentioned earlier to hit me up if you’re doing anything in LA, but the pop up store dates interfere with my finals AND I CANNOT GO HOME FOR BREAK UNTIL THE 18TH AND I WAS ACTUALLY IN LA THE 1ST OF DECEMBER. I AM UPSET BUT IF YOU WANT TO ADD MORE DATES TO THE POP UP SHOP OR HAVE ANY OTHER LA EVENTS THEM LET ME KNOW
Sincerely a stressed out college student,
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Saaaaaan Fraaaaaaanciscoooo
@taylorswift @taylornation
just letting u know that if you end up doing anything in Los Angeles then HIT ME UP and I will literally get on the next bus to LA from SF. I need an excuse to go visit my family anyways since I’m not going home for Thanksgiving and I’m going to spend it here alone. But its okay. I’ll play reputation and call it a night.
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i gotchu girl
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I was so annoying to everyone I know but i gotchu
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I love being extra. Living in the city has its perks. Just for you queen @taylorswift
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last time I’m reblogging this in hopes you see this and read it
A Cross and a Rose
I also came back here to tell you about something I did based around a song that I’ve had stuck in my head. I am taking a creative writing course and we had to write a short story based around a song so I did it around, “The Moment I Knew,” and I felt the need to share it with you. I fell in love with the story and created new characters (that don’t have names which is a big part of the story) and I would like to thank you for the inspiration. It’s called “A Cross and a Rose,” and I hope you enjoy it.
I’ve always imagined that my first love would be my happy ending. That’s not how reality works, now does it?
My dress was getting wrinkled. I was becoming impatient. I scratched at the small tattoo on my wrist. A cross I got for him. I looked around and noticed that everyone was having fun. Smiling. Laughing. My friends were all seated either on one of the couches or on the floor looking at Michael make a fool of himself during karaoke. He was singing an old Britney Spears song. Out of pitch, but with perfect choreography. I should’ve been laughing. Or at least smiling. It is my birthday party after all.
As I sat, my right leg bounced up and down. Waiting. Someone touched my arm, surprising me. “What are you doing? You’ve been sitting next to the door for the last hour.” I looked up to see his-I mean my friend, Linos, looking down at me.
“Listen…I know you’re waiting for him, but he might just be running late. He wouldn’t want you sitting here waiting for him. He would want you to have fun. You only turn twenty-six once.” He continued to squeeze my arm, hoping to join him and the rest of our friends.
“Yeah…you’re right. He’ll be here.” I said looking back at the door. He promised.
“That’s the spirit! Come on. We saved you a seat on the couch.” He pulled me up, grasping my wrist gently and dragging me towards the couch to watch my friends make fools of themselves. I made sure to have perfect view of the door.
I looked over at his group of friends. They all came on time. They were in my own house before I even got here; setting up to surprise me. I looked around for him when I saw all his friends around my living room. He wasn’t among them. I continued to smooth out my dress hoping I didn’t look like a mess when he showed up. It was a bright red color that he bought for me. It was a gift to apologize for not being able to make it to my graduation ceremony.
I decided to go home early. Throughout the graduation party I felt sick. I couldn’t handle being around other people when I was close to crying each time someone asked me where he was. He called me while I was walking home which only fastened my heart rate.
“Hey…No…of course I understand. Big meeting with that CEO. Wow. It’s a huge deal! I just wish you would’ve told me sooner,” so I wouldn’t have looked for you throughout the whole ceremony.
“I know you’ll make it up to me. You always do. It’s okay, stop apologizing,” I said trying to hold in a laugh.
“It went great! Let me tell you what Tan-oh okay, no I get it. Get back to your big meeting. Talk to you soon. Bye. I love you.” I said. His voice just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside even after his absence.
The next day there was a package at my doorstep. I smiled at the terrible wrapping skills. I knew it was from him. It was a dress. A bright red skater dress.
Another hour or so had passed and there was a smell of sweat mixed in with cinnamon candles all around the living room. Everyone seemed happy from dancing, laughing, and singing. Kaylie on the other hand wouldn’t stop throwing me worried glances. I tried my best to ignore her. I felt a vibration on my lap and immediately excused myself to answer it. It was him. I was smiling as I reached the bathroom.
“Hey, when are you-,” I asked before I was cut off.
“No, I understand.” My ears were ringing.
“Yea-yeah. No-no I really do get it.” I tried to breath. It felt like I was suffocating.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal. It’s only a party.” I clenched my fist.
“Yeah. Hey-I got to go, um-my mom is calling me. See you soon. Bye. I love-.” He hung up before I could finish.
I looked at my reflection. The woman in front of me looked pretty. Until you look at her eyes. The broken look in my eyes.
I dropped to floor and started sobbing. What did I expect? I should’ve known. I don’t think I was here that long before I heard a knock.
“Are you doing okay in there? I’m coming in.” I looked up to try to push the door shut before she can enter, but I was too late. Kaylie looked down at me surprised.
“He-he said he would b-be here,” I cried, gasping for air. She got on her knees to hug me towards her.
“I know, I know. Ssh, you’ll be be fine. You’re going to be okay,” she whispered, cradling me in her arms.
“He’s ne-never here,” I whispered to her only holding her tighter.
“Just you wait, when I get my hands on him I’m going to strangle-.” She cut herself off when she heard me lightly chuckling and gasping for air again. I heard several footsteps approaching which caused us both to look up.
“We’re about to cut the cake, what’s taking so long?” I first saw Linos peek his head through the door, then James, then the rest of his friends. His friends. Not mine. They all had lost their smiles once they saw us on the floor.
James looked at Kaylie and didn’t ask, but instead stated, “He’s not coming.” It only made me cry harder.
“Come on, you can’t let him ruin yet another event. At least come sit on the couch with us,” Kaylie announced in front of everyone. I only nodded my head and Linos made his way into the bathroom to help us both up.
I held onto her for dear life and refused to let her go. She wouldn’t let me go either. We made our way back into the living room where the rest of our friends had already been informed of what had happened. The look in their eyes showed pity. And I hated it.
I had stopped crying and trying really hard to stop myself from doing so ago. Not long had passed before I received a text message. I was only able to read I’m sor- before Kaylie noticed it too and immediately took my phone away.
“Don’t worry about him right now. You and I both know this isn’t the first time he’s done this.”
“It won’t be the last either.” She whispered to herself, putting my phone on a stand farther away from me.
I continued to look ahead thinking about what she had said. Each word still ringing in my ears. The signs were there. All the red flags. I blindly ignored them. No matter what anyone said.
“You’re wrong.” I said softly. My heart began to beat a little faster.
“Hmm? About what?” She said turning her head to me. I knew the truth now. I knew what was the right thing to do. Even if it hurts now. It was in this moment that I knew everything.
“This is the last time he does this.”
Saying it out loud hurt more than I thought it would. But I won’t let it become a lie. I won’t let this hurt me again.
Looking back at every moment with him, it was always the same. As I lay on my bed waiting for him to come, I reencountered everything.
I met him at a coffee shop back in college. I was only a small freshman with a coffee addiction. He always went out of his way to write down a joke on my coffee cup everyday. I developed a crush on this man. He didn’t ask me out until my second year and his fourth. Even back then he was always busy with a variety of things, but it was okay because he always made time for me. Always. Even if I was craving french fried in the middle of the night.
It became harder for us when he graduated. He was climbing the ranks of a new tech company and I was still trying to finish my education. It wasn’t impossible, just harder. The first instance was my birthday. Then my graduation. New Year’s, Anniversary, Christmas, etc. Each time the present was more extravagant than the last. And he would become more affectionate the following few months. Then detached. Then the cycle would repeat. He missed a lot of important dates. Each excuse better than the last. I don’t know what it’ll be this time.
I looked back at my phone to see the time. 8:15. He said he would be here at 7:30. He’s never on time anymore either. I still hadn’t cleaned up the mess of the party. His friends and Kaylie stayed back to help me clean, but I kicked them out instead. I just wanted to be alone.
That was two days ago. I looked like a mess. I didn’t want to get up. Or eat. He told me he flew in yesterday, but couldn’t see me until tonight. I started shaking. I know I could do this.
I heard a knock at the door and then a set of keys. I got up, but didn’t move. I couldn’t move. My feet were frozen. I heard footsteps. They stopped for a second, then began to move slowly into the hallway. I didn’t want him to see the state of my room. He probably already saw the mess in the living room. Taking a deep breath I walked into the hallway and closed my door. His footsteps stopped. It took me a few seconds to look up.
“I know what you’re going to say,” I whispered feebly.
He turned his head to stare at me. It pained me to look at his beautiful face. He began to open his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he can even begin. I couldn’t let him get the upper hand. Not this time. Not anymore.
“Stop! Let me speak for once!” I shouted with confidence. I took another deep breath before continuing.
“You didn’t show. You never do. You should’ve been here.” I had come to realize that I not only carried sadness, but also anger. More than I originally thought I did. It took me a moment to realize that I was crying. I couldn’t stop. I sank down to the floor feeling a little defeated.
He closed his mouth and looked at the floor. He approached me. Slowly. He took two steps.
“Stop. Don’t come any closer.” I held my hand out to stop him. Any closer and I might cave in.
He looked right at me. I was mesmerized by this man. I have been for years now. He placed a bouquet of roses on the floor in front of me. They were red.
“I don’t want your stupid flowers,” I whispered pushing them away with my foot, “I just wanted you. I wanted you here, but you never are. I knew you weren’t going to, but I held some hope.” I was cradling my knees at this point. I wasn’t going to stop yet.
I couldn’t stop scratching at my tattoo. That stupid tattoo. It was my only one. I looked up to see him doing the same. He got a small rose. For me. He crouched down and I turned to look elsewhere. Anywhere but his face.
“I actually dresses up you know? I wore that dress you bought. I looked at the door over and over again. Even you’re friends showed up! But you weren’t with them. You never are. I cried. You should have seen how much I cried. Then again if you were there I wouldn’t have cried at all. In front of everyone too.” I could see from my left side that he was moving his hand closer.
“Don’t touch me.”
He immediately removed his hand and looked down. He moved from his crouch, placing only one knee on the floor. Like he was going to get up. He pushed something closer to me. Small and square. It resembled a jewelry box, but I couldn’t be sure because I turned to look away from him.
“I don’t want any of your stupid gifts! Take them! I don’t want to see you again! I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t wait for you forever. I just can’t. I’ve made up my mind. You’ve missed your chance. Time and time again. I can’t live like this anymore…get out. I’m not going to repeat myself.” It hurt more to say it out loud. Because it felt real. Because this is the end. All I could smell was the leftover cinnamon candles. All I could hear was the retreating footsteps. All I could see was rose petals left on the floor and nothing more.
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The Glitter in New Year’s Day
@taylorswift okay but like “there’s glitter on the floor after the party” has me screeching because if i haven’t let you know miss taylor, I am terrified of glitter and i wish this is a joke but it is not
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I will continously reblog my own story in hopes that one day you get to read it. I hope you love it as much as I do.
A Cross and a Rose
I also came back here to tell you about something I did based around a song that I’ve had stuck in my head. I am taking a creative writing course and we had to write a short story based around a song so I did it around, “The Moment I Knew,” and I felt the need to share it with you. I fell in love with the story and created new characters (that don’t have names which is a big part of the story) and I would like to thank you for the inspiration. It’s called “A Cross and a Rose,” and I hope you enjoy it.
I’ve always imagined that my first love would be my happy ending. That’s not how reality works, now does it?
My dress was getting wrinkled. I was becoming impatient. I scratched at the small tattoo on my wrist. A cross I got for him. I looked around and noticed that everyone was having fun. Smiling. Laughing. My friends were all seated either on one of the couches or on the floor looking at Michael make a fool of himself during karaoke. He was singing an old Britney Spears song. Out of pitch, but with perfect choreography. I should’ve been laughing. Or at least smiling. It is my birthday party after all.
As I sat, my right leg bounced up and down. Waiting. Someone touched my arm, surprising me. “What are you doing? You’ve been sitting next to the door for the last hour.” I looked up to see his-I mean my friend, Linos, looking down at me.
“Listen…I know you’re waiting for him, but he might just be running late. He wouldn’t want you sitting here waiting for him. He would want you to have fun. You only turn twenty-six once.” He continued to squeeze my arm, hoping to join him and the rest of our friends.
“Yeah…you’re right. He’ll be here.” I said looking back at the door. He promised.
“That’s the spirit! Come on. We saved you a seat on the couch.” He pulled me up, grasping my wrist gently and dragging me towards the couch to watch my friends make fools of themselves. I made sure to have perfect view of the door.
I looked over at his group of friends. They all came on time. They were in my own house before I even got here; setting up to surprise me. I looked around for him when I saw all his friends around my living room. He wasn’t among them. I continued to smooth out my dress hoping I didn’t look like a mess when he showed up. It was a bright red color that he bought for me. It was a gift to apologize for not being able to make it to my graduation ceremony.
I decided to go home early. Throughout the graduation party I felt sick. I couldn’t handle being around other people when I was close to crying each time someone asked me where he was. He called me while I was walking home which only fastened my heart rate.
“Hey…No…of course I understand. Big meeting with that CEO. Wow. It’s a huge deal! I just wish you would’ve told me sooner,” so I wouldn’t have looked for you throughout the whole ceremony.
“I know you’ll make it up to me. You always do. It’s okay, stop apologizing,” I said trying to hold in a laugh.
“It went great! Let me tell you what Tan-oh okay, no I get it. Get back to your big meeting. Talk to you soon. Bye. I love you.” I said. His voice just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside even after his absence.
The next day there was a package at my doorstep. I smiled at the terrible wrapping skills. I knew it was from him. It was a dress. A bright red skater dress.
Another hour or so had passed and there was a smell of sweat mixed in with cinnamon candles all around the living room. Everyone seemed happy from dancing, laughing, and singing. Kaylie on the other hand wouldn’t stop throwing me worried glances. I tried my best to ignore her. I felt a vibration on my lap and immediately excused myself to answer it. It was him. I was smiling as I reached the bathroom.
“Hey, when are you-,” I asked before I was cut off.
“No, I understand.” My ears were ringing.
“Yea-yeah. No-no I really do get it.” I tried to breath. It felt like I was suffocating.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal. It’s only a party.” I clenched my fist.
“Yeah. Hey-I got to go, um-my mom is calling me. See you soon. Bye. I love-.” He hung up before I could finish.
I looked at my reflection. The woman in front of me looked pretty. Until you look at her eyes. The broken look in my eyes.
I dropped to floor and started sobbing. What did I expect? I should’ve known. I don’t think I was here that long before I heard a knock.
“Are you doing okay in there? I’m coming in.” I looked up to try to push the door shut before she can enter, but I was too late. Kaylie looked down at me surprised.
“He-he said he would b-be here,” I cried, gasping for air. She got on her knees to hug me towards her.
“I know, I know. Ssh, you’ll be be fine. You’re going to be okay,” she whispered, cradling me in her arms.
“He’s ne-never here,” I whispered to her only holding her tighter.
“Just you wait, when I get my hands on him I’m going to strangle-.” She cut herself off when she heard me lightly chuckling and gasping for air again. I heard several footsteps approaching which caused us both to look up.
“We’re about to cut the cake, what’s taking so long?” I first saw Linos peek his head through the door, then James, then the rest of his friends. His friends. Not mine. They all had lost their smiles once they saw us on the floor.
James looked at Kaylie and didn’t ask, but instead stated, “He’s not coming.” It only made me cry harder.
“Come on, you can’t let him ruin yet another event. At least come sit on the couch with us,” Kaylie announced in front of everyone. I only nodded my head and Linos made his way into the bathroom to help us both up.
I held onto her for dear life and refused to let her go. She wouldn’t let me go either. We made our way back into the living room where the rest of our friends had already been informed of what had happened. The look in their eyes showed pity. And I hated it.
I had stopped crying and trying really hard to stop myself from doing so ago. Not long had passed before I received a text message. I was only able to read I’m sor- before Kaylie noticed it too and immediately took my phone away.
“Don’t worry about him right now. You and I both know this isn’t the first time he’s done this.”
“It won’t be the last either.” She whispered to herself, putting my phone on a stand farther away from me.
I continued to look ahead thinking about what she had said. Each word still ringing in my ears. The signs were there. All the red flags. I blindly ignored them. No matter what anyone said.
“You’re wrong.” I said softly. My heart began to beat a little faster.
“Hmm? About what?” She said turning her head to me. I knew the truth now. I knew what was the right thing to do. Even if it hurts now. It was in this moment that I knew everything.
“This is the last time he does this.”
Saying it out loud hurt more than I thought it would. But I won’t let it become a lie. I won’t let this hurt me again.
Looking back at every moment with him, it was always the same. As I lay on my bed waiting for him to come, I reencountered everything.
I met him at a coffee shop back in college. I was only a small freshman with a coffee addiction. He always went out of his way to write down a joke on my coffee cup everyday. I developed a crush on this man. He didn’t ask me out until my second year and his fourth. Even back then he was always busy with a variety of things, but it was okay because he always made time for me. Always. Even if I was craving french fried in the middle of the night.
It became harder for us when he graduated. He was climbing the ranks of a new tech company and I was still trying to finish my education. It wasn’t impossible, just harder. The first instance was my birthday. Then my graduation. New Year’s, Anniversary, Christmas, etc. Each time the present was more extravagant than the last. And he would become more affectionate the following few months. Then detached. Then the cycle would repeat. He missed a lot of important dates. Each excuse better than the last. I don’t know what it’ll be this time.
I looked back at my phone to see the time. 8:15. He said he would be here at 7:30. He’s never on time anymore either. I still hadn’t cleaned up the mess of the party. His friends and Kaylie stayed back to help me clean, but I kicked them out instead. I just wanted to be alone.
That was two days ago. I looked like a mess. I didn’t want to get up. Or eat. He told me he flew in yesterday, but couldn’t see me until tonight. I started shaking. I know I could do this.
I heard a knock at the door and then a set of keys. I got up, but didn’t move. I couldn’t move. My feet were frozen. I heard footsteps. They stopped for a second, then began to move slowly into the hallway. I didn’t want him to see the state of my room. He probably already saw the mess in the living room. Taking a deep breath I walked into the hallway and closed my door. His footsteps stopped. It took me a few seconds to look up.
“I know what you’re going to say,” I whispered feebly.
He turned his head to stare at me. It pained me to look at his beautiful face. He began to open his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he can even begin. I couldn’t let him get the upper hand. Not this time. Not anymore.
“Stop! Let me speak for once!” I shouted with confidence. I took another deep breath before continuing.
“You didn’t show. You never do. You should’ve been here.” I had come to realize that I not only carried sadness, but also anger. More than I originally thought I did. It took me a moment to realize that I was crying. I couldn’t stop. I sank down to the floor feeling a little defeated.
He closed his mouth and looked at the floor. He approached me. Slowly. He took two steps.
“Stop. Don’t come any closer.” I held my hand out to stop him. Any closer and I might cave in.
He looked right at me. I was mesmerized by this man. I have been for years now. He placed a bouquet of roses on the floor in front of me. They were red.
“I don’t want your stupid flowers,” I whispered pushing them away with my foot, “I just wanted you. I wanted you here, but you never are. I knew you weren’t going to, but I held some hope.” I was cradling my knees at this point. I wasn’t going to stop yet.
I couldn’t stop scratching at my tattoo. That stupid tattoo. It was my only one. I looked up to see him doing the same. He got a small rose. For me. He crouched down and I turned to look elsewhere. Anywhere but his face.
“I actually dresses up you know? I wore that dress you bought. I looked at the door over and over again. Even you’re friends showed up! But you weren’t with them. You never are. I cried. You should have seen how much I cried. Then again if you were there I wouldn’t have cried at all. In front of everyone too.” I could see from my left side that he was moving his hand closer.
“Don’t touch me.”
He immediately removed his hand and looked down. He moved from his crouch, placing only one knee on the floor. Like he was going to get up. He pushed something closer to me. Small and square. It resembled a jewelry box, but I couldn’t be sure because I turned to look away from him.
“I don’t want any of your stupid gifts! Take them! I don’t want to see you again! I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t wait for you forever. I just can’t. I’ve made up my mind. You’ve missed your chance. Time and time again. I can’t live like this anymore…get out. I’m not going to repeat myself.” It hurt more to say it out loud. Because it felt real. Because this is the end. All I could smell was the leftover cinnamon candles. All I could hear was the retreating footsteps. All I could see was rose petals left on the floor and nothing more.
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