likedudewheresmycar · 5 years
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likedudewheresmycar · 5 years
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2x01 // 6x06
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likedudewheresmycar · 6 years
this morning NASA abandoned their mars rover Opportunity (aka Oppy) because it (she) got hit by a storm on Mars and it knocked her camera and wheels out and her last words to the team were “my battery is low and it is getting cold”. I know she’s a machine but I’m devastated. Oppy is the one who discovered water on Mars. RIP oppy ily space baby
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likedudewheresmycar · 7 years
Ah no way! Are you close to the downtown area or sticking to the suburbs? I often have layover in Ottawa is why I'm asking...
Wow this was like so delayed lol sorry!!!! I live in sorta the suburbs but im really close to the downtown area. Next time you have a layover here we should meet up! Itd be nice to catch up ☺️
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likedudewheresmycar · 7 years
Jaha: You let this happen?
Clarke: bitch you'd thought I'd shoot Bellamy? Really? Have you not been paying attention?
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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Mieczysław “Stiles” Stilinski
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
Joshua Graham (via sofdee)
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
I Know You Got Away ACAPELLA (via R5)
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
If the intro voice over for Season 4 is both Bellamy and Clarke I will lose my shit. I just want everyone to know. 
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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Girls just wanna have fun. (x|x)
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
Watching this video of Ross in “A Chorus Line” is so fun. You can tell just how much fun he’s having.
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
anyway when Bellamy Blake was 6 years old his mother looked at him and told him, “your sister, your responsibility,” and he took that on like a mantra without another word, wore it on his sleeve like a love letter, etched into his soul so deeply it might as have been carved across his forehead, invisibly stamped onto the backs of his eyelids so that he’d never forget, fully believing that that was his only purpose in life. and when he was 23 that same baby sister of his, that he loved, and loves, more than his own life, beat him to the floor until he was practically nothing more than a bloody, empty carcass, looked him straight in the eyes, and told him, “you’re dead to me,” and his response was silently, internally, “that's okay, little sister, I deserve it.” when Bellamy Blake was a teenager, he took his baby sister to a dance, to see the stars, and the Earth, and all the things he could never take for granted, and later on, when all was said and done and his fragile world had frayed around the edges and had turned to rubble at his feet, she told him it was his fault, that it was always his fault, and that hit a little bit too close to home. when Bellamy Blake was 23 years old Clarke Griffin looked over at him as he cried and she whispered, “I need you… You have to come back…” and he nodded, believed her, came back, and a few months later when he asked her, pleaded with her, to do the same, she turned away from him without another word, but he simply nodded once more; he understood. 
when Bellamy Blake was that exact same age he was hung up and drained of his blood to protect a girl named Echo that he didn’t even know, and when he promised that he’d come back for her, he kept that promise, but she never came back for him when he needed her. he, of course, was left for dead. constantly abandoned, always an afterthought; the table of contents that everyone skims over at the beginning of the book but undeniably skips and only returns to when they need something, the one who gives and gives until he’s emptied out and broken and eternally scarred because he doesn’t know how to stop giving. when Bellamy Blake was 23 he watched dozens of his friends die, friends that he wanted so desperately to save and protect, and over, and over, and over again he tried to trust, god he tried so hard to trust. and when he finally stopped trusting that there was anyone in this wasteland of a world that he could place his faith in all of it was suddenly his fault; suddenly it no longer mattered what had been done to put him in the position that he was in, that made him the man that he had been forced to become, that he had tried so hard not to turn into, but was now becoming so that no one else would have to be–no, it only mattered what he had done wrong, not what anyone else had done. because Bellamy Blake was always a monster, was a monster since he was 6 years old and his mother looked over at him, still heaving from childbirth and told him that his life was no longer important, and he looked resolutely down at the precious baby cradled in his arms and thought, “you’re right,” and perhaps Bellamy Blake was destined to be a monster from the day he was born, maybe that was what fate had always predetermined he would be once the pieces all fell into place. but that didn’t matter, because Bellamy Blake always stared down destiny, told it, “but maybe I can help, anyway. maybe monsters can be good,” and kept trying. 
so yeah, when y’all look at me and try to tell me that Bellamy Blake isn’t worth loving, I don’t have any problem looking right back at you and saying, “bullshit.”
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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Ross with his freshly cut mop of hair
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likedudewheresmycar · 8 years
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