likelytobelost · 6 years
Uyuni & Salt Flats Tour
Location: Uyuni & Salt Flats Tour
Hardest part about this blog? Limiting myself to only some of the 100s of pictures we took.
We visited tons of places throughout these 4 days! I've posted the pictures below in order from day 1 to day 4, each has the name of the location and a description of what it is so this is the end of the blog post!
SAVED SO MUCH TIME (everyone + me)
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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DAY 1: Up at 6am! Meet our driver and cook, load the 4x4, head out! Ready for adventureeees First stop, viewpoint with breakfast & coffee. Nice start!
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Drive for about 2 hours. Get a flat tire. No problem though, driver changes it in less than 8 mins (obviously has experience). Phew, seriously thought that was a game changer!
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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After loooots of driving, finally pull over and walk through fields with llamas. Way more fun than it sounds I swear
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Abandoned Spanish town (pueblo fantasma) by name of San Antonio de Lipez. I learnt an interesting story about the history of the town & why it was supposedly abandoned. Check it below!
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likelytobelost · 6 years
Pueblo Fantasma (aka. San Antonio de Lipz (viejo))
The city was originally established by the Spanish in the 1600s as a base in order to mine the precious and semi-precious minerals of the area.
Legend has it that, to stop the Spanish from exploiting the natural resources of the area, the Devil sent a woman by the name of Maria Pitchapitcha to bring a plague to the town. The plague killed hundreds.
In order to stop the plague, the town's priest made a deal with the Devil and promised that the town's inhabitants would stop mining. The Devil agreed and Maria disappeared, but in the end the plague had killed so many that the rest of the town fled from fear of death and the Devil, leading to an abandonded city.
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Laguna Morejon viewpoint 
Clicky clicky panorama
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Finally, reach tiny village in middle of nowhere called Quetena Chico where we ate and spent the night
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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DAY 2: Up at 5:45am for a full & busy day of looking at cool stuff First stop of the day, MORE LLAMAS
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Laguna Hedionda Sur: big lagoon that smelled like eggs (sulfur) and had 4 little flamingos in it
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Salar (salt falt) Chalviri: it isn't really a salt flat, but it's big and white like one. It's made of borax, which is used for a lot of industrial purposes
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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The Dali Desert: VERY COOL desert with huge far away rocks and sandy mountains (a highlight of mine because I'm a big Dali fan)
Don’t forget to click the panorama to zoom in!
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Laguna Blanca & Laguna Verde: Licamcabur Volcano in the background! The emerald water of Laguna Verde has arsenic in it so you can't get near it (we’re standing on a cliff pretty far away)
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likelytobelost · 6 years
Sol de Manana Geysers: One of my all time favourite spots we visited! Volcanic, bubbling, smoky, sulfury holes. Very cool!
**Might want to lower the volume before playing the vid, the wind is loud
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Here’s a cool photo of Felix BREATHING FIRE
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Laguna Colorada: Red water with shores of white minerals and sand. The water has thousands of pink flamingoes eating the algae and other little creatures in it. Wanna know something cool that I learnt? these flamingos have no natural predators because what they eat basically makes them poisonous.
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likelytobelost · 6 years
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Reached another tiny village in the middle of nowhere, this one was called Villa Mar. We hiked up to their viewpoint to watch the sunset before having dinner and going to bed
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