likhoradka · 4 months
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Was finally bugged enough to fix it. And then add flowers. Hands make a great resizing registration point for going from thumbnail to full size, so I could easily reuse most of the original.
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likhoradka · 5 months
Yeah, we ended up with a meth head shoplifter near the end of the day... One that I ran into at the grocery store! I was at the service desk, and she was behind me and asked them where her cart went. I banned her from my store while standing there, lol. She was all shocked Pikachu. Got to hear that the employees there knew about her as well. Today was a very weird day.
"I hope you get busy today, so y'all don't get bored! Teehee!"
Clearly, you've never worked retail. I hope you get stuck at every red light and are forced to reflect on your life choices and start wondering just how many people talk crap about you behind your back. May all the retail locations and sites you visit for the rest of the week not have what you're looking for.
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likhoradka · 5 months
"I hope you get busy today, so y'all don't get bored! Teehee!"
Clearly, you've never worked retail. I hope you get stuck at every red light and are forced to reflect on your life choices and start wondering just how many people talk crap about you behind your back. May all the retail locations and sites you visit for the rest of the week not have what you're looking for.
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likhoradka · 5 months
"The dark haired..."
They all have dark hair!! Who the fuck are we talking about? Names! They exist. Please don't be afraid to use them! I can skim the overly flowery language, but I shouldn't be seeing "(descriptor) haired" and "(descriptor) eyed" more often than a name. And it certainly shouldn't be in the first sentence in the first paragraph in a continuing chapter where we already know all the characters.
The joys of that era of fanfiction...
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likhoradka · 6 months
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First it was gonna be roses in the background to go with the redo of book one cover, and then I went with lilies. Because he's dead inside. Dragged out my Patrick Nagel art book the other day, and it's nice to feel inspiration again.
Not the biggest fan of Procreate, but it is convenient for using on breaks at work for sketching.
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likhoradka · 7 months
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My poor, miserable boy. Guess I'll throw this into chapter 2 or 3 of book 2.
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likhoradka · 7 months
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Oh, he's so lonely. I know! Orange blossoms! I thought orange blossoms were fluffier... Had to scroll further for the kind of flowers living in my head.
WIP of poor Jack with his short hair. May end up having to move the flower behind his ear or put the flowers at half opacity. I've been feeling bad about not having any art for Twice Shy's second book-thing.
Apparently my insurance covers mental health apps, which is easier and cheaper than a real person. So I started that today. Hopefully, this is a sign of it helping since I actually felt the urge to work on something I didn't feel obligated to work on.
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likhoradka · 1 year
I keep having to remind myself that my comic and novel are doing fairly well despite me not pushing it anywhere except every once in a while when the Tapas discord runs a collection contest thing (and not get selected, so that's disheartening). I notice that when I post to those, I grab a couple extra subs, so I guess my stuff is compelling enough to grab the attention of other people going through those channels?
I'll get comments about how my stuff is underrated, so at least someone likes my stuff? Is it something that's good enough for them, but not good enough for the world at large?
It's just depressing that I never get selected for any of the collections, and I can't help but wonder if I've been blacklisted for some reason. Did I say something wrong back when I participated on the forums or when the discord was new? Am I being punished for my depression and anxiety making it extremely difficult for me to participate in a community that already seems tight knit?
It wears you down after a while. The constant disappointment. The constant unknowing. The inability to ask or get clarification because if you're not already being punished for something, then will you be punished for asking and drawing attention to it? I've had that happen to me before, and it sucks. Punished for being the squeaky wheel, punished for not being the squeaky wheel, punished for not being the right kind of squeaky.
It's hard to ignore and write it off as it not being me when it's so consistent.
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likhoradka · 1 year
That fun feeling when you wanna quit everything.
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likhoradka · 1 year
Apparently I need to get into the habit of just copy/pasting a fic's title, pairing, and summary into my AO3 bookmark. I felt like checking out my oldest bookmarks, and the first four fics I ever bookmarked have been deleted with just the number of the chapter I was up to.
At least they were from back when I'd download completed fics I really liked, so it's no real loss? But I'm still curious as to what they were.
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likhoradka · 1 year
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Have some cats. Based on my cats.
Tony and Spencer are boyfriends, but Spencer has a crush on a squirrel who like to visit.
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likhoradka · 1 year
Apparently I didn't save the right password for one of my accounts, so I can't update to say I'm on hiatus while I'm traveling. Especially since all creativity drains when I stare at the lack of paragraph spacing in Docs. Like, okay. This is where I should be able to add a space after the paragraph. Nope. Here? Nope. Lemme look it up. No, I don't want line spacing. I want an extra space after the paragraph, so I can function.
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likhoradka · 1 year
Had a pretty decent day yesterday, so of course today has to make up for it. Thanks.
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likhoradka · 1 year
That fun feeling of replying to comments and glancing to the side and seeing you uploaded the older version. At least it still flows well, but oops. Let's just fix that!
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likhoradka · 1 year
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XMax time. I'm delightfully buzzed on orange and gingerbread flavored gin with champagne. The gin came in a light up snowglobe. This information is very important.
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likhoradka · 2 years
Just got a heavy duty guillotine paper cutter off Amazon Warehouse. 17" for the price of a 12"? Sure, why not?
I'm guessing whoever returned it didn't know how to use it, 'cuz the knob and washers that hold the fence in place were out (and it's a long bolt on the knob, so they had to work at getting that out...), so I had to get those back in their track and screwed in (holding a nut in place with an allen wrench = fun). And then level the clamp.
So thanks, rando who didn't know what they were doing! You saved me money, and now I can get nice edges on sketchbooks and journals. Hopefully, this hobby can turn into a profit. For now, Xmas prezzies.
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likhoradka · 2 years
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I spent my weekend on a work trip. Fun, but exhausting. And then I got back yesterday and didn't have the energy to do laundry, so I started that earlier. ...Which I need to finish. Right. Woops. So much for going to bed. (At least it's better than what I thought five minutes ago: having start laundry, not just toss it in a dryer. So a step up.)
New Orleans is hot, and the thermostat in the hotel room is a fucking liar. 65, my ass.
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