lilacinthefog · 20 hours
I fucking love still-somewhat-slim-but-on-their-way-to-chubby t girls that haven't fully started wearing bras yet so. Their. So their boobies. Omg I'm blushing (>/////<) so their boobies bounce around when they walk (>/////<) and their sweatpants are getting tight so u can see the pantyline and maybe they're a lil stinky and sweaty from gaming all day... lowkey tangled hair and maybe a stain on the shirt from being the cutest little slob ever. SLOBBY GAMER T GIRLS WHO R CHUBBY.... I LOVE YOUUUUU
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lilacinthefog · 2 days
Sitting down to watch godzilla minus 1: aw fuck yeah, super awesome giant monster
Godzilla minus 1: Your past burdens aren't yours to bear alone. Leaning on the help of others is what allows you to move forward. You don't have to sacrifice yourself for the future, the future is something we all build together.
Me, quietly sobbing: what t he fuck
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lilacinthefog · 2 days
this post is for the people with memory issues
people who's memories are getting worse every day, who's memories are stable but poor, people who can't remember what they did today or yesterday or this week, people who's childhoods are a faded blur. people who have slow greying-out amnesia that seems to just fade in and out of existence, and people who have complete blackouts, and people who have both. people who mourn the happy memories they know they've lost, who fear the bad memories they've lost that still affect them.
people who have "emotional amnesia" that makes it feel like none of their memories are their own, because there's few or no feelings attached. people who can ONLY remember the feelings from certain or even most memories, not actual events. people who's memory issues scare them or make them angry or make them miserable. people who's memory issues get them called childish or difficult or rude. who can't remember the names or faces of those they love. who are constantly forgetting the things that "you'd remember if you really cared". who misplace everything. who remember so little of their lives that they barely know who they are. people who's memory issues come from trauma/dissociation, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, brain fog/chronic fatigue, drug use, alcoholism. people who have no idea what causes their memory issues. people who's memory issues come from something else entirely.
i love you, you're strong, and you deserve support and care for what you're going through. memory issues can be frustrating and upsetting and disabling, and your suffering deserves to be recognized. whether you're soaring through recovery or are only ever going to get worse, you deserve good things in life and to live the fullest you can, regardless of how much you remember.
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lilacinthefog · 4 days
we are so ableist about memory. people with good memory take for granted the fact that they can recall as much as they can, and use that to taunt, guilt and threaten people with memory issues. many neurotypes and mental illnesses cause memory lapses. traumatic brain injuries can cause memory lapses. brain cancer can cause memory lapses.
even if your memory is good, it's not right to guilt someone because they can't remember something. trust me, people with memory problems are desperately trying to remember: it's just that we literally can't. it is a very literal "i can't remember".
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lilacinthefog · 5 days
Gay and stinky and short
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lilacinthefog · 6 days
let us show you
We asked 100 trans women what they think a hive mind is like and they all replied “let us show you” at the same time in perfect unison
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lilacinthefog · 6 days
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Everyone in Bloodborne is fine | Part 1
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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you enter a boss room and these three are waiting for you, wyd?
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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another vry quick lady maria study hmhm
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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aw man 😕 is it that time already?
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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global forcefemming now
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
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lilacinthefog · 7 days
reblog to meow at the person you reblogged from
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lilacinthefog · 8 days
Lesbians in souls games. Like if you agree. Reblog to level adaptability.
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lilacinthefog · 8 days
If you're a trans girl who likes trans girls, please reblog this <3
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lilacinthefog · 8 days
this is lara, a cisgender butch woman who was hate-crimed by other women for trying to use a “female-only space”. a space, by their logic, she should have been able to use and is apparently meant to be her safe space.
this is the result of terf transphobia. please remember lara and others like her next time terfs claim that they care about butch women or that you can “always tell”.
I’m so sorry this happened to you, lara 💔 🫂
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