lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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99K notes · View notes
lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
Make it 4.
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
realising that you forgot homework that you spent so much time on at home
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
The Emperor's New Groove = Favorite Disney movie ever hahahahahahahahah
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
Way to bail on three of our online dates the first week I'm gone. Hahahahhahahaha and you're the one that begged me to give long distance a try and now I'm trying and it looks like I'm the only one what a fool
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
the ceo of abercrombie and fitch has a lot of nerve saying that ugly people shouldn’t wear his clothes when he looks like an albino orc from the lord of the rings
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
Does anyone have a hot dog costume I could borrow?!?!
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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Students of Archbishop Mitty High School:
Prom is coming up, especially Junior Prom. In light of all this excitement, I hope you guys don’t forget to buy a boutonniere or corsage for your date! 
Mitty’s Interact Club is holding a fundraiser just for you Juniors and Seniors out there. Our prices are cheaper than typical florists, the items you purchase will be delivered to you at school the day before prom, and a portion of the sale goes to support schooling in Bangladesh! Super affordable, convenient, and charitable. 
JUNIORS: To order, please go to http://tinyurl.com/bl6fst9 ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY APRIL 17TH 
SENIORS: To order, please go to http://tinyurl.com/d3u6u32 ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY MAY 1ST
For more information, visit our Facebook Event Page. 
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
Everything Oreoooooo, my life
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
Tomorrow is Ivy Day.
You may be freaking out. You may be like, “I got this.” You may be indifferent.
No matter what, listen to these words:
You are meant to go to the school you belong at.
Tomorrow may go the way you wanted it to, and it may not. Be at peace knowing that on May 1, you’re going to say yes to one of the schools that has said yes to you, and that this marriage between intellectuals was meant to be. Because, ultimately, that’s what this is. It’s like a national Bachelor show that is actually constructive and beneficial to society. You’ve been flirting with these schools for so long, hoping you can catch their eye. Now, one or many of them will make an offer of marriage, a beautiful proposal of admission.
Be excited about it. This is a major turning point in your life. But, know this. The school you end up at does not determine your amount of success in your life. It’s all about what you make out of college. Every school has a plethora, a treasure box, of amazing resources. It’s up to YOU to pursue these opportunities. So, no matter what happens tomorrow, be excited that you’re going to end up at a treasure mine somewhere.
If you’re accepted tomorrow, then wonderful. Celebrate! If you’re not, celebrate the fact that the choice you have to make in May has become easier and that you’re one step closer to the school you’ll find happiness at. Most of all, celebrate this: You’ve spent the most agonizing past few months selling yourself to these schools. You’re worn out, and you feel cheap. However, you’re about to get amazing offers from schools that are groveling on the floor to obtain YOU. That’s right, YOU. You are so special and some school out there is ready to help you harness that specialness in you. So go out there, get your acceptances or rejections, and embrace it all. Best of luck to you all in the next week and beyond that you all end up at the perfect schools for you!
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lilacpotato-blog-blog · 11 years
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