lilacstarfall24h · 28 days
i wish every engineer a “try going around your building in a wheelchair”
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lilacstarfall24h · 28 days
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"Oops! Wrong spell-"
This was a headcanon a friend in discord suggested last year before the season finale. It's been in my WIP file dusting (like my other stuff 👀). So basically just some Collector magic shenanigans happened and poof! They got body swapped- đŸ’„
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
i’ve thought about becoming a teacher but then i remember that i have cannot-ever-define-a-word-even-if-i-know-what-it-means disease and like. what if some kid asks me what a word means and i just have to stare at them in total silence and utter terror and then awkward walk-jog back to my desk to look it up on my computer & read it aloud in the most sheepish idk what the fuck i’m doing voice. what if, huh? what the fuck am i gonna do then? it won’t even end there because my vocabulary? pretentious. my memory? the library of alexandria. my doubt in myself? astronomical. so i would end up doing the same fucking thing next period even if it’s for the same word.
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
I’m really into the meta-narrative of Across the Spider-Verse. They could’ve come up with a different name for canon events, like Stable Dimension Events or some other made up nonsense, but the term canon events really paints it this as a conversation about adaptations on Spider-Man and his various off shoots. Hell, it could apply to comics and adaptations as a whole. Is it still Spider-Man if he doesn’t get Uncle Ben or some equivalent killed? Is it really Batman if he doesn’t vow to never kill? Even if it looks like Ultron, is it still Ultron if it’s origin and personality are different?
And it’s kinda the perfect subject matter to be tackled by Miles, the Spider-Man who gets to be his own Spider-Man. Look at the vast majority of the named spider people in this movie. They’re either based on existing people in Spider-Man’s story or they’re some permutation of Peter Parker. Miles isn’t another Peter nor is he a ‘what if this character was bit instead of Peter’. Miles exists purely to be the next Spider-Man after his Spider-Man died. There aren’t any expectations to play out the same story as Peter, because Peter’s story was already played out in his world. He has every right to make his own story, play by his own rules, go through adventures no other Spider has gone through. Every Peter has Uncle Ben die, but Miles’ call to action is never consistent. Ultimate comics had his mom die, Into the Spider-Verse had his uncle, and PS4 Spider-Man had his dad. Miles’ story is fluid in a way no other Spider’s is because he’s ironically not running in Peter’s shadow and established story. He’s an anomaly because every universe has runs on one Spider logic except his.
Which is also why Miguel’s such a fascinating choice as the antagonist. Because, a lot of what I can say about Miles could be said about Miguel. Traditionally, the Spider-Man of the year 2099 isn’t an alternate dimension Spider, he’s just a Spider-Man from a time after the original’s run. He is, just like Miles, the second Spider-Man who exists after Peter’s demise. And just like Miles, he doesn’t have to play by Peter’s rules, having a vastly different tone and manifestation of powers. So it’s also perfect that Miguel’s positioned against Miles specifically because he’s tried going against the flow, going against ‘canon’ and has suffered for it.
So the narrative is about two Spider-Men who can write their own story, fighting over whether or not they can deviate from the template set by the original story and if their story could survive it. Into the Spider-Verse said anyone can be Spider-Man. Across the Spider-Verse asks if Spider-Man is allowed to be anyone other than the Spider-Man.
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
the funniest thing ever just happened to me
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
Y'all I wish it was "no thoughts head empty"- instead I'm "many thoughts head full" bitch I am at capacity
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
FYI if anything I say is contradictory it's cause I have like 8 different opinions at once and I actually have no idea what's going on
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
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lilacstarfall24h · 6 months
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i didn’t do hourlies but here’s something that happened to me yesterday
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lilacstarfall24h · 7 months
Need a little sign taped to my forehead that says “Very busy. May burst into tears if given a simple task.”
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lilacstarfall24h · 7 months
I just want queer safety and queer happiness
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lilacstarfall24h · 7 months
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uron na shokutaku
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lilacstarfall24h · 7 months
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listening <3
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lilacstarfall24h · 8 months
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Single funniest piece of Shakespeare merch I have ever seen.
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lilacstarfall24h · 8 months
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pov your archon is annoying
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lilacstarfall24h · 8 months
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happy b-day mona!!
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