lilananas · 6 years
there she goes again, daydreaming about her future house and how she’ll decorate it knowing she can’t afford a house in this economy ever. and by she i mean me.
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lilananas · 6 years
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Bac d’arts plastiques 2017: “De la variété dans l’identique”
Ma peluche Yoshi (que j’aime fort) reprise dans les styles comic, surréaliste, cubiste, impressionniste, expressionniste et jeu vidéo/pixel art.
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lilananas · 6 years
reblog this and tag the first vine that comes to ur mind. mine is the one of the people yelling at cabbage
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lilananas · 6 years
me: I don’t like sharing anything about my personal life with strangers.
someone on the bus bumping into me: oh, sorry.
me: it’s okay, I’ve been hurt before. it all started at the onset of 2015 and
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lilananas · 6 years
me: i’m sure plenty of people burst into tears when someone is nice to them
my therapist: 
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lilananas · 6 years
Men think it’s ruder for a woman to say “don’t interrupt me” than it is for them to interrupt her in the first place
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lilananas · 6 years
lo fi song titles
she kissed me at 2:27am
L O V E  P A R A D I S E
I Touched Your Balls // I Miss You
raining in my heart
g h i b l i  r e m i x 
iced coffee with you
iced coffee with her at 3:52am
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lilananas · 6 years
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“My body, my choice” only makes sense when someone else’s life isn’t at stake.
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lilananas · 6 years
so in 2010 i made a facebook event for my birthday party for this year, because i thought “haha wouldnt that be funny, 2018 is forever away!”. but now it is 2018, and my birthday is in 2 days.
people have been building the hype for the past 8 years
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and now im stressed cause i gotta deliver, i had 8 years to make plans and i procrastinated to the last minute. time makes fools of us all
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lilananas · 6 years
me throughout the year: if only i could justify buying this Thing :/ Maybe christmas or my birthday.
my mom: give me a list of things you want for christmas/your birthday
me: i have never wanted for anything ever in my entire life
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lilananas · 6 years
if i start talking to you about really stupid shit and im not trying to look intellegent anymore that means youve done it. obtained true trust levels. god tier friendship. 
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lilananas · 6 years
*young republican voice* i don’t see why my rich, rich, rich rich rich, rich rich rich rich, so fucking rich, father should have to pay for poorer boys school lunches. he could spend that money on a racism machine
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lilananas · 6 years
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lilananas · 6 years
Let’s play a fun game called “we’re just friends but I’d fuck you if you asked”
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lilananas · 6 years
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Interspecies lesbianism
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lilananas · 6 years
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lilananas · 6 years
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