lilfanelove · 5 years
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Everything i desire is here for me now
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lilfanelove · 5 years
I been reading 3 success stories today...
And i am that success story of me too when the perfect time come.
Is it a sign for me ?
Thank you God
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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Dear God, thank you for the food for free
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lilfanelove · 5 years
Dearest self,
I choose you today
Thank you for choosing me today.
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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I saw that 111 number last night, my angels never failed to send me sign that they are always with me.
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lilfanelove · 5 years
How to take the power back from a relationship : remind yourself that he is not your life, he is just a part of your life. You yourself is mattered and remind yourself that you’re enough, you dont have to beg, no body has to beg to anyone.
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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So today i woke up feeling serene, peaceful and all aligned with my inner source,
I read up my old journal, all scripting i made 3 months ago... made me realises 70% of things i wrote came to real, I learned that every of my thoughts became things, that i should focus more into bettering myself, focusing to find peace love and harmonious relationship within myself...not from the out source, and i should focus and write more about my goals and my dreams... to dream further and to always choose myself in all and every situation.
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lilfanelove · 5 years
I am so grateful and thankful for the salt water therapy just now that allowed some new energy and put myself into a high vibration
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
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lilfanelove · 5 years
Thank you Father for sending me the sign that i need to protect my energy, that I should focus more into myself and healing myself
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lilfanelove · 5 years
God is always presence in my life...
So just now my mother and i went to the hardware store to buy pipes for our fish pond plan,the cashier lady entertained us very rudely... i tried to keep my vibe calm and nice...i tried to respond in a most loving way possible...
As we reached home my father claimed that we got the wrong size
And my brother and I returned to the store for some exchange,that some lady entertained us but now with the different vibe. Slightly better this time around.
After all the exchange items was done, that cashier lady told me that I had some extra amount of money to be refund, that happened to be double the amount of items returned.
In my opinion, that lady entered the wrong price at the first place and i got the wrong pipe size not by coincidence... everything happened for a lesson, and it’s very significant. I hope the lady learned her lesson by how to entertain her clients and be focus and alert all the time. As for me, I learned that whatever i give with always returns back to be in double thousand fold. I trusted that lady without doubt, so i was saved and the truth was revealed to me. I am grateful and happy and thankful with all of my heart of this circumstances that increase my faith and hope that of the saying goes “ whatever you sow you reap “
This gave me a different life perspective that my life is happening to me and for me and my life is always been good and blessings.
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lilfanelove · 5 years
God in front of my eyes 🙏🏻
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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I saw God in this plant...
I loved seeing those green leaves coming out so fast
I sprinkled some epsom salt
Thank you thank you thank you Father for your presence in my life
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lilfanelove · 5 years
Father, i am so grateful that You surrounds me with wonderful wonderful people... thank you for always remind me that my life is a blessing, that my life is wonderful and beautiful. Thank you thank you thank you
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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I saw God in her...
Her voice always soothes me...
Thank you Father for blessing me a friend like her.
Thank you thank you thank you...
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lilfanelove · 5 years
“I am finding it easier to motivate myself to exercise”
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lilfanelove · 5 years
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This one particular human made my heart beats so fast ❤️❤️
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lilfanelove · 5 years
I am so thankful for the 1 minute conversation i had just now that is fullfilling and compassion.
I am so thankful and grateful for all the messages I received from Terence today especially the one that highlight my weakness that I should work hard upon. Thank you thank you thank you for making me a better human, a better person, a better compassionate partner for life. Thank you thank you thank you for my loving compassionate faithful honest and gentle partner for life
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