lilianalasuliga · 2 months
Happening our topic for the last summative assessment in this school year.
On the first period we discussed the topic that child be chosen for this task.
The first proposal was to persuade random people in the park to stop smoking however this topic was taken by the another group that is why we had came to the conclusion to choose reading in the park books. Many of my colleagues including me challenge with reading any poetry.
The book that I chose for this task will be Franz Kafka “Przemiana”.
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lilianalasuliga · 4 months
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On the first period, we started with few exercises to awaken us since evening was half asleep, these weren’t really an ordinary exercise since we play ( piff-pufff and collocations). It did worked and later everyone was energised enough to take a part later on the task given by the teacher which was an IMPRO.
First impro was about doing a scene without discussing with a partner. Only the place and the role was given and me and the partner had to create a scene in our minds (it was quite easy since we are very close to each other I didn’t feel any awkwardness). But the second task was challenging since I got a new person and we couldn’t speak to each other( that was the main problem ) in the end we did not managed to do properly task.
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lilianalasuliga · 4 months
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To begin with Miss Paulina explained how the Theatre SL and HL in DP work like. From what I remember it requires a lot of creativity and also time. What makes it different than other subjects on IB that is there is no matura from this however Theatre is a very time consuming subject.
Later we had to make pairs to play a game. Generally the game was about giving your playmate a task (he/she could not know it) and the both sides had to guess it. And the only way to guess it was to improvise. Everyone had their own tactics and it was so amazing to see how differently my friends tried to do anything to guess their given task. Overall everyone had successfully done their task.
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lilianalasuliga · 4 months
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Note of the 30.01 (The photo is not from the lesson)
At the beginning of the first period we started on doing some exercises which were supposed to make us awake (most of the students were still half asleep including me). Some of them were quite challenging and others were quite new to me. The exercises kept most of us quite awake for a bit. On the second period we’ve decided to take a stroll around the nearest park from the school ( at least that is what we have thought). Miss Paulina had given us a challenging task, we had to follow some stranger and copy not only their way of walking but also we had to observe the behaviour’s of their. That was quite an experience, few of my colleagues got caught by the stranger and were asked by them. Thankfully nothing serious happened!
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lilianalasuliga · 5 months
Summative assessment : TEAM
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lilianalasuliga · 6 months
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Preparation for the summative assessment.
During the first period we had talked about Hamlet ( the movie and the book).
Our task was to find the connections between those and with the classmates we had gathered lots of ideas. ( We even added some drawings to make it look more interesting :) )
On the second period we had talked about TEAM the shortcut of tension,emotion, atmosphere and meaning. Which also is the part our summative assessment.
Thanks to the discussion I had learned about team.
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lilianalasuliga · 8 months
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Theatre lesson!! Part 1
Things we did today:
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We went a little bit overboard but that’s fine because we used all of our ideas and the creativity is the most important!
Also the ATL skills were used while doing it:
creative thinking
The main and my favourite part of the lesson was the last part of the lesson. We were talking to every of our classmates nice things while holding the hands. It made me feel somehow different.
Hearing the things that I had never expected and from the people that I hardly ever talked to.
I’m so grateful to have the theatre lessons!
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lilianalasuliga · 8 months
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Short summ up of theatre lessons. Today we concentrated on drawing together but without using words. I felt so nostalgic, I don’t draw at all and it’s been so long since I draw something that I wanted to. I felt like I had go back to the day when I was just a child who drew silly things.
I’m so thankful for this lesson ❤️!
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lilianalasuliga · 9 months
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Another theatre lesson!! And again had so much fun. Today we played another new game which made everyone’s day. It was a pleasure to be there!!❤️❤️
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lilianalasuliga · 9 months
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Theatre lesson!!! 😽😼
Had so much fun,
during the lesson we were talking about our day
our first task was to write anonymously nice but honest things about our colleagues and everyone got so many sweet compliments(it made my morning much better:3), later we played game called “hono” which was really creative. 🎀
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