lilianpm · 5 months
Synopsis:You are a senator of the Jedi Republic, but since you and Queen Amygdala are the only female senators, you live together in turnip.
Me: the story begins in the film "The Phantom Attack"My first story
English is not my first language, so if anything is wrong please tell me, thank you
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It all started when Obi-Wam and his master Qui-Gon They went to the meeting with the traders, where they had to fight and ended up having to flee to nabo, getting there they had the help of a new friend, and when they arrived in nabo, They found themselves in an embarrassing situation, where the two "senators" were being forced to sign a contract, as soon as they saw this they did everything to free them, the "senators" and their Jedi maids They had to flee to an isolated and poor planet.
"As soon as we arrived in tatooine Let's look for parts for the ship" Qui-gon said to his padawan who was helping to pilot the ship,"Yes Master".
As soon as they arrived at their destination, they got off the ship, soon after the senators' guard came to talk to the Jedi"What are you doing out here?" asked the Jedi master "The senators asked you to take two of your maids with you, so they can have information about the searches "The Jedi looked at each other "they don't want any more people with us" the smaller Jedi countered, "leave my young padawan, if the senators want it that way, so it will be" says the Jedi master to the young padawan,the girls went together with the Jedi to the nearest city on tatooineWhen they got there they saw a "store" selling parts for all types of ships or not, upon entering the Jedi immediately went to talk to the negotiator, while the girls watched around "you are angels" said a childish voice behind them, making them startled,"hum" Said Padmé "why?" He asked y/n "I heard that angels are the most beautiful creatures in this Galaxy, at least that's what I was told" the girls looked at each other "What a cute little boy" Padmé said, while y/n ended up laughing cutely at her friend's comment "yes, he's such a sweetheart" added y/n. Meanwhile, the Jedi master was unable to negotiate with the seller, because Jedi money has no value on Tatooine "yes, the money is worth it" said the Jedi master, passing his hand in front of him "no, it's not worth it" said the arrogant gentleman "yes, the money is worth it" said the Jedi master again "it's NOT worth it, and stop passing that hand around as if it were a Jedi" says the angry salesman, The Jedis have to leave the "store"walking through tatooine aimlessly.
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