Luan’s head tilted to the side as Lilith’s fingers glided gently through her hair, it made her feel a little calmer despite the nature of the questioning she was undergoing.  “I ummm… I know it… it’s t-too simple just to say it’s f-following orders.  But… that does c-come into it.”  She paused to think for a moment, she had learned a lot at the clinic but wasn’t sure how much she should share, she still had a lot to learn afterall.  “I ummm… I know I l-like kneeling a-and looking up.”  She demonstrated without realising by turning her big eyes up at the Domme.  “There ummm… there are other… things… which are ahhh… interesting but… b-but I don’t know if I’m ready to try them yet.  I… I’ve been told to not rush a-and never be pushed into anything.”
“Forget about that for now, Luan,” Lilith instructed, a gentle hand caressing the submissive’s neck like a cherished pet. “I want you to focus only on the simple things. For instance, what does it feel like to look up at me?” To Lilith, Dominance and submission could be very academic, but there was a time and a place for that. She wanted Luan to consider the fundamentals. Her biology, her subjective conscious experience. Not to intellectualize in a circle, but just to feel what it was to be submissive. It was something Lilith herself had to consider when preparing to play certain roles on stage.
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Gabi found herself nearly equally drawn to and unnerved by Lilith. But the draw always proved stronger; it could just be a case of Lilith being in the right place at the right time, but whatever caused it, Gabi found herself at Lilith’s door again. She didn’t know how she was expected to actually talk about her fantasies. While she’d always taken care of her needs as a sub, it had been more out of necessity than anything else - enough to keep her healthy and functioning, but it rarely went very deep into things like her fantasies. There hadn’t been much time to think of anything like that either, as she was so busy with her daughter. And Dulcie just added another layer to the whole situation.
But all of the complications didn’t stop her from arriving at Lilith’s door exactly on time, knocking softly. Despite her nerves about trying to explain any of this to Lilith, she was also excited. Lilith had an exhilarating presences at any times - even just in their texting, it had come through. When the door opened, she looked up with a smile. “Hello, Madam.” Her voice caught the slightest bit as she took in the dress but she dropped her gaze respectfully, although she sneaked another glance under her lashes.
“Hello girl,” she spoke back, lips curling into a smile as Gabrielle’s gaze averted her. As it should, she thought. It pleased her to be regarded with such reverence. It ought to be rewarded. Stepping forward, Lilith used a single delicate finger to nudge Gabi’s head up by the chin, leaning forward to give her lips a light, lingering kiss. “I’m pleased to see you,” she whispered, before withdrawing, the same finger rotating around the soft skin of Gabi’s face to the crown of her head, where it pressed down on her, directing her to kneel.
Fantasies | Lilith & Gabi
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Liana shifted and looked over her shoulder at the security that was following her. A woman had just been murdered and they were under clear instructions. “Then it may be best for you to call your security, Miss. Threatening or not, I don’t think they’ll be willing to take any chances.” Neither was she, if she was honest. “Liana, Miss.”
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"Liana,” she repeated back. “Such a pretty name. Well, Liana, as you can see I am quite harmless. It would please me if we could have a conversation without any eavesdroppers. Your friends are welcome to admire from afar.” 
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Lottie rolled her eyes, her expression giving no doubt to what she thought of Lilith’s words,  “There’s that ego again.”  Pausing for a moment she shrugged, “There is certainly plenty to be concerned about but unless it directs you personally there is a limit to what it does if you focus on it too much.  They always say to celebrate the little moments because if you blink you will miss them and then your life will be dull and boring.”
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“Oh, as if we don’t all have egos,” she said, grinning. “It just so happens that mine’s greater,” Lilith teased. The two had come to an interesting relationship: she thought Lottie was one of the few people who saw her for who she was, and that was not always a comforting reality. Part of her continued to want to impress the submissive, another part had given up on that happening. It was like trying to impress herself. “Words of Wisdom by Charlotte. It sounds like you are dutiful to make sure that your life is anything but dull and boring.”
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Fantasies | Lilith & Gabi
As far as Lilith could intuit, Gabrielle was a rather simple submissive; one who wanted to be led, cared for, and cherished. Her situation, however, was more complex. The existence of her daughter Dulcie came as quite the surprise, but it was not an unpleasant one. Complicating, yes, but in some ways the surprise was welcome. Lilith enjoyed the company of children, but she wondered what would be the appropriate way to relate to Dulcie should they ever meet.
In the meantime, she was eager to get to know the submissive, and the prospect of learning about Gabi’s innermost thoughts and fantasies excited her. Many things about the way this submissive treated her were exciting, and she had hoped to reciprocate those feelings. Inviting her over a second time, she waited for Gabrielle to arrive, dressed deliberately in another silky gown that both concealed and drew attention to her petite, pixie-like form.
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Gabi: I'm very glad that you did, Madam.
Gabi: What if I say it's a conversation that's better in person?
Lilith: Then it had better be soon.
Lilith: Your goddess demands instant gratification :D
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Gabi: I have no interest in politics! But speaking diplomatically has served me well at the bakery when I have to deal with disgruntled customers.
Gabi: Thank you, Madam.
Gabi: I do although I'm not sure I could actually express them. Or that they're really worth expressing. It's probably all very bland and boring.
Lilith: They served me quite well at your bakery ;) I got everything I wanted.
Lilith: Share them with me. I know you can express them.
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Gabi: I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm calling you perfect, but I wasn't disagreeing with you either.
Gabi: And very boring, but I don't mind that so much.
Gabi: Yes, I do have a family. I would just like to expand it a little bit. I hope it works out some day.
Lilith: 🤣 You are quite the diplomat, Gabi! You would make an excellent politician.
Lilith: I know it will. You deserve to rest comfortably under the care and guidance of a Dominant.
Lilith: Do you have any submissive fantasies, Gabrielle?
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Gabi: Hahahaha I suppose it can't be narcissism if you're perfect, can it?
Gabi: I used to daydream about going on one of those baking competition shows and winning it. Does that count? And when I was younger, I made up all sorts of scenarios that would get me away from home. None of them were anything like the one that actually did get me away from home.
Gabi: Now my fantasies mostly revolve around having a claim and a family. Which isn't grandiose, but would be quite enough for me.
Lilith: Are you calling me perfect? If so, you said it, not me 👸🏼
Lilith: That is so sweet.
Lilith: You already have a family. But anyone would be very privileged to claim you.
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Gabi: I don't think that sounds like a narcissist though. I think there's a difference in loving the person you are becoming and having a view of yourself that's too high. Which is my understanding of narcissism, although I could be mistaken.
Gabi: And doesn't everyone dream up grandiose situations for themselves occasionally? Or other worlds?
Gabi: Thank you for sharing with me, Madam. I appreciate the trust you've shown.
Lilith: I agree!
Lilith: Besides, is it really narcissism if I'm perfect?
Lilith: Just kidding... 😙
Lilith: Do you have grandiose fantasies too, Gabrielle?
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Gabi: What do you fantasize about? If you don't mind sharing.
Lilith: Different things.
Lilith: Sometimes I dream up entire worlds.
Lilith: But oftentimes they are just fantasies about myself in grandiose situations.
Lilith: I have been called a narcissist, but I do not consider myself that.
Lilith: I am not in love with myself, I am in love with the person I am continuously becoming.
Lilith: Of course that is what a narcissist might say.
Lilith: But I actually find myself rather inadequate compared to who I could be.
Lilith: I have never shared that with anyone.
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Gabi: That sounds like it would be quite nice, Madam.
Gabi: Thank you.
Lilith: I don't share this with many people, but I like to fantasize.
Lilith: I have always done so.
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The praise and the kiss made Luan smile, it was nice to do something right for a change.  She thought about the question for a moment, wondering what kind of response Lilith wanted from her, finally she said what she hoped would be what Lilith was looking for.  “It ummm… it m-means I’ll have needs only a D-Dominant can meet b-but the way they meet those n-needs will need to be d-discovered.  I ahhh I’ll t-try things and like them or… or n-not like them and both of those are ok.  A… A Dominant is there to h-help me learn more about me s-so its ok f-for me to make m-mistakes.”
“Mhmm...” Lilith mused, nodding along with Luan’s response as she played with the girl’s hair. There was nothing incorrect about her answers, but it was all so clinical and abstract, as if she were reading straight off a pamphlet given to her at the clinic. “Every submissive is different, Luan. But do you know the one thing all submissives have in common? Their need to submit. So you must understand submission before you can begin to satisfy those urges, Luan. The next thing I want to know is just that-- what does it mean to submit?” She knew the submissive well enough to know that the question would be problematic for her, but Lilith was nonetheless interested in her answer.
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Ari blinked rapidly for a moment before shaking her head. “Er, no, I don’t think so. I’m saving it for someone.” She smiled, hoping the Domme would understand.
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Lilith snorted, rolling her eyes facetiously with crossed arms. “Oh, how boring,” she said flippantly. “Well, let us hope the special someone is worth it.”
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Gabi: No, I don't need to imagine.
Gabi: I'm doing my best though.
Lilith: That you are, dear.
Lilith: You and I shall just have to create our own little world where things are different.
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Gabi: Yes. I can't put it into words but it makes everything feel right and better. Even when I didn't always realize it didn't feel right before.
Gabi: You're right, it's hard being in charge of everything and not having someone else.
Lilith: A submissive was never meant to lead.
Lilith: In the age of the Roman Catholics, even Dominants submit themselves to a higher authority.
Lilith: Imagine how great a burden it must be for the submissive.
Lilith: Well, you needn't imagine...
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“Lilith,” Lottie squeaked in surprise at the domme’s sudden appearance before she got herself a little more under control.  “Thank you, it’s amazing what a few weeks away from everything can do for a girl.  You seem happy yourself.”
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Lilith crossed her arms, finding herself unable to hold back a grin when Lottie squeaked. “Typically I only receive that kind of reaction from my biggest fans. Could it be we have a convert?” she teased. The Domme decided to forego the lack of titles on Lottie’s part, knowing full well the submissive was more like her biggest critic, despite their mixed relationship. “True happiness is to enjoy the present,” Lilith said, quoting a famous Stoic she read recently. “Though there is much to be concerned over... the only thing I can really control is my own thinking. Do you agree?”
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