lilla-witch ¡ 7 months
Spoonie Witch Masterpost
All of my spoonie, disabled, chronically ill, mentally ill, accessible and low-energy witch posts!
These are meant to supplement medication, medical care, and professional treatment. You do not have my permission to use these as a sole alternative for those methods. Please be responsible with your health.
”What’s a Spoonie Witch?”
Spoon theory
~Updated February, 2023~
Click the original post to check for updates!
Bedridden witch:
Bedridden witch - Original edition
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch - Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
Bedridden witch - Ocean edition
Bedridden witch - Love edition
Bedridden witch - Weather edition
Bedridden witch - Garden edition
Bedridden witch - Bath edition
Bedridden witch - Wheel of the Year edition
Bedridden witch - Discreet edition
Bedridden witch - The setup
Bedridden witch - Space edition
Bedridden witch series (all linked in separate post)
Tips and tricks:
Witchcraft in the Hospital
Witchcraft & Meds
Tips for taking meds
Low energy devotional tip
Bath magic made easy
Witchy things for spoonie students
Cleansing (via your phone)
Charging crystals: My version [X] Simple version [X]
For when you can’t sleep
My daily routine
A tip for using salves
Chronic migraine relief
Brainfog lifting
Limited hand mobility + witchcraft
Witchcraft + Aphantasia
Nonverbal witchcraft
Witchcraft for the Chronically Fatigued
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
POTS magic masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Spoonie sigils: (Pain and Symptoms) / (Energy/Motivation and Mental Illness) / (Healing and Misc.)
Spoonie sigils: previous version
Small devotional acts (for the Greek + Roman pantheon)
Some gentle reminders [X] [X]
How I recovered from depression influenced by chronic illness
Dealing with the emotions that come with a diagnosis and some advice I wish I’d gotten
Low energy plants
Magic to replenish energy
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Sick witchery
Probably some other ones I’m missing!
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lilla-witch ¡ 11 months
Secular Celebrations - Beltane
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Beltane comes next, that little threshold holiday between late April and early May, the “spring fling” of our year. Mayday festivals have been around for centuries. Mentions of similar celebrations date back to the Roman Floralia and the Greek Maiouma, which is recorded as far back as the 2nd century BCE in the reign of Emperor Commodus. We also see similar festivals with things like bonfires, dancing, sweetheart rituals, and Maypoles all over Europe, and particularly in the British Isles. In some places, it’s connected with the Feast of St. Walpurgis (most notably the German Walpurgisnacht), and in others, it’s evolved into a kind of warm-weather romp that celebrates the month of May and the full flower of springtime. So there’s a lot of room for interpretation and a lot of activities to choose from if you’re celebrating this holiday as a secular witch.
The overarching theme of the day is definitely love. Love magic, sex magic, love divinations, marriage predictions, renewing of vows...it’s all there. There’s a reason besides the weather that May is the most popular month for weddings, and this might be part of it. So if you’re of a mind to work with any of that, DO IT. Cast spells to find love, attract a sweetheart, reconnect with your current partner, or if you’re single, maybe have a fling. Bring a little extra romance into your life. Just make sure you observe consent and common sense, and practice safe SEX as well as safe hex.
If you’re not interested in any of that, you can also work magic for self-love. Often in our conversations on love magic, we leave out that all-important relation with ourselves. Beltane is a great time to rediscover this. It can be a celebration of yourself and your own power and your own journey. Pamper yourself a bit. Have a home spa day, take a ritual bath, do whatever it is that makes you feel strong and gorgeous. Because spoiler alert - you ARE strong and gorgeous. A-bip-bip-bip...yes you are. Yes. You ARE. Even when you don’t feel like it, you’re an amazing person and the world is a better and more interesting place because you’re in it. So celebrate all the things you love about yourself - your mind, your creativity, your skills, and particularly your body, even if it’s uncooperative or a work in progress. Celebrate your strength and your ongoing metamorphosis into the person you want to be. Whether that journey is mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical, you are not the same person you were last year, and your progress deserves recognition.
Celebrate your communal and familial bonds as well. Connect with the people who make you feel loved and cherished and uplifted. If you can’t attend a party, maybe have a virtual game night or a socially-distanced movie marathon. If you’re working on coming out of your shell, this is a good time to maybe take a step in that direction, even if it’s just a small one.
This is a festival of flowers and fire, fertility and fun, so anything you want to do that involves any of those things would be appropriate. Have a bonfire, if you can do so safely, or light up some candles. Make flower crowns or garlands. Add greenery to your home decor. If you haven’t already planted your garden, or if your starter sprouts are ready and the final frost has passed, get them in the ground. Do some growth magic to help them along. Dress in something that makes you happy and comfortable. Put on your favorite music, dance around the house, and sing like you’re on your very own Broadway stage. Make your favorite foods, maybe experiment with making wine or beer or short mead if you’ve ever wanted to give that a shot. Make candied flowers or candied fruit peel.
Go on a picnic, if the weather allows it. If you’re partial to wildcrafting, gather wild herbs and flowers for your magic, always observing permission to harvest and best practices for your local ecosystem. That means whatever you want to pick, make sure you’re allowed to do so, whether on a spiritual level or on a practical one. Don’t go raiding state parks or your neighbor’s flower garden; you probably don’t have permission to take plants from these places. Take only what you need and don’t pick anything you can’t properly identify or anything that’s endangered. Make sure you label everything too; it saves time later and helps you remember what you’ve picked. I suggest bringing a pocket field guide to local flora to help you out. And while you’re out there, hug your favorite tree. If you have trees or shrubs on your property, decorate them with ribbons and streamers, give them a good drink of water, and thank them for all the oxygen. (Just make sure you take these decorations down and dispose of them properly before they become litter.)
Meditate on your passions. Think about your causes, all the things that put a fire in your belly. Think of what makes you feel happy and fierce and free. Rededicate yourself to the things that matter to you, whether in your witchy practices or your personal life, or the social and political causes that you feel most passionate about.
-from Hex Positive, Ep. 011 - Secular Celebrations (Nov 01, 2020)
Other Posts In This Series:
Spring Equinox
Autumn Equinox
If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop.
The Hex Positive podcast is a proud member of the Nerd and Tie Podcast Network.😊
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lilla-witch ¡ 1 year
Small Devotional Acts Masterpost
Updated Sept. 5th, 2017.
(Click here for latest version)
To Make:
Keep reading
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lilla-witch ¡ 1 year
Sabbats Masterpost
The History of Samhain
Samhain Facts
Samhain Correspondences
Samhain Crystals
Samhain Colors
Samhain Plants
Samhain Incense & Oils
Samhain Animals
Samhain Foods
Samhain Ritual & Magick
Samhain Deities
Samhain Altar Ideas
Samhain Activities
Last Minute Samhain Ideas
The History of Mabon
Mabon Facts
Mabon Correspondences
Mabon Crystals
Mabon Colors
Mabon Plants
Mabon Oils & Incense
Mabon Animals
Mabon Foods
Mabon Ritual & Magick
Mabon Deities
Mabon Altar
Mabon Activities
Last Minute Mabon Ideas
Lughnasadh/Lammas History
Lughnasadh/Lammas Facts
Lughnasadh/Lammas Correspondences
Lughnasadh/Lammas Crystals
Lughnasadh/Lammas Colors
Lughnasadh/Lammas Plants
Lughnasadh/Lammas Incense & Oils
Lughnasadh/Lammas Animals
Lughnasadh/Lammas Food
Lughnasadh/Lammas Ritual & Magick
Lughnasadh & Lammas Deities
Lughnasadh & Lammas Altar Ideas
Lughnasadh & Lammas Activities
Last minute Lammas Ideas
Litha History
Litha Facts
Litha Correspondences
Litha Crystals
Litha Incense & Oils
Litha Colors
Litha Plants
Litha Animals
Litha Foods
Litha Deities
Litha Altar Ideas
Litha Ritual & Magick
Litha Activities
Last Minute Litha Ideas
The History of Beltane
Beltane Facts
Beltane Correspondences
Beltane Incense & Oils
Beltane Colors
Beltane Crystals
Beltane Plants
Beltane Animals
Beltane Altar
Beltane Food
Beltane Deities
Beltane Ritual & Magick
Beltane Activities
Last Minute Beltane Ideas
Ostara History
Ostara Facts
Ostara Correspondences
Ostara Colors
Ostara Crystals
Ostara Incense & Oils
Ostara Plants
Ostara Animals
Ostara Food
Ostara Altar Ideas
Ostara Ritual & Magick
Ostara Deities
Ostara Activities
Last Minute Ostara Ideas
The History of Imbolc
Imbolc Facts
Imbolc Correspondenses
Imbolc Colors
Imbolc Crystals
Imbolc Incense & Oils
Imbolc Plants
Imbolc Animals
Imbolc Food
Imbolc Altar
Imbolc Ritual & Magick
Imbolc Deities
Imbolc Activities
Last Minute Imbolc Ideas
The History of Yule
Yule Facts
Yule Correspondences
Yule Crystals
Yule Colors
Yule Plants
Yule Incense & Oils
Yule Animals
Yule Foods
Yule Ritual & Magick
Yule Deities
Yule Altar
Yule Activities
Last Minute Yule Ideas
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lilla-witch ¡ 1 year
Bedridden Witch Series
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For those of you who don’t know me, I suffer from a chronic illness and I spend a LOT of time bedridden. I also happen to be a witch! I don’t let being trapped in bed stop me from practicing my craft. Here are some resources I’ve compiled from my personal experiences and the help of others <3
Bedridden witch - Original edition
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch- Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
Bedridden witch - Ocean edition
Bedridden witch - Love edition
Bedridden witch - Weather edition
Bedridden witch - Garden edition
Bedridden witch - Bath edition
Bedridden witch - Wheel of the Year edition
Bedridden witch - Discreet edition
Bedridden witch - The Setup
Bedridden witch - Space edition
Mini series:
Bedridden witch - Sun edition
Click the original post to check for updates! Updated December of 2022
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
3 Ways to Manifest Effectively
Manifestation methods are like “vegan spells” or “unsalted rituals” to traditional witches. They are not agents of the occult, but they still are vehicles for magic. So if your faith is strong, then as long as divine timing agrees, you can manifest with ease.
Eat Your Desire
Prepare your favorite food in the world. A bowl of nachos, a slice of roast beef, a pint of ice cream. Whatever it is you crave the most.
Then talk to it. Transform it into your desire.
“You are a first-class ticket to Paris. You are the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower. You are every ride in Disneyland. You are a cute French guy giving me a box of macarons and asking for my number.”
As you say every word, believe it.
Finally, dig in.
Let your desire enter your body. Feel it merge with your soul. Enjoy every single bite, as if you are experiencing not only the taste of the food itself, but the taste of your desire along with it.
Claim Your Dream
Scribble today’s date on your diary.
Then write your dream as if it has already come to pass.
“Dear Diary, I am tired, but happy. The first day at work is always exciting but draining. My colleagues are nice. The guy sitting in front of me is pretty hot. I hope he’s single. My boss said I’ll have to work overtime this weekend. That’s fine. The pay is huge anyway. I hope you too had a nice day.”
As you write every word, imagine that it truly happened.
And then send over that job application.
How can they not accept it when you have already lived it?
Flush Your Fears
Fill a goblet with something dark. Cranberry juice, chocolate milk, red wine. Whatever you can easily find.
Then hold it in your hands, and tell it what you are afraid of.
“I’m 25 and I literally have never been in a relationship. All my friends had their first at like 15. I am an entire decade behind! I want to believe that my soulmate is delayed because the Universe is still writing me an extremely beautiful love story. But let’s be honest. I’ll die a hermit is more like it.”
Truly feel your deepest fears as you speak them out loud.
Now that it is no longer your heart, but rather that goblet, which is holding all your fears, flush its contents down the toilet. Then break the goblet and throw it in the trash for good measure.
The worst possibility has been eliminated. The best is about to be activated.
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
Bedridden Witch: Wheel of the Year Edition
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These will be a combo of low energy and bedridden activities! Please note that absolutely nothing is required in order to honor the seasons besides witnessing them and trying to admire the things they bring <3
Purification, spring cleaning, home and hearth. Winter to Spring.
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Visualize a light cleaning each and every room in your home.
Spray a cleansing spray throughout your bedroom.
Clean an area in your home, big or small. (It could be as simple as making a pile of trash so it’s easier to move later.)
Wash your bedding or rotate your blankets and flip over your pillow.
Change your pajamas.
Bathe yourself (either in the tub or sponge bath style). Infuse some herbs/flowers into the water!
Low energy Imbolc + Imbolc masterpost
Bedridden witch: Cleansing + Bath Magic
New life, growth, celebration of lusciousness. Spring. 
Water your plants and whisper blessings to them.
Plant something new! It can be as simple as a beansprout in a paper cup.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Spray floral water in the air and on your bedsheets.
Have someone bring you some spring flowers.
Draw flower designs or in pastel colors.
Make some herbal/floral tea or infusions.
Burn incense or smoke cleanse.
Drink lots of water.
Ostara masterpost
Bedridden witch: Garden + Pastel
Peak of life, renewal, fire. Spring to Summer.
Wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a full day of light.
Make flower crowns with real, fake or paper flowers.
Braid something (your hair, a bracelet, ribbons, etc.)
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Enjoy some fresh fruits, nuts and seeds.
Drink tea or water infused with fruit.
Decorate with/wear/create things with bright colors
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Decorate a new pot for your plants (painting, sharpies, ribbons, etc.)
Write a list of things you would like to release and burn them (alternatively: tear it up and place in a glass of water).
Beltane masterpost
Bedridden witch: Nature + others linked above.
Sunshine, joy, celebration. Summer.
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Try to be awake and witness both the sunrise and sunset.
Pour an offering of water for the plants (indoors, outside or out the window).
Decorate with flowers and crystals.
Have a picnic (outside, on the kitchen floor or in bed).
Enjoy locally grown fruits and veggies.
Find a way to incorporate honey into your day (scrubs, food, tea, etc.)
Burn beeswax candles.
Listen to music that just sounds like summertime.
Make sun water or sun tea.
Bedridden witch: Elements + others linked above.
First harvest, gratitude, abundance. Summer to Autumn.
Eat grains and local veggies.
Eat bread or your closest alternative.
Start a new project like crocheting or knitting. This is also a great time to finish that project you’ve been avoiding.
Read an entire book, start to finish or finish a book you put down and forgot about.
Infuse berries into water.
Wear and decorate and create with browns, golds, dark greens, oranges and yellows.
Drink rich teas.
Decorate with sunflowers.
Make a mug cake (x)
Low Spoon Ways to Celebrate Lammas
Second harvest, balance, abundance. Autumn.
Drink apple cider or juice.
Decorate your home to make it look more like Autumn (fake or real leaves, acorns, paper cutouts, etc.)
Eat things like breads, nuts, grapes, pomegranates, pies, apples and root vegetables.
Wear/decorate/create with oranges, reds, golds and browns.
Write down all of the things you can think of that you’re thankful for.
Apple magic
Drink warm drinks like coffee or cocoa and add warming spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.)
Create a picnic/feast wherever is reasonable, with a little bit of everything.
Pull up a video of leaves falling or a fire crackling.
Mabon masterpost
Final harvest, honoring ancestors, reflection. Autumn to Winter.
Spiced apple cider
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced-things, pumpkin seeds.
Decorate with small pumpkins, paint them or draw on them if carving is too high-energy.
Create an altar honoring loved ones who have passed on, either a material one or a photo album online.
Pull up a video of a burning fire or light candles.
Turn off all of the lights and sit/lay in darkness.
Visualize your wards and boost your home protection.
Do spirit work/leave offerings for the spirits.
Burn incense/make a spray that smells of spices (cloves, basil, etc.)
Watch spooky/witchy movies.
Creating, sharing gifts and feasts, warmth. Winter.
Create an apple pomander with cloves or dried orange slices.
Watch videos of fires burning or snow falling.
Decorate with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, etc.
Make rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, rooibos or spiced tea.
Step outside/open a window to feel the cold air (if you live somewhere warm, do this in the early morning/night).
Handcraft gifts for loved ones or write heartfelt cards/letters to the people you care about.
Put birdseed outside/a bird feeder by your window.
Make a simmer pot, or use this idea to create a scented spray.
Wash your face with snow/cold water.
Drink hot or spiced drinks.
Yule masterpost.
Bedridden witch: Winter + others linked above. 
You may also like:
Bedridden Witch Series
Spoonie Witch Masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
My resource masterposts: Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule
Links updated June, 2020. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
🔮‘Once Upon a Dream’ Spell❤
ever have a romantic dream and wake to find it untrue?  inspired by disney’s “sleeping beauty”, a spell to share with the other person the same dream 
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I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you’ll do You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
🔮 gather: 3 apple seeds, 3 rose buds, cinnamon, bay leaf, a box.
❤ slip the apple seeds into the rose buds respectively. two are for the other’s eyes, one for your third eye.
🔮 lay your “third eye” on the bay leaf in the box. 
❤ place the other two eyes in the box, sprinkle cinnamon only over them
🔮 leave the box under your bed, in preparation for a future dream or after a dream
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
💘 “The Smolder” love spell 👀
inspired by disney’s “tangled”, a pocket love spell/glamour you can use by fluttering your eyelashes 
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💘  if you wish to enchant a specific mascara or eye shadow, apply the charm to the outside of the makeup container instead of your eyes
👀  gather: moon water, rose petals, and strawberry leaves
💘  dab around eyes with the clean water, avoid direct contact with eyes
👀  dab the water droplets with the rose petals and strawberry leaves.
💘  apply to your eyes either the day/night of, or by makeup
👀  the enchantment words if you wish to use them, are “here comes the smolder”
note: use clean water you don’t mind washing your face with to make the moon water, wash the rose petals and strawberry leaves
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
a love potion.🍓
i spent ages working on a lengthy, detailed post all about imbolc and the goddess brigid for the upcoming sabbat, but just as i was about to finish i accidentally left the site and all was lost! but (though i was pretty miserable about it), i still wanted to post something today. so here’s a simple, sweet potion to help you attract some romance into your life.
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ingredients: frozen raspberries and strawberries, honey, vanilla extract, sun water and an orange.
raspberries and strawberries promote love and fertility, whilst honey can sweeten up any spell and simply make the potion taste nicer (it also has love correspondences). vanilla represents both passion and protection. sun water is magickal in itself and being charged in this way makes the potion especially fiery and romantic. finally, oranges are known for beauty, as well as being associated with the fire element.
feel free to swap out any of these for another similar ingredient to meet any preferences or dietary requirements. for example, if you’re vegan, you could supplement honey for golden/maple syrup.
also note that the measurements for these ingredients will all depend on how much potion you want to brew!
equipment: a kettle, a saucepan (or a cauldron if you’re feeling especially witchy), anything to stir with and a grater, which is optional. you’ll also need any serving glass or bottle of your choice for consuming the potion.
timings: it’s best to make this brew during a new or waxing moon. personally, i like to have this potion at imbolc since it’s a time of transformation for the earth and new life, so why not transform your love life too?
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now for the fun part: the method.
step one: tip the frozen berries into the saucepan on medium-low heat. stir clockwise until the berries stew, meaning they’ll thaw, becoming soft and mushy whilst releasing their juices into the pan. whilst they stew, boil some water in a kettle.
step two: add the hot water to the pan as well as the sun water. keep stirring until the water is just steaming slightly.
step three: add a drizzle of honey and a few drops of vanilla extract.
step four: after stirring again, cut the orange in half and squeeze the juice from both halves into the pan.
step five: your potion is complete! after allowing it to cool, you can serve it in any cup, glass or bottle before enjoying. an optional step is to grate a little orange zest on top.
step six: simply focus on your intent whilst drinking the brew, or say the words:
“by the sun, i beckon a warm and passionate lover, who takes note of my beauty and charm. may they be a sweet partner in all that we do; to this love there shall come no harm.”
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
🌕✨ moon water correspondences ✨🌕
taken from one of my favourite pages of my grimoire! 
moon water can be used for blessings, enhancing spells or rituals, for promoting clarity or relaxation, in love magic, wealth/prosperity magic, to increase psychic awareness, and many other purposes! but by harnessing your moon water at different times, you can then incorporate the specific traits of that time/phase/zodiac period into your spell work. 
✨new moon water ✨
the new moon is associated with new beginnings, so use new moon water in spells or rituals focusing on things like new employment, new relationships, or new homes. 
e.g. when moving into a new home, add a couple of tablespoons of new moon water to the water you would normally use to cleanse your house with!
✨waxing moon water ✨
the waxing moon is the period in which the moon is growing in size, so use waxing moon water as a way to grow the strength of your spells. waxing moon water is also beneficial in spells to promote growth (of abilities, skill, or knowledge). the power of the waxing moon also increases the potency of fertility spells, wealth, luck, business and relationship spells  
✨full moon water ✨
the full moon is the point at which the moon is at its peak, so use full moon water for spells that require an extra push of energy. also use full moon water in spells to promote strength, love, protection, health, or use in spells to strengthen spiritual gifts and achieve your dreams 
✨waning moon water ✨
the waning moon is the period in which the moon is decreasing in size, so use waning moon water for all magic intended to remove things from your life; banishing spells to rid yourself of bad habits, toxic relationships, lingering diseases, weight loss, stress, addictions and negativity 
✨dark moon water ✨
when justice is required and is not obtainable outside of your spell work, casting in the dark of the moon and adding dark moon water will help with any crosses, hexes or binding spells
✨super moon water ✨
think of full moon water x1000000…… when you need an EXTRA BIG KICK OF ENERGY for your spells, this guy has you covered 
✨lunar eclipse moon water ✨
the lunar eclipse signifies change, so when drastic change is required, the addition of lunar eclipse water draws on the phenomenal change shown during an eclipse, as the moon cycles through all of its stages in a single instance
✨zodiac* moon water ✨
full moon water also takes on the energies of the zodiac sign the full moon is in. here’s a brief rundown of those properties and/or what they can be used for:
1) full moon water in aries = couragous, positive energy; charging tools 2) full moon water in taurus = stable, earth, fertile energy 3) full moon water in gemini = positive charge, overcoming obstacles 4) full moon water in cancer = loving, maternal, protective energies 5) full moon water in leo = lucky, creative, successful energy; arts, politics 6) full moon water in virgo = practical energy; facilitates planning 7) full moon water in libra = persuasive, balancing energies; legal matters 8) full moon water in scorpio = psychic, spiritual, banishing energy  9) full moon water in sagittarius = transforming, spiritual energy; meditation 10) full moon water in capricorn = careers, politics, attaining material goods 11) full moon water in aquarius = innovative, inventive energies 12) full moon water in pisces = dreamy, psychic energy; astral projection
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
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Cinnamon - money, luck, success, prosperity
Marjoram - wealth, happiness, protection
Oregano - action, courage, energy
Basil - prosperity, success, wealth, happiness
Clove - prosperity, protection
Thyme - luck, prosperity, health
Gold glitter - luck, prosperity, money
I made this super simple but powerful money spell jar during the last full moon! My intention while putting everything together was “Prosperity and money come to me by happy means”✨💚
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
Aphrodite’s sugar scrub spell
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This face scrub is my own concoction and works better then any store bought face mask. You can save it in the fridge for up to two weeks or make a smaller fresh batch every time you feel your skin needs that extra pickup.
Things you will need:
Small air tight jar (if keeping longer then one use) or bowl
Tumbled rose quartz crystal - Self love
Parsley - Sacred to Venus and Aphrodite. Brightens skin and fights bacteria. 
Sugar - Drawing romance to you. Exfoliate agent.
Honey - Sweetens your appearance. Slows down ageing process. 
Olive oil - Sacred to Aphrodite. Moisturizes skin.
Lemon juice - Purifies your spell and pairs well with love spells. Clarifies the skin.
Rose petals - Symbol of love. Soothes irritation. 
Place rose petals into the bottom of your bowl or jar and set your rose quartz over top of them. Pour a small amount of each ingredient over the quartz, envisioning them pulling the self loving properties from the stone and into the scrub. Mix all ingredients together to form a thick paste. 
Massage over the face avoiding eyes and wash with a warm cloth. Then enjoy your smooth exfoliated skin!
Note: Don’t forget to remove your quartz after and wash it thoroughly to be used again!
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
Love Spell for A Third Party
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This love spell is designed for you to cast, with the intent of finding love for a person who is not present. You will cast this spell on behalf of someone else for which you wish to find love. Aren’t you just the cupid?
You will need:
A small pink candle
Vanilla Extract
A an open window or outdoor space
Carve the name of the person who you’re trying to find love for into the pink candle. Mix together your vanilla extract and rosewater, and anoint your candle with it. 
Light your candle. As it burns, think about the person you are casting the spell for. Imagine them in love. Imagine qualities of an ideal partner for them. As the candle burns, think about this person. You can read tarot spreads about this person. Make lists of potential partners. Draw them. Whatever you do, just keep thinking about this person falling in love.
As it burns, think about the smoke from your candle snaking out of your open window and floating towards the sky. Imagine it being breathed in by potential partners everywhere as the smoke disperses. Imagine it inhabiting the air, drawing people closer.
You may burn the candle all in one session or spread it out over time, but each time you burn it, repeat the same steps; anoint your candle, think about this person, and make sure the smoke can escape outdoors. Repeat until the candle burns down to nothing. 
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
Love Drawing Bath Soak
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This bath salt recipe is intended to draw romantic love to its user. Immerse your body in this citrusy pink salt soak and let the oils and roses do their work.
1 cup coarse Himalayan Pink Salt
2 tablespoons of baking soda
Âź cup of lavender buds
Âź cup of orange rinds
1 handful of miniature roses
8 drops of Sweet Orange Oil
4 drops of Rose Absolute 
Soak in hot water. Bathe until the heat dissipates. 
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
“Love-me-not” - a spell/ritual for detaching feelings from an item and helping to heal after a breakup [EXPERIMENTAL].
A.k.a. my intentions are pure so I hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass a.k.a. my first original magick work.
You need a motivation! In this case, a breakup. This spell is for when you break up (for example because your partner is toxic) but want neither of you to be hurt.
Do your usual prep. Making a circle, lighting candles, calling upon the elements, whatever gets you in the mood and ready, I guess. I lit the candles and visualized a shield around me, as well as asked my goddesses for protection and guidance.
Lay the item (in my case a ring, a gift I got from my boyfriend) in front of you.
Close your eyes and hold your hands above the item. Visualize the love fleeing (in my case as pink hearts).
After it is done, visualize and feel putting new energy (colored purple in my case) into the item as you say “I want you to be happy, I want me to be happy too. I’m putting my indifference in and letting go of you I do.”
Finalize the ritual. I additionally asked Aphrodite to guide me on a new path of romance.
After you break up, give them back the item. If they refuse, you can either discard it right away or keep it for your own healing process.
As a precaution - don’t give it to anyone else until you’ve cleansed it/nullified the spell.
I know I’m not that knowledgeable about spells yet but I desperately needed it… If you have an advice on how to improve it, I’ll gladly hear it.
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lilla-witch ¡ 3 years
Ending romantic feelings (a few different spells)
To Rid Yourself of an Unwanted Admirer or Ex-Lover Who Will Not Take No for an Answer
You will need:
A gray candle and a white candle close together
Three nights, beginning on Saturday
The Spell:
Light the gray candle for yourself and say: "No more notice me. I am free, surrounded by the mists of invisibility."
Move the unlit white candle away from yours, saying: "No longer desire me or seek connection. My rejection though kindly is clear. Find love and life new, the binding is through, and you shall no longer be near."
Blow out the candle.
On night too, light the gray candle, repeat the first words, and moved the unlit white candle farther away from yours, repeating the second words.
Again blow out the candle.
On night 3, move the unlit white candle as far away as possible from yours, saying: "Follow your own path in joy; no longer walk along mine."
Like the white candle and let it burn through and then like the gray candle, saying: "May the mists of invisibility remain between us perpetually as you go your way and I mine."
Extinguish the gray candle and dispose of it and any wax from the white candle.
For Cutting the Ties of a Destructive Relationship or One That is Going Nowhere
You will need:
A dark blue pillar candle
A length of thin red curtain cord or strong thread
A container of soil
Saturday after dark
The Spell:
Light the candle and say: "By the power of fire, I am set free."
Tie a knot in the center of the cord and say: "Tie and wind and seek to find freedom from [name the destructive person or situation]."
Hold the knot over the flame with the cord taught in both hands.
Say: "The cord between us was long. The cord between us was strong. But now it is decaying, fraying, burning, breaking."
Drop both burned halves into the pot of soil, letting the flame burn out, saying: "The link is broken, and I am free."
Bury the charred cords where nothing grows, still in the soil from the spell.
A Hand-Parting Spell
You will need:
A dark red cord about 3 to 6 and 1/2 yards long
A tree
The hour before sunset
The Spell:
Wind the cord around a tree nine times, securing it with a very loose not, looping the over other end over your hands.
Slowly unwind the cord from the tree, moving in circles farther and farther from the tether, chanting: "Hand part, my heart; hand fast, not last; let go, unwind, unbind, untie, release, too tight bonds now must cease."
With a final tug, pull the knot free, unloop your hands, and as you do so, say: "Unbound, unwound, hand parted, and so life begins anew; the ties are through."
Loop the cord over the trees so that it will decay naturally.
A Second Rainy Day Ritual to End a Destructive Relationship When a Lover or Ex Won't Accept That it's Over
You will need:
A large circle of green paper
A black pen
Pens of various colors
When the rain is steadily falling and look set to continue for much of the day
The Spell:
On one half of the paper circle, draw an image to represent yourself in black pen, and on the other half, the two of you together.
Draw a jagged line down the middle and cut the paper circle in half.
Place the half representing the relationship from which you wish to be severed in the rain, saying, "Not to harm you, but to calm; you must let go, it shall be so. New love you'll fine when you release me from your heart and mind."
Leave the half representing the relationship in the rain until it has dissolved.
Color the image of yourself in bright patterns and right across it, I AM FREE.
Pin it on a wall until you find new love and forge a new life without your ex.
A Venus Ritual for Moving on From a Broken Heart
You will need:
A green candle
A ring or bracelet in copper, Venus's metal
A small bag of old metal nails
An empty bowl
Friday, the first hour after dawn, Venus's day and hour
The Spell:
Light the candle.
Put on the copper ring or bracelet, touching it and then your heart with the index finger of your dominant hand, and say, "Lady Venus, morning star, call gentle love from near or far. Send me to a lover new, who will always to me be true."
Take off the ring, shake the bag of rusty nails hard, and say, "Lady Venus, fierce evening star, this old love does my future mar. Release me from my broken heart, for shattered I am that we did part."
Drop the nails one by one into the bowl, then say, "No more cruel love, for I grieve you. By the light of Venus, my thoughts you shall leave."
Put on the ring or bracelet again, saying, "Venus, star of morning, my life begins again with this new dawning."
Wear the bracelet/ring, dispose of the nails, and let the candles burn through.
"1001 Spells: The Complete Book of Spells for Every Purpose," by Cassandra Eason
@Xultimatekarix I hope one of these works for you 🖤
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