Sneak Peak
Lillyanna Devore: Fangs,Love,War By. Kara Weigand Prologue In London,England on dark and foggy but rainy chilly night in the square, my parents were driving home from work and went across the bridge and the car slide across and a on coming car was all of a sudden in our view and father tried to grip the car to move back to our side of the rode. The car instead went over the bride side and into the river. Mother tried to unlock her seatbelt but it was stuck and dad was already gone due to the water seaping through the windows. She tried to wiggle out to help him to try and save him but water was filling the car more and more and suddenly the water filled and she lost breath and drowned and they were both suddenly gone. The funural was difficult, luckly i was with my aunt and uncle that tragic night , my aunt was broken since my mother was her only sister, I looked alot like my mother and my aunt loved me more then anything as if I was one of her own. Chapter one . The humans are out and about drinking their rum and beer coming in and out of the Mayflower Pub as they light up cigars. I was ten years old at home sitting by the fireplace playing with my dolls and dollhouse, watching cartoons and eating cookies that my grandmama made me. My mom also brushed my hair after making me change into my pj’s and tucking me into my bed and giving me a kiss while reading me my favorite bedtime story called Good Night Moon, the same routine that we did every single night at bedtime as my father worked on his studies of biology in his office in the basement of our house. Years later when i turned about fifteen years old my parents left me with my grandparents while they went out to go party with their friends which were our neighbors Mr and Mrs. Crigley. They decided to go across London to the pub called The Albert which was located in Victoria, London. year when i turned five and my parents were at the corner pub called O'Riley's getting drunk while playing pool. A few hours later they decided to leave and they walked home. It was dark and a little chilly, as they reach the alley which everyone knows is never safe at night daddy told mommy it was safe and everything would be fine and suddenly as they walked through that alley way a man with a black cloak with a face that was unseen attacked them both and killed my parents. Weeks later after the funeral my aunt and uncle took me in and raised me and a witch killed my uncle a year later. 1991 my aunt remarried and I had a new uncle and he was also a werewolf and marked me and I became a werewolf since the night he turned me, it didn't hurt much well at least not for long. My name is Lillyanna Devore and I am going to find my parents murderer and I will fight for my future and my freedom and my future children if I have any and I am a werewolf. The year of 2003 I turned 18 years old, I left home school and started going to public school. My step uncle didn't think it was safe, he was very old school and had lots of beliefs that I felt weren't my taste of beliefs. He believed that each kind that existed could not coexist with the opposite of what you were. He believed that you could never trust a witch, that you couldn't fall in love with a vampire they were our biggest enemies. Also if you are a hybrid of some sort you were a killer, danger and couldn't be trusted because what skills and powers you could have or even gain. I walk into school with my hair curled and down for the day wearing my black skinny jeans, red and black plaid shirt and I put my backpack in my locker and put my hair up into a messy bun. I went to the office to grab my class schedule and went to my first class following behind the principal's assistant named Gabriela. After school I went to my favorite little cafe just in the square, I seen my best friend across the street, she is looking at a dress in the window of a little botique across the street. “Bailey!” i shouted as she waved excitedly and ran across the street holding her hat on her head. “Hey” she said with a smile and huged me, “What are you doing down here, I thought you’d be home doing your studies?” she asked and i shook my head. “ No, I decided I needed a break and I wanted to walk around to get inspiration for my art class, i’m working on a painting”. “Oh that sounds lovely Lilly, hows your aunt?” “she’s good, she’s trying to stay strong and hold on since my uncle died” “oh, that’s still so crazy that he died, he was such a good man i’ve been praying for you”. “Thank you, although life has been hectic for me ever since that happend, i’ve been simply trying to get into the University of Arts and Design, dont get me wrong, I love to draw and pant but I also like to sing, dance and play guitar.” “Then why don’t you?” , “because I can’t disapoint my aunt, she’s wanting me to continue this art stuff because that is what my uncle would of wanted, but yet I dont feel that into it anymore.” She puts her hand on my shoulder and looks at me “then go for it, chase your dreams Lilly” she smiles and chuckles and I laugh back. “I better get going, I have to go shopping” I smile and turn and walk away and wave as I leave.”Bye” she waves and turns to head home. Chapter Two It’s nearly dark outside and I’m walking down a alley way so I can get home, I hear something knocking over trash cans and running in the bushes near the woods. “Hello?” I call out “who’s out there?”. My heart starts beating and something comes over me and my eyes turn yellow and my senses come to surface and I have no clue whats happening to me and a shadow moves out from behind the tree and growls and it comes into the light and it’s a blonde/golden wolf and he stares at me and sniffs the air and he grows again and forces me to bow my head and I look up at him. “Who are you?” , he looks at me and looks at my necklace and i look down and take it off and show it to him “this?” and he nods “i dont understand, who are you and how do you know of my family necklace?.” “Because your part wolf and i am also part man” he says and i can hear the thoughts as he speaks through his teeth and he changes into human and looks at me and i fall to the ground and my eyes widen. “No! Get away!, who are you! What do you want?.” He laughs and puts his hand out to mine and nods “i’m not going to hurt you, my name is Gabriel, your name is Lillyanna ? right, you dont remember me when we were little?.” I stand up and look at him , he’s so handsome and I begin to blush and I shake my head. “No , I don’t remember you but how do you know me?”. “Come with me” he asks for my hand and I look at him trying to decide rather to trust him our not. “It’s okay, you can trust me, we were once friends, im surprise you don’t remember me, although I was told by my parents they erased your memory so you could live a normal life.” “Wait, come into the light” I ask and pull him into the light and my eyes widen as he looks down at me. “Gabriel?” shocked that now everything is coming back to me the memories flow quickly through my head like a fast scene in a movie or slide show and I snap back to reality and look at him. “Gabriel!” hugs him and he smiles “yes , it’s me”.
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"Love not war"
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