lilmama133-blog1 · 7 years
Cutest Baby Registry Items!
This is a collection of cute/handy baby registry items to add to your registry. I am looking at Wal-Mart.com and will list pictures and prices of the products for both boys and girls.
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I have this stroller and car seat combo for my daughter. I love the pattern and that it is a click connect. I got this as a gift at my baby shower and it is currently marked down to $100.00. I also like the cup holder and the additional storage spots on this stroller and recommend it. (Graco Priscilla Stroller and Car Seat)
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I thought this was a cute unisex stroller and car seat combo with the zoo animals and grey. It is currently marked $110.16 on Wal-Mart. (bobble heads baby trend envy travel system)
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This is a beautiful pack'n'play with a mobile and a removable diaper stacker. It also has a removable full sized bassinet insert which I really like. It is marked down to $69. 97 right now. (baby trend floral garden pack n play)
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Marked as $79.13 this pack n play has a reversible napper and changer all in 1. (Graco pack n play playard Miami)
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This rocker can even transition into a bassinet. It lights up, rocks, sings, and vibrates. It is currently $54.99 (Bright Starts Light up Lagoon 2 in 1 rocker)
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I am in love with this adorable swing! It has such cute toys and a pretty pattern with butterflies and flowers. It is $59.99 (Bright Starts Butterfly Dreams Portable Swing)
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I am considering getting this unisex swing for Violet. Brian and I both love it! We just aren't sure if we like that there is only one toy on it. However, we could probably attach more toys on it. It is suppose to be good for travel which would be perfect for us and it is super cute. It is $69.97 (Ingenuity Convertme portable Swing Moreland).
Diaper Bags:
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Brian is considering getting this as his 'daddy diaper bag'. It has 12 pockets, hard wipes case, insulated pocket, and is a backpack. It comes in a few different colors. It is $33.00 (J is for Jeep Perfect Pockets Backpack Diaper bag)
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This is a really stylish and pretty bag. It has a pocket for your smart phone, bottle pockets, changing pad, built in stroller clips, removable shoulder straps, and its just wicked pretty. It is also really well priced at $19.96 (Ipack tote diaper bag Chevron)
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This diaper bag has 3 internal and 3 external pockets and includrd a foldable porta bed. I think this is cute, I personally wouldn't get it due to the short straps, but some people don't mind shorter straps. It is $43.99 (Tender Kisses Elephant Diaper Bag Gray/Aqua)
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lilmama133-blog1 · 7 years
What They DON’T Tell You About Pregnancy!
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Hey guys.
This entry is about the things they do NOT commonly tell you about pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant at 18 I knew about the stereotypical pregnancy symptoms (Morning sickness, weight gain, peeing a lot, being hungry, missed period), but there’s so much more than that! I don’t think you really know what pregnancy is until you go through it. So, to any new mommys or anyone just curious here is a sneak peak to what you are in for during pregnancy. Just remember every pregnancy is different. You may or may not experience what I have with both of my pregnancies. Any serious concerns or questions please bring up with your obgyn or midwife right away!
Okay, I didn’t know I was pregnant until around 12 weeks. I totally knew something was up though. So didn’t my boyfriend. I remember being very irritable, extreme fatigue no matter how much I slept, my back pain was the biggest issue, I was craving food but I was also newly out on my own and was living off of Spaghetti O’s and Ramen so I didn’t think much of it at the time, I lost track of my period so that did not stand out, and I was having to use the bathroom nonstop. Eventually I noticed little bumps on my nipples. Now that I look back at it, it is totally obvious. I was in denial however. My boyfriend kept saying he thought I was pregnant, but I didn’t believe him. I felt like total shit basically. I always assumed the further you were the worse the symptoms were, that was far from the truth for me with both pregnancies though. I would go to bed early, then by time lunch came around at my work I would be ready for a nap. I mostly remember the intense back pain though. This pregnancy my biggest first trimester symptoms were morning sickness, and fatigue. Morning sickness is NOT just in the morning. I was sick day and night. Saltine crackers and sea bands help! Other than that stay hydrated and ride it out.
2.) What Is “ T.M.I.”?
I used to always be very private about my body, my bathroom business, and anything personal. When you are pregnant you have to forget the meaning of “T.M.I.” for your and babys safety. I do not know the process of having a midwife, but with a OBGYN they will ask you everything and they will see everything. You will have to explain your discharge to them (any odors, coloring, excessive discharge, and the texture), your doctor will do exams of your vagina, the beginning pregnancy ultrasounds are usually internal. Internal ultrasounds are when the put the camera inside of your vagina to see the baby. It is super uncomfortable and awkward at first. Just try not to tense up, it’ll hurt much worse. If you just relax and breathe you’ll be fine. It’ll be uncomfortable but won’t hurt as long as you do NOT tense up. Your doctor will have to take swabs inside of your vagina which are uncomfortable, but do not hurt. Same rule, don’t tense up. Eventually you will get to where your doctor checks your cervix (Not until later pregnancy unless you have complications like I did my first pregnancy). This process isn’t fun. He will glove up and reach all the way into your vagina to your cervix (deep asf) and feel if your cervix is opening. He sees this by seeing how many (if any) fingers he can fit into the cervix opening. It does not feel like getting fingered because it is much deeper than that. It is uncomfortable, and probably will hurt honestly. My first pregnancy I had my mom, sister, boyfriend, a nurse, three students, and a team from a bigger hospital watching me give birth due to her being a premature. All of those people saw my vagina that probably looked like a black hole with a head coming out. My mom saw my boobs while trying to help me figure out how to pump. TMI is not in my vocabulary anymore. 
3.) You Will Have A Set Of Strict Rules!
We all know the basics,
you shouldn’t smoke/drink/use drugs while pregnant. What you do NOT know is there is much more. You shouldn’t be lifting 50lbs or more due to increased risk of miscarry or early labor. You also can NOT change cat liter. Under any circumstances! It is very harmful to your baby and could cause a fatal event of losing the baby even. What you inhale from cat liter suffocates the baby is what I was told (I have two cats) so, my boyfriend changes the cat box now. Say “goodbye” to the cold meat sandwiches and rare cooked meat. These can cause infections, also they’ll probably make you feel sick. If you can or cannot have sex will depend on your pregnancy. If you are high risk then you will probably be put on pelvic rest. Just to be safe try not to get semen inside of you, semen can weaken your cervix (causing you to go into preterm labor). It sucks having to go without intimacy, but if it is best for baby then do it. Stop drinking the soda and taking in so much sugary foods if you are! Your baby needs water. A lot of it too! Ask your OB or Midwife how much water they want you to have a daily intake of. You can easily dehydrate while pregnant, which can cause preterm labor as well. My best advice is buy a big water bottle with a straw attached and just carry it with ice water everywhere you go. Those are just some of your new temporarily rules.
To any moms who are drinking/smoking/smoking pot or using other drugs while pregnant... This is putting your baby at high risk so please don’t. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant. It was hard, but possible. I just slowly weaned myself off. Do not quit cold turkey because it will stress your baby, but wean off. Talk to your OBGYN or midwife about quitting. I also was a social drinker and a daily pot smoker. Though there may not be any studies proving marijuana hurts baby in the womb, why chance it? As of right now, there has yet to be a ton of research on it. Most mothers who smoke weed while pregnant also are smoking tobacco or using alcohol so the results in many studies are unclear. It really isn’t hard to quit or temporarily quit for your baby. It isn't about you anymore, it is about the baby. Most OBGYNs do drug test you by the way, do you really want CPS involved just because you wanted to smoke weed to get rid of the pregnancy migraines or morning sickness (They are mandated to inform CPS of any positive drug result, even marijuana) ? I got through it all without it even during an extremely complicated pregnancy, so can you.
4.)  Preparing For Baby Can Be Stressful
Everyone gets on Pinterest to plan their dream nursery when they find out they are pregnant, or google all of those cute baby name ideas. You have no idea though. For your first born I highly suggest someone throws you a baby shower. This way you save $ on some baby items. I got one of my strollers, carrier, high chair, pack n play, walker, blankets, and many other smaller items at my baby shower. I am so thankful for it too! Those things are expensive, girl! Ask for diapers, wipes, dreft, gripe water, and any baby soaps or lotions too. You can make a baby registry on Walmart (I did mine on Walmart and liked it) so your guests know what things you want. Walmart has a check list so you make sure you know what to ask for also. I think you can also make a registry on Amazon, Buy Buy Baby, and other online stores as well. Not to mention the gas prices to appointments, having to take off of work or school, your grocery bill may spike up, and you will have medical bills. Try to put some money away for when baby is here as well. 
5.) Self Esteem
I know you’re suppose to gain weight during pregnancy. However, I have had a rollercoaster of a time with self esteem during both pregnancies. My last pregnancy I was all belly, for this one I mostly am too but have gained a bit more than last time. Sometimes I will cry because it is hard for me to feel sexy or beautiful when I am constantly reminded how huge I am getting, and when I can’t fit in all of my clothes anymore. Not to mention the stretch marks, increased breast size, increased discharge, and not being able to do all of the fun things with my boyfriend I could before or being able to do my house chores for him. Self esteem is a massive struggle for me during pregnancy needless to say. All I can really say is know that the weight will go away if you work hard to lose it afterwards (I was back to my normal weight a few months after my first pregnancy). Other than that, try your best to eat healthy and if able get moderate exercise (I cannot since I am on bed rest). Even though I am on bed rest I try to shower and get ready everyday to help with how I feel about my appearance. Some days showering is too much and I cannot stand that long without having contractions...So, I just do it when I am able to. Just remember you will get an amazing gift out of all of this!
Well, I think those are the main things I didn’t think of/know about pregnancy. There’s more probably but that is what comes to mind at the moment. 
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lilmama133-blog1 · 7 years
First Blog Post!
Hey guys.
So, this is just going to be a quick little entry summarizing what my blog is and a bit of who I am. I am 20 years old, I have two babies. One passed a way at only 8 days old in a NICU due to premature complications. I was pregnant with her at 18 years old. I was 28 weeks pregnant when I had her, it was a very complicated pregnancy from the beginning. I am now currently 27 weeks pregnant with our second daughter, Violet. This pregnancy has had complications, but not nearly as much as my first pregnancy. I see a OBGYN as well as a specialist that is about 2 1/2-3 hours away from my town. I also take a weekly McKenna injection and am on bed rest. 
My plan is for my blog to be about topics such as the following:
Pregnancy, young motherhood, post-partum, pregnancy complications, DITL, relationships, my experience with NICUs and hospitals, really anything about my journey with motherhood and grieving my first born.
I hope you all follow and read, I am going to be keeping my blog as active as possible. I am actually going to post a few more articles after this one if you want to look at them. Feel free to message me, ask me questions, give me ideas, or etc! Thanks!
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