lilming · 4 years
     Many advertisers will use free Google Analytics to track advertising effectiveness, which is already an outdated practice. Most companies prefer to use the last-click attribution model instead of chasing impressions and clicks. "Last click" is an unreasonable attribute of the sales result to the last advertising message before the consumer purchases, while ignoring the efforts of other advertising marketing to successfully guide consumers.      For example, if a consumer sees McDonald's while watching YouTube, he will think: "The fish burger looks good." Next he searched for a nearby McDonald's. A search advertisement took him to the McDonald's homepage, and there was a promotional picture on the homepage that said, "The latest promotion, fish burgers 10% off". When a consumer buys a fish burger, it is likely that the advertiser will attribute the sale only to the last promotional advertisement. But in fact, consumers already have the desire to buy, and the first two advertisements successfully led him to find fish burgers.
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lilming · 4 years
I hope to establish a company to help some sports forums analyze customer preferences and push more efficient advertisements. I hope to first classify and label the content in the forum such as news, articles, pictures, and videos. Then analyze the customer's preferences and concerns based on the customer's browsing and search. After collecting the data, my company will recommend related sports products and competitions to customers. In my vision, the first to benefit from advertising is the corporate customers. Their products or services will be recommended to their desired target customers. Secondly, customers who use the forum will also benefit. The advertisements they see are advertisements that arouse their interest. This means they will not be bothered by irrelevant ads. It may be common to push advertisements after using big data analysis, but services that focus on sports are more attractive to customers. I think only focusing on one industry or one type of advertising will be more professional and effective. So I think my service will be very competitive in sports forums.
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lilming · 4 years
The customer data platform is a marketing technology that collects and integrates a series of online and offline data. With the help of the customer data platform, marketers can view detailed analysis reports, create customer profiles, target audiences, customer segments and single customer views, and improve the effectiveness of advertising and marketing activities by exporting the data to other systems. CDP is a good assistant for marketers in the field of digital marketing. CDP is usually applied to personalize digital campaigns to realize unify customer data, and to assist in mapping out the customer journey/experience. It can also be used to report on campaign performance and ROI, to build and maintain targetable audience segments, and to extract actionable customer segments. CDP aggregates customer data from various sources and platforms. Then, you can promote better sales communication, get better reports and measurements, and gain advanced insights.
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lilming · 4 years
Transactional email
Every time you open the mailbox, you will receive one or several transactional emails. Good advertising emails need to grasp the focus of promotion and user interests. I think that a good email needs a well-designed body content. Bad use of colors, bad font size, and bad font selection will all affect feelings of customers. These will lead to the loss of some potential customers. Secondly, messy pictures will lead to the failure of the entire transactional email.When a bad product image appears in the email, the customer will have no interest. If the link of the picture is wrong, it will also cause disappointment to the customer. Third, exaggerated titles and content that does not conform to the title will completely lose some customers. Customers do not like to be deceived. When they are disappointed, it will have a negative impact on the brand. Too frequent emails will take up customer space, which will cause customer impatientness. I think one or two emails a week are appropriate. At the same time, customers don’t want to receive emails at night, because after a day’s work, no one wants to open their mailbox to check emails. I think it’s a good time to send transactional emails at 1-3 PM. Good emails will increase sales, and bad emails will lose some users.
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lilming · 4 years
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lilming · 4 years
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lilming · 4 years
WeChat and Tiktok
WeChat is mainly social, which facilitates the communication and contact between people. It is precisely because of this function that in the process of communication between people, buying and selling transactions can be carried out. Some merchants have begun to conduct business activities in WeChat. Groups can also be established in WeChat, and a group of target groups can be gathered in a group to communicate and publish activities, which facilitates the transmission of information between people and the interaction of communication and exchange relationships. Marketing in WeChat needs to find ways to find customers. When there are a certain number of customers, business activities can be better carried out.
The carrier of Douyin is short video, which is spread in the form of short video. With the continuous development of science and technology, the way of information dissemination led by WeChat will gradually be transformed into a mode of dissemination in the form of short videos. Since the emergence of Douyin, WeChat is no longer the main carrier for customer gathering, and a large number of customers have poured into Douyin. In Douyin, as long as the creator completes the video content, you will get a large number of fans. This is attributed to the powerful algorithm mechanism in the background, which does not require creators to find fans. As long as they do their own video content, they will get many fans.
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lilming · 4 years
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lilming · 4 years
Puma introduced this new shoe. I think this ad would be better if it uses video. I think the video can better show the performance and design of this pair of shoes. The reasonable use of Puma's spokesperson in video ads will be more conducive to selling this shoe. I think Nike has done a very good job in video advertising. Nike's marketing methods are also outstanding among sports brands. On the one hand, through its spokespersons, such as cooperating with basketball superstars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James to promote its basketball products, on the other hand, its advertising films are mostly positive and forward-looking styles. In this case, Puma can use celebrities to endorse this shoe. They can show the advantages of the product in video ads. 
If the brand can tell the stories they like based on the interest of audience, it will not only attract them to finish the advertisement, help you successfully build the brand image, but also achieve sales conversion, allowing the brand to achieve outstanding performance overseas. In addition, brands can also incorporate efficient advertising materials into the video, such as attractive slogan, to encourage viewers to visit the brand's website or directly purchase after watching the video. So I think sometimes video ads are better than print ads.
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lilming · 4 years
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lilming · 4 years
The rating system is important of for the development of an enterprise and is necessary for an enterprise to improve its service level and customer satisfaction. The rating system reflects the service quality of service providers and quantifies the service quality. So that better service providers get better benefits. In this era of advanced Internet commerce, many apps have scoring mechanisms, such as Amazon’s products, Uber’s experience, and the evaluation of food delivery people. User satisfaction is usually measured with five stars as a perfect score. "As long as there is nothing bad, give it full marks. There is no need to embarrass others." When everyone thinks this way, the normalization of full marks begins. This phenomenon will reduce the discrimination of the evaluation system, resulting in the evaluation system not being able to play the role it should have. Such ratings cannot correctly reflect the real service quality, high-quality services cannot be seen by more people, and poor-quality services will not be enterprising. Furthermore, consumers cannot choose the service provider, and the platform will lack many directions for improvement. When the service provider morbidly pursues "praise rate" instead of "good service", then this evaluation system has already gone wrong. Because everyone has acquiesced in the major premise of "praise ≠ good service", the evaluation system is naturally useless. 
I think the following factors will normalize full marks: 1. When the official guide users to give praise. In the evaluation interface of some software, if you select five stars, the text box is optional. If you select four stars, you must fill in the reason why it is four stars. These systems will inevitably increase full marks. 2. When scoring is a necessary part of the consumption process. For products such as Amazon and Uber, evaluation is the last link in the entire consumption process. Only when this link is completed can the entire process be considered complete. Once scoring becomes a must in the consumption process, a large number of users who are not sensitive to service quality will score full marks. 
When the official guidance on praise is cancelled and "evaluation" is used as an option in the consumption process, the evaluation system will have its original meaning. 
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lilming · 4 years
A good UI and UX design will certainly good at serving the purpose for the brand and campaign. User experience design is the process of improving customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use and pleasure provided by the interaction between customers and products. The task of the UI designer is to determine the appearance of the user interface, and the UX designer is responsible for determining how the user interface works. Their work determines the surface and function of the product, how the product is organized and how all parts are related to each other. In short, together they design how the interface works. If it works well and feels seamless, users will have a good experience. But if the navigation is complicated, then a bad user experience is likely to occur. For example, the user experience of the iPhone helped Apple retain most of its customers. When they choose to replace their phones, the iPhone is still their first choice. I think it is the key to user experience that it is convenient, comfortable and fast enough for users to meet their needs through your product. So after doing this, the product will of course be very popular. 
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lilming · 4 years
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lilming · 4 years
Oreo Campaign
Oreo is one of the most successful cookies. They held an excellent digital marketing campaign on the occasion of their 100th birthday in 2012. Every day for 100 days, Oreo will post interesting pictures related to Oreo cookies on social platforms. They chose Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr as their marketing platforms very smart. At that time, people started to use social media, and such an interesting promotion helped Oreo gain a huge number of followers. I’ve also learned a bit about this marketing campaign. I found that Oreo’s marketing team not only creates interesting ideas, they also create topics based on hot news that happened at the time. For example, the pictures created by events such as the Olympic Games and the Cycling Tour de France are more attractive to sports fans. At that time, the release of Batman movies was also used by Oreo as a source of creativity. The rainbow-colored Oreo pictures also sparked discussions at the time. I believe these discussions will increase attention of Oreo. I think this marketing strategy is successful. The reason for success is that they chose the right time and method. At the same time, creativity and brand awareness made this perfect marketing strategy.
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lilming · 4 years
I think the purpose of digital marketing is to build brand awareness. Different from traditional marketing, digital marketing uses digital technology to make marketing targeted, measurable, and interactive. I think digital marketing can help advertising more efficiently. It enables advertisements to be delivered to more suitable users. This makes it easier for customers to remember the brand's services or products. Nowadays, e-commerce also relies heavily on digital marketing. Large companies will set up dedicated digital marketing teams to record and monitor sales activities, and small companies will gradually transform to e-commerce. As people use the Internet more frequently, digital marketing will not only help build brand awareness, but also promote sales. 
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