lilwrenn · 3 years
Everyday we drift further from the light
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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People have written a lot of touchy-feely pieces on this subject but I thought I’d get right to the heart of the matter
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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he protecc
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lilwrenn · 3 years
When I was a baby I didn’t know how to pronounce ‘dog’ so I called them ‘doddens’ which I think is significantly a better word for dogs than dog
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lilwrenn · 3 years
hey girl your wanted posters don't do you justice
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lilwrenn · 3 years
A 25 year old woman calling a 16 year old anime boy her husband and a 25 year old guy calling a 16 year old anime girl his wife is the same
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lilwrenn · 3 years
Ted Cruz isnt laying eggs anymore and hes a losing all his feathers more than normal I’m worried hes sick
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lilwrenn · 3 years
you pondering your orb again? heh. well I pondered my girlfriend's orbs this morning.
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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they're preparing for the Queen
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lilwrenn · 3 years
Offense intended, some of you are dumb
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lilwrenn · 3 years
I fully believe the queen is dead and they just don’t wanna deal with a funeral before Christmas so they’re keeping her on ice (aka life support) till spring.
apparently the entire country has to do a 12 day long mourning and the BBC is legally banned from putting on any comedy show during that week AND they have to shut down the London stock exchange for one whole day... now I'm not saying they're weekends at Bernie's-ing that colonizer to keep the stock exchange open, but....
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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now dance fucker dance man he never had a chance
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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WHOA! you’ve been KIWI’D!
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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Time lapse of human ages 6, 12 and 16
Alfred: early 17th century, early 18th century, late 18th century
Arthur: late 5th century, late 9th century, late 14th century
headcanons and info on outfits under the cut
Keep reading
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lilwrenn · 3 years
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通販はじまりました。 by 梶川
(※permission to reprint was given by the artist※)
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