lily-of-the-heart · 4 years
Emergency art commissions!
Hello! Everyone I am opening art commissions to help with my sick dog. If you are interested please check out the sheet and either dm me on here
This animal is suffering from a large tumor on their abdomen any penny counts Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
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lily-of-the-heart · 4 years
Adding onto this because there is so much to unpack here:
1.) back to the gun situation. I already explained how, legally, you are incorrect about that being a crime. But also, the gun thing isn’t even relevant to this situation. You cannot compare a 16 year old openly wanting to have sex/ERP, to aiding/being an accessory to a crime. Their being 16 and someone older than them, having sex with them, is the crime. They would not be being charged with anything in this situation because they, themselves, are the victim. Because it is the adult’s responsibility to not have sex with a 16 year old. Because they are an adult. 2.) Entrapment. as you clearly proved with your gun fiasco, you don’t really seem to understand what these sorts of legal terms mean. Entrapment is: the action of tricking someone into committing a crime in order to secure their prosecution. Please explain to me how she is entrapping people into ERPing with her, when it seems pretty clear that she has no desire to get people in trouble for said thing. And still, you cannot be “lured” into ERP by a 16 year old character. This is not real life, where someone can hold a gun to you and MAKE you do something that you truly truly do not want to do. These are people who absolutely should have said no, blocked her, and moved on with their day. Because they are adults. 3.) I’m sorry to inform you, but if you as a minor ERPed with adults--and they knew your age--that is absolutely something that would fall under the parameters of those people being pedophiles.  Now, if she is lying about her age and she is actually in her late 20s and is RPing as a minor, that is an entirely different story. That would be horrible and gross and absolutely she would share equal responsibility in the promoting of pedophiles in this community because she herself would probably be qualified as one, since what she is doing falls under the parameters of child porn. But if you truly believe her to be a minor in this situation, I cannot see how you feel like you are justified in aggressively attacking her.  If you feel good about attacking someone who YOU think is 16...I don’t think there is any help for you.
Beware of Littleana-MG
I don’t know if posts about Moonguard is really ..for this? But, I don’t really know any other places but Spine. 
Here’s an album, it essentially explains itself with our entire conversation. 
What is weird is that, the GM and Officer were confused, and thought she was 20, because she had talked about being married and in her late 20s, yet in her whispers she tells me she’s underage. 
Stay away from this person.
Also, the Guild that she was in, Steadfast, had no idea of her tendencies at all and thought she was completely normal. Once informed about all this, she was removed from the guild with every character in it. They do NOT associate with this person in any way, and neither should you.
Here’s a list of their -KNOWN- characters on MG.
Littleannâ-Moon Guard
Littleana-Moon Guard
Anaadaria-Moon Guard
Anâadaria-Moon Guard
Kortrâ-Moon Guard
Brattyannie-Moon Guard
Their Discord is Little one#1422.
Fucking weird. Stay safe. Hope this gets posted up.
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lily-of-the-heart · 4 years
Imagine looking at an 16 year old character and choosing to ERP with them...That puts you 100%, automatically in the wrong. There are no if, ands or butts about it. No matter what age she is OOCly, if you are ERPing with a 16 year old character, you have gone wrong. Trying to justify attacking/cancelling someone who you believe to be a minor is outright disgusting. You’re an adult. They are literally a kid, in your own words.  Of course, she shouldn’t be ERPing. I said that. But she isn’t “luring” people into ERPing with a 16 year old character, her TRP states her age. You don’t ERP with a 16 year old character. If you do that, that is completely your own responsibility and not on the other person because you literally chose to enter into that ERP knowing the age of the character.  Even the situation you bring up of selling a gun to someone who later on goes and commits a crime is not at all relevant to this situation--legally, it wouldn’t be the person who sold the gun’s fault that the person who bought it then went on to commit a crime, so I’m not even sure what that was supposed to mean except that you feel like it is a crime...which it isn’t.  In this post, you aren’t calling out the pedophiles in this community for going out and ERPing with this character, you are only calling out the person who YOU CLAIM IS A MINOR and blasting all of their information onto a tumblr page...including their discord information.  I don’t know how you can convince yourself that you have done the right thing in this situation, because you really haven’t done anything to better this individual or this community. You putting more responsibility on this situation onto the apparent MINOR than the people who interact with her. That is unbelievable to me.  You had an opportunity to reach out and help this person who YOU THINK IS A CHILD get out of a situation that is potentially dangerous for THEM.  But you...yelled at her, shamed her for her sexuality, told her she was no better than those that were coming TO HER for sex.  that’s disgusting. you help to enable pedophiles in our community. Your “solution” involves targeting vulnerable, young girls and blaming them for those who would willingly ERP with them, know at the very least their character’s age...not the people who would seek out these sorts of characters. Did you even try to find out who the individuals who were ERPing with her were? Where is their information and why isn’t it in this post along with her’s, if you think the responsibility is to be equally shared. You have only put all of the information for THIS person on this page, for anyone to see and for the public to shame her but not advocated for the cleansing of those who would be ERPing with 16 year old characters in the first place.  You can call me stupid, but I don’t think you’re really helping your case here. It doesn’t do anything but make you look like a less reasonable, rational person and doesn’t change the fact that you thought it was a great idea to put someone who you thought was a minor, on blast for PEDOPHILES interacting with her.
Beware of Littleana-MG
I don’t know if posts about Moonguard is really ..for this? But, I don’t really know any other places but Spine. 
Here’s an album, it essentially explains itself with our entire conversation. 
What is weird is that, the GM and Officer were confused, and thought she was 20, because she had talked about being married and in her late 20s, yet in her whispers she tells me she’s underage. 
Stay away from this person.
Also, the Guild that she was in, Steadfast, had no idea of her tendencies at all and thought she was completely normal. Once informed about all this, she was removed from the guild with every character in it. They do NOT associate with this person in any way, and neither should you.
Here’s a list of their -KNOWN- characters on MG.
Littleannâ-Moon Guard
Littleana-Moon Guard
Anaadaria-Moon Guard
Anâadaria-Moon Guard
Kortrâ-Moon Guard
Brattyannie-Moon Guard
Their Discord is Little one#1422.
Fucking weird. Stay safe. Hope this gets posted up.
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lily-of-the-heart · 4 years
Stay safe??? I usually don’t really try to comment on these sorts of posts because I don’t think that it’s the best use of my time, but I truly can’t wrap my mind around this situation.  You have just posted a screenshot album in which an apparent minor admits to ERPing with of-age members of the community, accusing them of “baiting pedophiles” and you’re telling people to stay safe?? Who exactly are you saying that to...the pedophiles that would potentially be interacting with a 16 year old player character, let alone a 16 year old girl?? I completely am CONFOUNDED by how on earth you could look at this situation and point fingers at the 16 year old. Should she be ERPing? Absolutely not, but not for the sake of PEDOPHILES. She should not be ERPing because it is not likely to be good for her mental health and well being in the long run. How many 16 year olds think that they know and own the world? NOT for the sake of people who would go out of their way to ERP with a 16 year old character/player. They are not responsible for ADULTS finding them sexually attractive.  Did anyone stop in this situation to realize that the person that they are attacking is a CHILD? I cannot even fathom the mental gymnastics that has to go into attacking a CHILD for BAITING PEDOPHILES and comparing her sexuality/ERPing to enabling a crime.  It is 100% on the adults who interact with her to police their own fucking minds and NOT ERP WITH A 16 YEAR OLD CHARACTER. Children are not at fault for pedophiles being attracted to them, or even interacting with those pedophiles...THEY ARE CHILDREN. People aren’t just “tempted” into ERPing with an underage character and then that absolves them of their responsibility to manage themselves like an adult.  As far as I see it, whoever had this conversation with this girl majorly failed her. Instead of having a productive conversation to help this girl come to the realization that she was putting herself in harms way by putting her age and sexuality out there, they shamed on behalf of PEDOPHILES. I cannot believe that this was posted in anyway shape or form in defense of pedophiles....What the fuck has our community come to....
Beware of Littleana-MG
I don’t know if posts about Moonguard is really ..for this? But, I don’t really know any other places but Spine. 
Here’s an album, it essentially explains itself with our entire conversation. 
What is weird is that, the GM and Officer were confused, and thought she was 20, because she had talked about being married and in her late 20s, yet in her whispers she tells me she’s underage. 
Stay away from this person.
Also, the Guild that she was in, Steadfast, had no idea of her tendencies at all and thought she was completely normal. Once informed about all this, she was removed from the guild with every character in it. They do NOT associate with this person in any way, and neither should you.
Here’s a list of their -KNOWN- characters on MG.
Littleannâ-Moon Guard
Littleana-Moon Guard
Anaadaria-Moon Guard
Anâadaria-Moon Guard
Kortrâ-Moon Guard
Brattyannie-Moon Guard
Their Discord is Little one#1422.
Fucking weird. Stay safe. Hope this gets posted up.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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Leilla Fernfeather
My half of an art trade with the amazing @derpqueenlily <3
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
The MGNE Charity Art Auction
All donations of $5.00 and above will count towards the art raffle as a ticket! Make sure to list your in game name, screenshot, and message Afina#4766 for confirmation by joining our Discord. Every bid of $5 over the artist base price will also count towards the art raffle, so a chance for two pieces of art as well! The auction takes place at 8:00 PM MG time on 11/1/19! Join the discord to participate!
@moonguardrpevents @moonguardevents @wracentral
💜 Our first artist we will be talking about is Osruth, known outside of Moonguard as Netherbat!
Osruth is the grand prize artist for our art raffle, so be sure to check out their work and Wix in case you are interested in commissioning them in the future!
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💜 Our next artist is @palehorntea​ !
Taeana is offering to sell two slots in the art auction!
1 colored sketch (Base price $18)
3 stickers (Base price $24)
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Portfolio Link:
Limitations: Heavily armored, mechanical. Anthro preferred.
💜 Bird is artist number two! @thedawnsart
They are offering four pieces in the auction!
Adoptable Dog (Base 10$ all proceeds go to charity)
Full Color Full Body Tarot Card (Base 60$)
Sketchy Portrait [ 2 ] (Base 15$ all proceeds go to charity)
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@hinahinagray is artist number four in our art auction!
Headshot (Base $25)
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Make sure to check out Hina's Kofi as well to see their other commission work as well!
Greaves is artist five!
Portrait (Base $10) - A digitally rendered stainedglass OR tarot portrait of your character.
Window (Base $5) - A digitally rendered stainedglass window of your character, a house crest, etc.
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Part two in reblog below!
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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An amazing surprise birthday gift from @derpqueenlily of my OC Muriah DeLavu. ;v; I’m so in love. I seriously cannot thank you enough for this.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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A few quick ideas I had to revitalise the old world and leveling experience. What do you guys think?
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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Alrighty I have a few more I technically could part with but we’ll see here with these for now (if you’re wondering about some of the prices it’s the nostalgia more than the art)
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
Who wants to be the same guy who took Maxen’s name also took yours?...got 10 dollars and a milkshake on it lol
Just a Heads Up
Some weirdo took my name on the Bloodsail Buccaneers classic RP server. I’m sure it wasn’t done with good intentions, so just be mindful that ain’t me fam. As for the idea that it’s someone who did it by accident, doubtful, there’s only a few Berenal characters, most of which are mine, across RP servers.
It doesn’t bother me ultimately, not intending on investing heavily on RP on classic. I just think it’s really weird and I don’t want people getting the misconception that whoever took my name is me and in case this person is doing it to cause shit.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
DMing RP in World of Warcraft.
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DMing in WoW presents unique challenges compared to other gaming groups. It can be demanding because the medium is not specially designed for the activity. Creating a system to use, in order to balance challenges and scenarios for a party of players at various degrees of IC power level is difficult, and so is writing compelling storylines while working underneath the roof of the game’s lore.
And yet, the DM is a key element in group roleplay. It is their job to set and describe the setting, referee combat, determine the outcome of character skills, and drive challenges for their players to overcome. 
I would venture to say that learning how to do all of these tasks has been a trial by fire for most of us. For example, there are no guides that I am aware of that give guidance on managing a raid group in an RP combat scenario! Whether you are managing two players or forty, it can be a lot of responsibility, but we can make it easier on ourselves.
The WoW DMing Discord is intended as a special resource to share your DM experience and discuss the many aspects of creating and managing roleplay groups. It’s a platform for all of your WoW DMing needs, including meaningful discourse, general DM questions, story, and plot-writing advice, as well as all the sundry pieces and parts that go along with DMing in-game. Someone here will know something that is useful to your DMing, and if not, you might have plenty to contribute.
Learn tips and tricks from other WoW DMs, whether they’re experienced or new
Compile and transmogrify tools, resources, guides, and modules from other roleplaying game systems for use within World of Warcraft RP groups
Design and get feedback on dice and stat systems
Discuss original fanon, story arcs, sub-plots, and plans for quests and encounters of all sizes
Find DMs, players, or actors for your WoW roleplay+
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
DMing RP in World of Warcraft.
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DMing in WoW presents unique challenges compared to other gaming groups. It can be demanding because the medium is not specially designed for the activity. Creating a system to use, in order to balance challenges and scenarios for a party of players at various degrees of IC power level is difficult, and so is writing compelling storylines while working underneath the roof of the game’s lore.
And yet, the DM is a key element in group roleplay. It is their job to set and describe the setting, referee combat, determine the outcome of character skills, and drive challenges for their players to overcome. 
I would venture to say that learning how to do all of these tasks has been a trial by fire for most of us. For example, there are no guides that I am aware of that give guidance on managing a raid group in an RP combat scenario! Whether you are managing two players or forty, it can be a lot of responsibility, but we can make it easier on ourselves.
The WoW DMing Discord is intended as a special resource to share your DM experience and discuss the many aspects of creating and managing roleplay groups. It’s a platform for all of your WoW DMing needs, including meaningful discourse, general DM questions, story, and plot-writing advice, as well as all the sundry pieces and parts that go along with DMing in-game. Someone here will know something that is useful to your DMing, and if not, you might have plenty to contribute.
Learn tips and tricks from other WoW DMs, whether they’re experienced or new
Compile and transmogrify tools, resources, guides, and modules from other roleplaying game systems for use within World of Warcraft RP groups
Design and get feedback on dice and stat systems
Discuss original fanon, story arcs, sub-plots, and plans for quests and encounters of all sizes
Find DMs, players, or actors for your WoW roleplay+
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
This sort of behavior is what turns the Moon Guard roleplay community from being a safe place for people to create and express themselves, into a toxic cesspool. It is my hope that those in the community who see this post, carefully look at the associations that they have with this guild, this discord and it’s officers.  This is not the first, nor will it be the last, incident of them using their position of power to force change, belittle, and ban people from their discords. Didn’t the Co-GM just recently show support for the DK discord where Berenal, the GM of Blades of Greymane,’s life was threatened (at least, someone said they hoped that he would get shot in the crotch/forehead and pushed in front of a train)? In her post, she mentions that she doesn’t understand people trying to force their own headcanons on others--quite interesting, given this information on her own GM. 
So About The Crimson Halls
Good afternoon, Valythra Bloodmoon here, fresh off the Onyx Rose bandwagon. Pretty much directly after I left the Onyx Rose Order, roughly an hour, I receive some interesting news.
My girlfriend was removed from The Crimson Halls Discord. I was banned for good measure. A friend of mine who was not even in the Crimsons Halls but still associated with me was also banned. So far any inquiries on their banning have gone ignored.
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Now, if this was just the Onyx Rose’s little thing, then the guild master would be perfectly in the right. Both my girlfriend and I had left the Onyx Rose by this point, so what point would we have to be in an Onyx Rose server? None.
But this is not an Onyx Rose server, now is it?
For those who do not know what The Crimson Halls server is, it is a public server for any and all San’layn roleplayers to come in and connect, and have a good time playing vampyr. Allegedly, this being public and not officially tied to the Onyx Rose would mean that it should be treated as separate, yes? The admins even expressed interest in wanting to expand beyond just consisting of Onyx Rose members.
So it boggles my mind when I leave the guild and send my reasoning as to why to the guild master, and find myself banned from the server where I had done absolutely nothing wrong. I left preemptively, of course, but it feels strange for something so separate from the Onyx Rose to become absolutely barred to me for reasons strictly confined to the Onyx Rose.
But the real issue is that my girlfriend was removed from the server, after doing… hm, nothing. Literally nothing. She was not talking in there, unless it was to help someone, and she did nothing wrong. Well, nothing beyond being directly associated with me. Me, who sent the guild master three lengthy posts explaining why I could not stomach his behavior any further.
This is not the objective move of someone who is thinking in the interests of a community he wants to lead. This is a petty move against someone who has slighted him, completely uncalled for and completely unjustified. This is a roundabout attempt to get back at me by hurting someone I love. This is someone who wants to continue to cement his hold on his monopoly.
When asked where people suddenly went, this was the answer:
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I guarantee you this is untrue in the case of my girlfriend. It is absolutely true in my case, as I left of my own volition. But my girlfriend was simply sitting in that server, like most of the quiet people in there. She did nothing, yet she was removed and falls under the claim that we’re all just going our separate ways.
This is not the first time the Onyx Rose’s standards or affairs muddied the judgment of the admins of The Crimson Halls.
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The two admins of The Crimson halls are the same people who run the Onyx Rose Order as guild masters and, despite this supposedly not being the Onyx Rose, they treat it as such. They enforce the rules of their guild, not the rules of the server (and even mention an application they do not even have, that’s cute). It’s as if they know that, in reality, the server is literally just a part of their guild, and an attempt to rake in any San’layn roleplayers they can to file under their monopoly on San’layn roleplay.
It is these standards that forced four people to leave the server in a single given moment, one of them quitting WoW entirely because of Tyrinade’s abuse. Any meeting this server has is literally just a union of the Onyx Rose’s San’layn, and I can tell you right now that this project is dead in the water if they keep on like this. 
There are guilds out there with little pockets of San’layn who I already know are going to get on the admins’ bad side and start receiving all the lectures on how to “properly” roleplay San’layn. This community is not going to fly if they continue stepping on anyone who does not conform to their “standards” of San’layn roleplay, even when it has literally nothing to do with them or their server.
Just for good measure, I think I am going to include the actual harassment someone had to go through over their San’layn RP, and what it really looks like to RP a San’layn with Tyrinade.
Here’s an album of screenshots of what it looks like to have your idea crushed by Tyrinade. For good measure, I was asked to share screenshots of the DM that followed, with permission from Vix herself. https://imgur.com/a/ZdRbTbH
It does not matter who was correct in the debate, or even how “lore-friendly” any of it is, only that people see that this is how Tyrinade handles RP. Anything he thinks does not conform to his interpretation of lore is crushed and the people involved are bullied into a corner until they change it. 
People need to realize that their vague concept of lore adherence, which is ultimately just an interpretation, is not an excuse to bully and harass someone until they think their way. If you disagree with someone that much, leave it alone. No one has any right nor authority to get in someone’s face to this extent over roleplay that has nothing to do with them and does not even include them.
This is the Crimson Halls roleplay server alone. I’m not even describing what the Onyx Rose itself involves. I am hoping at least that someone sees what is transpiring here for what it is, an attempt to monopolize roleplay and control people with the abuse of administrative power.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
Understood.org and Your Child’s Mental Health
Hello! For most who know me or have read my profile, I am a single mom of 1 not-so-little boy.  He’s graduating 5th grade this year which means he enters middle school this September.  So here’s a brief idea of what we work through:
My son was diagnosed with ADHD at 5 years old.  Even before then, he showed signs of such, however, we had to wait to see how things would change over the years.  He started Pre-K around 3 years old while I was in work.  Thankfully, I worked down the street at the local community center so I was able to pick him up every day.
Over the years we began seeing what his strengths lay and his weaknesses were.  He showed such high ability to comprehend math and numbers.  Despite what he likes to say and thinks, he retains things quite well in his mind and usually can play back everything word for word.  However, what he couldn’t comprehend was reading.
Don’t get me wrong, he can read just fine and is at a level for his age and grade, but he can’t comprehend it.
Being aware of this, as well as how much things change after elementary school, I have been looking up ways to help him out over the summer and to be prepared for the huge changes he will have to endure.  He has registration coming up the first week of July and will receive a personal tour around the school, but his anxiety will still be there the day school starts.
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During my research, I came across Understood.org.  On the very first page, it asks you your child’s struggles and you can pick more than one.  It will ask for a grade and it brings you to a page with everything they have to help you understand the problems yourself, as well as how to help your child.  It’ll even offer to get personalized resources.
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There’s an immense amount of articles and ways to get help on how to understand your child and what they’re struggling with.  I’m highly suggesting this for those who wish to help their child and care about their mental health.
Your child’s mental health is more important than their grades.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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My furries are improving I think??? this would look nicer if it actually had a light source Diddled Dedamitsa between assignments tonight. Dedamitsa between assignments tonight. It wasn’t a good idea.
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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My commissions are open! See my terms, status and slots here: tinyurl.com/LilyCommStatus
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions!
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lily-of-the-heart · 5 years
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I mostly post over on Twitter these days, but here are some outfit designs for Lily that I’ve done.
Check me out or follow me on twitter for most of my art!
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