limblengthening · 4 years
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For people who want to grow taller naturally it is extremely important that they exercise regularly. As a benchmark: people who were able to grow by four inches exercised up to six times per week. If you are not used to exercising every week, then this can seem extremely strenuous. However, there are several ways to incorporate your exercises into your daily activities. This way, you can exercise up to six times per week, as well, and thus dramatically increase your chances of growing taller.
New Natural Exercise To Grow Taller Naturally
Whereas there are many different types of exercises to lengthen various body parts, such as your legs or spine, I am going to share a sprint HIIT idea with you in this article. HIIT training stands for High Interval Intensity Training. If you’ve never heard of it before then think of it this way: you complete several sets of exercises where each set is of such a high intensity, that you need to take breaks in between. The reason why I like HIIT so much is because it is really short. See, if you went jogging, you would have to jog for up to 60 minutes. However, a HIIT is going to take between 10 and 15 minutes the most. If you are a busy person like me, you’ll love to do HIIT. Moreover, HIIT usually works really well to lengthen your legs and to stimulate your glands to release more growth hormones. To me, this has become the most time-efficient way to exercise.
How To Make Sprint HIIT
I promised you a sprint HIIT idea that you can implement. Once you understand the concept behind this, you can of course come up with your own HIIT ideas. However, I find the easiest way to get used to HIIT is by doing sprints. First, get a good warm-up by jogging for about 10 minutes in a slow and easy manner. After that, the actual training starts. Begin with five sprints as your goal and work your way up as you get better over time. Sprint for about 60 yards and then walk your way back to the starting line. Like I said, to begin with, do five of these sprints. Make sure that you don’t sit down or stop after a sprint, instead keep breathing deeply and just walk back to the starting line. Please make sure that you consult with your physician first before you ever attempt a HIIT on your own. As the name already implies, you are going to do a rather strenuous exercise.
How Often Should Do Sprint HIIT
Try to do three or four sprint HIIT‘s per week. This is a great exercise to lengthen your legs and helps you release more growth hormones into your system. Assumed, of course, that you implement all the other techniques necessary to grow taller, like sleeping enough and eating healthy.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
View Success Stories
On this page you can read real experiences of people who have undergone height lengthening surgery and ask them questions. You also can see the photos and videos they have published. Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Can transgender people become taller or shorter?
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Many people live with a desire of undergoing limb lengthening surgery. We have observed that males usually have a higher desire to be taller. Among these are those who have dwarfism, people who have limb length discrepancy, as well as those who don’t have an medical condition but want to grow taller. However, there is a growing number of requests from transgender people, among which are both trans men and women. After undergoing a gender transformation surgery, those who became males are usually shorter than an average male, and people who became females are taller than most women. This makes transgender people feel uncomfortable and stand out while they want quite the opposite. A possible solution for transgender males is limb lengthening surgery, while transgender women tend to consider limb shortening surgery.
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Transgender Ebony Lewis struggles to find a partner with her 6’7” height For those who do not know, limb lengthening surgery is based on distraction osteogenesis, which involves cutting the bone and distracting it over a certain period of time (usually at the rate of 1 mm/day) and allowing the bone to regenerate new bone tissue and fill the gap. Limb shortening surgery is the opposite of it. In this surgery, bone is cut at two points and a certain piece of bone is removed. Then, two ends of the bone are rejoined and held together with the help of metal rods, plates or other type of fixators.Limb lengthening surgery allows up to 7-8 cm (around 3 inches) height increase in one limb lengthening procedure. If a patient undergoes two consequent surgeries (one on femurs, and another on tibia), it is possible to get up to 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) height increase.With leg shortening surgery however, attempting to shorten height more than 5 cm (2 inches) can cause serious complications, so it is advised against. The good news is, limb shortening surgery is takes less effort and time, and causes less pain and difficulty for the patient, compared to limb lengthening surgery. The result of limb shortening surgery is instant, i.e. the patients are already shorter than before when they leave surgery room. However, limb lengthening involves an important post-surgery period, during which patients have to perform daily bone lengthening at the speed of 1mm/day. In this way, getting the desired 6-7 cm takes 60-70 days, not mentioning the period needed for bone consolidation and healing.As for the question “will I get taller on Hormone Replacement Therapy?”, it can have an effect if HRT begins before patient’s growth plates close (which usually happens at the age of 16-18). If the transition process begins after growth plates have sealed and natural growth process has stopped, it means HRT will have no effect on height anymore.To learn all the details of limb lengthening and limb shortening procedures, please refer to the following articles on our website:Limb lengthening surgeryLimb shortening surgery Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
How to Grow Taller Naturally, Safely and Permanently
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There are various ways to learn how to grow taller. Some are more effective than others and it’s important to note that these methods can be used synergistically – all at the same time – to promote the quickest, most effective, and most permanent means of height increase.
The first method of learning how to grow taller is stretching exercises. It is entirely possible to learn how to grow taller with stretching exercises. Results do take time since there are three levels of development but this is the absolute most effective way to grow taller effectively.
Grow taller exercises – on their own – can add up to three inches of height permanently. While there are numerous exercises that target the spine, research has shown that the best possible combination of yoga style exercises that tone, strengthen, and develop the muscles that support the spine leading to height increase.
Once these muscles have developed appropriately, the spine will begin to lengthen as well as straighten another inch or two through spinal decompression. Then, with time and proper implementation of the exercises the spinal discs as well as the cartilage that supports your arms, legs, and spine will begin to thicken leading to a proportionate and taller body.
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Learn how to grow taller using stretching exercises to read more about stretching exercises and their benefits.
Since you have to feed your body appropriately in order for it to have the nutrition it requires to grow taller, the second method of learning how to grow taller is proper supplementation. In short, the correct balance of height-supporting supplements are as important as implementing proper grow taller exercises. There are numerous supplements currently available but most of them do not contain the vital ingredients that stimulate growth.
Fortunately, most supplements that promote healthy height growth are available in your local grocery store. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive pills ordered over the internet from unscrupulous companies. In fact, it’s much better if you didn’t. The vast majority of companies that sell so-called “grow taller” pills online are deceptive at best and downright fraudulent at worst. “Buyer beware” when dealing with any company that sells any supplement that promises height growth.
One method that will definitely make a difference in your height, is limb lengthening. Limb lengthening is a surgical procedure that requires either internal or external rods placed inside the limbs which have to be adjusted periodically. Although limb lengthening is very effective it does require extensive recuperation and time. Approximately 1mm of height per day can be added which translates to an inch per month.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
How Do I Get Taller – How To Use Cycling To Grow Taller
For all of you looking on “how do I get taller” you will have encountered growing taller exercises. One of the overlooked exercises which are also very effective is cycling, that is right, you can in fact turn cycling into a way to increase your height. This isn’t just regular cycling though, you will have to make a few changes to the normal way that you cycle into a method that is specialised to help you lengthen your legs and give you the answer on “how do I get taller”
The discovery of how cycling would help is when it was discovered that the Dutch were taller than the Germans and it could be seen due to the different riding positions that the two had when it came down to their bikes.
So if you are someone who cycles around a lot as part of their daily routine then this is for you, or even if you don’t cycle you can do this in your free time or even on a stationary bike or at a gym too.
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The following are the changes/improvements that you will need to make when you start riding your bike to help you obtain optimal growth…
When your feet are on the pedal you will want to have your leg fully stretched when you are at the bottom of the cycle.
Raise the handlebars up so that you don’t slump over the handle bars like a racer but instead keep your body straight up.
Once you have gotten used to this height you will want to raise your seat a quarter of an inch (MOST IMPORTANT STEP), this will help your legs stretch and once you have become accustomed to this you will want to keep going on and on raising the level of your seat.
Be CAREFUL not to be on your tip toes on the pedal when your foot gets to the bottom, you must make sure that they are flat and comfortable otherwise you may risk injury and reduce control of the bike.
By following these simple steps you will be able to manipulate the growth in your legs around the thigh area (one of the 3 target spots to lengthen for height; thigh, spine and shins) just by simply cycling around.
If you don’t like the idea of cycling there are in fact many other exercises to grow taller that you can actually use to help you increase your height. These include activities such as sprinting, skipping (jump rope), playing basket ball, swimming etc.
You will want to make sure that you don’t overdo it with these activities though. The main reason for this is you don’t want to cause yourself any injury while trying to increase your height and also because the body will mostly grow and recover while it is in the resting period. For this reason you will want to make sure that you keep it to 3-5 days so that your body actually has time to rest from these growing taller exercises.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
How To Look Taller – How To Get Grow Taller During Puberty
Many people want to know how to grow taller quickly whilst they are on the road to naturally increasing their height. One thing that I thought would be useful are some methods that you can use not to make your legs look longer but how you can boost their growth during puberty or how you can lengthen them after the puberty process actually making them longer. This would be very helpful when it comes down to getting taller and getting yourself noticed a little more by your co-workers and also the opposite sex. Read on to learn how to look taller.
The method I am going to tell you is aiming at the two areas in the leg that are easy to stretch and lengthen out; the shin and the thighs. These areas can be stretches and lengthened during and after puberty which is a great relief for those that have passed the puberty barrier as you can still gain a few more inches height from the following exercises.
One of the exercises that you can which is going to target the shin is sprinting. By sprinting hard for a distance repeatedly you are putting stress on your shin bone and what this does over time is form what are called micro fractures. These fractures with the right nutrition from the body and enough rest will soon heal up and come back stronger and longer giving you that height that you desire.
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If you aren’t a sprinter then you might be interested in using cycling instead. This can be done on a stationary or a moving bike. Instead of normally cycling around what you want to do to help increase your height is put the seat up a few inches (not too much, you don’t want to be too uncomfortable and unable to control the bike) and you will want to do the same with the handle bars as well so you don’t find yourself slouched over but instead with a nice straight back. Cycling like this is very effective at lengthening the legs, it might feel weird at first but after a while you’ll get used to it and you’ll start to see some benefits to it as well.
You can also go through exercises such as jump rope and kicking a punch bag. Going through all this will help you create micro fractures which will heal and come back stronger and longer aiding you in a few more inches to your height.
The exercises that are aimed at your things include things such as squats and cycling. Cycling is the most recommended as it can be done constantly and is very effective too. For cycling you will want to raise the seat slighter higher than normal so that it is still comfortable but pushes your thighs to lengthen. By going through all of this you can make your legs longer and add inches to your height as long as you make sure that you don’t overdo it, you rest properly and you fuel your body with the nutrients that are going to help speed up the recovery (such as calcium and proteins) and help with your journey on how to grow taller quickly.The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Brilliant Ways to Increase Height Naturally!
Are you still searching for ways to increase height? Don’t search anymore! You would have been already loaded with options when must have used any search engine with the relevant keywords. There are various ways to increase height; some are natural and others scientific. You may choose any of them depending upon your individual needs, requirements and choice.
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Some of the brilliant ways to increase height are as follows:
Firstly, you need to get your body ready for intense exercises. You should get plenty of sleep as most of the growth hormones are released when you are sleeping. Eating a well balanced and nutritional diet before you go to sleep would also help you in getting faster results.
Consume a lot of high fiber food such as apple, green vegetables etc. that are very low in calories and help you lose fat easily. Nuts are the other crucial ingredients that you need to include in your diet since they help in increasing the production of human growth hormone.
Stretching exercises such as hanging, pelvic stretch, back stretch and exercises that help you gain strength in your spinal cord are good ways to increase height. You should also include swimming and cycling in your exercise regime as they are one of the best exercises that would stretch your body.
Ensure that you drink lots of milk. It is rich in calcium, which is an essential constituent for healthy growth of bones. Protein is another good contributor of healthy bones, which you can obtain from lean meat.
Another important way to increase your height is to maintain an ideal body weight. If you are overweight then there is excess pressure on your bones. This acts as a growth inhibitor and prevents you from growing taller. So maintain an optimum body weight based on your present height and age.
Try and maintain good posture to look taller. A good posture is when you stand up straight, shoulders thrown back, head up and stomach pulled in.
Many people nowadays take synthetic growth hormones which help to gain height really fast. These hormones are produced in laboratories and should be taken only with a physician’s advice.
If you have money, then you may also go for limb lengthening surgery and increase the length of your legs which would result in increased height.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
Don’t be a short height person and face frustration anymore. Just follow these brilliant ways to increase height.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Which limb lengthening surgery method is the best for me?
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Most of us know at least a little bit about the history of limb lengthening surgery and applied methods. For those who don’t know, first limb lengthening surgery method effectively applied for cosmetic limb lengthening is Ilizarov method. Limb lengthening techniques have gone a long way from the days of large, cumbersome external fixators, which had to be carried on patient’s legs for 9-12 months or even more.
Our doctors perform leg lengthening operations using a big variety of surgery methods: Holyfix, TSF frame, LON, Precice 2 and Precice Stryde. At first sight, it might be quite confusing to see the names of different surgery methods. You might think: ‘what the hell, I just want to become taller, what are all these methods with different names and prices?’ No need to worry, in this article we will try to help you a little, to make your decision making process easier.
People who plan to undergo limb lengthening surgery can be roughly divided into several groups.
Patients who have absolute minimum budget for the surgery
At the moment, the cheapest method we offer is Holyfix method. This surgery costs 13500 eur as of March 2020. Don’t underestimate this surgery method by judging its price, as it offers huge improvements compared to Ilizarov: more compact external fixators, more comfort for patient, less limitations for movement, a reliable rod-like structure, a scale on the device that allows patients to see their limb lengthening progress. The main drawback for many patients is the long period spent with external fixators: these devices can be removed only after full consolidation of bones (which takes around 9-12 months).
If you can only afford the cheapest of the limb lengthening methods, but have enough time for this procedure, then Holyfix might be the optimum choice for you.
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Holyfix external fixators
Patients with little budget but not much time (due to work or studies)
At the moment, our most preferred surgery method by the patients is LON. Around 70-80% of our patients choose this method to become taller. Because this method allows faster removal of external devices and earlier return to daily activities for a moderate price. By saving up some more and adding 3500 eur on top of Holyfix, you get LON surgery for 17000 eur. In LON method, external fixators are removed in 3-4 months after the date of surgery (depending on the amount of bone lengthening). After the devices are removed, with patient’s efforts in physiotherapy and exercises, it can be possible to walk good enough without support in 1-1.5 months. With LON method, you don’t need to have the external devices on your legs for 9-12 months as in Holyfix method, because the internal nails of LON method continue to hold the bone after external devices are removed.
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LON method 
Patients with sufficient budget who want high level of comfort and safety, and have enough time
Now we step into the arena of fully internal, motorized nail methods. Precice 2.2 method (35250 eur) comes into mind, because this technique has been successfully applied in cosmetic limb lengthening for many years. There are no external fixators that we can see in Ilizarov, Holyfix and LON methods. Instead, a motorized nail is placed into the bone cavity. The cuts, opened during surgery, are stitched immediately, leaving nearly no room for infection. In contrast, with methods which incorporate external devices, there is a small possibility of getting infection due to open pin sites where pins enter the leg.
In Precice 2.2 method, having no external device also means more comfort and less pain. It is not difficult to imagine that external devices are attached to legs by means of several pins, which enter the soft tissue and bone at several points. All of these cause various degrees of pain. Precice 2.2 intramedullary nail eliminates a significant portion of the pain and discomfort.
The only drawback of Precice 2.2 nail is its limited weight bearing capacity: patients are not allowed to walk or stand during bone distraction period, because Precice nails don’t bear weight and the internal mechanisms can be damaged, causing another surgery for nail replacement. To avoid this, patients have to use wheelchair during the period of bone lengthening (which takes around 2-2.5 months). If you think you can overcome being bound to wheelchair during this period, then this method may be a good option. Patients with sufficient budget who also have very limited time, want to get back to their regular life in shortest time possible, and want maximum comfort and safety At the moment, Precice Stryde method is the most modern, advanced and refined limb lengthening surgery technique available. It has the highest price tag among the surgery methods offered by Wannabetaller. However, it is an improved version of earlier Precice 2.2 method, with all of the same advantages plus increased weight bearing capacity and more reliability. Precice Stryde method allows patients to walk even during bone distraction period: patients begin walking with support from the next day after surgery, and it is possible to walk with some aid throughout the procedure. This earlier ability to walk allows patients to recover faster from this surgery, and get back to their daily routines, work or education earlier than in other limb lengthening techniques.
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Stryde intramedullary nail Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Can You Really Grow 2 to 6 Inches After 18 Years of Age?
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All men & women wish to look tall & smart. We can make efforts to look smart & fit but it is not easy to gain height. Actually with some determination and right approach we can grow 2 to 6 inches even after 18 years of age. Many people think that post puberty height gain is not possible.
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Here are height growth tips after 18 years of age:
Some people do take up HGH supplements & injections. Actually HGH (height growth hormone) is essential to become tall but it must be enhanced naturally. Post puberty the production of this hormone in the body becomes slow. These pills and injections externally insert in the body. This can create major hormonal imbalance in the body. You can also have side effects like hyper pigmentation, head ache, lethargy, nausea, etc. The women can have issues with their conceiving and pregnancy as well.
Another option to grow 2 to 6 inches height after the age of 18 is stretching exercises & yoga along with the right diet. You must take stretching workouts regularly and rigorously. Fix up a rod in your room and hang over it when ever you have the time. Also you should take up leisure activities like basket ball & swimming.
Have a lot of water and dairy products.
Sleep at least for 6 to 8 hours in the night and have a balanced diet.
Have foods that are rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus.
Maintain your weight. It might become a hindrance in your growth.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Cost of Limb Lengthening Surgeries
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Limb lengthening surgeries are not created equal. They are performed in a variety of countries around the world and in a variety of ways.
How Is Limb Lengthening Surgeries?
Men stop growing once they get to be about 25 years old. To force growth, one’s bone is broken and separated to force the bone to fuse together. This is typically done at a rate of about 1mm a day even though humans could safely do it at 0.666 mm a day. If shopping around for limb lengthening doctors, patients are recommended to demand a slightly slower rate of growth so that complications are less likely.
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When Will Limb Lengthening Surgeries Recovery?
Bone growth is typically the fastest of all that needs to happen during the surgery. Muscles, veins, capillaries are the slowest to grow. When the bone is growing, you are confined to a bed. Since the maximum recommended lengthening is about 5mm (two inches), it would take about 50 days to lengthen to the desired height. But then another 100 to 150 days of resting and allowing your body to heal before being able to walk.
How Much Is Limb Lengthening Surgeries?
This procedure takes about five to six months to complete and costs anywhere from $ 30,000 USD to $ 80,000 USD. Some doctors require physical therapy and psychological examinations during the process.
Limb Lengthening Surgeries Doctors
Before making your decision on which doctor to choose, it is recommended that you consult, call, and email each of these doctors. You would also need to clear up your schedule for being in a wheelchair, out of work, and pay for complications to surgery if they do happen to occur. Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Growing Taller Exercises To Make You Taller – Leg Lengthening
I’m not sure about you but I’m guessing that most of the people reading this article would like to grow taller quickly, right? The best way to increase your height and fast is to focus on the focal points that allow for growth; the spine, the shin bones and the thighs all have the capacity of stretching and giving you the ability to grow taller. You may want to take a look into the following growing taller exercises to lengthen your legs.
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The easiest exercise to start off with is kicking. What kicking does is adds more pressure to the thigh (which is an area that is easy to lengthen). Some kicks to take a look into should be the front snap kick, this is a basic karate kick that requires you to raise your knee and snap out your leg into a kick. Your leg should be about two feet above the ground and as time goes on you should try increasing the speed of the kick.
For those who enjoy it you will be glad to know that cycling is also a great way to lengthen those legs. Again there is a correct manner to do this if you want to see results and this is raising the bike seat two-four inches higher than you usually would have it. You may prefer to start with a stationary bike but it is just as effective as using a free moving bike too.
Again we are going to look at jumping but this time we are looking at jump rope. Jump rope is a simple and effective way for your goal as it puts pressure on your shins as your jump. Your goal is to get up to 500 jumps per session which may seem like much but with enough determination you will be able to reach this in no time.
Finally the last of our growing taller exercises is sprints. As with the jump rope sprinting will put pressure on those shin bones and you will soon see why they are good to help you grow taller quickly. You should look to run about 3 times a week and up to 60 yards per session. Make sure you include rest and don’t overdo it!
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Increase Your Height With 10 Minutes Of Exercise A Day
Do grow taller stretches work? Yes they do. Stretching is one of the best methods for lengthening the spinal cord, which in turn increase your height.
Increase Your Height – How Often Should You Stretch?
As often as possible. Some people say 1-2 times every day. However, in reality, just do it as much as you can. 1-2 times a day is enough, but 5-10 times a day will get you even better results.
What Are The Best Stretches?
There are a number that work. Here are 4 of the most effective:
1) Sky Stretch
This is one of the simpler stretches, but it really works. For this, you just reach as high as you can, while standing on your tip toes.
Hold this posture for about 10 seconds, then relax. Try to get 4 minutes total in this position.
2) Leg Stretch
This is where you sit with each leg out as far as possible in front, and then simply try to touch the toes. However, keep your knees locked. Maintain this posture for 5 seconds, and then relax.
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3) Swimming
Swimming is excellent because it accomplishes 2 things. One, it stretches the spinal cord. However, when done correctly it also releases human growth hormones (HGH) which increases your bone size.
This helps you grow. Keep in mind that the swimming should be intense. The more vigorous the exercise, the more HGH the body will produce.
4) Sleep Correctly
When you sleep with the right posture, your body will naturally stretch out. You want to sleep with your legs as far in front of you a possible, and arms at your sides.
Do not use a pillow. This might take some getting used to, but pillows are not good for the posture.
Also, avoid sleeping on your side or stomach. This is one of the most effective stretches of all. Since you spend so much time sleeping, you want to make sure you make the most of it.
Conclusion-there are plenty of grow taller stretches that work. Use these 4, and you should see results shortly. The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com Web site: wannabetaller.com Facebook: Wanna Be Taller Instragram: wannabetaller Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Which limb lengthening surgery method is the best for me?
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Most of us know at least a little bit about the history of limb lengthening surgery and applied methods. For those who don’t know, first limb lengthening surgery method effectively applied for cosmetic limb lengthening is Ilizarov method. Limb lengthening techniques have gone a long way from the days of large, cumbersome external fixators, which had to be carried on patient’s legs for 9-12 months or even more.
Our doctors perform leg lengthening operations using a big variety of surgery methods: Holyfix, TSF frame, LON, Precice 2 and Precice Stryde. At first sight, it might be quite confusing to see the names of different surgery methods. You might think: ‘what the hell, I just want to become taller, what are all these methods with different names and prices?’ No need to worry, in this article we will try to help you a little, to make your decision making process easier.
People who plan to undergo limb lengthening surgery can be roughly divided into several groups.
Patients who have absolute minimum budget for the surgery
At the moment, the cheapest method we offer is Holyfix method. This surgery costs 13500 eur as of March 2020. Don’t underestimate this surgery method by judging its price, as it offers huge improvements compared to Ilizarov: more compact external fixators, more comfort for patient, less limitations for movement, a reliable rod-like structure, a scale on the device that allows patients to see their limb lengthening progress. The main drawback for many patients is the long period spent with external fixators: these devices can be removed only after full consolidation of bones (which takes around 9-12 months).
If you can only afford the cheapest of the limb lengthening methods, but have enough time for this procedure, then Holyfix might be the optimum choice for you.
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Patients with little budget but not much time (due to work or studies)
At the moment, our most preferred surgery method by the patients is LON. Around 70-80% of our patients choose this method to become taller. Because this method allows faster removal of external devices and earlier return to daily activities for a moderate price. By saving up some more and adding 3500 eur on top of Holyfix, you get LON surgery for 17000 eur. In LON method, external fixators are removed in 3-4 months after the date of surgery (depending on the amount of bone lengthening). After the devices are removed, with patient’s efforts in physiotherapy and exercises, it can be possible to walk good enough without support in 1-1.5 months. With LON method, you don’t need to have the external devices on your legs for 9-12 months as in Holyfix method, because the internal nails of LON method continue to hold the bone after external devices are removed.
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Patients with sufficient budget who want high level of comfort and safety, and have enough time
Now we step into the arena of fully internal, motorized nail methods. Precice 2.2 method (35250 eur) comes into mind, because this technique has been successfully applied in cosmetic limb lengthening for many years. There are no external fixators that we can see in Ilizarov, Holyfix and LON methods. Instead, a motorized nail is placed into the bone cavity. The cuts, opened during surgery, are stitched immediately, leaving nearly no room for infection. In contrast, with methods which incorporate external devices, there is a small possibility of getting infection due to open pin sites where pins enter the leg.
In Precice 2.2 method, having no external device also means more comfort and less pain. It is not difficult to imagine that external devices are attached to legs by means of several pins, which enter the soft tissue and bone at several points. All of these cause various degrees of pain. Precice 2.2 intramedullary nail eliminates a significant portion of the pain and discomfort.
The only drawback of Precice 2.2 nail is its limited weight bearing capacity: patients are not allowed to walk or stand during bone distraction period, because Precice nails don’t bear weight and the internal mechanisms can be damaged, causing another surgery for nail replacement. To avoid this, patients have to use wheelchair during the period of bone lengthening (which takes around 2-2.5 months). If you think you can overcome being bound to wheelchair during this period, then this method may be a good option.
Patients with sufficient budget who also have very limited time, want to get back to their regular life in shortest time possible, and want maximum comfort and safety
At the moment, Precice Stryde method is the most modern, advanced and refined limb lengthening surgery technique available. It has the highest price tag among the surgery methods offered by Wannabetaller. However, it is an improved version of earlier Precice 2.2 method, with all of the same advantages plus increased weight bearing capacity and more reliability. Precice Stryde method allows patients to walk even during bone distraction period: patients begin walking with support from the next day after surgery, and it is possible to walk with some aid throughout the procedure. This earlier ability to walk allows patients to recover faster from this surgery, and get back to their daily routines, work or education earlier than in other limb lengthening techniques.
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Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery
Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
How To Lengthen Your Legs Naturally
If you want to know how to lengthen your legs naturally, then this article is going to be a great start. What you will discover is not only why it is possible to lengthen your legs, but also the different forms and ways to do so. Keep in mind, though, that this process is going to take some time. Usually, lengthening your spine shows results faster – but more about that later.
Why You Can Lengthen Your Legs In The First Place:
First of all, it is really important to know that as an adult, you cannot lengthen your actual leg bones. Whereas this would have been possible as a child, once you have passed the age of puberty, your bones have calcified and thus turned into solid bone mass. However, there are other ways to make your legs longer. The reason for that is that there are gaps between the bones in our legs. Through different exercises, these gaps can be used to lengthen the legs. Whereas there are many more details to it, that’s the basic process. It is important, though, that this is a slow and steady process to prevent injury and give you lasting results.
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How To Lengthen Your Legs Naturally:
In order for you to lengthen your legs naturally, you must focus on two things: exercise and diet. The exercises are responsible for stretching and lengthening your legs. However, in order for your body to cope with these exercises, it needs nutrients. And more importantly, your body doesn’t just need any nutrients; it needs a wide variety of nutrients that are beneficial to this process.
Let’s have a look at the exercises first.
The most common exercises to lengthen your legs are stretching exercises. If you want to make good progress, you should stretch your legs, torso and pretty much your whole body every day. However, there are more exercises than just stretching that are useful for our purposes. These are exercises like swimming, sprinting and biking.
Swimming is great because it counterbalances gravity. While in water, gravity isn’t putting as much pressure on your body, thus allowing you to stretch and lengthen your body better.
Sprinting is generally known to lengthen your legs because you have to extend your legs with each stride to run fast.
Probably the best exercise – in my opinion – is biking. Raise your saddle a bit higher than usual so that you have to stretch your leg every time you want to push down the pedal. Over time, this will continually lengthen your legs.
Before you engage in any such exercise, though, please consult with your physicist or doctor first to prevent any injury. Doing such exercises wrong can seriously damage your health.
Never forget that your diet is crucial! Lengthening your legs means increasing your height. As a consequence of doing the above exercises you will grow taller, which means that your body will undergo quite a change. Make sure you have a healthy and sound diet that provides your body with all kinds of nutrients. Your body will need it to stay healthy while going through the process.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening SurgeryWhatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Dwarfism (achondroplasia) and limb lengthening
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Dwarfism, which has been widespread among people since the past years, is usually neglected as a health problem by the society. In general, dwarfism, which the society considers as a tax and does not count as a health problem, is actually a health problem. Before the causes and symptoms of dwarfism, it is necessary to know exactly what dwarfism is.
Dwarfism is called Achondroplasia in medical language. Since the development of modern medicine worldwide, many methods for the treatment of dwarfism have been and continue to be attempted. The definition of dwarfism in the literature is referred to as disorders that cause the height of the person to remain extremely short.
Origins and Symptoms of Dwarfism
A person, shorter than other people of the same age, or adults who do not exceed 1 meter in height are called dwarfs. Children can sometimes have delayed growth up to the age of 16. In addition, growth and developmental defects may also be observed in the course of certain diseases, such as diabetes, congenital heart disease and kidney disease. There are different types of dwarfism. Commonly called primordial dwarfism, the baby is smaller at birth. The ratio of head, body, arms and legs to each other is normal. Short stature is evident when the child lags behind his peers. Bone age is normal. Sexual development is complete. Congenital heart disease and mental retardation can be found in some cases.
The cause of dwarfism is unclear, and growth hormones are ineffective in these cases. The closure of the epiphyses of the long bones is delayed and the dwarfism is recognized when the child is 3 years old. Head is large, the root of the nose is collapsed. Growth hormone is not secreted for some reason. In some cases, the coexistence of other hormones (signs of hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism) and dwarfism originate from the pituitary. If it is diagnosed early and correctly, it may be possible to prevent dwarfism by administering growth hormone (Asellacrin).
Fröhlich syndrome is a rare disease caused by a cyst at the base of the brain, which is associated with obesity, short stature and sexual retardation. In addition to these symptoms, Lourence-Moon-Biedl syndrome is a hereditary autosomal disease with mental retardation, eye disorder (retinitis pigmentosa) and synaptic symptoms (syndactyly).
There are other reasons apart from hereditary aspects of dwarfism. Achondroplasia is a type of hereditary dwarfism caused by disorders in the FGFR3 gene. This gene; carry the knowledge of proteins necessary for bone development. Achondroplasia; It is a disease in which bone development abnormalities occur and occurs approximately every 20,000-30,000 live births. This genetic disorder results from a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene. Achondroplasia occurs in approximately 80% of patients as a result of a subsequent mutation (non-hereditary). The remaining 20% of the patients received this mutation from their families. This genetic disease; It is characterized by an abnormally large head, short arms and short stature (about 1 meter). Typically, acondraplasia does not cause impaired mental abilities. If the bones do not put pressure on the spinal cord or brain stem, life expectancy is normal. In achondroplasia, the mutation in the FGFR3 gene leads to the production of excess protein, which leads to abnormal bone development. Most patients do not have this disease in their families. High father age may be an important factor for spontaneous acondroplasia. Less commonly, familial cases of acondroplasia are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Dominant genetic diseases occur when only an abnormal copy of the gene is obtained from one of the parents. The abnormal gene may be inherited from the parent, or acondroplasia may be the result of the mutated gene in the affected individual. The affected parent has a 50% chance of transmitting the abnormal gene to her child during each pregnancy. This risk is the same for women and men.
Achondroplasia affects men and women equally. This disease begins in the developing fetus and is one of the most common forms of skeletal dysplasia that causes dwarfism. While the trunk is of normal size, the arms and legs are abnormally short and the head is larger than normal. Problems that arise during the formation of a human bone can be one of the causes of dwarfism. It can also cause dwarfism in problems that arise during the development of bones. In addition, it is observed that growth hormones are damaged or deficient in dwarf people. It is known that dwarfism is a problem because the damaged growth hormones cannot produce the effect-response required for the growth of the body. In addition, hemorrhage or trauma of the pituitary gland is one of the main causes of dwarfism. In some dwarf people, it is observed that various tumors cause dwarfism. Again, the pituitary gland tumors have been observed to inhibit or slow down growth hormone secretion.
In some people, the congenital anterior pituitary gland does not secrete enough growth hormone. The reason for this cannot be determined at present, but it is thought that the marriage of relatives and the pregnancy of the woman in the elderly have an effect. Tumoralkalites in the pituitary gland also inhibit the secretion of growth hormone, so make sure that you see a doctor who has noticed that growth has stopped or progressed slowly. These tumors, which are often benign, are sometimes malignant and can spread to surrounding organs and cause cancer. Here you can find details about pituitary tumor. Other causes include pituitary gland trauma and continuous pituitary gland bleeding.
The clinical and radiological features of achondroplasia are well characterized. Generally, these typical findings do not require molecular genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis. When suspicious clinical findings are seen in newborns, X-ray findings help to diagnose. However, in the event of uncertainty, identification of genetic mutations in the FGFR3 gene by molecular genetic testing may aid in diagnosis.
General symptoms; short length, short arms and legs, short hands and fingers, dislocated forehead, dislocated abdomen and hips (due to the inclination of the spine). Symptoms observed in newborns; The dome-shaped skull is very broad and the forehead. A small percentage of patients also accumulate excessive fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus). Muscle weakness in newborns is also a typical feature of achondroplasia.
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There is no definitive treatment of the disease, but some applications can be made to alleviate the symptoms. The aim of treatment is to maximize functionality and independence. Most dwarfism treatments do not increase height, but they can correct or alleviate problems caused by complications. When hydrocephalus is detected by CT or MRI, surgery is necessary. In this disease, common otitis media can be relieved with antibiotics. Growth hormone administration for short stature can accelerate development, but the effect of hormones decreases over time. Regular vaccination is also required throughout life. In the long term, they have a normal life span. However, the risk of death in the first year of life is slightly higher than in healthy newborns. In addition, the risk of having a heart attack increases later in life.
The aim of the dwarfism treatment is to correct the deformities and increase the height of the person at least to the lower limit of the normal height in the society. The arms are extended and corrected in a separate session.
The first 1-2 years after the age of 5 is very important. During this period, the healing potential of bones is very good. With the help of limb lengthening surgery, bones in the arms and legs are lengthened with external fixator. This first session consists of two operations. Depending on the patient’s problems, both femurs or both tibia are prolonged. It highly varies from patient to patient, but on average, a total height increase around of 10-15 cm is obtained by lengthening femurs and tibia. During limb lengthening surgery, bone curvatures should be corrected and bones should be brought to the required proportions. The second limb lengthening surgery is done between 10 and 11 years of age. At this stage, long magnetic extension rods can be used to extend the femur up to 6-8 cm. Additionally, both tibia are extended by 5-7 cm and the lengths of the femur and tibia are proportional. Arm lengthening surgery can also be performed in this age group.
In achondroplasic children, two bones on the same side (femurs and tibia) are not extended at the same time. Although such treatment has been used in the past, it is not preferred by many doctors because of its disadvantages. Simultaneous extension of two bones on the same side inhibits growth plaques and is thought to hinder the child’s natural growth potential.
The complication rate is very high in normal lengthening operations before the age of 5 years (inhibition of growth plates, infection, emergence of new curvatures during elongation, etc.). For the first lengthening operation, the child should be expected to reach 5 years of age.
Limb lengthening surgeries for patients with achondroplasia are performed in many parts of the world. However, in countries such as USA, Germany, UK or France, the cost of this operation may exceed the budgets of the majority. However, limb lengthening in Turkey might be a logical choice due to much better price and also quality of doctors, hospitals and services. Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery
Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Wrong Lengthening Methods
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Improperly known lengthening methods can harm your health. If you are really desperate to learn how to grow taller naturally you might take advantage of height enhancing formulas, pills or weird contraptions that claim to increase your height faster than exercise or diet. In this article I’m going to reveal to you 4 common height gain scams that you need to stay away from. You can learn wrong lengthening methods in this article.
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Known Mistakes In Lengthening Methods
The acupressure technique. This is a “height increaser” product that looks like a shoe insole that claims to work through acupressure therapy for your feet. Consumers have reported negative increase in height plus pain while walking with the insoles inside their shoes.
Vitamin capsules that are marketed as “height growth capsules” are nothing more than just multivitamins. These products claim to work with fake testimonials and also give a fake 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
The foot massage scam from Asia is another bogus claim that involves dipping your feet in a bucket of warm water and then a massage using a very expensive foot massaging machine. After the massage, you have to apply “growth patches” on your feet. Total cost for this worst ever height increase scam is over $1,100!
Height increasing machines is a home TV shopping product that claims to increase your height by lying flat on a machine and stretching you with a traction device. It was often described as a medieval torture device by some consumers. This is a very dangerous machine that can cause serious damage to your back and neck; many fitness experts caution consumers from trying out this machine since it will cause a lot more harm than good.
The list goes on and there are a lot more height gain scams coming out every day since so many people around the world want to be taller. Instead of falling for any of these scams you’d be wise to spend your time looking for scientific proven height gain methods that will actually help you achieve the increase in height that you’re looking for.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery
Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 4 years
Wrong Lengthening Methods
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Improperly known lengthening methods can harm your health. If you are really desperate to learn how to grow taller naturally you might take advantage of height enhancing formulas, pills or weird contraptions that claim to increase your height faster than exercise or diet. In this article I’m going to reveal to you 4 common height gain scams that you need to stay away from. You can learn wrong lengthening methods in this article.
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Known Mistakes In Lengthening Methods
The acupressure technique. This is a “height increaser” product that looks like a shoe insole that claims to work through acupressure therapy for your feet. Consumers have reported negative increase in height plus pain while walking with the insoles inside their shoes.
Vitamin capsules that are marketed as “height growth capsules” are nothing more than just multivitamins. These products claim to work with fake testimonials and also give a fake 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
The foot massage scam from Asia is another bogus claim that involves dipping your feet in a bucket of warm water and then a massage using a very expensive foot massaging machine. After the massage, you have to apply “growth patches” on your feet. Total cost for this worst ever height increase scam is over $1,100!
Height increasing machines is a home TV shopping product that claims to increase your height by lying flat on a machine and stretching you with a traction device. It was often described as a medieval torture device by some consumers. This is a very dangerous machine that can cause serious damage to your back and neck; many fitness experts caution consumers from trying out this machine since it will cause a lot more harm than good.
The list goes on and there are a lot more height gain scams coming out every day since so many people around the world want to be taller. Instead of falling for any of these scams you’d be wise to spend your time looking for scientific proven height gain methods that will actually help you achieve the increase in height that you’re looking for.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery
Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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limblengthening · 5 years
Want To Grow Taller Quickly? – Non-Surgical Methods of Lengthening
If you want to grow taller quickly and you are desperate then something which may tempt you is the option of undergoing leg lengthening surgery.
The procedure involves breaking your legs and inserting a metal plate at the break, the bones then start to heal over this gap longer and stronger increasing your height.
Never forget this: The method of lengthening surgery that works best for you is much more precise than the exercises below. Meet our happy patients.
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Natural Leg Lengthening
Now when you think of the surgery the principle can be applied for natural methods if you want to grow taller.
The surgery involved breaking the legs and allowing them to grow back stronger, of course the natural method doesn’t involve breaking the bones but instead it involves breaking the micro-fibres of the bones.
The most common area is the shin, by breaking the micro-fibres in this area and allowing them to heal you can expect them to come back longer. And stronger than before which is the same result that you would get going through the operation except a lot less painful.
To break down these fibres you are going to want to put a lot of stress and pressure on them and this is naturally done through exercise!
The most popular types that you can go through are sprinting, jumping, kicking and cycling.
The first three (sprinting, running, kicking) easily break the micro-fibres but you have to make sure that you don’t overdo it so that you don’t cause injury to yourself so a rest day would be in order every other day,
When it comes down to cycling you will want to increase the height of your seat than it usually is if you want to grow taller quickly as it helps lengthen your shin bones.
You can follow our social media channels: Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
Web site: limblengtheninginturkey.com
Web site: wannabetaller.com
Facebook: Wanna Be Taller
Instragram: wannabetaller
Youtube: Limb Lengthening Surgery
Whatsapp: +90 533 193 65 00
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